Top 13 Quotes On The Uselessness Of War

#1. Of course, there will always be those who look only at technique, who ask 'how', while others of a more curious nature will ask 'why'. Personally, I have always preferred inspiration to information.

Man Ray

Quotes On The Uselessness Of War #357655
#2. I think the funny thing about acting for me - and I hold it in a very holy, spiritual way - not to be overly fundamentalist about it, but it's that important to me - is that it is an ancient healing art.

Melissa Leo

Quotes On The Uselessness Of War #669639
#3. You know things; you understand things. You have a history and a work life unlike anyone else's. Respect it. Pay attention to it. Let it inspire curious ponderings and original thinking.

David Sturt

Quotes On The Uselessness Of War #725963
#4. I'm a huge Aamir Khan fan. I love Aamir, so everything he does is brilliant. We expect something different from somebody like Aamir, whether it's in promotion, or whether it's in a film, and plus it has RajKumar Hirani.

Kareena Kapoor

Quotes On The Uselessness Of War #818811
#5. The last day of the war provided chilling closure. The ending, in its ferocity, bloodiness, and uselessness, contained the entire war in microcosm. The fighting went on for the hollowest of reasons: no one knew how to stop it.

Joseph E. Persico

Quotes On The Uselessness Of War #1070778
#6. It is possible to take the story of Noah figuratively, although virtually every Near East ancient civilization has its own version of the flood story (including the amoral epic of Gilgamesh).

Ben Shapiro

Quotes On The Uselessness Of War #1090764
#7. All conceptions in the game of chess have a geometrical basis.

Eugene Znosko-Borovsky

Quotes On The Uselessness Of War #1172591
#8. Singing with others is an unmediated, shared experience as each person feels the same music reverberating in their individual bodies. Singing is part of our humanity; it is embodied empathy.

Jay Griffiths

Quotes On The Uselessness Of War #1200710
#9. The vast majority is sociologically intellectual and respectful but realistically idiotic and despicable.

Daniel Marques

Quotes On The Uselessness Of War #1386780
#10. In this way, the Gospel of Mary holds up Mary as a model for Christian leadership based on spiritual maturity and prophetic insight. It is because she has achieved spiritual maturity that she is able to teach and care for the others.

R.S. Sugirtharajah

Quotes On The Uselessness Of War #1454763
#11. There is the particular additional benefit of conspicuous generosity as a way of buying unfakeably authentic advertising.

Richard Dawkins

Quotes On The Uselessness Of War #1476992
#12. A successful business maximizes the present value of future earnings. The first requirement, therefore, of business success is sustainable profits. One-time winnings, in business as in casinos, are disappointing. We expect more from our investments than that.

Stephen Young

Quotes On The Uselessness Of War #1711747
#13. If you take a loud pride in anything, people will rightly shoot you down.

Danny Boyle

Quotes On The Uselessness Of War #1791270

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