Top 100 Romance Stories Quotes

#1. I am unbelievably nervous.
It is most unlike me.
This girl is really messing with my mojo.

Siobhan Davis

Romance Stories Quotes #1075373
#2. I just wanted ... "
Aaron stepped closer.
"To kiss you good-bye," he finished for Greg.

Tibby Armstrong

Romance Stories Quotes #1334913
#3. Fiction is very, very important," he said, his voice is rising. "Storytelling is how people learn. You get people to understand new cultures and other lives through stories. Made-up stories. Fiction.

Kristine Grayson

Romance Stories Quotes #1281610
#4. If he looks at me like that again Dottie will need a bucket and mop to get me back to my room.

Gwenn Wright

Romance Stories Quotes #1272650
#5. I can't seem to help writing love stories. I definitely crave romance. When I was young, I craved romance in books, but I didn't want to read just romance - love plays such a big part in our lives, it shouldn't be cut out and restricted to its own fiction.

Rainbow Rowell

Romance Stories Quotes #1265658
#6. You don't get one chance at life but many over one lifetime.

Elize Amornette

Romance Stories Quotes #1238617
#7. In the West, audiences think I am a stereotyped action star, or that I always play hitmen or killers. But in Hong Kong, I did a lot of comedy, many dramatic films, and most of all, romantic roles, lots of love stories. I was like a romance novel hero.

Chow Yun-Fat

Romance Stories Quotes #1225640
#8. The best romance is inside marriage; the finest love stories come after the wedding, not before.

Irving Stone

Romance Stories Quotes #1202983
#9. An intense longing builds inside me, and I fight the urge to propel myself forward and grab her into my arms.

Siobhan Davis

Romance Stories Quotes #1190045
#10. Ariana strikes me as the type of girl who is attracted to authenticity.

Siobhan Davis

Romance Stories Quotes #1180824
#11. Nothing stayed, nothing ever changed. But love, only love, that was the true part of the story, no matter what the beginning, middle or end.

Selena Kitt

Romance Stories Quotes #1155458
#12. It was always a dream as I was growing up. I would watch movies, mostly American movies, and be so engrossed in those stories, all I wanted to do was be there. I wanted to be part of that romance or that fantasy or be that warrior or that struggling soul who finally makes it good.

Gerard Butler

Romance Stories Quotes #1129846
#13. My mother was an avid reader ... She loved books about romance. Books that took place in faraway places and times. Stories with costumes ...

Adriana Trigiani

Romance Stories Quotes #1097238
#14. The weirdest love stories are always the best

Margaret Mazzantini

Romance Stories Quotes #1346408
#15. Not everything is a love story.

Ale Meza-Santiago

Romance Stories Quotes #1059852
#16. I believe all stories are love stories, and there are kinds and kinds of love, so I will always write about love, but not necessarily romance.

Melissa Pritchard

Romance Stories Quotes #1044262
#17. I've always thought that, as a romance writer, I had the best job in the world. I sit around all day making up emotion-drenched, conflict-laden stories that push my heroes and heroines to the edge of sanity. Then I give them a happy ending.

Ruth Glick

Romance Stories Quotes #1019876
#18. The chandelier was wearing on its rubber support and the crack at the side of the ceiling hold was getting bigger. "One day that's going to fall on us and spear you through the heart," he said. I turned to kiss him on the shoulder and closed my eyes.

Kate Chisman

Romance Stories Quotes #992162
#19. I've learned that life isn't about the end, but about the chapters in between. The filling in that we do to get our stories told and how people react to it is what keeps us going.

Claire Contreras

Romance Stories Quotes #987025
#20. One of the less vaunted joys of Austen is that she is one of the greatest writers in the English language who also happened to write witty romance novels. Women enjoy the love stories in Austen the same way men read Hemingway for the hunting and fishing: it provides guiltless pleasure.

Alessandra Stanley

Romance Stories Quotes #984629
#21. All stories are love stories, and there are numerous kinds of love, from the love of a mother holding her child for the first time to the love of blood that drives a psychopath, so I will always write about love, but not necessarily romance. Let the saner people do that.

Alcatraz Dey

Romance Stories Quotes #892430
#22. Louisa rested her head against his shoulder. She inhaled a happy breath and allowed herself to relax and let the connection between them seep into her body.

Debra Holland

Romance Stories Quotes #885209
#23. I understand if you choose to leave. If it means you get to live, I'd let you go. But you need to know, I won't ever regret a moment we've spent together

Jennifer Silverwood

Romance Stories Quotes #854516
#24. My mind aches with a thousand stories. All variations with shredded threads of truth.

Truth Devour

Romance Stories Quotes #854302
#25. Women's fiction is just a marketing category, designed to appeal more to women than to men. But there are stories in that category that any human being would like.

Kristine Grayson

Romance Stories Quotes #840235
#26. I engage in subtle stalking. That's entirely different and perfectly socially acceptable.

Siobhan Davis

Romance Stories Quotes #1507004
#27. never held a book before and reverently turned the pages, looking at the incomprehensible print and wishing she could understand the meaning of the words.
Henri drifted close to peer over her arm. "What's that?"
"A book. There be stories in here.

Debra Holland

Romance Stories Quotes #1733345
#28. Romeo and Juliet *died*. I always liked that in a teen romance story.

James Nicoll

Romance Stories Quotes #1725812
#29. If you're trying to force the story to be a straight up romance, it's going to be weird for you.

Karen Marie Moning

Romance Stories Quotes #1692002
#30. She drinks pints of coffee and writes little observations and ideas for stories with her best fountain pen on the linen-white pages of expensive notebooks. Sometimes, when it's going badly, she wonders if what she believes to be a love of the written word is really just a fetish for stationery.

David Nicholls

Romance Stories Quotes #1671368
#31. Most of the girls I've met since moving here have failed to ignite any modicum of enduring interest. Of course, I've dated; I'm seventeen years old and as horny as the next guy.

Siobhan Davis

Romance Stories Quotes #1646081
#32. As I lay there watching Robin sleep beside me, I realized that she was right all along. I didn't need to live in a castle - a shack in the woods with her would do just fine. And for that matter, I didn't need to be prince of the ocean either, because with her by my side ... I was king of the pond.

Sebastian Cole

Romance Stories Quotes #1621174
#33. In our minds we can proceed without hesitation to the place we might never go in our own lives. There is an opportunity to taste the forbidden and savor its sweet delights. It is only within our imaginations that we can enter into these situations with no fear and no regret.

K. Kiker

Romance Stories Quotes #1605122
#34. Seid was the storm and the winds and the sea. I was his light beacon, keeping him away from the rocks. But he thought I had betrayed him.

Jennifer Silverwood

Romance Stories Quotes #1602132
#35. While I AM sure of what I want, I'm equally unsure of how to attain it.

Siobhan Davis

Romance Stories Quotes #1599126
#36. As for peace, it was never free and laws were made to be broken. Peacemaker or lawbreaker, someone, somewhere always paid the price no matter what side of the words they were on.

Virginia McKevitt

Romance Stories Quotes #1554420
#37. I like the idea of not having a definition of love and romance. The greatest love stories have been about people who haven't come together. More stories like that need to be explored.

Nimrat Kaur

Romance Stories Quotes #1551714
#38. I never use the word 'sex' in my novels - that is not what romance is about. It's about love and emotion. All my stories were different but they all had a happy ending - the perfect finish to any romance.

Jean S. MacLeod

Romance Stories Quotes #1537124
#39. He sometimes wished he had a mind like JB's, one that could create stories that would delight others, instead of the mind he did have, which was always searching for an explanation, an explanation that, while perhaps correct, was empty of romance, of fancy, of wit.

Hanya Yanagihara

Romance Stories Quotes #822424
#40. The time groaned by as John made a fool of himself. Eventually, he grew numb to the death and sin around him. He even came to enjoy gallivanting cross-country like a true crusader. His name brought tears of joy or pain of anger to those he left in his wake. The result of his own unresolved pain.

Solange Nicole

Romance Stories Quotes #1490897
#41. I fell in love with her suddenly, deeply, in the most all-consuming way.

Siobhan Davis

Romance Stories Quotes #1490366
#42. Let me in, Emily, and I swear to you that you'll never regret it.
Ethan Sterling in Private Emotions

Elize Amornette

Romance Stories Quotes #1459718
#43. Although your marrows look very good, it's not them I'm interested in.. (The Honesty Box) Love Potion

Samantha Bacchus

Romance Stories Quotes #1441268
#44. I confess I am a romantic. I love romance, and I think it's really fun and delicious and some of my favorite films are love stories. I think that you just get a chance to fall in love with the characters so much and you get to explore their lives so deeply.

Rachel McAdams

Romance Stories Quotes #1423234
#45. I love how Scarlett Avery has a way of making the stories come to life. - P brad

Scarlett Avery

Romance Stories Quotes #1415823
#46. I was much more into romance as a teenager and it's been a kind of new discovery for me to learn about sci-fi adventure. I think it's a really interesting genre and it's all about imagination. It's boundless what you can do in these stories.

Olivia Wilde

Romance Stories Quotes #1415517
#47. Most films these days are men's stories. Women are for add-on romance. That's very hard.

Uma Thurman

Romance Stories Quotes #1391807
#48. When you read my stories, I want you to see the world through my eyes; as if I based my work on you. Come away with me, and I'll show you a world that you've never seen before or ever want to leave.

Nila N. Brown

Romance Stories Quotes #1385181
#49. I imagine I should have told it to you before? I love you, Sejal.I wish for you to become my wife.Recently I've also opened a shop in North Dakota and thinking that, just maybe, you love me too.

Chayada Welljaipet

Romance Stories Quotes #1358331
#50. It isn't porn. It's erotic romance. There is a huge difference. Amber Rose writes hot love stories. And if you can't handle it, then I don't care. I love her books, and I wish I had known who she was when I met her. Erotic romance helped me figure out what I wanted." Jake

Lexi Blake

Romance Stories Quotes #1353092
#51. Seth: I write of love in my novels, write of it well, if my critics and fans are to be believed, but in all of my years at that typewriter, I never found the combination of words that would convey how I felt about you. You were my everything.

Lissa Bryan

Romance Stories Quotes #135911
#52. He cupped her face and held her still, as he looked into her brown eyes; she was all flash and no bang. She talked big, but when it came down to it, she was a simple girl.

Elaine White

Romance Stories Quotes #404856
#53. This daemon loves men whose marriage beds have grown cold, so she can set them ablaze.

Solange Nicole

Romance Stories Quotes #382807
#54. You need to take some acting classes to learn to hide your huge crush on my husband better

Mary Papas

Romance Stories Quotes #341964
#55. Gram, you should have been a romance writer." Creighton wasn't her soul mate. The man was probably just lonely, living in such a remote area.
"You know, I might just give that a try. Just think, Effie Munro, erotic-romance author pens "hawt" stories from her beautiful Scottish estate.

Vonnie Davis

Romance Stories Quotes #333214
#56. Everyone has fantasies and the variations in these visions of passion vary widely. It is a natural experience that occurs in every human being. Having a rich fantasy life is not only enjoyable, but psychologically "normal.

K. Kiker

Romance Stories Quotes #301783
#57. Romance novels feature nuanced portrayals of female characters having adventures, making choices, and accepting themselves just as they are. When we say these stories are silly and unrealistic, we are telling young girls not to expect to be the heroines in their own real lives.

Maya Rodale

Romance Stories Quotes #292420
#58. The attraction of reading is that it allows you to live, for a few hours, as someone else - grants you access to their head, their thoughts, their secrets.

Alessandra Torre

Romance Stories Quotes #279286
#59. It's the best thing in the world to save a life, no matter whose it is.

Mark Fripp Character In Come Find Me

Romance Stories Quotes #263088
#60. I feel myself collapse inside as if the life force has been sucked out of me.

Siobhan Davis

Romance Stories Quotes #263053
#61. Mom let go of us and leaned back so she could look us both in the eye. "No more spending the night in the tree fort, you two.

Danielle Lee Zwissler

Romance Stories Quotes #195350
#62. I've been asking you to marry me since we met! What more do you want?

Chayada Welljaipet

Romance Stories Quotes #186332
#63. Cursed, he once cried in a fit of rage. His temper has always been as restless and unpredictable as the sea itself. But his words had power behind them and I felt the effects instantly. Too late to take it back.

Jennifer Silverwood

Romance Stories Quotes #149814
#64. Stories exist to entertain and inspire us. They're merely veils of hope for when we see the ugliness of the world.

Felix Alexander

Romance Stories Quotes #405404
#65. Men feel about sex the way vampires feel about blood. They don't just like it, they crave it. That's why vampire stories always have strong sexual undercurrents. A vampire's hunger is simply a metaphor for a man's lust. And if a guy is paying attention to you, he wants to have sex with you.

Oliver Markus

Romance Stories Quotes #129223
#66. Christianity met the mythological search for romance by being a story and the philosophical search for truth by being a true story.

Gilbert K. Chesterton

Romance Stories Quotes #108684
#67. The weakness of a man is the strength of a woman

Santosh Avvannavar

Romance Stories Quotes #95373
#68. Maybe I shouldn't scare off my date so quickly by shooting guns and telling stories about vomit, but, hey, the sooner he knows the real me, the better.

Vicki Lesage

Romance Stories Quotes #95226
#69. Imagination is a safety net that catches you. There is no going too far, no need for a safe word inside your mind. This world is your creation.

K. Kiker

Romance Stories Quotes #78694
#70. Maggie had a sinking suspicion that those stories her Aunt Lizzie told her, the ones that sent her to bed with her head full of leprechauns and fairies, may be more than fairytales after all.

Sara Humphreys

Romance Stories Quotes #70611
#71. The Odyssey is, indeed, one of the greatest of all stories, it is the original romance of the West; but the Iliad, though a magnificent poem, is not much of a story.

George Saintsbury

Romance Stories Quotes #46129
#72. The man she wanted existed only in the romantic novels she was reading. She had met him. But he would never meet her.

Mary Papas

Romance Stories Quotes #20017
#73. It's the first instance where I believe that it might actually be wrong, the first time I feel like a bit of a creep.

Siobhan Davis

Romance Stories Quotes #15953
#74. The sea was my first home ... Now that I had nowhere else to go, this was the last place I felt safe.

Jennifer Silverwood

Romance Stories Quotes #11367
#75. This love beyond time and space, it knows only it's own truth. Immortalis Amor, Darkest Secrets

Dominique Vandorien

Romance Stories Quotes #4172
#76. The romance of movies is not just in those stories and those people on the screen but in the adolescent dream of meeting others who feel as you do about what you've seen.

Pauline Kael

Romance Stories Quotes #574917
#77. Not to disparage anything, but most vampire stories tend to be romance novels that are 'Twilight'-ish with metrosexual guys.

Mark Pellegrino

Romance Stories Quotes #816729
#78. Every Mind Breaker I met was a true person inside and out. My name is Hayden Laevary, and these are their stories ... as well as mine.

Megan Duke

Romance Stories Quotes #804769
#79. I want to hear one more of your stories
Tangle up in your dreams, give up the fight
'Pour one more glass of that wine
And I might not go home tonight...

Becky Wicks

Romance Stories Quotes #800719
#80. I'm not saying that everyone needs to be celibate, but you don't need a romance to complete a story about a woman

Greta Gerwig

Romance Stories Quotes #785906
#81. My novels are in the literature section as opposed to the romance section of bookstores because they're not romance novels. If I tried to have them published as romances, they'd be rejected. I write dramatic fiction; a further sub-genre would classify them as love stories.

Nicholas Sparks

Romance Stories Quotes #772303
#82. It's a funny thing that to be a product of a fairytale romance. It's another thing to think you might find one yourself. You can read the stories and watch the movies, you can think you know how it all unfolds. But the truth is love is as much fate as it is planning, as a beauty as it is a disaster.

Kiera Cass

Romance Stories Quotes #770897
#83. I need to master the art of talking to her before I can even contemplate anything else.

Siobhan Davis

Romance Stories Quotes #751917
#84. I feel your words on my lips
and feel your mood in my hips

Maquita Donyel Irvin

Romance Stories Quotes #743353
#85. Reed wanted to believe, and he had to place faith in her, to have a life with her. "Ruby, the one thing I know for certain is I love you. I have faith in you. I believe in you.

D.F. Jones

Romance Stories Quotes #732440
#86. Despite their exhaustion and worries, Miner and Ennek made love that night, tracing fingers and tongues over one another's marks and scars. Their bodies were like books, Ennek thought, and their stories could be read inch by inch. He hoped fervently for happy endings.

Kim Fielding

Romance Stories Quotes #707794
#87. Your love has build me from strength to strength. It has made me a stronger and better person than I was. There is nothing that love cannot change darling. Once you fall in love, even wars turn to love stories.

Thomas More

Romance Stories Quotes #702991
#88. Just let me catch my breath, Red Macalister, and think. You've tipped my teapot handle over spout.

Debra Holland

Romance Stories Quotes #624256
#89. Humans don't leap buildings. Stuntmen with harnesses do. And won't my crashing eight stories to the ground be detrimental to the mission? The dark elves will swarm me and take me hostage instantly."
"That might be true, but you're not going to fall," he said.

Amanda Carlson

Romance Stories Quotes #1527
#90. Imagining the gods could hear him, Mycaela murmured to the well, "I wish I could find a man who'd take me away forever." He laughed softly. "But there are no stories about princes who wish for princes.

Ash Gray

Romance Stories Quotes #546447
#91. I am very pleased you like my stories. They are studies in prose, put for Romance's sake into fanciful form: meant partly for children, and partly for those who have kept the childlike faculties of wonder and joy, and who find simplicity in a subtle strangeness.

Oscar Wilde

Romance Stories Quotes #505161
#92. In high school, she'd been the loner fat girl and I'd been the asshole jock. There had always been something between us; we had gotten on so easily. I remember being both confused and upset that when I'd finally experienced that thing everyone called chemistry, it had been with her of all people.

Rose Fall

Romance Stories Quotes #503933
#93. Neither realism nor romance furnishes a more striking and picturesque figure than that of Christopher Columbus. The mystery about his origin heightens the charm of his story.

Chauncey Depew

Romance Stories Quotes #497103
#94. If being queer meant loving Aaron, then he'd own the label, at least internally.

Tibby Armstrong

Romance Stories Quotes #490950
#95. The common thread from all those stories was that talking helped, and listening, and time. One day I would find my own place. I couldn't run there, though, because it didn't exist yet; I had to build it myself, out of forgiveness, truth, and terrifying gestures of friendship.

I. W. Gregorio

Romance Stories Quotes #471882
#96. I like those stories that capture the brutality of life, but there's still some kind of melancholy romance.

Karen Elson

Romance Stories Quotes #463134
#97. I'm not just the sum of how I look although that seems to be a popular opinion, and it infuriates me.

Siobhan Davis

Romance Stories Quotes #449435
#98. There's no good story without romance.

Stephenie Meyer

Romance Stories Quotes #432167
#99. As a girl, she had come to believe in the ideal man
the prince or knight of her childhood stories. In the real world, however, men like that simply didn't exist.

Nicholas Sparks

Romance Stories Quotes #425030
#100. I'm following hot on her heels, smarting from her latest rebuttal, and I can't contain my temper as the flood of rejection washes over me, tossing me precariously close to the edge.

Siobhan Davis

Romance Stories Quotes #417742

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