Top 27 Sandstorm Quotes

#1. Firestar and Dustpelt were dead; Graystripe and Sandstorm were the last remaining cats of their generation.

Erin Hunter

Sandstorm Quotes #297885
#2. I slept in black tents, blue tents, skin tents, yurts of felt and windbreaks of thorns. One night, caught in a sandstorm in the Western Sahara, I understood Muhammed's dictum, 'A journey is a fragment of Hell.'

Bruce Chatwin

Sandstorm Quotes #1598109
#3. As he looked across to the opposite bank a cold claw sank into his heart. Sandstorm was gone.

Erin Hunter

Sandstorm Quotes #1525168
#4. Standing at the crossroads where I should have been able to see and follow the footprints of the countless patients I had treated over the years, I saw instead only a blank, a harsh, vacant, gleaming white desert, as if a sandstorm had erased all trace of familiarity.

Paul Kalanithi

Sandstorm Quotes #1481846
#5. His voice barely more than a whisper, he added, "I love you." Sandstorm's eyes glowed. "I love you too, Fireheart," she whispered.

Erin Hunter

Sandstorm Quotes #1364935
#6. What was happening to my life? Was this how it worked in the real world? Was it nothing more than a sandstorm through which one walked with one's eyes closed, every moment obliterated by the next?

Paul Murray

Sandstorm Quotes #1273619
#7. What do you mean, something important? It's the middle of the night!

Erin Hunter

Sandstorm Quotes #1217521
#8. You need to be prepared to move."
"Why?" I sat up and looked out the windshield, straight into a raging sandstorm. "Oh ...

Rick Riordan

Sandstorm Quotes #990417
#9. As we left they told us the old joke. To start a journey in a sandstorm is good luck.

Michael Ondaatje

Sandstorm Quotes #801358
#10. Sandstorm's sweet scent all around him.

Erin Hunter

Sandstorm Quotes #789447
#11. There was a friggin' sandstorm in Saudi Arabia.

Karen Miller

Sandstorm Quotes #781317
#12. like a small sandstorm that keeps changing

Haruki Murakami

Sandstorm Quotes #752211
#13. I'm sorry Sandstorm" he murmured. "I never meant to hurt you" His voice barely more than a whisper, he added,"I love you."
Sandstorm's eyes glowed."I love you too,Fireheart.

Erin Hunter

Sandstorm Quotes #681334
#14. I hold Sandstorm in higher esteem than I do almost any other Clan cat. She has traveled far from the days when she and Dustpaw tormented Rusty the kittypet. I hope Firestar appreciates her journey as much as she deserves.

Erin Hunter

Sandstorm Quotes #585899
#15. I wonder if he'll ever see the truth in my own heart: that, whatever Dustpelt says, however much Fireheart breaks the warrior code, I love him more that I could imagine loving any other cat. And if Fireheart knew, would he love me, too?
- Sandstorm

Erin Hunter

Sandstorm Quotes #105817
#16. Sandstorm sighed. I was afraid you were going to say that.

Erin Hunter

Sandstorm Quotes #964125
#17. 'Romeo And Juliet' is the classic love story. When two lovers are separated and trying to get back to one another, that's fiercely romantic and something you become glued to.

Saoirse Ronan

Sandstorm Quotes #1589821
#18. I don't like the word 'futurists.' I think we should be 'nowists.'

Joichi Ito

Sandstorm Quotes #1401292
#19. The character of every act depends upon the circumstances in which it is done.

Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

Sandstorm Quotes #1347689
#20. Just because she has high standards, doesn't mean she's high maintenance. Don't confuse the two.

Steve Maraboli

Sandstorm Quotes #1276771
#21. You know what girls are like. They turn twenty or twenty-one and all of a sudden they start having these concrete ideas. They get super realistic. And when that happens, everything that seemed so sweet and lovable about them begins to look ordinary and depressing.

Haruki Murakami

Sandstorm Quotes #1080056
#22. You have nothing to lose. You had nothing to begin with.

Bikram Choudhury

Sandstorm Quotes #919593
#23. Go to k the ant, O l sluggard; consider her ways, and m be wise. 7 n Without having any chief, o officer, or ruler, 8 she prepares her bread p in summer


Sandstorm Quotes #794963
#24. I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
Death thought about it.
CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.

Terry Pratchett

Sandstorm Quotes #696167
#25. You will never get the truth out of a Narcissist. The closest you will ever come is a story that either makes them the victim or the hero, but never the villain.

Shannon L. Alder

Sandstorm Quotes #79514
#26. I started taking gymnastic classes when I was 3 years old.

Shawn Johnson

Sandstorm Quotes #38966
#27. he gave the first modern-day description of the condition in children in a lecture at a London hospital in 1887, noting, "If the patient can be cured at all, it must be by means of diet.

David Perlmutter

Sandstorm Quotes #27940

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