Top 12 Reinhold Gebert Quotes

#1. Be what you yearn to be, and stop living for false ideals.

E.M. Markoff

Reinhold Gebert Quotes #301863
#2. Pride sits in all our hearts by nature. We are born proud. Pride makes us rest satisfied with ourselves, thinking we are good enough as we are. It closes our ears against all advice, refuses the gospel of Christ and turns every one to his own way.

J.C. Ryle

Reinhold Gebert Quotes #577846
#3. I looked at her and a voice inside me said, we only see starlight because all the stars are bleeding.

Steven Hall

Reinhold Gebert Quotes #677501
#4. Producing is a world of compromise and actors are utterly spoiled all the time.

Damian Lewis

Reinhold Gebert Quotes #991227
#5. When I hear the word 'culture', I reach for my checkbook.

Edward Abbey

Reinhold Gebert Quotes #1022213
#6. Alice would give anything, anything at all, to be lying in bed with Nick, waiting for a cup of tea. Maybe he got sick of making her cups of tea? Was that it? Had she taken him for granted? Who did she think she was, some sort of princess, lying in bed waiting for cups of tea to be delivered.

Liane Moriarty

Reinhold Gebert Quotes #1178652
#7. Live the rest of your life in possibility

Benjamin Zander

Reinhold Gebert Quotes #1286644
#8. When I try to get work in the US all they say is that I need to lose weight - but I bet they never said that to Mae West.

Charlotte Church

Reinhold Gebert Quotes #1353273
#9. Mates are a waste of fucking time. They are always ready to drag you down tae their level of social, sexual and intellectual mediocrity.

Irvine Welsh

Reinhold Gebert Quotes #1360959
#10. The life of a model isn't easy. But I try to keep a good head on my shoulders by staying close to my family and old friends. They're my support system.

Constance Jablonski

Reinhold Gebert Quotes #1412835
#11. Be willing to go all out, in pursuit of your dream. Ultimately it will pay off. You are more powerful than you think you are.

Les Brown

Reinhold Gebert Quotes #1602449
#12. I contemplated suicide. My main concern was that I would not make the New York Times obituary page.

Art Buchwald

Reinhold Gebert Quotes #1854986

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