Top 59 Robin Wasserman Quotes

#1. Robin Wasserman is the author of several books, including 'Hacking Harvard,' 'Chasing Yesterday,' 'Seven Deadly Sins,' and her latest, 'Skinned.'

John Joseph Adams

Robin Wasserman Quotes #993007
#2. The chemicals were both highly flammable and highly toxic, and more than one inexpert bust had ended in conflagration.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #1447280
#3. The love you needed was the kind best avoided.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #910663
#4. Life is a physics problem. Bodies in motion.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #925001
#5. I did it all mechanically. Mechanically, as in without thought, as in through force of habit, as in instinctively, automatically, involuntarily. Mechanically, as in like-a-machine.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #955315
#6. Just because you can't take something back, doesn't mean you don't want to. Just because you want to, doesn't mean you try.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #988248
#7. Full Disclosure: I hate David with the passion of a thousand fiery suns all going to supernova at the same time

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #1061129
#8. It's significantly more satisfying to kick a wall than it is to kick thin air. For the rebellious teen- or the teen who wants to feel like a rebel- a clearly defined law gives you something to define yourself against.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #1092636
#9. Since I was dead - or worse than dead, buried alive in a body that might as well be a coffin except it denied me the pleasure of suffocation - I figured I should be allowed to grieve.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #1148769
#10. Don't go looking in dark places, because dark things live there.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #1151232
#11. Hacking in its pure form stretched back centuries. It wasn't restricted to a single medium. It was more than a methodology. It was an ethos.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #1154273
#12. I should probably start with the blood.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #1324897
#13. It was almost a relief, no longer having to be extraordinary. To give up on existential questioning and simply abide.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #1352025
#14. Be the person you were so I can be the person you made me.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #1353327
#15. The world was so much more forgiving of strength when it took on the appearance of weakness.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #1444472
#16. In dreams you can become everything you're not. You can reverse the most fundamental truths of your life. You can taste death, the ultimate opposite.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #856576
#17. You tell me, Dex, what kind of a bullshit god doesn't care what you did or who you hurt as long as you say you're sorry? Forgiveness

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #1517003
#18. There had to be consequences. Lacey was always right about that. Maybe freaks stayed freaks and losers stayed losers, maybe sad and weak was forever, but villains only stayed villains until someone stopped them.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #1523613
#19. When I was a kid I used to wonder if, just maybe, the world existed only for me. If rooms ceased to exist when I stepped into the hallway and people disappeared once they left me, the rest of their lives imagined solely for my entertainment.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #1590370
#20. 'The Waking Dark' is about what happens when something awakens a town's darkest impulses and unleashes them on the world.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #1655889
#21. They would fade away-and I would be left alone to face the people at school,and the reporters,and Adriane,and all the places where Max had taken my hand or breathed in my ear or told me he loved me,and the emptiness that used to be Chris.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #1659631
#22. Now I existed solely thanks to the quantum paradox, my brain a collection of qubits in quantum superposition, encoding truths and memories, imagination and irrationality in opposing, contradictory states that existed and didn't exist, all at the same time.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #1684449
#23. I envied Elizabeth- but I admired Groot. Because if you truly believed in the lightning bolts, why not do everything in your power to take them for yourself.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #1705080
#24. Sort of pregnant. Sort of dead. Sort of Jewish. These are impossibles.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #1706135
#25. A fundamentalist is someone who wants to substitute what he believes for what you believe," Max said. "And someone who thinks he knows the will of God better than anyone else.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #1713396
#26. Popularity gives you power only over people who care about being popular. Ostracism gives you power only over those who fear being ostracized.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #1785876
#27. You don't even realize you're living in a before until you wake up one day and find yourself in an after.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #1795964
#28. There are some moments you'd rather sleep through, pass from point A to point B without awareness of the time passing or the events that carry you from present to future. And it's mostly those moments in which it's smarter-safer- to stay awake.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #1837469
#29. I used to be an obsessive outliner - figuring that writing without an outline was like jumping off a cliff and building a parachute on the way down.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #1860265
#30. Teen fiction should be about teenagers - no matter how many arguments there are about what YA lit should be, this seems like the one thing we can all agree on.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #1875043
#31. Cliche but accurate: Kick a football, then ask it whether it meant to fly. All action demands an equal and opposite reaction. You can't blame an object battered by inertial forces; you can't blame me, bouncing through the pinball machine of life.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #293179
#32. Of course Stephen King doesn't believe in teen novels. I've started to suspect he doesn't even believe in teenagers.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #10926
#33. Nobody likes me," he concluded at the tail end of a ten-minute pity fest.
"Can't imagine why," Quinn murmured. I turned my snort of laughter into a fake cough,
which was an embarrassingly feeble attempt at subterfuge when you consider the fact that
I didn't have any lungs.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #15261
#34. Loretta didn't have much time left for mothering, and once I was old enough to fry my own eggs, she started leaving me home with the cat. Then the cat ran away; she didn't notice. Poor

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #26281
#35. For me, the teen years were all about searching for a place for myself, wondering why I seemed so different than everyone else, wondering especially why no one could look past the surface and figure out who I really was underneath.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #38370
#36. I took up space. I was a collection of cells and memories, awkward limbs and clumsy fashion crimes; I was the repository of my parents' expectations and evidence of their disappointments

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #98051
#37. Girls had to believe in anything but their own power, because if girls knew what they could do, imagine what they might.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #129128
#38. Which is to say, I'd been lonely for so long, I'd forgotten that I was.
That feeling of disconnection, of grief for something I'd never had, of screaming into a void and knowing no one would hear me
I'd forgotten that was anything other than the basic condition of life.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #190242
#39. Sascha looked torn. Should she cram my head full of newfound terror that the world would reject me, or let me wander into the big, scary out-there, like a naive lamb prancing to the slaughter?

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #196778
#40. Eli: 'If a machine like that really existed, people would be willing to kill for it. Lots of people.'
Nora: 'Yeah, and if hot vampires really existed, suicide would be a viable option for wrinkle prevention. Your point?

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #198304
#41. No matter how terrifying, they need to decide that the only rules that matter are the ones they write themselves.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #212059
#42. I longed to return to that bloody riverbank, to throw myself in the path of the final arrow, to die ignorant, and so, in love. Better to be killed by an arrow than by the words of the one I most trusted.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #234034
#43. But things don't just fall apart. People break them.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #254831
#44. As last days go, mine sucked. The last day I would have chosen - the last day I deserved - would have involved more chocolate.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #281960
#45. Origin stories are irrelevant. Nothing matters less than how you were born. What matters is how you die, and how you live. We live for each other, so anything that got us to that point must have been right.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #284622
#46. I'm not one of those authors who claims to hear voices in my head or 'let the characters speak through me,' whatever that might mean.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #896965
#47. Rudeness was a sign of weakness. Grace stemmed from power, the power to accept anything and move on.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #294268
#48. People do crazy things when they're keeping girls locked up in their shed.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #330957
#49. Stevens, who knew that mouth could do more thana rgue? You're a true blue friend, a red-hot lady and all that other good yearbook shit. You've got a big heart and I've got an even know. So we're both winners. KG

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #346606
#50. The world was full of weapons, when you cared to look.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #373698
#51. The doctor's voice was cold. "There's nothing to put back. There's no body to go back to. The body of Lia Kahn is dead. Be grateful you didn't die with it.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #383031
#52. Even now, I believe that to know how is useless if we do not know why. And there are too many who forbid us to ask.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #390850
#53. You could love something and still understand it had ruined your life.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #408774
#54. They were kids. Kids don't care about totalitarianism. For my parents, Prague is picnics on Petrin Hill and homemade knedliky. It's home. They didn't notice the tanks in the backyard, the blood in the streets.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #451178
#55. Not that my arms are getting tired or anything, but ... how much longer is the hugging phase going to last?

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #492290
#56. I try not to think too much about an audience when I'm writing the first draft of a book - at that stage, the prospect of anyone reading what I've written would be enough to scare me into setting my laptop on fire.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #559453
#57. I believed in happily ever after as much as anyone, because Jane Austen, Prince Charming, and Hugh Grant promised me it could happen.
But maybe that particular delusion was universal.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #567752
#58. Nor did I need anyone's pity, but I would accept it with grace, because I have been well trained. Rudeness was a sign of weakness. Grace stemmed from power, the powere to accept anything and move on.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #589695
#59. See, wrong guys think they're good. Evil guys don't think at all. They're just evil. And kind of lame. So whick are you?

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman Quotes #605696

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