Top 44 Reason Vs Faith Quotes

#1. Religion doesn't just cloud our minds. It asks us to deliberately deceive ourselves
to replace reason with its opposite, faith. And when men operate on faith, they can no longer be reasoned with, which makes them more dangerous than any sane man, good or evil.

James L. Sutter

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #158336
#2. Reason tells the soul how mistaken it is in thinking that all these earthly things are of the slightest value by comparison with what it is seeking. A little recollection reminds it that all these things come to an end. And faith instructs it in what the soul must do to find satisfaction ...

Eknath Easwaran

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #105294
#3. What fills the gap created by a loss of faith is not reason but instinct.

Marty Rubin

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #116537
#4. God does not expect us to submit our faith to him without reason, but the very limits of our reason make faith a necessity.

Saint Augustine

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #118197
#5. As I lay in the late hours of night or perhaps the wee hours of morning, I felt content. I'd been right to keep faith and trust when I had no reason to. I didn't expect any grand gestures or magical solutions to things, but my hope was fueled.

J.M. Northup

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #119593
#6. She had lived her whole life on shifting quicksand, where reason and the intellect were not to be trusted, where only faith was valid, and blind faith was sacred. She, herself, had enforced mindless conformity to that empty evil.

Terry Goodkind

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #121641
#7. Faith is not opposed to reason, but it is sometimes opposed to feelings and appearances.

Timothy Keller

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #128477
#8. A demon, in a way, is a test of your faith. Because if you're doing God's work, there's no reason for any demon to do anything to you.

Troy Polamalu

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #135245
#9. To the extent that in one's act of faith one participates in the truth through reason and heart, faith already implies a particular level of knowledge and of certainty.

Osman Bakar

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #135323
#10. [Patriotism] is in itself a kind of religion: it does not reason, but it acts from the impulse of faith and sentiment.

Alexis De Tocqueville

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #138420
#11. Just another lonely broken hero picking up the pieces of my mind. Running out of faith and hope and reason, I'm running out of time.

Ozzy Osbourne

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #154372
#12. The battle for the lead between faith and reason can be settled by accepting the guiding hand of an experienced navigator.

Elaine Orabona Foster

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #103445
#13. I am pleading for the future; I am pleading for a time when hatred and cruelty will not control the hearts of men. When we can learn by, reason and judgment and understanding and faith that all life is worth saving, and that mercy is the highest attribute of man.

Clarence Darrow

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #160608
#14. The only angels we need invoke are those of our better nature: reason, honesty, and love. The only demons we must fear are those that lurk inside every human mind: ignorance, hatred, greed, and faith, which is surely the devil's masterpiece.

Sam Harris

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #162602
#15. Faith is reason denying absurdity in the face of the unknown.

William Batchelder Greene

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #175128
#16. We are not moved by reasons but by emotions

Bangambiki Habyarimana

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #262828
#17. Apologetics is reason flying to the rescue of faith

Bangambiki Habyarimana

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #669258
#18. Sometimes one needs a little bit of faith when faced with a difficult situation. Rational answers don't always work. We also need a miracle.

Amish Tripathi

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #844908
#19. The faith comes by hearing; the reward by follow-through.

Johnnie Dent Jr.

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #1047724
#20. I used to give too much importance to reason until I discovered the world was shaped not by reason but by emotion

Bangambiki Habyarimana

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #1106989
#21. The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason.

Benjamin Franklin

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #1656595
#22. Is there any reason why you should not have faith in God? Has God ever broken one of His promises? I defy any infidel or unbeliever to place a finger on a single promise of God ever made and failed to fulfill.

Dwight L. Moody

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #1867820
#23. Our faith can reach beyond the limits of current reason.

Rosemary M. Wixom

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #57809
#24. Too often today, we do not rely on faith so much as on our own ability to reason and solve problems.

Joseph B. Wirthlin

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #11660
#25. It is not reason which makes faith hard, but life.

Jean Ingelow

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #15289
#26. I've left the Church - for many reasons that I've written about publicly - but it's still a large part of my identity, and I still have my faith, if not my Church.

Julianna Baggott

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #19195
#27. Faith is belief without reason; we operate on reason and nothing but. I have zero faith in my crew, just absolute confidence.

Iain M. Banks

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #21032
#28. The best way to see Faith is to shut the eye of Reason.

Benjamin Franklin

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #24430
#29. Faith is Hope on a treadmill. Love is the reason we stay on.

Solange Nicole

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #27701
#30. Hide your gold, your faith and the reason of you journey.

Eduard Heine

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #35831
#31. In Scripture, faith involves placing trust in what you have reason to believe is true. Faith is not a blind, irrational leap into the dark. So faith and reason cooperate on a biblical view of faith. They are not intrinsically hostile.

J.P. Moreland

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #38006
#32. Part of the reason I am so evangelical in our campaigning work is that I had an unshakeable faith in Labour values, but we needed a machine worthy of the message. I grew up with a peerless Conservative machine, with vastly superior resources.

Douglas Alexander

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #42923
#33. I prefer rationalism to atheism. The question of God and other objects-of-faith are outside reason and play no part in rationalism, thus you don't have to waste your time in either attacking or defending.

Isaac Asimov

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #55763
#34. I argue that in a world where people must support their opinions with evidence and reason rather than faith, we would experience less conflict over issues like assisted suicide, gay rights, birth control, and sexual morality.

Jerry A. Coyne

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #10571
#35. faith is all we need when reason sends us down a different path.

Tanner McElroy

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #62463
#36. In America, on the ordinate plane of faith versus reason, the x-axis of faith intersects with the y-axis of reason at the zero point of "I don't give a damn what you think".

Sarah Vowell

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #67887
#37. A man should remind himself that an object of faith is not scientifically demonstrable, lest presuming to demonstrate what is of faith, he should produce inconclusive reasons and offer occasion for unbelievers to scoff at a faith based on such ground.

Thomas Aquinas

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #68696
#38. So it is with human reason, which strives not against faith, when enlightened, but rather furthers and advances it.

Martin Luther

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #80748
#39. For a reason or a season,' he said. 'For a year or a lifetime. For a poem or a song. For a victorious battle or a bloody death. For honor. I would stand by you for as long as I might live.

Faith Hunter

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #83568
#40. Faith is belief without evidence and reason; coincidentally that's also the definition of delusion.

Richard Dawkins

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #85131
#41. My faith inspires me so much. It is the very reason that I run. I feel that my running is completely a gift from God and it is my responsibility to use it to glorify him.

Allyson Felix

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #93801
#42. Faith is not something that goes against the evidence, it goes beyond it. The evidence is saying to us, 'There is another country. There is something beyond mere reason'.

Alister E. McGrath

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #101669
#43. ... beg Love's pardon for your want of faith. Helen chose you without reason because she loves you without cause; embrace her without question and watch your weather change.

John Barth

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #101925
#44. Its helpful to know the reasons for our faith ... it helps us not be so vulnerable to doubt, and it helps us not be so vulnerable to false doctrine.

Holly Ordway

Reason Vs Faith Quotes #103033

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