Top 15 Quotes About The Continental Congress

#1. On July 2nd, 1776, after the failure of all attempts to reconcile with England, the Continental Congress passed the resolution proposed by Richard Henry Lee for independence.

Darwyn Hassert

Quotes About The Continental Congress #107215
#2. From the beginning, the Continental Congress had official chaplains, prayers, and days of fasting and Thanksgiving. When sessions opened in 1774, fear was voiced that the religious diversity of the country would make it hard to choose a form of worship.

M. Stanton Evans

Quotes About The Continental Congress #583641
#3. I can see it now: Osama bin Laden goes up to the pearly gates where George Washington comes out, starts beating him and is then joined by 70 other members of the Continental Congress. Osama will say, Hey, wait! Where are my 71 virgins? And George will reply It's 71 Virginians, you asshole!

Robin Williams

Quotes About The Continental Congress #952181
#4. During the darkest days of the Revolutionary War, the Continental Congress and George Washington - I call him the first George W. - (laughter and applause) - urged citizens to pray and to give thanks and to ask for God's protection.

James Monroe

Quotes About The Continental Congress #1346247
#5. One battle would do more towards a Declaration of Independence than a long chain of conclusive arguments in a provincial convention or the Continental Congress.

Samuel Adams

Quotes About The Continental Congress #1716272
#6. This is where the Continental Congress met over two hundred years ago during the American Revolution. So, Lancaster was actually the capital of our nation for one day in 1977.

Dan Quayle

Quotes About The Continental Congress #1767393
#7. Until you can let go of everything, you will find it hard to hold onto anything.

Neale Donald Walsch

Quotes About The Continental Congress #237320
#8. I think, growing up, I was seen as the perfect power forward. For a long time, I thought maybe I was supposed to be a basketball player.

D'Brickashaw Ferguson

Quotes About The Continental Congress #642400
#9. It is experience which teaches, not controversy based on supposed logic and assumptions of what is likely to be true.

Idries Shah

Quotes About The Continental Congress #847494
#10. My grief had become a thick scab; I picked at it from time to time, but mostly I left it alone. I didn't want to know what was underneath.

Marshall Thornton

Quotes About The Continental Congress #855903
#11. The philosophy of the rich and the poor is this: the rich invest their money and spend what is left. The poor spend their money and invest what is left.

Robert Kiyosaki

Quotes About The Continental Congress #954384
#12. The First Continental Congress made its first act a prayer, the beginning of a great tradition. We have then a lesson from the founders of our land. That lesson is clear: That in the winning of freedom and in the living of life, the first step is prayer.

Ronald Reagan

Quotes About The Continental Congress #1345603
#13. On September 5, 1774, forty-five of the weightiest colonial men formed the First Continental Congress at Philadelphia.

Gore Vidal

Quotes About The Continental Congress #1472754
#14. I've been involved in all the different awards shows. Apparently, what I wear becomes important.

June Squibb

Quotes About The Continental Congress #1518546
#15. Since 1775, when the first Continental Congress called for a national day of prayer, there have been such events called for by almost every President. I saw the figures - 34 out of 44 Presidents have called for a national day of prayer. Some of those who didn't have died in office.

James Dobson

Quotes About The Continental Congress #1849109

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