Top 78 Self Center Quotes

#1. Missing someone, they say, is self-centered.
I self-center you more than ever.

Sasa Stanisic

Self Center Quotes #1697905
#2. If evil means to be self-motivated, to be the center of one's own universe, to live on one's own terms, then every artist, every thinker, every original mind, is evil.

Janet Fitch

Self Center Quotes #1455505
#3. In prayer we shift the center of living from self-consciousness to self-surrender

Abraham Joshua Heschel

Self Center Quotes #1482649
#4. I center down - I retreat, not inside myself, but outside myself. ... Self-forgetfulness is tremendously invigorating. I wonder if we don't waste most of our energy just by spending every waking minute saying hello to ourselves.

Annie Dillard

Self Center Quotes #1431479
#5. The cyclone derives its powers from a calm center. So does a person.

Norman Vincent Peale

Self Center Quotes #1376514
#6. Make ones center of life inside ones self, not selfishly or excludingly, but with a kind of unassailable serenity.

Edith Wharton

Self Center Quotes #1372477
#7. If you want to learn to trust your vibes, you must maintain a peaceful and relatively calm attitude. When you're tense, nervous, or anxious, your energy gets tangled up and blocked and can't enter your heart center, where your Higher Self and your vibes communicate.

Sonia Choquette

Self Center Quotes #1331875
#8. My mandalas were cryptograms concerning the state of the self which was presented to me anew each day ... I guarded them like precious pearls ... It became increasingly plain to me that the mandala is the center. It is the exponent of all paths. It is the path to the center, to individuation.

Carl Jung

Self Center Quotes #1298329
#9. Fear closes all doors to the true self, that brilliant center where the ecstasy lies.

Kenny Werner

Self Center Quotes #1268915
#10. Hopefully, you will glimpse something of your own life's journey and with Elemental's Power of Illuminated Love, possibly recognize and celebrate something you had not been able to recognize or celebrate before.

Luther E. Vann

Self Center Quotes #1263921
#11. Imagination is center of spiritual force.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Self Center Quotes #1262395
#12. Stay at the center of your being without allowing your attention to become distracted by sensory stimulation. Be still and let your true nature manifest and shine through.

Ilchi Lee

Self Center Quotes #1248581
#13. The essence of sin is self-will - placing ourselves at the center of our lives instead of Christ.

Billy Graham

Self Center Quotes #1240839
#14. He has infinite happiness not through self-centeredness, but through self-giving, other-centered love. And the only way we, who have been created in his image, can have this same joy, is if we center our entire lives around him instead of ourselves. Why

Timothy Keller

Self Center Quotes #1207301
#15. Self-will and prayer are both ways of getting things done. At the center of self-will is me, carving a world in my image, but at the center of prayer is God, carving me in his Son's image.

Paul E. Miller

Self Center Quotes #1205795
#16. Take the chair and sit at the fore-front of your dreams. You are the chair-person at the center of affairs; make it memorable; make an impact! Leave a legacy!

Israelmore Ayivor

Self Center Quotes #1178003
#17. The embodied self is the same person who woke to the world in a burst of visonary immediacy, who soon found that he was not the center of that world but on the contrary, a dependent and even hapless creature, and who then discovered that he was doomed to die

Roberto Unger

Self Center Quotes #1150829
#18. Some of the more popular life-centers for teens include Friends, Stuff, Enemies, Self, and Work. They each have their good points, but they are all incomplete in one way or another, and they'll mess you up if you center your life on any one of them to the exclusion of the others.

Sean Covey

Self Center Quotes #1149963
#19. Mave believed that not being able to see your life clearly, to scrutinize it intelligently, meant that probably you were at the dead center of it, and that couldn't possibly be a bad thing.

Lorrie Moore

Self Center Quotes #1120225
#20. What whispers from the center of the soul is an innocence - so loving, so pure, so divine - that the sage bows and the wise man weeps at the sound of its soft singing.

Heather K. O'Hara

Self Center Quotes #1019609
#21. At the center of a man's purpose rests the hunger for competition, war, chaos, and calmness. You take it away, there is nothing but a self-reflection of stagnation for him.

Lionel Suggs

Self Center Quotes #1685467
#22. The main reason intuition is so important is this: It is a clear sign that you are connecting with your inner spiritual guidance system. Intuition is a direct signal from your deepest self that you are navigating from your true center.

Gay Hendricks

Self Center Quotes #1817956
#23. Since Sept. 11, 2001, 48 people in the United States have been killed by non-Muslim extremists, compared with 26 by self-proclaimed jihadists, according to the research center New America.


Self Center Quotes #1814366
#24. A marriage with Christ at the center of it pulls you right out of yourself. It teaches each partner, the husband and the wife, to forget about self for a while in care and sacrifice for the other. We come to ourselves by losing ourselves.

J. Budziszewski

Self Center Quotes #1807993
#25. It says that Moon Child's power ends here. She is the only one who can never set foot in this place. She cannot penetrate to the center of A U R Y N, because she cannot cast off her own self.

Michael Ende

Self Center Quotes #1802686
#26. The main shift, you see, is from placing self at the center of our thoughts to putting others there. It is-what do you say?-a paradox that the more we can focus our thoughts on the well-being of others, the happier we become. The first one to benefit is oneself. I call this being wisely selfish.

David Michie

Self Center Quotes #1802328
#27. No person is free until he or she is free at the center. When we let go there, we are free indeed. When the self is renounced, then one stands utterly disillusioned, apart, asking for nothing. If anything comes to us, it is all sheer gain. Then life becomes one constant surprise.

E. Stanley Jones

Self Center Quotes #1768782
#28. God ... is the center of all selves.

Valentin Tomberg

Self Center Quotes #1756533
#29. I am not the center of the universe. And it's a lesson that I keep having to learn; it's my ongoing work, I'd say. And being in a career that is predicated on a degree of self-absorption, that is a tricky thing to negotiate sometimes.

Patrick Fabian

Self Center Quotes #1727697
#30. It's okay if there isn't a God anymore, but I still want to respect something. I don't want to be the center of my own universe,

Chuck Palahniuk

Self Center Quotes #1712137
#31. Contact with the sacred occurs in the stillness of the heart and mind. If there is any real destination to the spiritual quest, it is this point of silence, the middle of the spiral, the center of the self ... The only map that does the spiritual traveler any good is one that leads to the center.

Christina Baldwin

Self Center Quotes #1003028
#32. If you manage yourself, you control the flow of your time to the right direction. It takes self-discipline to be at the center of control for your own time.

Israelmore Ayivor

Self Center Quotes #1635208
#33. The only antidote to the unnerving effects of such incoherence is integrity. People and organizations with integrity are wholly themselves. No aspect of self stands different or apart. At their center is clarity, not conflict. When they go inside to find themselves, there is only one self there.

Margaret Wheatley

Self Center Quotes #1622794
#34. The mystical journey drives us into ourselves, to a sacred flame at our center.

Marianne Williamson

Self Center Quotes #1603001
#35. Cynicism places the cynic at the center seat of judgement with the self appointed authority to criticize and condemn.

Jayce O'Neal

Self Center Quotes #1581839
#36. My beliefs are the center of my being.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Self Center Quotes #1576352
#37. When the church begins to entertain the flock and respond to the cult of self - it is diminished to a mere community center.

Billy Graham

Self Center Quotes #1567679
#38. I don't judge people.
It blurs out the center of my attention,
my focus,

Toba Beta

Self Center Quotes #1526439
#39. It was exciting in its own self-absorbed way, which is very much the essence of journalism: you truly believe that you are living at the center of the universe and that the world out there is on tenterhooks waiting for the next copy of whatever publication you work at.

Nora Ephron

Self Center Quotes #1525460
#40. As long as a single center has a monopoly on the use of coercion, one has a state rather than a self-governed society.

Elinor Ostrom

Self Center Quotes #1489287
#41. It is in the center of a stable self-love that you will find the confidence and safety you want.

Bryant McGill

Self Center Quotes #205657
#42. Grove Health Center, trilled the woman on the end of the line. She had the vocal automisation that comes to people whose job description might as well read: 'Ceaseless repetition'.

Will Self

Self Center Quotes #382017
#43. Adam Smith had one overwhelmingly important triumph: he put into the center of economics the systematic analysis of the behavior of individuals pursuing their self-interest under conditions of competition.

George Stigler

Self Center Quotes #364497
#44. Tattooing, when understood in its entirety, must be seen as a religious act. The human being brings forth images from the center of the self and communicates them to the world. Fantasy is embodied in reality and the person is made whole.

Spider Webb

Self Center Quotes #315451
#45. It is a poore Center of a Mans Actions, Himselfe.

Francis Bacon

Self Center Quotes #307194
#46. Selfishness is one of the more common faces of pride. 'How everything affects me' is the center of all that matters - self-conceit, self-pity, worldly self-fulfillment, self-gratification, and self-seeking.

Ezra Taft Benson

Self Center Quotes #265605
#47. You are pure awareness at center, human in appearance.

Robin Craig Clark

Self Center Quotes #243403
#48. Your lower self sees you as the center of the universe- your higher self sees you as a cell in the body of humanity.

Peace Pilgrim

Self Center Quotes #220637
#49. The quintessential feminine Self stands at the center of the psyche and it is wild, meaning natural and free, and utterly wise. It is not 'something' we must strive to create. This Self is already fully present, burning strong and waiting for us to come into its presence.

Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Self Center Quotes #219290
#50. The business of procuring the necessities of life has been shifted from the wood lot, the garden, the kitchen and the family to the factory and the large-scale enterprise. In our case, we moved our center back to the land.

Helen Nearing

Self Center Quotes #219039
#51. Of all the judgments that we pass in life, none is as important as the one we pass on ourselves, for that judgment touches the very center of our existence. ... No significant aspect of our thinking, motivation, feelings, or behavior is unaffected by our self-evaluation ... .

Melody Beattie

Self Center Quotes #476327
#52. If you put gratitude at the center of your life, one day you will find it has completely taken over.

Renae A. Sauter

Self Center Quotes #184077
#53. Hard as nails Stacy Killian was one like one of those Tootsie Roll Pops - hard shell, soft, chewy center.

Once a guy knew the center could be chewed, that's what they did. Chewed you up and spit you out. Or swallowed you, bite by bite. Goodbye respect. Goodbye self-esteem.

Erica Spindler

Self Center Quotes #171978
#54. Most novelists I know went through a period of intense self-examination and self-loathing after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. I certainly did.

Jay McInerney

Self Center Quotes #142456
#55. Instead of giving God His rightful place at the center of our lives, we have substituted the "god" of Self. Only Christ can change our hearts - and through us begin to change our world.

Billy Graham

Self Center Quotes #139933
#56. Never allow anyone or anything to demise or dull your truest identity. Hurtful words and harsh judgments have no impact when your north star, your guiding light, shines from the center of your chest and beats from your own truest heart.

Toni Sorenson

Self Center Quotes #138941
#57. The part that needs healing is our personal life. Personal life has nothing to do with work. Besides, what better way of healing than to find our center of self-sovereignty? Isn't that the whole point of healing?

Steven Pressfield

Self Center Quotes #103161
#58. The more a human being feels himself a self, tries to intensify this self and reach a never-attainable perfection, the more drastically he steps out of the center of being.

Eugen Herrigel

Self Center Quotes #49355
#59. Place your concentration in the center of your palm. Concentrate on making that part of your palm warmer than the rest of your hand. After a while, compare the temperature in the center of your palm to another part of your body.

Ilchi Lee

Self Center Quotes #4510
#60. One of the reasons it has seemed so difficult for a person to change his habits, his personality, or his way of life, has been that heretofore nearly all efforts at change have been directed to the circumference of the self, so to speak, rather than to the center.

Maxwell Maltz

Self Center Quotes #652422
#61. Somewhere there was once a Flower, a Stone, a Crystal, a Queen, a King, a Palace, a Lover and his Beloved, and this was long ago, on an Island somewhere in the ocean 5,000 years ago ... Such is Love, the Mystic Flower of the Soul. This is the Center, the Self.

Carl Jung

Self Center Quotes #991340
#62. Self-knowledge reveals to the soul that its natural motion is not, if uninterrupted, in a straight line, but circular, as around some inner object, about a center, the point to which it owes its origin.


Self Center Quotes #875819
#63. One of Satan's greatest tools is pride: to cause a man or a woman to center so much attention on self that he or she becomes insensitive to his Creator or fellow beings. It is a cause for discontent, divorce, teenage rebellion, family indebtedness, and most other problems we face.

Ezra Taft Benson

Self Center Quotes #874439
#64. Egotism erects its center in itself; love places it out of itself in the axis of the universal whole. Love aims at unity, egotismat solitude. Love is the citizen ruler of a flourishing republic, egotism is a despot in a devastated creation.

August Wilhelm Von Schlegel

Self Center Quotes #860104
#65. Meditation begins with a call that awakes us out of the coma of self-preoccupation. We are called, we are chosen. Meditation is our response to that call from the deepest center of our awakened consciousness ... by letting to in meditation we learn how to love.

John Main

Self Center Quotes #821143
#66. Fashioning the body, defining the self.


Self Center Quotes #767920
#67. We realize
often quite suddenly
that our sense of self, which has been formed and constructed out of our ideas, beliefs and images, is not really who we are. It doesn't define us, it has no center.


Self Center Quotes #743723
#68. Success comes from finding your center and self.

Bryant McGill

Self Center Quotes #712648
#69. The reasons that center on others are easy to manipulate. All hollow things are light.

David Foster Wallace

Self Center Quotes #702065
#70. When your ego surrenders to the Higher Self, you become a Human Angel: a radiating center of Light, an active and conscious part of the Uni-versal project of Love.

Human Angels

Self Center Quotes #1002225
#71. The cross does not give us a minor shift or two with regard to a few of our ethical and moral and religious values. The cross radically disrupts the very center and citadel of your life from self to Christ. And if the cross has not done that, you're not a Christian!

Albert Martin

Self Center Quotes #622813
#72. The self is just our operation center, our consciousness, our moral compass. So, if we want to act more effectively in the world, we have to get to know ourselves better.

Gary Wolf

Self Center Quotes #615401
#73. Our stories arise from our hearts and our souls. In this sense, telling our stories becomes a sacred gesture, opening a clear way to that deep, ecstatic center where we are most uniquely our selves, individual and unique, and yet are ourselves, joined together at the heart.

Susan Wittig Albert

Self Center Quotes #587777
#74. I don't have the feelings of self-worth that a woman should have ... and that's been the center of a lot of my mistakes and a lot of my pain.

Monica Lewinsky

Self Center Quotes #571872
#75. I define success as being the best, authentic me that I can be.

Leeky Behrman

Self Center Quotes #537061
#76. My true place in the world, it turned out, was somewhere beyond myself, and if that place was inside me, it was also unlocatable. This was the tiny hole between self and not-self, and for the first time in my life I saw this nowhere as the exact center of the world.

Paul Auster

Self Center Quotes #534347
#77. I am the center of the world, but the control panel seems to be somewhere else.

Mason Cooley

Self Center Quotes #512880
#78. Worldliness is an inner attitude that puts self at the center of life instead of God.

Billy Graham

Self Center Quotes #480377

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