Top 41 Quotes About The Writing On The Wall

#1. My mind is like a little house,
My peers break into.
They rearrange my furniture,
And the cabinets rifle through.
They throw things out;
They put things in,
And erase the writing on the wall,
And by the time that they walk out,
It's not my mind at all.

Margo T. Rose

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #92758
#2. Humans are not as unsophisticated as mulch wrigglers, they can see the writing on the wall. Is it any surprise, that among the ones who look outward, the real debate is not over whether to run, but over how far and how fast?

Charles Stross

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #62549
#3. I was thinking about doing another film at the same time, which was the sequel to Basic Instinct and I just had a feeling that wasn't going to happen. You know, I just kind of read the writing on the wall.

Bruce Greenwood

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #1653472
#4. It is also a warning. It is a warning that, if nobody reads the writing on the wall, man will be reduced to the state of the beast, whom he is shaming by his manners.

Mahatma Gandhi

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #1550020
#5. In the 18th Century William Blake saw Heaven in a grain of sand. Most people nowadays can't even see the writing on the wall.

Dean Cavanagh

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #1514190
#6. Our lives are stories built of small moments. Ordinary experiences. It is too easy to forget that our days are adding up to something astonishing. We do not often stop to notice the signs and wonders. The writing on the wall.

Christie Purifoy

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #1483362
#7. No no there wasn't any planned 14th season, we all saw the writing on the wall. The ratings had been going down and so fourth, that curve goes on every show and in everybody's life.

Larry Hagman

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #1368379
#8. Most of us can read the writing on the wall; we just assume it's addressed to someone else

William S. McFeely

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #1117374
#9. He who commits a wrong will himself inevitably see the writing on the wall, though the world may not count him guilty.

Martin Farquhar Tupper

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #909785
#10. He was a scholar, so goddamned intelligent he couldn't see the writing on the wall. He wanted answers to life's tragedies when their very unfair nature meant they had none.

Skye Warren

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #460547
#11. Too often do reviewers remind us of the mob of Astrologers, Chaldeans, and Soothsayers gathered before 'the writing on the wall' and unable to read the characters or make known the interpretation.

Charlotte Bronte

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #374360
#12. The fact that companies are getting into building power plants that collect their own CO2 on-site shows there's some leadership in that industry. Some industries have seen the writing on the wall: that carbon will have to be managed.

Klaus Lackner

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #365161
#13. I think the writing on the wall is definitely there this year that this is probably our last year.

Michael Shanks

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #1279572
#14. When I don't make any progress, it is because I have bumped into the wall of language. Then I draw back with a bloody head. And would like to go on.

Karl Kraus

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #1179295
#15. If at first you don't succeed, Call an airstrike.


Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #1240429
#16. The writing is definitely on the wall and no matter how pretty the ink looks, it will still bleed through and stain the layers beneath permanently.

K. Bromberg

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #1242608
#17. We want to keep believing in our ideas even when the writing is on the wall.

Eric Ries

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #1290892
#18. When I was in the gulag I would sometimes even write on stone walls. I used to write on scraps of paper, then I memorised the contents and destroyed the scraps.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #1344987
#19. The parody is the last refuge of the frustrated writer. Parodies are what you write when you are associate editor of the Harvard Lampoon. The greater the work of literature, the easier the parody. The step up from writing parodies is writing on the wall above the urinal.

Ernest Hemingway,

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #1404024
#20. Don't write naughty words on the wall if you can't spell!

Tom Lehrer

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #1452322
#21. Plasma on the wall/Write my name on your heart like I'm Lucille Ball/But love changes, a thug changes/And best friends become strangers

Ras Kass

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #1590238
#22. The whole foot is a document of motion, inscribed by repeated action. Babies - from those first foetal footfalls, the kneading of sole against womb-wall, turning themselves like astronauts in black space - have already creased their soles by the time they emerge into the world.

Robert Macfarlane

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #1657661
#23. Usually I try to be there by six. Everything has been taken off the walls so that there's nothing to arrest my sight. On the bed I have Roget's Thesaurus, a dictionary, a Bible, and a deck of playing cards.

Toni Morrison

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #1713838
#24. Writing on the wall: Will trade three blind crabs for two with no teeth.

Edward Abbey

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #1728615
#25. If there is writing on Hadrian's Wall, it reads that the English should leave Scotland to its own devices.

Simon Heffer

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #1741345
#26. The writing was so clearly written on the wall about me, but I didn't see it. I had no role models. I didn't know there was even a possibility of being gay. I battled with it, but this was the way God made me. If you have a problem with it, take it up with the man upstairs.

Bryan Batt

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #1821899
#27. Her name, he says like the Lord's taken in vain. Sometimes he says "Mexico," and the word has nothing in it at all. A wall with no colors painted on it.

Barbara Kingsolver

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #1829829
#28. Mark my words, when a society has to resort to the lavatory for its humour, the writing is on the wall.

Alan Bennett

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #1164799
#29. Writing-wise, I like to have a lot of things on the burners at once, because when I hit a wall, I like to move on to the thing I haven't hit a wall on.

Zoe Kazan

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #1117280
#30. I grew up wearing black arm-bands when the hunger strikers died. I went on those marches. I grew up basically a Provo, though I never obviously got into any activities. I was writing 'IRA, Brits out' on walls all over where I grew up, but that was a false sense of Irishness.

Glen Hansard

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #551368
#31. Birdy never felt artistic inclination when armed with a marking implement. What came to her were words, always words, commentary and criticism and correction and simple vocabulary curios; she scratched a few of them on the smooth red wall.

Antonya Nelson

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #463767
#32. It isn't much use writing slogans on a wall if you plan to total the building.

Andrew Vachss

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #406724
#33. The true writer, the born writer, will scribble words on scraps of litter, the back of a bus tickets, on the wall of a cell.

David Nicholls

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #363660
#34. By the time I was fourteen the nail in my wall would no longer support the weight of the rejection slips impaled upon it. I replaced the nail with a spike and went on writing.

Stephen King

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #292963
#35. If you covered a broom handle with oil and shoved it up my arse, then put me on a trampoline, in a lift, I could write a better song on the walls.

Dylan Moran

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #269422
#36. Smoking cigarettes and writing something nasty on the wall, teacher sends you to the Principal's office down the hall.

Stevie Wonder

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #226679
#37. Imagine a group of people all staring at writing on a wall, everyone congratulating one another on reading the words correctly. But behind that group is a mirror whose image shows the writing's true message. No one looks at the mirror. No one thinks it's necessary.


Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #194948
#38. I don't care about truth; I care about art and style and writing and occupying the wall. For me, my writing style is very linked to the fact that it is a work of art on the wall. I had to find a way to write in concise, effective phrases that people standing or walking into a room could read.

Sophie Calle

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #192982
#39. People think I live here on Nantucket and just gaze at the ocean, getting my inspiration. Not so. I work in my basement and gaze out onto a single window that shows me a cement wall. This is a profession, and it's important to have professionalism about the writing.

Nathaniel Philbrick

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #179798
#40. The room boasted many luxurious perks: a narrow bed, a rotted writing table, a stained wall, and a warped looking glass dangling on a rusty hook. I wondered if Mr. Kent recommended this hellish place so I would hurry back to his home.

Tarun Shanker

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #111699
#41. I write only for my shadow which is cast on the wall in front of the light. I must introduce myself to it.

Sadegh Hedayat

Quotes About The Writing On The Wall #36774

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