Top 10 Razzled Quotes

#1. People want to go to a musical to be razzled and dazzled, so to have an opportunity to do a musical that feels serious and moving is exciting to me. Especially since people think of me as a silly, funny person, so I like to be able to show that other side of me.

Laura Benanti

Razzled Quotes #1457985
#2. My words are the kisses but many of the times they don't taste so good as the touch of your lips does to mine.

Santosh Kalwar

Razzled Quotes #314146
#3. Writers are certified bullshitters.


Razzled Quotes #366506
#4. The scene when Sodapop comes out of the shower in The Outsiders was a very important moment in my adolescence.

Amy Poehler

Razzled Quotes #830570
#5. Nothing enduring can be built on violence.

Mahatma Gandhi

Razzled Quotes #1408533
#6. It turns out that the more you repeat the same action, no matter how reprehensible, the more you can make an excuse for it in your own mind.

Jodi Picoult

Razzled Quotes #1508421
#7. I will always remember and we must all remember that Democrats are our political rivals, not our enemies, and they deserve our respect.

Ken Mehlman

Razzled Quotes #1524490
#8. It's just such an honor to say that I was in something by Steven Spielberg. I feel so blessed I got to meet such great people, and I got to go to a beautiful place, Vancouver, and I had a great time.

Dakota Fanning

Razzled Quotes #1681338
#9. The Lord does not forgive excuses, He forgives sin.

Rick Joyner

Razzled Quotes #1753121
#10. And I shudder sometimes to think of all that stellar mystery of how she IS going to get me in a future lifetime, wow - And I seriously do believe that will be my salvation, too.
A long way to go.

Jack Kerouac

Razzled Quotes #1836746

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