Top 21 Reduce Crime Quotes

#1. It takes a long, hard effort and sustained determination to reduce crime. We will stay the course and we are confident that the numbers will continue to go down.

Jack Johnson

Reduce Crime Quotes #109800
#2. I do know that it's true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could - if that were your sole purpose - you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down,

William Bennett

Reduce Crime Quotes #288255
#3. I'll tell you what makes me feel worthwhile: organizing and solving other people's problems. It makes me feel good to go to Mexico City and figure out theories on how you can reorganize and reduce crime. To me, it's one of the more fulfilling ways to spend a day.

Rudy Giuliani

Reduce Crime Quotes #599557
#4. My earnest hope is that what we started in terms of building partnerships with communities across America will continue, that we will continue our efforts to reduce crime and violence.

Janet Reno

Reduce Crime Quotes #810724
#5. Surveillance cameras might reduce crime - even though the evidence here is mixed - but no studies show that they result in greater happiness of everyone involved.

Evgeny Morozov

Reduce Crime Quotes #971173
#6. In the housing projects, people talked of ways to reduce crime, relieve overcrowding, and they were good ideas that we plan to study, and possibly implement.

Jane Byrne

Reduce Crime Quotes #1053179
#7. Rather than following through on the proven crime and violence prevention techniques that work, we are back to tough-talking sound byte policies that have been proven to not only fail to reduce crime but actually increase crime, waste taxpayers' money and discriminate against minorities.

Bobby Scott

Reduce Crime Quotes #1733148
#8. We can play politics, or we can reduce crime.

Bobby Scott

Reduce Crime Quotes #37914
#9. I'm the only woman who can walk in Central Park at night ... and reduce the crime rate.

Phyllis Diller

Reduce Crime Quotes #1770803
#10. Giving a 10-year mandatory minimum for a second offense fist fight is not going to reduce the chance that someone will be stabbed 16 times when you are not funding any of the programs that are desperately needed to actually reduce juvenile crime.

Bobby Scott

Reduce Crime Quotes #1619735
#11. I'm proud of people who have the determination and the fearlessness to actually go and face their demons and get better.

Eva Mendes

Reduce Crime Quotes #1594030
#12. So, will his new gun laws - aimed primarily at law-abiding firearms owners - reduce the crime rate even further? Rock is hesitant to give a conclusive answer: "I think it will help. (But) I don't want to overstate it. I don't want to give any guarantees."

Allan Rock

Reduce Crime Quotes #1404168
#13. I feel like there's an obsession with pace right now in theater, with things being very fast and very witty and very loud, and I think we're all so freaked out about theater keeping audiences interested because everybody's so freaked out about theater becoming irrelevant.

Annie Baker

Reduce Crime Quotes #1352870
#14. I like musicianship, and it's quite lacking in most modern popular music. You're always safe with old Chicago, the Allman Brothers, Gov't Mule, or Tower of Power.

Mark Rippetoe

Reduce Crime Quotes #1103879
#15. In addition, when a neighborhood's crime victims are portrayed as victims-sympathetically and without blame, as humans rather than as statistics-people living in other parts of the city are more inclined to support social services for the area, which in turn can reduce the crime rate.

Barry Glassner

Reduce Crime Quotes #1014872
#16. Everyone agrees that our ultimate goal is to establish a free, open and democratic Iraqi government and bring our men and women in uniform home as soon as possible.

James T. Walsh

Reduce Crime Quotes #294662
#17. can a criminal, using the knowledge of forensic science to his own advantage, reduce his percentage of detection in order to commit the perfect murder? If a criminal knew exactly what investigators were looking for at a crime scene, could they use that to avoid detection?

David Elio Malocco

Reduce Crime Quotes #292756
#18. A large part of crime is economics - if people are working and and have a home and family to support, then I believe you can reduce the crime rate.

Vincent Frank

Reduce Crime Quotes #224980
#19. The American girl isn't ANY girl; she's a remarkable specimen in a remarkable species.

Henry James

Reduce Crime Quotes #192417
#20. Legalizing drugs would simultaneously reduce the amount of crime and raise the quality of law enforcement. Can you conceive of any other measure that would accomplish so much to promote law and order?

Milton Friedman

Reduce Crime Quotes #152201
#21. She knew she could never love any man the way she loved a blank sheet of paper that only she could fill.

Coco J. Ginger

Reduce Crime Quotes #98888

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