Top 10 Quotes About Varieties Of English
#1. Broke a nail clean off, and when it grew back it looked like a Brazil nut.
David Sedaris
#2. Art need not be intended. It comes inevitably as the tree from the root, the branch from the trunk, the blossom from the twig. None of these forget the present in looking backward or forward. They are occupied wholly with the fulfillment of their own existence.
Robert Henri
#3. That's modernity, if you ask me: endless division.
Lauren Oliver
#4. The Internet is so big that no one can control anything, really.
Laura Ramsey
#5. Pessoa talked about there being no escape," the bear said. "He was right.
Tao Lin
#7. Some people have a way with words, and other people ... oh, uh, not have way.
Steve Martin
#8. I've got a really hard election. If you had a really hard election and it was after Labor Day would you go to North Carolina to a bunch of parties and glad-handing or would you stay home and work as hard as you know how to convince Missourians they should rehire you?
Claire McCaskill
#9. The dog is man's best friend. He has a tail on one end. Up in front he has teeth. And four legs underneath.
Ogden Nash
#10. Ebonics - or black English, as I prefer to call it - is one of a great many dialects of English. And so English comes in a great many varieties, and black English is one of them.
John McWhorter