Top 61 Quotes About Things You Don't Expect

#1. Things you don't expect come up, and you have to adapt. You can't let it throw you off. You have to cope. Those are all really valuable skills, in life and racing.

Mikaela Shiffrin

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #914659
#2. Life is filled with things you don't expect, but the Bible tells us to respond by trusting God and continuing to worship him,

Laura Story

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #494202
#3. Rule number one of the wizarding business. Never let them see you sweat. People expect us to know things. It can be a big advantage. Don't screw it up by looking like you're as confused as everyone else. Bad for the image.

Jim Butcher

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #1259983
#4. Our expectations set the limits for our lives. If you expect little, you're going to receive little. If you don't anticipate things to get better, then they won't. But if you expect more favor, more good breaks, a promotion, and an increase, then you will see new levels of favor and success.

Joel Osteen

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #729259
#5. But actually, I'm planning on moving to New York this year and I can tell you one reason why I think New York is incredible: I think things happen to you that you don't expect have happen to you.

Jason Schwartzman

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #1246748
#6. Things rarely happen the way you expect them to. But that doesn't mean they don't happen the way they are supposed to.

Ella Fox

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #1187657
#7. Neurotics expect you to remember all the things that they tell you, and many that they don't.

Mignon McLaughlin

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #1161305
#8. To be treated well in places where you don't expect to be treated well, to find things in common with people you thought previously you had very, very little in common with, that can't be a bad thing.

Anthony Bourdain

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #1129423
#9. We mustn't be traditional in the way we communicate with people - especially with the Establishment. We should surprise people by saying new things in an entirely new way. Communication of that sort can have a fantastic power so long as you don't do only what they expect you to do.

Yoko Ono

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #1070034
#10. Let me encourage you to get up every day and focus on what you do have in life. Be thankful for the blessings of the little things, even when you don't get what you expect.

Victoria Osteen

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #1022697
#11. I think the biggest thing for me now is that I have a better understanding of what to expect as far as things go and the scheduling. Your first year is a little crazy because you are preparing for the draft and don't know where you will be playing.

Giovani Bernard

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #1000031
#12. How can you expect to be rescued if you don't put first things first and act proper?

William Golding

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #967758
#13. If you don't want something to exist - and there are many reasons to want to keep things private - keep it off the web. But if you put it in digital form, expect it to be bootlegged, remixed, manipulated, and endlessly commented upon.

Kenneth Goldsmith

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #832138
#14. I've been in this business for a long while, but it's not like I've been waiting tables. Since I started writing, I've only worked on things that I love. I've had a lot of heartbreak, but you don't become an artist and not expect that.

Joss Whedon

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #823474
#15. When things come to an end in a way you didn't expect, in a way you never could have imagined, do they really come to an end? Does it mean you should keep searching, for better answers, for ones that don't keep you up at night? Or does it mean it's time to make peace?

Monica Hesse

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #793045
#16. You decide you're going to do horror, then gosh darn it, do horror. Do what's expected. Don't kind of do it. Don't dilly-dally around, because people really enjoy the genre, and they expect certain things.

Roberta Williams

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #741045
#17. Don't be a writer; it's a terrible way to live your life. There's nothing to be gained from it but poverty and obscurity and solitude. So if you have a taste for all those things, which means that you really are burning to do it, then go ahead and do it. But don't expect anything from anybody.

Paul Auster

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #1866694
#18. Customers don't expect you to be perfect. They do expect you to fix things when they go wrong.

Don Porter

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #1277585
#19. I think voters want somebody who understands their problems. You're right that they don't expect the president to fix everything. When he's wrestling with Congress and Wall Street and the rest of the world, they hope he'll be looking at things from their vantage point.

Gail Collins

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #1281141
#20. I always know what to expect of the things of Mother Earth. Sometimes they are cruel, but it is hard, clean cruelty. They don't torture you with their own weakness.

Anna Lee Waldo

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #1287143
#21. Don't wait for what you don't have. Use what you have, begin now and what you don't even expect will come alongside with excess of what you expect. Go, make it happen.

Israelmore Ayivor

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #1322752
#22. I don't think actors should ever expect to get a role, because the disappointment is too great. You've got to think of things as an opportunity. An audition's an opportunity to have an audience.

Al Pacino

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #1338875
#23. Things never go the way you expect them to. That's both the joy and frustration in life. I'm finding as I get older that I don't mind, though. It's the surprises that tickle me the most, the things you don't see coming.

Michael Stuhlbarg

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #1402336
#24. I don't like to do things the same way every time. You always want to be evolving as a composer, and if your creative process is exactly the same each time, then how do you expect today's work to be any different from yesterday's?

Christopher Tin

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #1419480
#25. Write down the things you like most about them (don't expect change from them). Law of attraction will not put you in the same space together if you frequencies don't match.

Rhonda Byrne

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #1451826
#26. When you do things for others; don't expect your good deeds to be returned. Do it because you enjoy making someone's day.

Rita Zahara

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #1578048
#27. There are a lot of things in Queen albums that you don't expect; that's why we threw them in.

Brian May

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #1694213
#28. You can't expect so much from love, otherwise you'll feel utterly disappointed when things don't go your way.

Auliq Ice

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #1785543
#29. I feel like people expect a lot out of girls, like you're supposed to know who you are and what you want out of life right now. Some girls know. I did. But lots of people don't know. You have to try a lot of things and not worry about what people are thinking.

Ashley Tisdale

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #1795748
#30. Some things don't wind up sounding like you'd expect, which is just as well.

Fred Frith

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #1795991
#31. Being a funny person does an awful lot of things to you. You feel that you mustn't get serious with people. They don't expect it from you, and they don't want to see it. You're not entitled to be serious, you're a clown.

Fanny Brice

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #1814663
#32. These are very subtle things, of course, and I don't expect everyone to pick them up consciously, but I think that there is something there that you must be able to feel, there is an energy at work that I must trust my audience will be able to pick up at some level.

Atom Egoyan

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #351434
#33. There was no question that in our house doing well, doing it the right way, school, sports - there was an expectation. One of the things I've taken away from that is that I'm unafraid to expect a fair amount from people. It makes them so much better - you're doing them a disservice if you don't.

James McNerney

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #17478
#34. It's astonishing in this world how things don't turn out at all the way you expect them to.

Agatha Christie

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #52299
#35. I'll give you what you want, Sloane," he said. "What we both want. But think long and hard before you come to me. There are things that I like. Things that I want and expect from the woman in my bed. And I don't play by anyone's rules but my own.

J. Kenner

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #106169
#36. If you have a sense of the rates of change of stocks, you don't expect things to happen faster than they can happen. You don't give up too soon.

Donella H. Meadows

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #155369
#37. So what it means is when you don't believe in the inevitable, it means you don't expect that that's how things have to turn out. You can change them.

Ginni Rometty

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #205514
#38. When you help people, don't wait around to hear them say, "Thank you." A lot of times we do good things, but in the back of our mind we're hoping to get some appreciation. But if you make your intentions pure, and you expect only from Allah, He will take more care of you than you could ever imagine.

Nouman Ali Khan

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #224616
#39. Don't you know that most people take most things because that's what's given them, and they have no opinion whatever? Do you wish to be guided by what they expect you to think they think or by your own judgment?

Ayn Rand

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #235541
#40. When we get our spiritual house in order, we'll be dead. This goes on. You arrive at enough certainty to be able to make your way, but it is making it in darkness. Don't expect faith to clear things up for you. It is trust, not certainty.

Flannery O'Connor

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #236756
#41. Some couture collections have everything including the kitchen sink! Everything gets thrown on to make it look expensive. I find it grotesque when clothes hit you in the face and there's no room for fault. But I don't expect to turn things around all by myself. I'm not a saint.

Alexander McQueen

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #251270
#42. I glanced up at him. I love things that are beautiful when you don't expect them to be.

Elizabeth Chandler

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #312141
#43. Ruby: Oh Rosie Dunne, expect the unexpected for once. Maybe this time you won't get such a shock when things don't go your way.

Cecelia Ahern

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #313246
#44. May I remind you, Howard, that mens means "the mind" and mensa means "a table"? But I expect in your case the two things are the same. No, no, don't scratch your head, boy. You'll get splinters.

Diana Wynne Jones

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #318046
#45. One of the key things is learning which bits of life you don't need to take seriously. Usually far more than you expect.

Penny Grubb

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #328420
#46. It's so funny when you're actually directing because things start popping that you don't expect to pop, and something that you think is going to pop, maybe doesn't quite have the impetus that you thought it might.

Stephen Moyer

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #338334
#47. Whatever you do, don't play it safe. Don't do things the way they've always been done. Don't try to fit the system. If you do what's expected of you, you'll never accomplish more than others expect.

Howard Schultz

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #700014
#48. Don't you understand that we need to be childish in order to understand? Only a child sees things with perfect clarity, because it hasn't developed all those filters which prevent us from seeing things that we don't expect to see.

Douglas Adams

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #355706
#49. When you have beaten guys a few times, you don't want them to think they know how you are going to play them. You have to try and find different ways of beating them. You have to do things they don't expect sometimes, put something unpredictable into your game.

Andy Murray

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #396368
#50. I do know this: God does answer your prayers, but it's not always in the way you expect. God knows what's best for us, though, so there's no need to worry when things don't go how we originally wanted them to go.

Lou Holtz

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #401776
#51. Genres give a vocabulary. They give a frame of reference for the audience to enter into a movie. Then, once they have their footing, that's when you can start doing things that they don't expect.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #430941
#52. I think what's so great about making your first feature film is that you're so naive in some ways; you don't know what to expect, and you don't question things as much because you're just trying to figure it out as you go.

Gia Coppola

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #468485
#53. Don't expect to achieve your best
while you expect the worst.
Change your attitude and be
a little more positive.
Great things are coming your way.
Be patient.

Leon Brown

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #495190
#54. I happen to go for the simplest, most ordinary things. The extraordinary doesn't interest me. I'm not interested in psychotics. I'm interested in the person you don't expect to have a story. I like Everyman.

John Hughes

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #545940
#55. 1-Don't analyze. 2-Don't complain. 3-Don't compare yourself to others. 4-Don't expect things to be done for you. 5-Don't expect perfection in the relative. 6-Look to the knowledge aspect daily. 7-Own the movement. 8-Problems are all in your head. 9-Hold yourself together.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #564409
#56. Don't just sit there. Go do something and don't expect that it's going to be fun unless you make it fun. You have got to work on things. That is when you are happy.

Frederick Lenz

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #591338
#57. Don't you know there's another bubble as well? An expectations bubble. Bigger houses, private planes, yachts ... stupid salaries and bonuses. People come to desire these things and expect them. But the expectations bubble will burst as well, as all bubbles do.

Edward Rutherfurd

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #592417
#58. The best things in life are the ones you don't expect.

Sarina Bowen

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #595920
#59. Don't expect things to happen fast. Be empathetic with the people you are photographing. Don't be concerned about money.

Lynsey Addario

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #599980
#60. If you give the audience what they expect, they'll be bored. There are no rules: You do what you want while respecting the boundaries. You don't poke people in the eye; you do things they haven't seen before and make it accessible, funny and clever.

Matthew Vaughn

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #655876
#61. Theano: Always expecting the worst, you are.

Danae: If you expect terrible things, then they don't surprise you, and all good things are like wonderful gifts.

Adele Geras

Quotes About Things You Don't Expect #691840

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