Top 37 Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes

#1. Lisa Marie Rice thrilled fans and new readers alike when she returned to the world of her popular Midnight Series with Midnight Vengeance and Midnight Promises. This June, in Midnight Secrets, we get to fall in love with her cracktastic and sexy romantic suspense series all over again.

Lisa Marie Rice

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #882185
#2. Edwin Hubble, who continues to give me great faith in humanity, because he started out as a lawyer and then became an astronomer.

Lawrence M. Krauss

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #1392494
#3. I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes, which keeps the business part of my brain temporarily disabled.

Cynthia Hand

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #899759
#4. I didn't read The Haunting of Hill House until sometime early in the 1990's.

William Peter Blatty

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #904131
#5. I want you to grab hold of the brass spindles and don't let go." When she did as he required, he spread her legs wider. "Hold tight, baby. This is going to feel so good.

Maggie Adams

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #948694
#6. A man must become wise at his own expense.

Michel De Montaigne

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #950623
#7. We are only victims if we allow ourselves to be.

McCartney Green

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #964342
#8. You've got to admit that you live at the center of a vortex that seems to funnel nothing but trouble your way." ~FBI Special Agent Clive Poole to Maggie Mae Castro

Beth Yarnall

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #1053074
#9. If only he hadn't gone out with the Klan!

Margaret Mitchell

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #1057038
#10. The love of what you do, combined with your belief in what you do, will not determine your success. It will determine how hard you will work and how dedicated you will be to achieving it. Success just shows up from there.

Jeffrey Gitomer

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #1329156
#11. No matter what I do, I'm going to earn it.

John Mayer

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #855846
#12. He needed to taste her like he needed his next breath.

Katie Reus

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #1431337
#13. Sage Miller opened the bathroom door and stepped out into the dimly lit bedroom wearing heels and nothing else. If Trent's smile was any indication, she'd chosen the right "outfit.

Savannah Stuart

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #1485194
#14. As much as I'm turned on by your buff, sexy body pressing against mine, if you could please roll off of me, I'll get my guns.

Alexa Grace

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #1583788
#15. She ran her fingers along his bare shoulders. He should never, ever wear shirts. "I need to kiss you again.

Katie Reus

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #1660768
#16. She'd pay good money for an up-close-and-personal tour of the tattoos that made him look like a badass biker.

Cindy Skaggs

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #1702586
#17. A relationship takes place between two people across space and time, and suddenly no one seems like a stranger.

Vatsal Surti

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #1772062
#18. I was blessed with the talent. God gave me the gift to put words together and make popular songs.

Yo Gotti

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #1774549
#19. It didn't matter that she was one of his best friend's cousins, or that she was a decade younger than him, or that he knew he'd likely get burned by her. He wanted to taste her again and this time he wasn't going to stop at kissing. Not unless she told him to.

Katie Reus

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #1781675
#20. I would think black people think everything is about race. They are the ones who are on the outside of the game. They are the ones who face it every day.

Jon Stewart

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #511306
#21. She growled.
He gave her a considering look. "That's almost sexy.

Dana Marton

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #41379
#22. That competition and the struggle for existence is the mechanism behind this state of perpetual change.

Elizabeth Gilbert

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #73111
#23. Aren't those vegetables sexy, Rog?" Grant cooed, trying to hold in laughter. "Sexy, sexy veggies. You two need to go on lots of dates together.

Jennifer Lane

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #246099
#24. While President Bush's tax give-aways for the rich are pushing us further into debt, he compensates by increasing the out-of-pocket costs to our veterans.

Tom Harkin

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #333935
#25. The things I want from you, darlin', will give you nightmares, ones like you've never had before. A nightmare that will have you begging me not to wake you up."


Sarah Brianne

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #394207
#26. I always felt like my future was at stake every time I stepped on stage and that was kind of hair-raising. At some point I just went, don't be frightened, you can't do anything wrong, it's your show.

Rickie Lee Jones

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #401058
#27. Not only were my nerves shot, but my body was a traitor. I didn't want to melt against him. I didn't want to enjoy the feeling of his lips sliding across my skin. I didn't want to like the possessive way his fingers dug into my waist or the way his erection pressed against me.

E.M. Denning

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #402484
#28. Alyssa couldn't tear her gaze from him as the firelight played over the hard edges of him. Once he'd been the poster boy for clean-cut military, now he'd gone all tatted up sexy danger.

Jennifer Apodaca

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #499765
#29. Keep going; never stop; sit tight; Read something luminous at night.

Edmund Wilson

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #858764
#30. Er, I say, are you going to be able to get me out?

Eric Shipton

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #516834
#31. He was so damn sexy, with beautiful bronzed skin that showed off his Mediterranean heritage.

Katie Reus

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #545413
#32. It was damn hard leaving you," he said. "I was afraid that if I didn't, you'd be killed or tortured, or we both would."
-Kathy Kulig, Red Tape

Kathy Kulig

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #704445
#33. Don't you want this?" The pain in his voice ripped a hole inside her.
"I want you so damn much." Her words choked in her throat. She forced a laugh to keep from crying. "Hell, we can't seem to keep our hands off each other."
"Should we try?"

-Kathy Kulig, Red Tape

Kathy Kulig

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #746725
#34. No touching? Screw that. She was going to touch tall, dark and sexy all over. This was her dream.

Katie Reus

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #791632
#35. This was definitely unchartered territory. Iris wasn't like other women. She was tough, sexy but didn't flaunt it, and she sure as hell didn't give a shit about his money. If anything it seemed to bother her. And now she was busy working as a bodyguard for him.

Katie Reus

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #794814
#36. What a voice. Deep, throaty, but not in a sexy way. In a haunted way. A voice full of heartbreak and ghosts.

I won't go back, I won't go home,
'Cause in this place, the dead still roam,
'Cause this time, Whiskey Bayou won't let me go.

Susannah Sandlin

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #825017
#37. I want to corrupt you, get dirty and rough with you because I know this sexy-as-hell body can take it."--Ciaran Ross, Killer Curves

Naima Simone

Sexy Romantic Suspense Quotes #835935

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