Top 6 Raffinage Quotes

#1. Sister Georgina had studied at Cambridge or, as she put it, 'Not-the-one-in-Massachusetts-Cambridge-Universitythe-real-one-you-know-in-England.

Terry Pratchett

Raffinage Quotes #458402
#2. Independence and free thought is what makes a person grow. By giving people the freedom and space to figure out who they are and be that, you give them the power to grow.

Innocent Mwatsikesimbe

Raffinage Quotes #483518
#3. In spite of Jean-Jacques and his school, men are not everywhere born free, any more than they are everywhere in chains, unless these be of their own individual making.

Francis Marion Crawford

Raffinage Quotes #566275
#4. Great heroes need great sorrows and burdens, or half their greatness goes unnoticed. It is all part of the fairy tale.

Peter S. Beagle

Raffinage Quotes #1197619
#5. 23The LORD makes firm the stepsq of the one who delightsr in him; 24though he may stumble, he will not fall,s for the LORD upholdst him with his hand.


Raffinage Quotes #1515350
#6. There's only really two things about a man that matter: what he wants, and what he'll do to get it. Everythin' else we pretend is important
whether you're tough, or good-lookin', smart, stupid, honorable, whatever
that's just details.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Raffinage Quotes #1859021

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