Top 22 Scilla Elworthy Quotes
#1. If governments were kind, they'd realize that conficts are resolved and wars prevented not by armies but by ordinary people.
Scilla Elworthy
#2. Anger is like gasoline. If you spray it around and somebody lights a match, you've got an inferno. [But] if we can put our anger inside an engine, it can drive us forward.
Scilla Elworthy
#3. I flew aeroplanes, parachuted, walked on my own across the Himalayas - you name it; if it was dangerous, I did it.
Scilla Elworthy
#4. Your 'hara' is here, where your uterus is if you're a woman, where the tummy sticks out if you're a man, the centre of gravity of the human body. It is the synthesis of our intellect, body and spirit, and by developing our consciousness of it, we can become incredibly rooted.
Scilla Elworthy
#5. The present moment is really all that we have. The only place you can really love another person is in the present. Love in the past is a memory. Love in the future is a fantasy. To be really alive, love - or any other experience - must take place in the present.
Jack Kornfield
#6. If fear grows fat on the energy you feed it, you have to talk it down.
Scilla Elworthy
#7. Like many traditional feminists, I became one of the boys, only better. For a while it gave me a buzz to win at their game, but ultimately, that kind of power just goes nowhere. Traditional feminism excludes men and so perpetuates conflict. I am not interested in warring about power.
Scilla Elworthy
#8. The arts can bring the heart to the aid of the head, the personal to the political.
Scilla Elworthy
#9. Dialogue is a non-confrontational communication, where both partners are willing to learn from the other and therefore leads much farther into finding new grounds together
Scilla Elworthy
#10. ...there comes a time in each man's life when he must choose to stand or run. I choose to stand.
Charles Bukowski
#11. We need to learn and to show others that there are tried and tested, powerful ways of containing and resolving conflict which do not require the use of force.
Scilla Elworthy
#14. Real change comes when people are enabled to use their thinking and their energy in a new way, using a different system of thought, different language, and having fresh visions of the future.
Scilla Elworthy
#15. What ever happened to freak shows? Back in the twenties when elephant man was born at least he had a job waiting for him.
Doug Stanhope
#16. I ultimately got into robotics because for me, it was the best way to study intelligence.
Sebastian Thrun
#17. To discover your mission and put it into action - instead of worrying on the sidelines - is to find peace of mind and a heart full of love.
Scilla Elworthy
#18. There are astonishing stories of heroism not only in preventing bloodshed, but in building understanding which lasts.
Scilla Elworthy
#19. I have a little mantra: 'My fear grows fat on the energy I feed it. And if it grows very big, it probably happens.'
Scilla Elworthy
#20. This question: 'How do I deal with a bully without becoming a thug in return?' has been with me ever since I was a child.
Scilla Elworthy
#21. There is no future for a nation without God.
There is no hope for a ruler without understanding.
The is no joy for a people without guidance.
The is no prosperity for country without wisdom.
Matshona Dhliwayo
#22. Consistently rated the most peaceable of all countries in the world by the Global Peace Index, Iceland has reduced its military expenditure to zero, has no armed forces, and has reduced the inequality gap between rich and poor.
Scilla Elworthy
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