Top 8 Relaunching Sims Quotes

#1. If this country [America] is to survive, the best-fed-nation myth had better be recognized for what it is: propaganda designed to produce wealth not health.

Adelle Davis

Relaunching Sims Quotes #21313
#2. In the back of my mind, some part of me thought: Pretty... And I immediately wanted to punch myself.

J.C. Daniels

Relaunching Sims Quotes #288192
#3. Dogs don't hold back. They see something they want and go after it. No matter what obstacles get in the way, the sheer act of chasing becomes the reward in and of itself.

Gila Kurtz

Relaunching Sims Quotes #362025
#4. I never cheat unless you count the girls I cheat on


Relaunching Sims Quotes #436326
#5. Words, Genevieve." He smiled with such sadness, my heart cracked. "They mean nothing next to your actions. It is what we do that defines who we are and where our devotion truly lies.

Juliette Cross

Relaunching Sims Quotes #1222807
#6. Society judges political parties based on the results that they give. When they don't meet the population's needs, when they are not up to expectations, that leaves society free to pick other parties.

Enrique Pena Nieto

Relaunching Sims Quotes #1559345
#7. It is my ignorance of God's design that makes me quarrel with him.

John Flavel

Relaunching Sims Quotes #1651438
#8. I've made movies that we're very successful that we're a complete surprise, and I've made movies that I thought we're going to be very successful that, you know.

Christopher Walken

Relaunching Sims Quotes #1869899

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