Top 15 Sarah Plain And Tall Quotes

#1. I think what happens is you write how you grew up. And I was born on the prairie, and so everything is kind of spare on the prairie. And so I'm just used to writing in that way. 'Sarah, Plain and Tall' was that way. And most of my fiction is. I like writing small pieces. Somehow it just suits me.

Patricia MacLachlan

Sarah Plain And Tall Quotes #874220
#2. Not one day of my mother's adult life passed without some critical demand on her maternal role, without some urgent response from her.

Rosemary Mahoney

Sarah Plain And Tall Quotes #80470
#3. To this day the smell of fresh popcorn causes me to experience stress, hunger, and sketch ideas for John Goodman.

Tina Fey

Sarah Plain And Tall Quotes #111105
#4. Who programmed this thing?

Kim Stanley Robinson

Sarah Plain And Tall Quotes #196814
#5. Enjoy your food, enjoy your life.

Victoria Moran

Sarah Plain And Tall Quotes #230938
#6. We're standing in the middle of a graveyard. Alex

Lauren Oliver

Sarah Plain And Tall Quotes #319672
#7. He would go somewhere no one knew him, and he would sit in a library all day and read books and listen to people breathing.

Neil Gaiman

Sarah Plain And Tall Quotes #595178
#8. To a traveler paying his first visit, [San Francisco] has the interest of a new planet. It ignores the meteorological laws which govern the rest of the world.

Fitz Hugh Ludlow

Sarah Plain And Tall Quotes #730351
#9. Structure is translation software for your imagination.

James Scott Bell

Sarah Plain And Tall Quotes #815491
#10. It has been a motto of mine my whole life - just be yourself.

Patrick Kane

Sarah Plain And Tall Quotes #1081244
#11. Love IS the People's Power

Tupac Shakur

Sarah Plain And Tall Quotes #1259487
#12. A language is not just words. It's a culture, a tradition, a unification of a community, a whole history that creates what a community is. It's all embodied in a language.

Noam Chomsky

Sarah Plain And Tall Quotes #1489134
#13. Writing can be described in two verbs: Throw up and clean up.

Ray Bradbury

Sarah Plain And Tall Quotes #1598060
#14. I'm sure Bobby won't want them to be losing the match before winning it.

Ron Atkinson

Sarah Plain And Tall Quotes #1740652
#15. And then at the end of the day, the most important thing is how good are you at risk control. Ninety-percent of any great trader is going to be the risk control.

Paul Tudor Jones

Sarah Plain And Tall Quotes #1766799

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