Top 100 Quotes On God's Sovereignty

#1. God's sovereignty is not in His right hand; God's sovereignty is not in His intellect; God's sovereignty is in His love.

Henry Ward Beecher

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #14101
#2. Satan cannot win. Why not? Because he has denied God's sovereignty and disobeyed God's law. But Moses was told explicitly, God's blessings come only from obedience. Satan will not win because he has abandoned God's tool of dominion, biblical law.

Gary North

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #45778
#3. Edwards believed that God's sovereignty requires that He create the entire universe out of nothing at every moment.

Adrian Warnock

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #150747
#4. Belief in God's sovereignty coupled with his promises to reward those who diligently seek him (Heb. 11:6) provides even more powerful incentive to pray.

Bryan Chapell

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #325219
#5. First and Second Kings are not disinterested, flat historical works...They stress God's sovereignty over Israel and all other nations.

Paul R. House

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #336889
#6. A young woman asked the great preacher Charles Spurgeon if it was possible to reconcile God's sovereignty and man's responsibility. "Young woman," said he. "You don't reconcile friends

Elisabeth Elliot

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #349565
#7. But to call God "almighty" does cause problems for some. J.I. Packer says, "Men treat God's sovereignty as a theme for controversy, but in Scripture it is a matter of worship.

Raymond F. Cannata

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #357232
#8. We count on God's mercy for our past mistakes, on God's love for our present needs, on God's sovereignty for our future.

Saint Augustine

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #387756
#9. To say that God's sovereignty is limited by man's freedom is to make man sovereign.

R.C. Sproul

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #406688
#10. There has been a wonderful alteration in my mind, in respect to the doctrine of God's sovereignty. ... The doctrine has very often appeared exceeding pleasant, bright and sweet. Absolute sovereignty is what I love to ascribe to God. JONATHAN EDWARDS

John Piper

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #420934
#11. There is no broader way to apostasy than to reject God's sovereignty in all things concerning the revelation of himself and our obedience ...

John Owen

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #443140
#12. Learn to recognize God's sovereignty. Learn to rejoice in God's pleasure. This was Abraham's first lesson, namely that God, not himself, was the Source.

Watchman Nee

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #509653
#13. Those who understand God's sovereignty have joy even in the midst of suffering, a joy reflected on their very faces, for they see that their suffering is not without purpose.

R.C. Sproul

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #542792
#14. Part of facing the unknown requires dropping an anchor of faith into the depths of God's sovereignty.

James Stuart Bell Jr.

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #616807
#15. We can always hope and pray diligently for a miracle. If, in God's sovereignty, He chooses to accomplish His purposes another way, let it not be that we have not because we asked not (James 4:2) or that we have not because we believed not (Matt. 9:29).

Beth Moore

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #625523
#16. Of all the doctrines of the Bible none is so offensive to human nature as the doctrine of God's sovereignty.

J.C. Ryle

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #633096
#17. Anger and bitterness are two noticeable signs of being focused on self and not trusting God's sovereignty in your life. When you believe that God causes all things to work together for good to those who belong to Him and love Him, you can respond to trials with joy instead of anger or bitterness.

John C. Broger

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #762547
#18. I learned very early that people need to have a good grasp of God's goodness and God's sovereignty.

Matt Chandler

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #762811
#19. What we do every time we pray is to confess our impotence and God's sovereignty.

J.I. Packer

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #814090
#20. A consciousness of our powerlessness should cast us upon Him who has all power. Here then is where a vision and view of God's sovereignty helps, for it reveals His sufficiency and shows us our insufficiency.

Arthur W. Pink

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #889609
#21. Men treat God's sovereignty as a theme for controversy, but in Scripture it is matter for worship.

J.I. Packer

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #1078855
#22. So though there are many things I would have done differently, I submit to God's sovereignty and His purpose in my life and I thank Him that He brought me the way He brought me and gave me what He gave me when He thought I could handle it.

T.D. Jakes

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #1098745
#23. A high view of God's sovereignty fuels death-defying devotion to global missions. Maybe another way to put it, people, and more specifically pastors, who believe that God's sovereign over all things will lead Christians to die for the sake of all peoples.

David Platt

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #1112506
#24. Human fallibility recognised, God's sovereignty trusted; these are also the only stable foundations for human beings in society.

Justin Welby

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #1180215
#25. [T]he single answer to the 'whys' in life is God's sovereignty.

Norma Gail

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #1210589
#26. Many Muslims in Saudi Arabia believe that the core values of Islam, namely acknowledgement of God's sovereignty and basic human equality before God, are themselves compatible with liberty, equality and free political choice.

Noah Feldman

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #1222715
#27. God's sovereignty does not negate our responsibility to pray, but rather makes it possible for us to pray with confidence.

Jerry Bridges

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #1253519
#28. In the Reformed tradition, a good deal of our stoicism and apathy rides like a parasite on the back of the doctrine of God's sovereignty and providence.

Toby J. Sumpter

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #1266742
#29. Parent to glorify God, not to get your child to behave. God's sovereignty is the foundation of parenting and His glory its highest purpose.

Linda J. Rice

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #1296614
#30. Many of us think in terms in parental determinism: 'If I push all the right buttons my kids are going to turn out OK.' I want to instill in myself and my people a wonderful dose, not of carelessness, but of God's sovereignty. He knows the hairs on your kids' heads.

Kevin DeYoung

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #1550601
#31. Keep in mind that God's sovereignty allows Him to even use that which is not cooperating with Him (the bad) in order to move things to where He wants them to go.

Tony Evans

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #1629155
#32. The person who loves his life will lose it: it could not be otherwise, for to love one's life is a fundamental denial of God's sovereignty, of God's rights, and a brazen elevation of self to the apogee of one's perception, and therefore an idolatrous focus on self, which is the heart of all sin

D. A. Carson

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #1646851
#33. If there is one single molecule in this universe running around loose, totally free of God's sovereignty, then we have no guarantee that a single promise of God will ever be fulfilled.

R.C. Sproul

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #1700644
#34. Take a firm grasp on God's sovereignty and trust His love even when you don't understand His purpose.

Joyce Meyer

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #1723607
#35. This is the essence of God's sovereignty; His absolute independence to do as He pleases and His absolute control over the actions of all His creatures. No creature, person, or empire can either thwart His will or act outside the bounds of His will.

Jerry Bridges

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #1806009
#36. Alzheimer's disease is never an 'accident' in a marriage. It falls under the purview of God's sovereignty. In the case of someone with Alzheimer's, this means God's unconditional and sacrificial love has an opportunity to be even more gloriously displayed in a life together.

Joni Eareckson Tada

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #1807909
#37. What kind of a concept of God do we have that we would say that God is paralyzed by human choices? If His freedom is limited by our freedom, we are sovereign, not God. No, we are free, but God is even more free. This means that our freedom can never limit God's sovereignty.

R.C. Sproul

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #1827056
#38. The storms in my life have become workshops where I can practice my faith in God's sovereignty.

Jill Briscoe

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #1866247
#39. A human being is like a television set with millions of channels ... We cannot let just one channel dominate us. We have the seed of everything in us, and we have to recover our own sovereignty.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #2484
#40. The sovereignty of states must be subordinated to international law and international institutions.

George Soros

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #13049
#41. Favour, as a symbol of sovereignty, is exercised by weak men.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #22864
#42. it is clear that divine sovereignty and human freedom contradict each other.[16] If God controls everything, including man's thoughts, then man is not free from God. If man is free from God in any sense or to any degree, then God does not control everything.

Vincent Cheung

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #23015
#43. Nothing adds such dignity to character as the recognition of one's self- sovereignty.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #28236
#44. Why would we start demanding negotiations over sovereignty of the Falklands right now, 30 years since the war, and not 31 years or any other date?

Pepe Eliaschev

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #30193
#45. The time and intelligence that our ancestors spent on understanding the sovereignty revealed in Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are directed by our contemporaries in affirming and validating the sovereignty of our needs, wants, and feelings.

Eugene H. Peterson

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #32606
#46. In the new Europe, in any case, nationalism is something of an anomaly, given that the drive is to the elimination of national boundaries and national sovereignty.

Theodore Dalrymple

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #35599
#47. And if we can imagine the art of fiction come alive and standing in our midst, she would undoubtedly bid us break her and bully her, as well as honour and love her, for so her youth is renewed and her sovereignty assured.

Virginia Woolf

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #35758
#48. The Christian story, centered as it is on the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, is the only story for making sense of desire and loss.

Jen Pollock Michel

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #37017
#49. Heaven has appointed us dwellers on earth a time for all things.


Quotes On God's Sovereignty #40038
#50. If any of the socialist chiefs had tried to earn his living by selling hot dogs, he would have learned something about the sovereignty of the consumers.

Ludwig Von Mises

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #47309
#51. The single most important duty of the federal government is to protect and defend our national sovereignty. There are new and disturbing reports of American nuclear submarines passing though Canadian waters without obtaining the permission of, or even notifying, the Canadian government.

Stephen Harper

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #49541
#52. On observing 1963 America for the first time, the author says that organization and standardization to a certain degree compete with divine providence.

Karl Barth

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #50859
#53. John Quincy Adams resolved to the discipline of rejecting argument for argument's sake would he sees that a fellow cabinet member is trying to draw him in to debating proposals the president will already reject.

Paul C. Nagel

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #52012
#54. It is only when the people become ignorant and corrupt, when they degenerate into a populace, that they are incapable of exercising their sovereignty.

James Monroe

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #55920
#55. The Enlightenment has always aimed at liberating men from fear and establishing their sovereignty. Yet the fully enlightened earth radiates disaster triumphant.

Theodor Adorno

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #56892
#56. O Son of Spirit! My first counsel is this: Possess a pure, kindly and radiant heart, that thine may be a sovereignty ancient, imperishable and everlasting.


Quotes On God's Sovereignty #58083
#57. In Cuba, taking into account the long fight for our independence and sovereignty, we will defend the one-party system in the face of the games, demagogy and the marketing of politics.

Raul Castro

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #66129
#58. What is most decisive is God's Joy Project is not that we fully grasp it, but that our sovereign God fully grasps us.

Tony Reinke

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #73267
#59. For the sake of goodness and love, man shall let death have no sovereignty over his thoughts.

Thomas Mann

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #77640
#60. Sovereignty must not be used for inflicting harm on anyone, whether citizen or foreigner.

Ludwig Von Mises

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #80335
#61. [T]he sovereignty of reason and justice is no more tyrannical than that of desire. They are principles natural to man.

Blaise Pascal

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #84882
#62. I'm not against the government. I'm against this ever-expanding government that doesn't know its limits. And that's how I see the role of the attorney general, as someone in an office that can protect you and defend the Constitution and defend state sovereignty and our individual liberty.

Alan Wilson

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #92748
#63. Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine is a gross violation of that nation's sovereignty and an affront to the international community.

Rand Paul

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #97793
#64. The part that needs healing is our personal life. Personal life has nothing to do with work. Besides, what better way of healing than to find our center of self-sovereignty? Isn't that the whole point of healing?

Steven Pressfield

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #103161
#65. If that sovereignty and their freedom cannot be reconciled, which will they take? They will cast your sovereignty in your face. No body will be argued into slavery.

Bernard Bailyn

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #112844
#66. From a political point of view, there is but one principle, the sovereignty of man over himself. This sovereignty of myself over myself is called Liberty

Victor Hugo

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #114508
#67. Not even generals can stop the rain.

Jeff Shaara

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #115394
#68. We owe our troops more than rhetoric; we owe them a real plan. The Administration has yet to put forward a strategy for achieving stability in Iraq, ending the conflict, and handing over sovereignty to the people of Iraq and the new Iraqi government.

Dennis Cardoza

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #116197
#69. You know, we do not want the militarization of Haiti. We do not see a Haitian as a protectorate where it relinquishes its own sovereignty.

Danny Glover

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #121128
#70. He who is able to accept everything gladly from the Lord - including darkness, dryness, flatness - and completely disregard self is he who lives for Him. -

Watchman Nee

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #124913
#71. The revolution in global communications thus forces all nations to reconsider traditional ways of thinking about national sovereignty.

George Shultz

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #126418
#72. The idea that you surrender your identity when you relinquish national powers is unhelpful. No, indeed, precisely the opposite is the case: if done in an intelligent way, you attain the sovereignty to better solve national problems in cooperation with others.

Ulrich Beck

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #127954
#73. Food sovereignty is an affirmation of who we are as indigenous peoples and a way, one of the most surefooted ways, to restore our relationship with the world around us.

Winona LaDuke

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #128770
#74. All human kingship risks a denial of the sovereignty of God.

Peter Hollingworth

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #133019
#75. In this relation, then, the proposed government cannot be deemed a national one; since its jurisdiction extends to certain enumerated objects only, and leaves to the several states, a residuary and inviolable sovereignty over all other objects.

James Madison

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #133222
#76. We will never agree to give up Jerusalem, a united city under Israeli sovereignty, and only Israeli. We will not accept a terrorist Palestinian state, we will not accept an agreement based on the 67 lines.

Naftali Bennett

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #134846
#77. It is not that God is the spectator and sharer of our present life, howsoever important that is; but rather that we are the reverent listeners and participants in God's action in the sacred story, the history of the Christ on earth.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #136794
#78. The idea of sovereignty current in the English speaking world of the 1760's was scarcely more than a century old. It had first emerged during the English Civil War, in the early 1640's, and had been established as a canon of Whig political thought in the Revolution of 1688.

Bernard Bailyn

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #138809
#79. The nations must be organized internationally and induced to enter into partnership, subordinating in some measure national sovereignty to worldwide institutions and obligations.

Arthur Henderson

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #140493
#80. To every soul that knows how to pray, to every soul that by faith comes to Jesus, the true mercy seat, divine sovereignty wears no dark and terrible aspect but is full of love.

Charles Spurgeon

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #156866
#81. (Bonhoeffer's) change was not an ungainly, embarrassing leap from which he would have to retreat slightly when he gained more maturity and perspective. It was by all accounts a deepening consistent with what had gone before.

Eric Metaxas

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #158237
#82. If we believe, though, in the sovereignty of God, then we believe that we were not born at this time, and in this culture, by accident. If we belong to Christ, then this is our assigned mission field.

Russell D. Moore

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #163042
#83. If U.S. national sovereignty continues, it is only as a state that Puerto Rico will have permanent 10th Amendment powers over its non-federal affairs, as well as voting power in Congress.

Dick Thornburgh

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #164092
#84. Granted, God is sovereign and can speak as he pleases - through a proof text, a poem, or Balaam's donkey. But we do not regularly seek out donkeys to tell us how to live.

Craig S. Keener

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #165647
#85. It was modesty that invented the word "philosopher" in Greece and left the magnificent overweening presumption in calling oneselfwise to the actors of the spirit
the modesty of such monsters of pride and sovereignty as Pythagoras, as Plato.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #167468
#86. We think in terms of apostolic journeys. God dares to put His greatest ambassadors in chains.

Watchman Nee

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #168885
#87. Certainly our goal is to leave Iraq, but we can't leave Iraq with our forces until we know that the Iraqi security forces are capable and efficient enough to defend the sovereignty of the nation.

John Abizaid

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #177299
#88. I believe in supremacy of God.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #178486
#89. The Bible attitude is not that God sends sickness or that sickness is of the devil, but that sickness is a fact usable by both God and the devil.

Oswald Chambers

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #182445
#90. If you believe that God overrules all things for good, and only permits apparently evil happenings for good and the achievement of great ends unbeknown to you, then all is well. All is well because you believe in the sovereignty of God.

Henry Thomas Hamblin

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #192851
#91. I had rather mistrust my own capacity than God's justice.

Alexis De Tocqueville

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #196656
#92. It is a self-evident truth that a person who truly prays and seeks God's wisdom in life recognizes the sovereignty of God and is committed to seeking God's wisdom in life's important choices.

Ravi Zacharias

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #204798
#93. We could not have parliamentary sovereignty with a European Parliament.

Hugh Gaitskell

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #204867
#94. You'll not fulfill God's will for your life accidentally. It doesn't come to pass through fate or the sovereignty of God.

Paul Silway

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #205105
#95. Power in politics, sovereignty in America is with we the people, and that is the path to turning this country around: empowering the people.

Ted Cruz

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #206140
#96. So that the executive and legislative branches of the national government depend upon, and emanate from the states. Every where the state sovereignties are represented; and the national sovereignty, as such, has no representation.

Joseph Story

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #211199
#97. Some Christians live in such fear, they act as if they believe in the sovereignty of Satan rather than the sovereignty of God.

Steven J. Lawson

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #221763
#98. When we first come to faith in Christ, we often think it was simply of our own choosing. Only later do we realize we would have never taken that step of faith apart from His grace drawing us near to Him.

Dillon Burroughs

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #225372
#99. You can be a thousand different women. It's your choice which one you want to be. It's about freedom and sovereignty. You celebrate who you are. You say, 'This is my kingdom.'

Salma Hayek

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #232645
#100. We all have a tendency to use prayer to dictate to God.

Jen Pollock Michel

Quotes On God's Sovereignty #232993

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