Top 100 Sandra Bernhard Quotes

#1. Everybody has their own way of tapping into their realness.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #827665
#2. I don't like surgery. I don't like elective surgery, I don't like surgery that you have to have.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #1085697
#3. I definitely want to be with somebody who doesn't feel lost or in my shadow.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #1085130
#4. My family wasn't the Brady Bunch. They were the Broody Bunch.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #1084206
#5. The most important, overriding arc of my career has been that I would never be self-deprecating.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #951592
#6. How far can we go? How much can we absorb and still have some peace of mind?

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #920428
#7. I'm very much an optimist. I don't think I could do my work if I didn't believe there was some kind of hope for humanity.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #919363
#8. I knew I wanted to be a performer and do comedy at 5 years old. My dad's wife, Marlene Rosenbaum, was boiling water and she goes, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" I said, "A comedian." And she laughed and laughed because she thought that was the cutest, funniest thing ...

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #917743
#9. At no time do I come from a cynical point of view. I'm coming from a concerned point of view.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #878803
#10. The fumes are killing us, and we wonder why things are going haywire.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #861657
#11. They want families to come to New York and go to the theater, so the theater is all geared toward family entertainment. It's money, you know.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #859988
#12. Unfortunately, most college kids these days aren't coming from any place-they seem to ask the same kind of questions over and over again.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #837112
#13. I didn't belong when I was in high school. Now people are trying to buy lips.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #836382
#14. There are few performers who would have had the audacity to even bring up the fact that they had been poorly reviewed.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #1094867
#15. I certainly wish Gov. Palin no harm. I'd just like her to explain to me how she can hold such outrageous views ... and then go back to Alaska.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #827614
#16. every night i say prayers for him just so he knows that when my day
ends and i'm ready to dream he will always be one of the last waking
thoughts i have and perhaps one of the first dreams of my sleeping

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #825405
#17. Things are so scary and intimidating with AIDS and the right wing that people are looking for somebody to just give them safe harbors.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #780734
#18. I can't tell you 100 percent what makes a relationship work. But I can see something good coming and I can see something bad coming.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #766556
#19. I don't think somebody can just, like, wave a magic wand and make you a star.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #764933
#20. I don't need to be redundant to the gay community about what's wrong and what isn't happening for them.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #733219
#21. At some point, the pride has to be a part of the whole day-to-day oeuvre. It's part of who you are and doesn't need to be discussed anymore.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #691245
#22. I am always hoping to do another CD. This atmosphere has been difficult.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #688251
#23. On one side you have book burners, Congressional wives and Pat Robertson. On the other side, you have vulgar comedians, foul-mouthed rap groups and Dennis Hopper - all your choices should be so easy.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #674043
#24. Onstage, I'm still wearing my fabulous, sheer dresses because I'm not that big.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #650759
#25. I get happier every day. I have a sense of accomplishment every day of my life.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #650179
#26. If you come home to a household of chaos and anger and fear, you're not going to feel protected from the world.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #1206053
#27. I've always loved being at the eye of the storm creatively with people that I find exciting and glamorous. So sometimes I got sidetracked in my career and maybe I would have done more TV or film.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #1511100
#28. I think Bush is amateurish and self-serving, and frankly, it's disgusting.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #1508403
#29. I've always gotten myself overly involved in supporting other women who've not always been as supportive in return.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #1436302
#30. I really have a problem with any kind of drug, I always have.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #1433042
#31. I really thought I wanted to be a musical-comedy star, but I lived in Phoenix and didn't want to go all the way to New York and be that far away from home. So I thought maybe I'd be a rock 'n' roll singer or an opera singer.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #1417791
#32. Gay pride's beautiful. If somebody needs to be expressing that, then it's a positive thing.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #1417069
#33. I've always allowed myself to go on journeys creatively and emotionally, and never put, like, limits on myself.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #1400937
#34. It's up to couples, to individuals, to have a trust between each other.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #1399755
#35. As a kid, I loved being loved, and still do. Who doesn't love being loved?

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #1393962
#36. I hate to judge everybody across the board.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #1388599
#37. I'm trying to appeal to the disenfranchised everybody, not just specifically gay.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #1361508
#38. When you're constantly looking for things from other people, you're not looking within yourself.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #1336466
#39. When I was really little, I was skinny and people laughed at me for being skinny, so, we all pay our dues for the bodies we're in one way or another. But thank god I haven't needed to alter it to feel good about myself.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #647482
#40. In the late '60s and '70s, when feminism was on the up sweep, there was an awareness of things that we're losing again.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #1204646
#41. Lots of people think that bisexual means cowardly lesbian.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #1198902
#42. The live show is different from the album. It's different every night depending on where I am and how many months have gone by since I last performed.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #1191430
#43. I like the energy of live performance.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #1190654
#44. I'm very much a humanist. I'm very much pro-choice. I'm very much politically correct.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #1184693
#45. Maybe I'd be in a different place in my career if I'd had that 10-year plan, a lot of people went at it with this voracity that I never had. My only voracity was to have fun and to be in the mix.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #1180965
#46. There will come a day when Anne Heche will be straight again.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #1180081
#47. I think so much of what informs us as performers is what we had to endure as kids growing up. I was the youngest in my family. I always got a lot of attention.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #1152200
#48. I think everybody is covering their [posteriors] with the Enron scandal and it was very convenient that Sept. 11 came along to deflect the fact that they should never have been in the White House in the first place. What happened in the election was completely corrupt.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #1139017
#49. Once you're heterosexual and comfortable with that, you don't need to take out an announcement every day.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #1123778
#50. When people pay to see you live, they connect with you on a much deeper level than people who just buy your records.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #1096818
#51. A remembrance can mean nothing to the one remembered; it can only remind the ones left behind how little they did while you were still alive.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #230032
#52. I don't want someone coming in and passing judgment on my life.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #378990
#53. Growing up in the '60s and the '70s, things certainly seemed more simplistic and easier to digest.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #351851
#54. Be who you are and I'll be who I am. I refuse to take sides, because everybody has their story.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #351838
#55. I've always been opposed to groups. I can't believe the doctrine of group is going to work for every single person within the group.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #343370
#56. When you're collaborating with somebody who's got a lot of stuff they haven't worked out yet, you're working out their vision as well.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #313485
#57. Of course, everybody's family is dysfunctional - we've accepted that. What are we supposed to do? Hate our parents for the rest of our lives?

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #306882
#58. People feel like if they don't have a voice or a name or the spotlight, then they're invisible. But if you can't wake up in your world, in your life, with your family and your friends, and enjoy it, then forget it. All bets are off, because that's all anybody is guaranteed.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #300312
#59. Love is the only shocking act left on the face of the earth.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #293058
#60. I really, really love Hilary Clinton. I think she's very cool. She's out there and she's involved.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #273332
#61. I don't believe in karma.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #270081
#62. You can't just try to be a performer. It's in your DNA. I really believe that it's either what you are or it's not at all.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #267780
#63. If I've learned anything in my 30s, it's about holding back a little bit.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #262021
#64. Madonnas got one big choice. Take a couple of years off and become a human being.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #387276
#65. When you're watching the news, how many days in a row can you watch that and feel good about yourself and the world?

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #223416
#66. I think bravery is when you're willing to really put yourself on the line and maybe lose out, financially - and be able to say exactly what motivates you and what inspires you and what you find completely unacceptable in humanity and in culture.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #215119
#67. It's nobody's business how you do something.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #191216
#68. I would be dishonorable in a relationship because I wasn't getting what I wanted from that person.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #167225
#69. I'll take on somebody if they're offending the entire culture, not just offending me.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #137111
#70. Coming to a place like Nashville, which is just music music music, it's always been such an influence on me. And there are so many interesting songwriters out there, and it's such a crazy business and so many people are trying to do it, and it's all right there in Nashville.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #121989
#71. I tend to go against the grain because when I start to see that everybody's trying to shock, I try not to. I just do stuff that's subtler, more emotional, and I think that shocks people.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #88507
#72. I'm sure that Jesus was an incredible person.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #54599
#73. Morality is standing by your friends, standing by people when it's not popular. It's sacrificing things on a big international stage, and sometimes it's sacrificing your basic comforts.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #40840
#74. I don't like going back and listening to myself. It makes me uncomfortable, and I know I can never emulate what I did that night, so why listen to it?

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #17617
#75. New York has always been a sense of eclectic kind of freedom and expression on a lot of different levels.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #16871
#76. Random things make me laugh.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #489544
#77. For most of my relationships, I would have liaisons, and I would feel guilty.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #644177
#78. You have to take the basics of feminism and the kind of outline of it and do what you do with it. You have to make things work for your own life.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #626212
#79. Not everybody is cookie-cutter. You just can't be. There are too many variables in life.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #625756
#80. I am still comfortable with my body, because I'm like, What's not to be comfortable with? I mean, it's just my nature.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #612167
#81. From the time I was a kid, I'd never joined groups. I hated high school groups. I hung out with hippies, musical people. I hung out with whomever I found compelling and interesting and smart. And I continued to do that throughout my life.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #587171
#82. I was really going through a transition in my life. I was tired of feeling victimized by my career.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #570914
#83. I would never wanna do a show that's strictly maudlin and invaded my personal life and my home. I would never do that.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #567025
#84. I always have kind of underneath feeling of peace of mind that I get from just the basic tenants of spirituality.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #566042
#85. If you want to dig, if you want to pry, do it on your time, but I'm going to be a woman of dignity.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #562177
#86. I'm a sexual person. A lot of different people turn me on and have over the years, and I've always wanted to make it very clear that this was not coming from some sort of antimale point of view.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #551005
#87. You don't need to be famous to live a life as an artist.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #537871
#88. The real terrorist threats are George W. Bush and his band of brown-shirted thugs.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #512183
#89. Hip doesn't really come into play anymore as far as I can tell.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #4963
#90. I'm the only actress in Hollywood who didn't pay to have these lips.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #485501
#91. When you have a knowledge of history, it's very soothing. When there's continuity in your life, it's soothing.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #484839
#92. I think there are always different times in your life when you go, "Oh, god. I wish I were traditionally pretty. My life would be so much easier." But then you get through that, and you go, "Well, I'm not."

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #471402
#93. There are so few women in general who aren't completely threatened and confused by other women's success. It's very disappointing.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #455320
#94. Purim, one of my favorite holidays. It's like the original drag queen's holiday. It's when all the Jewish men go for it and feel no guilt for a change.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #449327
#95. Smut, if it's really smut, there's nothing backing it up. It's the easy way out.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #445901
#96. I think people are a little bit intimidated by me. You know, I'm not exactly a wilting flower, so I think they're a little bit scared of me sometimes.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #427389
#97. I try to avoid people's eyes because I don't like to get that intimate with just anybody. i don't need the responsibility.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #425393
#98. There's this whole sense of judgment and who's right and who's wrong and who's moral and who's going to be punished.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #423676
#99. My father was a proctologist and my mother was an abstract artist, so that's how I view the world.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #397284
#100. Personally, I'm waiting for caller IQ.

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard Quotes #396725

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