Top 13 Run That You May Obtain Quotes

#1. I wake up from dreams and go, Wow, put this down on paper. The whole thing is strange. You hear the words, everything is right there in front of your face.

Michael Jackson

Run That You May Obtain Quotes #30411
#2. First there is the 10-second war: can you do something in your first moments on stage to ensure people's eager attention while you set up your talk topic? Second is the 1-minute war: can you then use that first minute to ensure that they're committed to coming on the full talk journey with you?

Chris J. Anderson

Run That You May Obtain Quotes #52462
#3. We are in a strange world,' one senior Israeli official said to me, 'where the defense minister and to a lesser degree the prime minister are focused intently on the military option, and the intelligence services and the military, with some exceptions, are deeply doubtful.

David E. Sanger

Run That You May Obtain Quotes #387312
#4. I certainly have no desire to sell a good controlled business run by people I like and admire, merely to obtain a fancy price. However, specific conditions may cause the sale of one operating unit at some point.

Warren Buffett

Run That You May Obtain Quotes #442833
#5. The process has now run full circle: Preaching originates in personal counseling; preaching is personal counseling on a group basis; personal counseling originates in preaching. Personal counseling imparts to the preacher a practical familiarity with human nature which he would not otherwise obtain.

Harry Emerson Fosdick

Run That You May Obtain Quotes #642331
#6. Dreams are just lies that we tell ourselves while we're asleep.

Rebecca McNutt

Run That You May Obtain Quotes #646270
#7. I would love to have children, yes. Maybe even adopt them. I'm not sure that I should pass on my genes.

Linda Fiorentino

Run That You May Obtain Quotes #896070
#8. He who suffers wins in politics. The martyr does not obtain the victory personally, but his group, his successors, win in the long run.

Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy

Run That You May Obtain Quotes #930190
#9. Older acquirers progress more quickly in early stages because they obtain more comprehensible input, while younger acquirers do better in the long run because of their lower affective filters.

Stephen D. Krashen

Run That You May Obtain Quotes #969057
#10. If I send all the books that I faithfully wrote overseas, would that, for any chance, be considered work-shipping??

Ana Claudia Antunes

Run That You May Obtain Quotes #1075187
#11. To keep the faith, run with the right crowd.

John R. Rice

Run That You May Obtain Quotes #1181143
#12. Corrie, if people can be taught to hate, they can be taught to love! We must find the way, you and I, no matter how long it takes.

Corrie Ten Boom

Run That You May Obtain Quotes #1535678
#13. inside them, no one's having fun.
Instead, people are expressing needs (to earn money, to see a woman's skin) in pretty much the most depressing way possible.

Caitlin Moran

Run That You May Obtain Quotes #1811216

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