Top 100 Romance Novels Romance Quotes

#1. Kate giggled. "Excellent choice."
"I always make excellent choices."
"I don't know about that."
"Of course I do. I picked ye, didn't I?

Whitney K.E.

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #176747
#2. Women need to assert their rights in the bedroom too - many women have done so in the workplace; many women have done so in house chores and parenting, but women's rights are sorely lacking in the bedroom.

J.F. Kelly

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #216416
#3. They still had sexual relations with another, slept in the same bed, shared kisses and intimacy and matrimonial fluid, however both were not married to each other in that sense, although there was a piece of paper that said otherwise.

Keira D. Skye

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #214185
#4. Though the trials of life are never easy, someone to stand with you and help you with your burdens is one of the true essences of living. It is well that two should join together to face life as friends as well as lovers.

Micheal Rivers

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #210575
#5. A surge of emotion washed over him, took him under. He was helpless against it, flailing, gasping for air. Drowning in her.

Hanna Martine

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #202916
#6. Maybe she should stop reading those damn romance novels. They were giving her crazy expectations.

Lexi Blake

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #198046
#7. She saw the shallow lines beaded with blood in her long mirror, and when he told her that she was beautiful, she believed him.

Astrid Knowles

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #195454
#8. Synthetic chocolate sounds wrong.

Missy Lyons

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #191792
#9. Dear girl with the red scarf,
Love was never meant to be conquered. You have to surrender to it.
Trust me, after all, I am Mr. Universe.

Maria La Serra

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #190235
#10. You'll have to fall in love at least once in your life, or Paris has failed to rub off on you.

E.A. Bucchianeri

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #188315
#11. I've been asking you to marry me since we met! What more do you want?

Chayada Welljaipet

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #186332
#12. Romance novels constitute 46 percent of all mass market paperbacks sold in the United States, and according to Harlequin, over half its customers buy an average of 30 novels a month

Eva Illouz

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #183830
#13. When I was growing up, I always read horror books, while my sister read romance novels.

Dorothy Allison

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #178359
#14. It's beautiful here," Rees murmured, watching the light play upon the water before returning his gaze to her.
Mrs. Hollingsworth, his newest client, turned to him and forced a stiff smile. "Yes, money can buy all kinds of beautiful things," she said without a hint of emotion.

D.A. Rhine

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #217369
#15. I am a mathematician and I can confidently say that the best figure ever produced is your phone number.

Amit Kalantri

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #174274
#16. Steve had just met the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Until now his engagement to Christine had never been a concern.

Stephen Douglass

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #173899
#17. If I'm going down, I'm going down with lipstick on.

Beth Yarnall

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #173797
#18. Well, I did tell you I couldn't give you a thing. Maybe you've just realised that Alistair can give the god damn world, and the pleasure of kissing his shiny slap-head every day!

LeeAnn Whitaker

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #170909
#19. Kathel, you have the face of a scoundrel." Her eyes drifted slowly over his face and landed for a moment on his full lips. "With lips created for sin."
"Keirah," he whispered, gently squeezing her hands. "Talk like that is not helping matters.

Madison Thorne Grey

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #161016
#20. Just so you know, I'm strictly a taco girl. I have tried sausage, but it's not for me." ~ Jolie

Emma Nichols

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #150075
#21. Thinking back on the outing to the theatre, she added, 'I want a man, not a preening peacock!

Katherine Givens

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #149757
#22. Kyle, you are a mellow dude ... You can't be with an agitator. And that's what she is. An agitator. She's a Jackson Pollock and you're a Thomas Kinkade.

Genevieve Dewey

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #149706
#23. Christy isn't a case, he's a person.

C. Kennedy

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #143635
#24. I'll do anything reasonable, but I won't be intimidated and I won't grovel.

Lynne Graham

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #141910
#25. Seth: I write of love in my novels, write of it well, if my critics and fans are to be believed, but in all of my years at that typewriter, I never found the combination of words that would convey how I felt about you. You were my everything.

Lissa Bryan

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #135911
#26. Romance novels are my favorite books to read. I write young adult romances, and am so happy to be promoting this wonderful genre.

Simone Elkeles

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #296422
#27. It is more than love, barely less than madness. It's never close enough.

C.J. Carlyon

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #315768
#28. Raphael said, "There are no tears in Heaven, no chances of a broken heart. Maybe being witness to great love is why I love coming to Earth. And maybe true love is why some angels choose to stay.

D.F. Jones

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #314751
#29. I'm moving to fast. I just...I'm drawn to you. I want to make love to you. I can't help it.

Chloe Blaque

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #313277
#30. What a trajedy to be a martyr for love, yet we worship the characters anyways because they remind us of how we struggled.

Shannon L. Alder

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #307964
#31. He didn't need a curse to realize the desire of his heart was to fight the Horfins of this land, the Kravens, and the darkness that had swayed his brothers toward evil. He would continue to fight, continue to lead. Curse or no curse.

Madison Thorne Grey

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #307290
#32. I may have loved to read my romance and smut novels, but I was not blinded by the 'fiction' part of it all. I knew the difference between what was real and what came from a hopeless romantic's imagination.

Christine Zolendz

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #305019
#33. Why did you leave my hand? I've never felt so good, she thought. I felt good too, he thought.

Sara Naveed

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #302480
#34. From the very first moment I saw you,
My heart has raced with adrenaline. Stomach full of butterflies and one mind hopelessly full of love.

Hope Alcocer

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #302472
#35. Romance novels satisfy a very specific fantasy of romantic love that seems to be a powerful part of the female psyche.

Melissa Pritchard

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #300897
#36. I'm still waiting for something, searching for something I cannot describe."
"It's called true love. Most people never find it.

Destin Bays

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #299165
#37. I'd like to say I'm not dressed up for anyone in particular, but that would be a lie.

Lisa Daily

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #298995
#38. He trusts her.
She nodded and
seemed happy to be
trusted at last.

- Not First Love

Jennifer Lawrence

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #297207
#39. His embrace left her breathless and restored all the faith she'd lost in the power of love. When their lips parted, she sighed and said, 'I don't need a party or anything else. All I need is you. I love you.' (Wildflowers)

Catherine Greenfeder

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #135804
#40. Low and behold what comes of reading too many romance novels.

Kellyn Roth

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #292923
#41. Romance novels feature nuanced portrayals of female characters having adventures, making choices, and accepting themselves just as they are. When we say these stories are silly and unrealistic, we are telling young girls not to expect to be the heroines in their own real lives.

Maya Rodale

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #292420
#42. Say you'll marry me." Sighing melodramatically, Tyler wound his free arm around Johnnie's neck. He pulled back enough to look again into Johnnie's eyes. "Fine. But why do I get the feeling I get to be the bride?

Jet Mykles

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #292010
#43. She was the wish of his life. He didn't know how else to say it. He didn't even know that he could really explain, just that every time he saw her he felt his bones might break under the weight of his wanting. His longing for her.

C.J. Carlyon

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #283970
#44. The attraction of reading is that it allows you to live, for a few hours, as someone else - grants you access to their head, their thoughts, their secrets.

Alessandra Torre

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #279286
#45. We are going to have that thing everyone talks about, that indescribable, indefinable thing that everybody wants to find...Here's to endless stargazing.

Ella Harper

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #278085
#46. Just like a butterfly, I had sprung from my cocoon for the first time. For my risk, I was rewarded with Jacob Bennett." - Laylla Jonson (Beneath the Blossom Tree)

L.B. Malpass

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #276295
#47. He was a professional athlete and coach, a Ferrari who lived his life in the fast lane. She was a girl-next-door kind of girl, closer to a golf cart than a sports car.

Emily March

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #264927
#48. It's the best thing in the world to save a life, no matter whose it is.

Mark Fripp Character In Come Find Me

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #263088
#49. He could lose himself in the copper warmth of her eyes. Except, no, this wasn't losing himself. This was finding something precious.

Melissa Tagg

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #238262
#50. My advice is to write about what you are interested in. If you read science fiction and fantasy, then write in that genre. If you read romance novels, then try writing one.

Michael Scott

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #218442
#51. Life is like a friendship, eventually it will end, by conflict or God's hand"
-Sons In The Clouds

Randy Mitchell

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #38634
#52. (Paris, keeper of Promiscuity, enjoyed romance novels), and weird silver lamps that twisted and curved over the chairs; he had no idea who those were for. Fresh flowers bloomed from vases, sweetly scenting the air. Again, he had no idea. Fine. He'd requested those. That shit smelled good. Gideon

Gena Showalter

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #62348
#53. One should not chug an entire glass of wine at an elegant dinner party. I start hacking and coughing, having practically water-boarded myself out of sheer humiliation.

Lisa Daily

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #60559
#54. If the shining sun blinds the eye,it makes sense. But to be blinded by gold and silver!

I.R. Shankar

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #55429
#55. I was where my heart held out hope that someday I would be again. It was the reason I never forgot him. My heart had held onto him. And as he clung to me, as he soothed me, held me, I felt everything begin to relax.

Rebecca Ethington

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #54550
#56. Katie leaned forward conspiratorially. Oh, sweetie, I just said that because Alice is an old bag. You go after Devon. The man is fine. I don't blame you for changing your look for a shot at that. When the pool about you two gets going at Petie's Pub, I'm putting my money on you.

Susan Meier

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #49447
#57. The romance genre is the only genre where readers are guaranteed novels that place the heroine at the heart of the story. These are books that celebrate women's heroic virtues and values: courage, honor, determination and a belief in the healing power of love.

Jayne Ann Krentz

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #46321
#58. I've needed someone like you for a long time. Now that I have you, no one is going to take you from me.
Logan to Madeline

Lisa Kleypas

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #46000
#59. They were inlove, but they hadn't been lovers; they were friends and yet also strangers for so many years

Nicholas Sparks

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #44192
#60. Remember babe, hurting people hurt people. And that doesn't make it right, and it won't ever make it okay. I just don't want to see you with a hurting someone that hurts people every single day.

Hope Alcocer

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #44094
#61. Oh, now look what you've done. You've gone and pissed him off, Breccan said as he stood behind two of the gypsies, one of his large hands clamped down on each of their shoulders.

Madison Thorne Grey

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #43283
#62. Me, sweep him off his feet? I know. The laws of the jungle and romance novels would have it the other way around, but I'm not going to wait one more second for that.

Laini Taylor

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #42897
#63. Helena had been standing by her window looking out to sea, breathing in the fresh air and admiring the picturesque scene of a small ship sailing into the harbor.
She had not been able to think of anything other than Mikolas for days.
From LONGING the 3rd chapter of TRUE LOVE

Destin Bays

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #41054
#64. He said he wants variety. The irony is that I wanted variety too. But I wanted variety in a solid, stable committed relationship where I would wake up each morning asking "What are we going to do today?" not asking "Who are you going to do today?

Aimee Lane

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #64170
#65. I couldn't shake this feeling that I had uncovered more than something ordinary.

Nicole Gulla

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #38440
#66. On the contrary, I think making you happy should be taken very seriously.

Drea Damara

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #31993
#67. It takes a truly great man to see that he's been wrong and to apologize for it, even in the face of the obvious.

Amy Lane

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #30290
#68. You are the last thought in my mind before I drift off to sleep and the first thought when I wake up each morning.

Richard Kronick

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #28135
#69. Some Prologue really makes you speechless and you started imagining the whole story and want to read it as soon as possible. One such prologue, which I read today was from "Me "N" Her.. A strange feeling by Rikky Bhartia ... "
By Himani Gupta

Rikky Bhartia

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #25379
#70. It's not the having of the gift that makes the difference in life here or in another place. It's how we use that gift that shows the true heart. ~ Acronis

Madison Thorne Grey

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #20372
#71. The man she wanted existed only in the romantic novels she was reading. She had met him. But he would never meet her.

Mary Papas

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #20017
#72. You won't always have the luxury of a second chance. So be careful with your first one.

Donna Kauffman

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #19100
#73. Relationships are like a book,
It takes few seconds to burn,
It takes years to write,
So write it carefully
Never let it burn

Aditya Nighot

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #14824
#74. Wouldn't you like to believe you're the center of someone's universe? To feel so special that the rest of the world didn't matter and it could all wait? What would you be willing to pay for that - any time you needed to feel that way?

D.A. Rhine

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #12905
#75. Angel blinked hard and bit her lip, trying to stop the quivering of her chin. "I feel like I've waited my whole life for him, waited to get to this point where I could appreciate and value him most.

Linda Winfree

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #1075
#76. Once I learned, I went online and ordered every romance novel I could find. They're fairy tales for grown-ups.

Gena Showalter

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #96658
#77. The blinking of eyes is an involuntary reflex action, provided they eyes are not watching your beauty.

Amit Kalantri

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #132262
#78. I think everyone who gets to have dreams should reach for them. I want to help you reach.

Susan May Warren

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #129171
#79. Her heart and soul had already spoken. They wouldn't let Lucas go.

J.L. Sheppard

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #124107
#80. You carry the weight of the preternatural world on those big shoulders of yours. But your heart is even bigger, and the burden you harbor there heavier.

N.D. Jones

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #122357
#81. A slow, knowing smile came over Keirah's face. Her heart filled with happiness, believing the Gwarda gypsy sitting next to her at this very moment was worthy of her beloved sister.

Madison Thorne Grey

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #121334
#82. I love you to the moon and bed.

C.J. Carlyon

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #113524
#83. Holy fuck. Testing, testing. Is this thing on or has Botox already begun to corrode her brain cells?

S.L. Jennings

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #110307
#84. Just for tonight, let's pretend I'm not a priest and you're not crazy. We're just two normal human beings having a good time. Just a man and a woman at a rip-off carnival, living in the moment.

Nancee Cain

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #108914
#85. The algorithms in his hard drive scrambled and his coding short-circuited. Like she'd downloaded a virus right into his system, he got feverishly hot.

Kelly Moran

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #107221
#86. Affection is when we can't find any flaws in the other. Maybe I could if I really wanted to, but I don't want to, I accept you as you are.

Erika M. Szabo

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #102882
#87. I understand now, why sometimes, you have to lose happiness to find it again ...

Jennifer J. Hayes

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #99725
#88. Neither would you, had you grown up in a library of melodramatic romance novels.

Clementine Holzinger

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #99375
#89. Our lover is the sun, and we the stars forever floating in their glow. We push and push, yearning for our sun's rays to reach out and touch us for just a moment in time ... one second-glance to warm our spirits and soothe our aching hearts.

Katlyn Charlesworth

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #298
#90. Matt is a tortured soul,' Amanda insisted. 'He's Heathcliff and you're Cathy. He's Rochester and you're Jane Eyre. He's-'
'Darcy and I'm Elizabeth. I get it. And you're wrong.

Robin Brande

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #92236
#91. Afterward, Sara didn't really remember falling asleep, still wearing her robe although she meant to get dressed and had had Serafina lay out a pair of jeans and a blouse for her. In any case, she had slept. And there had been dreams
of the unsettling kind she didn't want to recall.

Rosemary Rogers

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #91703
#92. I missed talking to you, and playing with you, and touching you, and seeing you smile. I missed just ... sitting next to you. I've never missed anyone or anything that much

Mila Ferrera

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #89462
#93. Have you never been so heartbreakingly lonely that you felt as though you would go mad?
- Darcia Moon, Gravitation, Book One: Beyond the Pale

N.L. Armitage

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #88895
#94. I would rather be destroyed by you than loved by anyone else.

C.J. Carlyon

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #87379
#95. Damn, her mouth was a weapon.

Kelly Moran

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #81356
#96. The destruction of something beautiful can appear so entertaining.

Thomas Sweeney

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #79686
#97. I knew that by this time tomorrow, I was going to be eternally grateful for falling down the stairs and knocking myself unconscious. Smartest dumbest thing I'd ever done.

Erin McCarthy

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #76227
#98. I've never felt as happy as I've been for the past month. And I've never loved anyone like I love you right now.

Natalie Ansard

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #72350
#99. Because sometimes in life, Ken didn't always choose Barbie. (Jane Alcott)

Rachel Gibson

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #66072
#100. 10% of authors earn 75% of the royalties. If you're writing a Romance novel, your odds will be slightly higher at making back your investment. Throw in a few vampires, even better.

J.R. Young

Romance Novels Romance Quotes #65028

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