Top 13 Scottish Gaelic Tattoo Quotes
#1. It gives the guys confidence and self-belief. Two or three years ago I think we would have lost it. The confidence that we have, we can actually nail it.
Kieran Crowley
#2. Ill fares the land, to hastening ills a prey/Where wealth accumulates and men decay
Oliver Goldsmith
#3. Aren't women prudes if they don't and prostitutes if they do?
Kate Millett
#5. We are God's middle children, according to Tyler Durden, with no special place in history and no special attention.
Chuck Palahniuk
#6. All that one gains by falsehood is, not to be believed when he speaks the truth.
#7. A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in.. And how many want out.
Tony Blair
#8. Association with my pupils has kept me young in my work. Criticism of their work has kept my own point of view clear.
William Merritt Chase
#9. And yet, unlearn we must, for technology relentlessly transforms the playing field, changing not just the answers but the questions as well.
Louis Rosenfeld
#10. There's no comparison between the most precious parts of one's personal life and success and wealth. If you lost someone near and dear to you, you can't relate it to any amount of fame, fortune and luxury. You just have to go on living.
Robert Plant
#11. I noticed you tore down Donovan's house."
He lifted his gaze until it locked with mine. "He's alive because he left town. His house chose to stay. It paid the price.
Darynda Jones
#12. There is often a good deal of the child left in people who have had to grow up too soon.
Willa Cather
#13. Therefore to the same natural effects we must, as far as possible, assign the same causes.
Isaac Newton
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