Top 21 Quotes About Todo
#1. If you can find meaning in the type of running you need todo to stay on this team, chances are you can find meaning in another absurd pastime: Life.
Robert Towne
#2. Whatever else a TODO might be, it is not an excuse to leave bad code in the system.
Robert C. Martin
#3. To Bette Davis, Gena Rowlands, Romy Schneider ... To all actresses who have played actresses, to all women who act, to all men who act and become women, to all the people who want to be mothers. To my mother.
- Dedication, Todo Sobre Mi Madre
Pedro Almodovar
#4. Well, as I was saying, it costs a lot to be authentic, madam. And one can't be stingy with these things, because you are more authentic the more you resemble what you've dreamed you are. - Agrado from Todo Sobre Mi Madre
Pedro Almodovar
#5. But there was so much todo: cigarettes to smoke, sex to have, swings to swing on. I'll have more time for reading when I'm old and boring.
John Green
#6. Anybody can be a princess. all you have todo is have the right parents. it's no harder than being born Paris Hilton, for God's sake.
at least you remember to put on underwear in the morning, i'm assuming
Meg Cabot
#7. She waited until she finished todo it, resisting the urge to play with herself. But dammit, when they got home she'd wank herself like a four-fisted monkey.
Tymber Dalton
#9. I want to take the time right now to thank all the people who believed in me from day one. Gracias, gracias a todo gente creo en me. You know, I can prove that dreams do come true. I'm living proof that dreams come true in life.
Oscar Gutierrez
#10. In Mexico today the word for the ultimate, the best in anything from a straight flush to the sight of beautiful country, is a todo madre, something which is 'wholly mother'.
John Hillaby
#11. To things staring you right in the face, I echoed, our eyes locking over the rims.
Alice Clayton
#12. Like the average American that I hang out with, and like my father before me, I raised all my children to respect tools and use them wisely and safely.
Ted Nugent
#14. When Silent Cal Coolidge noted that You don't have to explain something you haven't said,
Robert A. Caro
#15. How can it be hard and easy at the same time?" asked Omar.
"It's like a really tall wall," said Anja. "It might be hard to climb, but there's no flying crocodiles to fight off while you do it.
Dan Wells
#16. I remembered the last thing my mom ever told me. I'd been reluctant to use the fire escape, reluctant to leave her, but she'd gripped my arms and made me look at her. Magnus, run. Hide. Don't trust anyone. I'll find you. Whatever you do, don't go to Randolph for help.
Rick Riordan
#17. I think of people more kindly when I am away from them.
Thomas Hardy
#18. Alas! Our dancing days are no more. We wish, however, all those who have a relish for so agreeable and innocent an amusement all the pleasure the season will afford them.
George Washington
#19. At times, it can feel like the loneliest place on Earth, because it's just us. Alone with our unanswered prayers
Suzanne Elizabeth Anderson
#21. There is stability in walking an uncertain path, because you never allow yourself to be misled by what you think you know.
A.J. Darkholme