Top 100 Quotes About Tyler Oakley

#1. Tyler Oakley isn't my real name.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #166327
#2. Check thyself before thy wreck thyself.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1244242
#3. In creating my YouTube videos, I don't want to speak for my audience and the people I represent; I want to amplify their voices.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1244567
#4. A lot of YouTubers get that mainstream celebrity, they get these big deals, maybe a book deal or a TV deal or whatever it is they aspired to do, and they kind of abandon ship on what got them to that point.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1237296
#5. You have to fall in love with yourself first, and if someone wants to join you, more power to them!

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1235086
#6. Sometimes doing what's right for your conscience is not always the most popular decision, but I can guarantee that in retrospect you won't regret the choice you made.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1214803
#7. Writing is something I want to explore. If I were to do it, I would want it to be not a book made by a YouTuber; I would really want to respect that craft of literature and just be an author.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1209697
#8. I'm a human just like any of the people that you adore, whether they're in TV shows or movies or they're writers or YouTubers. Their lives are not perfect.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1148174
#9. When I first thought about leaving the traditional route of a 9-to-5 career to pursue full-time YouTube, it was terrifying - not many people were doing it. The thought was I have to have money saved up, because this very likely might fail. From the start, I had to give it my all for it to work.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1143074
#10. A lot of the education that I got at Michigan State I still use to this very day.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1128588
#11. In middle school, I was really into the 'Redwall' series, about anthropomorphic rodents in medieval times. I had a bowl cut, too, if you need the full imagery.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1108407
#12. I'm essentially working from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep. It's my biggest hobby but also my favorite career that I could ever have. Every single platform is important.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1107186
#13. I remember having 100 views on a video and being like, "I don't have a hundred friends." So that was a moment.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1099444
#14. Look, nobody is born with a sociology degree, and no one can understand all perspectives. Nobody's going to get it all from the very start. But the Internet at least allows everyone to hear these perspectives at a much faster rate than if we had to do it without it.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1090663
#15. Being misunderstood - that's the thing that scares me. Because my life is about oversharing.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1080771
#16. I was taught that being myself was not only okay, but encouraged - and by being unapologetically yourself, you thrive and inspire others to thrive.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1073367
#17. This is why homophobia is a terrible evil: it disguises itself as concern while it is inherently hate.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1039152
#18. I used to joke that I wanted to go to the moon, but I actually do. Like, some day I think I'm going to go to the moon. That would be cool.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1030621
#19. People just want to watch people live their authentic lives and share the good and the bad. You can have fun and be a positive influence and have a good impact. And it can still be entertaining.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #978357
#20. In between levels, he looked at me and asked the question that turns every boy into a man: "Wanna see some boobs?" My time had come.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #923236
#21. YouTube has always been a diary for me. I'm here to share what I do, share my life, and if people want to watch, more power to them. But regardless of my intention, if people are looking at what I do and am treating it like I'm a role model, it doesn't matter whether or not I want to be.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #901414
#22. I feel like everybody, whether you have one follower or a million followers, has an opportunity to either positively or negatively affect people.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #884010
#23. A big reason I wanted to do a tour was because I'm from Michigan and not many things go to Michigan. Most conventions are in like London or Florida or California, and that's about it.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #875146
#24. In 2016, one of the things I really hope to do is discover new talent and help develop it. Take what I've learned and what I can do and help amplify those voices.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #858681
#25. When I was in my single digits, I was subjected to the worst torture you can possibly inflict on a child: Catholic mass.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #834928
#26. For the walk of shame the next morning, I had to run two miles in flip-flops to make it back to the car pool to go donate plasma. University was an interesting time.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #801165
#27. Besides all that, she's hilarious and warm and knows when I need a hug, and just how long the hug needs to be for me to not feel like crying anymore.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1427753
#28. Best thing about doing Youtube as a job - the Youtube friends that I've met all around the world, that I never would have got the chance to meet without Youtube.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1639624
#29. Well, yes. I definitely consider myself to be your one that got away.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1629926
#30. There's something about YouTube, where you're not being anybody but yourself. You have the opportunity to start as yourself from the very beginning. From the very first video, you choose what you say, and you choose what's right and wrong for your presentation of yourself.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1611206
#31. I think social media has amplified a lot of voices that maybe traditional media hasn't perfectly portrayed.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1604905
#32. The moment I realised anyone could be watching - and this is going to sound so name-droppy - was when Ricky Martin reached out to me on Coming Out Day 2012. The Internet has this massive potential, and you can never know the effect you might have on others by just being yourself.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1596348
#33. I'm a firm believer in making it happen - no matter what 'it' is. Sometimes I feel a bit too driven - where it's all I think about. But I guess that's gotten me to where I am, so I can't complain.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1588751
#34. But for me to give you Mathew right off the bat...that's me trusting you, It's me saying hi, welcome to my life, not everything is perfect or edited with jump cuts. That's Tyler. You know Tyler. It's time for me to tell you all of Mathew's stories." (pg 4)

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1540472
#35. I want people to get a better sense of who I am, whether they've seen every video or zero videos.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1539610
#36. Three things that always bring a smile to my face: making guacamole for my friends, getting pedicures with my mom, exploring an airport I've never been in.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1525544
#37. There's no Hollywood tradition of maybe not telling people that you're gay to protect your future ambitions. The YouTube world is a little unprecedented. I think what people are seeing is that the more true to yourself you are, the more an audience will connect with you.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1454565
#38. I feel so lucky to partner with Awesomeness to bring my story to the big screen. I started out making videos as a way to connect and am thrilled by the opportunity to share one of the most exhilarating years of my life.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1444116
#39. I can have a thousand people say the nicest things, but I'll always notice the one person who doesn't get me.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1430101
#40. My ideal guy is my future husband. Not sure who he is yet, but he's out there. What impresses me in a gay guy? A warm smile, stubble, easy to talk to, thoughtful tattoos, kind eyes, wit, positivity, wanderlust, ambition, and a cute ass.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #732894
#41. I try my hardest to not let hate mail influence me - because anybody can put out hate, it takes a much stronger person to put out themselves.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1410707
#42. Yes, one hundred percent, for sure, without a doubt do I believe in a 'love of your life.' But I think that we have multiple loves of our lives, who are supposed to join us at just the right times. Throughout our entire time on earth, we end up meeting all of them.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1407712
#43. When I was first offered the book deal, I was like, 'I am not a writer. I haven't practiced this.' My approach has been completely stream-of-consciousness, and then edit down, because that's been YouTube for me forever.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1402324
#44. Prior to 2015, I had kind of approached every year like, 'Let's hope for the best.' I always made these year-end videos with 100 things I did, and it would kind of build itself up throughout the year. When this year started, it was like I knew the 100 things before I even got to do them.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1393935
#45. When I graduated from college, I got a 9-to-5 traditional job doing social media for a company, and I'd spend all day long fighting with the system of getting things approved and the fact that social media has such a quick turnaround. Things had to be very reactive and instant.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1351053
#46. I think traditional is trying to go more digital and digital is trying to go more traditional. We're meeting in the middle.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1310554
#47. It feels like an amazing opportunity to positively impact the world. That's what I hope to do.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1306183
#48. You don't go to your 9 to 5 and share every story with your coworkers, and in the same way, not every YouTuber shares every story with their audience.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1302623
#49. The type of person that might thrive on Vine in a six-second clip might not be the same kind of entertainer who would shine on a 10-minute vlog on YouTube. If anything, having these different platforms gives more people a chance to creatively express themselves.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1295606
#50. I just try to surround myself with good, positive supportive people who are trying to make the world better.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1265528
#51. I'll be a YouTuber for as long as I love it.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #1254327
#52. I hope to introduce my audience to who I think is the next class of YouTuber.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #154263
#53. I think I might not be straight.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #382034
#54. Once you dye your hair for the first time, you see other people with dyed hair, and you see them differently than you did before. And you're just like 'Yes! Live! Work that color! Yes, I love you in every way! You're killin' it! I want to do that color next!'

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #367997
#55. In my new book, 'Binge,' I share essays about everything I've never told my viewers - touching on the best and worst days of my life, some hilarious, some embarrassing, but all extremely personal.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #338186
#56. One thing I've learned best from my mom is to be yourself and not everyone will get you and that's okay. I try to bring that into everything that I do and just understand that I will not be everyone's cup of tea and that's fine.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #306504
#57. I could pick a favorite YouTuber, maybe I would say GloZell.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #300997
#58. I try to surround myself with a good support system. Whether that's other creators or my family or my friends, or even my viewers, who encourage me just as much as I might encourage them and they're just as much a part of my life as they let me be a part of theirs.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #297210
#59. Every video I make, I want to make sure that it's doing something entertaining or hopefully inspiring or maybe teaching somebody something or sharing my mistakes so that they can learn from them or anything that will make a positive impact in the world.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #281446
#60. LYB NBC - which means "love ya, babe; nuts, back & critters" - the first half being pretty self-explanatory. Less obviously, "nuts, back, and critters" means watch out for crazy people, watch your back because you can't trust anyone, and don't run over any animals.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #236836
#61. I found a vlogger named William Sledd who talked about his life - it was very minimal edits. It was one of those things where I discovered him, and I was like, 'Oh my God, I'm obsessed with him.' I felt like I was friends with him. And he was a huge inspiration for why I made my first video.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #230968
#62. I'm a genuine lover of music. I've always watched the Grammys from home.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #225539
#63. Homophobic people are outdated and life is too short to put up with them.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #177856
#64. There was no Twitter when I was in high school, so I can't even imagine the pressures or the expectations of pursuing likes or living life in that kind of mentality.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #171540
#65. Julie Chen. She's my ultimate celebrity idol. I think she's one of the most amazing interviewers and hosts ever - and would kill to pick her brain. I am a fangirl of talent, so to see someone slaying the competition doing what I'd love to do, that's inspiring to me.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #388335
#66. Tyler is who I generously offer, at school, in life, on YouTube. Mathew is what my parents and siblings call me...I've always been both, and to some people I'm more than the other." (pg 4)

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #147302
#67. The movie was always something that was always kind of like a dream. From the start of making my YouTube videos, I've always been sharing my thoughts or opinions or just updating people on my life, but the movie is more of a behind-the-scenes look at what actually goes into my life.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #147041
#68. Sure relationships include arguments, but pain is not a side-effect of love.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #136274
#69. When life throws a wrench in your plans, catch it and build an IKEA bookshelf.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #131895
#70. I'm a casual watcher. I like to stream everything.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #91201
#71. The Internet is accelerating the speed of acceptance and social justice.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #68531
#72. but he killed the best Disney villain of all time, the drag queen that is Ursula. Unforgivable. RIP. 4.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #38675
#73. Every relationship ends, unless one doesn't. And everything we've learned from the relationships leading up to that last one has been the training we needed to make that final one last.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #24002
#74. I'm a fast foodie - like, a foodie, but with food courts. I'd love to go with all my friends to a food court that's also a buffet - with unlimited orange chicken from Panda Express, curly fries from Arby's, Hawaiian pizza from Sbarro, and Coke Zero. I'm a simple man with simple pleasures.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #21309
#75. I initially thought I was going to be a teacher. Maybe like an elementary teacher or something like that, which would be fun. Maybe someday.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #10143
#76. I spend all day replying to tweets and reblogging posts and sharing fan art. I think it's the most important thing I can possibly do, to stay involved in the community as a part of the community, not ahead of the community. I'm very much the same level of them in it.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #5218
#77. I think everyone just goes to London and says like, oh I went international!

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #547558
#78. The older I get, the more I realize what a gift a true friend is. Especially since my mom can't make me return those.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #708884
#79. I don't think kids should think their lives have to be perfect or have a filter or the best angle or anything like that. I think it's important to see that everybody is human and everyone has their ups and downs.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #682928
#80. My first instinct was to make an excuse or to get bashful or to change the subject...but then I realized I was in good company. I could be honest, and this guy was the one who seemed to be holding back. "Actually, yeah, that was kind of amazing.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #672654
#81. How many likes you get on a selfie will not be what you remember 10 years down the line. The relationships that you form and the memories that you make and the connections that you make with people day to day are the things you remember.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #665446
#82. I'm one of those YouTubers who doesn't daily-vlog, so my life may seem very open, but my audience only really sees probably 50%. I keep a lot to myself, and I cherish the things that are for me and the people closest to me.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #664291
#83. To me, what's really an important difference between traditional entertainment and digital - on YouTube specifically - is that people thrive when they're authentic about themselves.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #632611
#84. If you are just yourself, that's when people start gravitating towards you because nobody else can be you except you. Be authentic, don't give up, and start today.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #630798
#85. No person, no matter how important society deems their relationship to you, has the right to denounce you for who you are.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #593330
#86. Even if I never registered my YouTube channel with the intention of being a role model, if I am that for somebody, I can't help it. So I need to be conscious of it and realize that influence can be used for good or bad, and just try to do my best.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #592369
#87. My one guilty pleasure is, every airport, I will drop everything to get an airport massage at those kiosks.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #589130
#88. On YouTube, if anything, coming out as gay or bi or trans explodes someone's popularity.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #558288
#89. I think a lot of what I wanted to do in 2014 was build a repertoire or a portfolio for what I can do with traditional celebrities or with brands or whatever. Maybe 2015 is the year I start reaching out to people I always dreamed to do stuff with.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #713366
#90. When it came to 'Binge,' it wasn't my intention to get on a little soapbox and have a teaching moment. It was more, 'Here are things that have happened to me; here's what I've learned from it. If you'd like to learn from it too, great; if you just like the entertainment aspect, that's fine too.'

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #510161
#91. 2015 was, like, packed from January. 2016 is simultaneously open and packed - but I'm trying to keep 2016 open as possible so I can do weird, crazy, kooky stuff.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #478002
#92. it depicted the idea of recognizing your inner demons and, instead of running from them, learning to live with them. I

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #466611
#93. Over the last eight years of being on YouTube, I've seen so much progress. I think the reason for that is that a lot of young people are having open dialogue and honest conversations about social justice and human rights.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #438779
#94. Even if I spend every waking moment attempting to keep my life in balance, I'm going to fuck up. Having

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #412978
#95. In every community, some people will fit every stereotype, and some people will fit no stereotypes, and both are valid representations for that community.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #408479
#96. In elementary school, I loved the 'Bailey School Kids' series. It was about a group of classmates who would speculate whether adults in their lives were supernatural beings. I read literally every single book in the series.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #407256
#97. Over my lifetime, I've had an interesting relationship with poop...the rectum is a grand thing. My favorite thing about the human body is that we're all basically doughnuts.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #404457
#98. I'm usually so in control, especially for YouTube videos.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #400052
#99. For any YouTuber, if you're too nervous to have somebody else document, it may be that what you're putting out there isn't authentic.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #395995
#100. Part of the beauty of falling in love with you is the fear you won't fall.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Tyler Oakley #390085

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