Top 100 Quotes About Streets Life

#1. I think philosophy is all about lived experience, which is to say life in the streets, life in a variety of different contexts.

Cornel West

Quotes About Streets Life #1878007
#2. I can not go through the ocean. i can not drive the streets at night. i can not wake up in the morning without you on my mind. and so your gone and im haunted i bet you are just fine. did i make it that easy to walk right in and out of my life.

A Fine Frenzy

Quotes About Streets Life #26662
#3. The real truth of life is on the streets. Photograph the daily lives of people, and how they exist, and how they fight for space and time and pleasure.

Don McCullin

Quotes About Streets Life #60902
#4. I used to stay up all night playing 'Resident Evil 2,' and it wouldn't stop until the sun came up. Then I'd walk outside at dawn's first light, looking at the empty streets of London, and it was like life imitating art. It felt like I'd stepped into an actual zombie apocalypse.

Edgar Wright

Quotes About Streets Life #86155
#5. It is difficult to see the souls within the women who stand along the streets to claw for their customers like zombies in a haunted house. We overlook the fact that they are zombies. Their key to maintain a physical life was likely an emotional death.

Maggie Young

Quotes About Streets Life #87045
#6. The city was a hive from this height, the people and the yellow cabs moving about in the street below like pre-programmed insects. (Dark City Lights)

David Levien

Quotes About Streets Life #120715
#7. Tell me what's wrong with society
When everywhere I look I see
Rich guys driving big SUV's
While kids are starving in the streets
No one cares
No one likes to share
I guess life's unfair

Simple Plan

Quotes About Streets Life #125060
#8. But in this life we take turns at being enchanting, then enchanted. First we play in the streets, unaware of the freedom burning in the sun on our hair and the cigarette in our mouth, unconscious of the daydreams we inspire. Then it's our time to sit at a window and watch, and we are moved.

Jardine Libaire

Quotes About Streets Life #125830
#9. I write about life as it exists within houses and on the streets. And there's nothing, hopefully, in any of my characterizations or in any of my plottings or in any of my valuations that doesn't ring true to life. I'm a novelist. I'm not a theoretician.

Richard Grossman

Quotes About Streets Life #133318
#10. The first several years of my life were used to upload incredible amounts of fear, and I just became afraid of everything. I was afraid of my parents, afraid of my classmates, afraid of the streets of Washington, D.C. I would flinch at every gesture.

Henry Rollins

Quotes About Streets Life #149190
#11. She was a woman of extended silences, I noticed, and she said very little as we walked the streets of La Boca, looking at its brightly colored houses. It was as if she understood that quiet observation was the key to knowing a place, perhaps even the key to life.

Thomas H. Cook

Quotes About Streets Life #163949
#12. Rap music came along and saved my life. I started to tell the stories of the streets and that was my way out.


Quotes About Streets Life #177558
#13. I learned that to find meaning in life, you can't separate yourself from serving people and giving your life to them.

Felix Muruchi

Quotes About Streets Life #199539
#14. Poetry is my understanding with the world, my intimacy with things, my participation in what is real, my engagement with voices and images. This is why a poem speaks not of ideal life but of actual life: the angle of a window; the reverberation of streets, cities, rooms; shadows along a wall.

Sophia De Mello Breyner Andresen

Quotes About Streets Life #212663
#15. In New York, especially, so much of your life is spent on the streets. You don't always want to be driving around in an SUV with a security guard. You want to be able to walk to a restaurant; you want to go and do things.

Megan Fox

Quotes About Streets Life #222808
#16. The streets of New York and some wards of its venerable institutions were packed with people who, despite being entirely forsaken, had episodes of glory that made the career of Alexander the Great seem like a day in the life of a file clerk.

Mark Helprin

Quotes About Streets Life #235847
#17. Satnav will get us quickly and all-too-predictably from A to B, but the path of life is more interesting when we're allowed to explore the side streets.

Fennel Hudson

Quotes About Streets Life #261058
#18. The streets would have chewed me up and spit me out and I knew that, but I found my own ways and different knacks for getting in trouble and being reckless with my life. And I've overcome a lot of personal demons and to be alive is really my greatest achievement.

Michael K. Williams

Quotes About Streets Life #266850
#19. Whenever we touch someone's life, we leave a trace over there. Always leave good traces so that you can walk in the streets freely!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Quotes About Streets Life #287548
#20. I stole you, among others, from the streets of God's birthplace. I forced you to work as a slave. Imprisoned, mistreated and starved you and your companion. To top it off, I am in the process of selling your life to the highest bidder. Why would you trust me?

V.S. Carnes

Quotes About Streets Life #336817
#21. I worry that friends will slowly become professional pallbearers, waiting for each death, of their lovers, friends and neighbors, and polishing their funeral speeches; perfecting their rituals of death rather than a relatively simple ritual of life such as screaming in the streets.

David Wojnarowicz

Quotes About Streets Life #359973
#22. Many people who are in reality dead are walking in the streets; many who are in their graves are in reality alive.

Idries Shah

Quotes About Streets Life #367519
#23. I could hear everything, together with the hum of my hotel neon. I never felt sadder in my life. LA is the loneliest and most brutal of American cities; New York gets godawful cold in the winter but there's a feeling of wacky comradeship somewhere in some streets. LA is a jungle.

Jack Kerouac

Quotes About Streets Life #369135
#24. Real leaders have to live a paradoxical life, where they must break the rules in order to maintain them. If your expectations are high, you're setting yourself up for disillusionment. The land of governance is paved with gray streets, not black or white ones.

Beau Willimon

Quotes About Streets Life #369434
#25. Everyone was busy down in the town streets. Some are searching for wealth, others seeking glory. Some want to be become famous, while others want to be worthy ... it's a rotten world actually.

Sherif A. El-Mawardy

Quotes About Streets Life #384145
#26. It never ceased to astound me the people who found themselves on the
streets, homeless, abused. A fucked up life was not discriminatory. Young, old, rich, poor, plain or beautiful, bad shit could happen to anyone. I hated that my world was full of women who had been harmed by men.

Kirsty Dallas

Quotes About Streets Life #389631
#27. I only laid the cobbles for the streets of Bordertown; it took all of us, an entire community, to bring the city to life. And that's as it should be. Community, friendship, art: stirred together, they make a powerful magic. Used wisely, it can save your life. I know that it saved mine.

Terri Windling

Quotes About Streets Life #390776
#28. Most people can't imagine a life that is any different from the one they are actually living. They can dream about it, they can even go into the streets and demonstrate for it, but they still can't imagine what it would be like.

Ivan Klima

Quotes About Streets Life #391210
#29. With two hours until her mother picked her up, Janey was alone, woozy and heart-swollen in the downtown, wandering wet streets that gleamed as you would have them gleam in the sweet summer film of your life.

Wells Tower

Quotes About Streets Life #394846
#30. Family life was wonderful. The streets were bleak. The playgrounds were bleak. But home was always warm. My mother and father had a great relationship. I always felt 'safe' there.

Robert Cormier

Quotes About Streets Life #398133
#31. You will come to a place where the streets are not marked.
Some windows are lighted. but mostly they're darked.
But mostly they're darked.
A place you could sprain both your elbow and chin!
Do you dare to stay out? Do you dare to go in?
How much can you lose? How much can you win?

Dr. Seuss

Quotes About Streets Life #407668
#32. The hero is one who kindles a great light in the world, who sets up blazing torches in the dark streets of life for men to see by.

Felix Adler

Quotes About Streets Life #418726
#33. The resounding stillness gives the structures an impression of abandonment. Yet each time I turn down these streets, I can sense strangers behind the facades, holding their breath as they continue pursuits I will never know.

Haruki Murakami

Quotes About Streets Life #428253
#34. I had life threats, because people accused me of approaching Brando as God and his son was Jesus. I literally had people saying my blood would run in the streets for doing that.

Richard Donner

Quotes About Streets Life #477030
#35. Lonely and isolated people who feel their solitude more intensely within the busy life of the streets. They are what George Gissing called the anchorites of daily life, who return unhappy to their solitary rooms.

Peter Ackroyd

Quotes About Streets Life #498698
#36. I know the moment you died,
Jesus' face was smiling on you,
Welcoming you into His glorious city of gold.
I know you are enjoying the incredible light and peace of His presence right now

Lisa Bedrick

Quotes About Streets Life #507761
#37. Like the pulse of a perfect heart, life struck straight through the streets.

Virginia Woolf

Quotes About Streets Life #524817
#38. Sometimes my life opened its eyes in the dark. A feeling as if crowds drew through the streets in blindness and anxiety on the way towards a miracle, while I invisibly remain standing.

Tomas Transtromer

Quotes About Streets Life #533122
#39. The strange thing about life is that though the nature of it must have been apparent to every one for hundreds of years, no one has left any adequate account of it. The streets of London have their map; but our passions are uncharted. What are you going to meet if you turn this corner?

Virginia Woolf

Quotes About Streets Life #564966
#40. You know that feeling when you first arrive in a new city? However tired you are, however shattered by the flight, you are impatient to get out and sample the streets, the life, the action.

Geoff Dyer

Quotes About Streets Life #605654
#41. I would say you have to fight in the life of the mind as well as fight in the streets, as well as fight in the courts, as well as fight in congress and the White House. Every site is a sight of contestation.

Cornel West

Quotes About Streets Life #644580
#42. When we go ... to bear witness to life on the streets, we're offering ourselves. Not blankets, not food, not clothes, just ourselves.

Bernie Glassman

Quotes About Streets Life #647422
#43. She saw the normative life of the planet, business people crossing streets beneath glass towers, the life of sitting on buses that take you logically to destinations, the unnerved surface of rolling plausibly along.

Don DeLillo

Quotes About Streets Life #659477
#44. It doesn't matter what you're trying to accomplish. It's all a matter of discipline. I was determined to discover what life held for me beyond the inner-city streets.

Wilma Rudolph

Quotes About Streets Life #695265
#45. Improv Everywhere tramples the lines drawn between spectacle and spectator, theatre and real life, public and private, performance and protest, and reclaims the streets for ordinary people.

Lyn Gardner

Quotes About Streets Life #698222
#46. I'll find a day to massacre them all
And raze their faction and their family,
The cruel father and his traitorous sons,
To whom I sued for my dear son's life,
And make them know what 'tis to let a queen
Kneel in the streets and beg for grace in vain.

William Shakespeare

Quotes About Streets Life #699590
#47. And even when our lives are good, how do we live in joy when so many others are suffering: when crushing poverty robs people of their future, when violence and terror fill our streets, and when ecological devastation endangers the very possibility of life on our planet?

Dalai Lama XIV

Quotes About Streets Life #736619
#48. Learn how to meditate on paper. Drawing and writing are forms of meditation. Learn how to contemplate works of art. Learn how to pray in the streets or in the country. Know how to meditate not only when you have a book in your hand but when you are waiting for a bus or riding in a train.

Thomas Merton

Quotes About Streets Life #763167
#49. Whenever she walked along the streets of Manhattan, she looked at all the different faces coming toward her and, despite their different features and colors, she regarded them all as Americans.

Francesca Marciano

Quotes About Streets Life #776540
#50. One way to solve the traffic problem is to keep all the cars that are not paid for off the streets.

Will Rogers

Quotes About Streets Life #817161
#51. I love street, adore street. Life is about mixing things and to be divine in the streets. Voila!

Polly Allen Mellen

Quotes About Streets Life #836717
#52. Well-lit streets discourage sin, but don't overdo it.

William Kennedy

Quotes About Streets Life #845002
#53. Though woman needs the protection of one man against his whole sex, in pioneer life, in threading her way through a lonely forest, on the highway, or in the streets of the metropolis on a dark night, she sometimes needs, too, the protection of all men against this one.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Quotes About Streets Life #848510
#54. If you wish to write well, study the life about you,
life in the public streets.

Horace Mann

Quotes About Streets Life #850024
#55. When an author creates a town in her novels, she spends a great deal of time visualizing the streets and buildings, landmarks and topography. And while the town becomes real in her imagination, it's rare for an author to see the place she's created actually spring to life.

Lori Wilde

Quotes About Streets Life #852465
#56. Life in a shelter or on the streets puts homeless kids and youth at a higher risk for physical and sexual assault and abuse, physical illness, including HIV/AIDS


Quotes About Streets Life #857811
#57. In his face there came to be a brooding peace that is seen most often in the faces of the very sorrowful or the very wise. But still he wandered through the streets of the town, always silent and alone.

Carson McCullers

Quotes About Streets Life #858103
#58. True religion must raise to work at the bar and the bench, on the couch and on the streets, in the cottage of the poor man and in the penthouse of the entrepreneur, with the fisherman that is catching fish and with the students that are studying.

Abhijit Naskar

Quotes About Streets Life #866489
#59. You do not give your precious body to the billy clubs of Birmingham sheriffs, nor to the insidious activity of the streets.

Ta-Nehisi Coates

Quotes About Streets Life #871743
#60. Many times I have been driven to prayer. When I was in Bible school I didn't know what to do with my life. I used to walk the streets ... and pray, sometimes for hours at a time. In His timing, God answered those prayers, and since then prayer has been an essential part of my life.

Billy Graham

Quotes About Streets Life #878285
#61. The real political life in Russia unfortunately is not in the parliament but on the streets and in the media.

Garry Kasparov

Quotes About Streets Life #903947
#62. She walks,
on the streets,
with a face that,
doesn't belong.
It smiles more than,
many put together,
whole day long.
Her heart misfit,
a little chipped.
And she likes to,
call it once broken,
but now stitched.

Jasleen Kaur Gumber

Quotes About Streets Life #927170
#63. The purpose of writing is both to keep up with life and to run ahead of it. I am little comfort to myself, although I am the only comfort I have, excepting perhaps streets, clouds, the sun, the faces and voices of kids and the aged, and similar accidents of beauty, innocence, truth and loneliness.

William, Saroyan

Quotes About Streets Life #939936
#64. I always think about the streets because that's where I come from and that's where I'm going to die one day. That is my life.

Riccardo Tisci

Quotes About Streets Life #944737
#65. I couldn't go anywhere unless there was a security guard with me. That spoiled my life. It was like being in captivity. Those days are gone, and I don't ever want to see that happen to me again. Now I can wander around the streets of Los Angeles on my own. I like it that way.

Christine McVie

Quotes About Streets Life #947078
#66. She would have liked to be able to watch over his life; and the idea occurred to her of having him followed in the streets.


Quotes About Streets Life #948379
#67. But the truth is that I don't feel like I can carry anyone but myself right now. The streets are empty. I am empty. Or, no
I am full of pain. It's my life that's empty.

David Levithan

Quotes About Streets Life #989514
#68. Yoga means we accept responsibility for the tasks in our life, and we know that being a king, being an enlightened teacher, being someone who sweeps the streets, we know that nothing is a greater yoga than anything else.

Frederick Lenz

Quotes About Streets Life #996526
#69. My dad studied at the American Conservatory in Chicago, so he lived on all those streets. He said the war probably saved his life because he'd have ended up a dead musician, with all the crazy stuff they did on Rush Street back in the day.

Kim Basinger

Quotes About Streets Life #997517
#70. The fact is, all gangsters live in dog years. We come up fast in terms of making a name for ourselves, but, once our names have been established on the streets, we are on our way out.

Drexel Deal

Quotes About Streets Life #1000374
#71. Yet again, the family of a young black man is grieving a life cut short. Yet again, the streets of an American city are marred by violence. What we have seen in Baltimore should, indeed I think does, tear at our soul.

Hillary Clinton

Quotes About Streets Life #1002388
#72. When I first started out in music, I was so negative. I was knee-deep in the streets. Then my friends started going to jail. They said, 'Boy, you better start taking this seriously; you got a chance to do something with your life.' That's when I realised I had to focus. The music led to the acting.


Quotes About Streets Life #1003541
#73. Dorrie gave Larry's hand an excited, distracted squeeze that said: almost home. They were about to be matter-of-factly claimed by familiar streets and houses and the life they'd chosen or which had chosen them.

Carol Shields

Quotes About Streets Life #1005375
#74. It was like losing an important weight-bearing bone, and I knew I would spend the rest of my life trying to figure out how to walk the streets without it.

Adam Rapp

Quotes About Streets Life #1027007
#75. The person who does not make a choice dies in the eyes of the Lord, even though he continues to breathe and to walk about the streets. For a man has to choose, therein lies his strength: in the power of his decisions.

Paulo Coelho

Quotes About Streets Life #1027850
#76. Our country is not in crisis; there are no tanks in the streets. No matter what the outcome of the president's situation, life in America will go on. Our lives will continue to be filled with practical matters, not constitutional ones.

Jennifer Dunn

Quotes About Streets Life #1050097
#77. I've prowled the dirtiest back alleys of sadness, okay? And I know what it's like to fight for your life on those mean streets. So if you need someone to vent to or someone to be quiet with or someone to talk your ear off, I can be that person. I'm not scared of the dark places.

Emery Lord

Quotes About Streets Life #1067937
#78. Not by appointment do we meet delight Or joy; they heed not our expectancy; But round some corner of the streets of life they of a sudden greet us with a smile.

Gerald Massey

Quotes About Streets Life #1095950
#79. No one survived on the streets without a protective mask. No one survived naked. You had to have a role. You had to be "thug," "playa," "athlete," "gangsta," or "dope man." Otherwise, there was only one role left to you: "victim.

Jerry Heller

Quotes About Streets Life #1102179
#80. A self-help story about a man who overcomes circumstance by reminiscing over his own life's lessons. Inspired, he sets out at night on the gritty streets of New York City to capture the beauty of life thru his passion for photography.


Quotes About Streets Life #1144202
#81. True treasure is inside your heart - it's a soul that is at peace with God. So live your life for God. Not for your parents or yourself. Streets of gold are for the next life.

Mary Connealy

Quotes About Streets Life #1149427
#82. The sort of gloves he'd dreamed about when he'd slept on the streets of London all those months ago. The sort of gloves he'd dreamed of his whole life. "Do

Garrett Leigh

Quotes About Streets Life #1177766
#83. We have assembled inside this ancient / and insane theatre / To propagate our lust for life / and flee the swarming wisdom / of the streets

Jim Morrison

Quotes About Streets Life #1188054
#84. I can't do it," Tatiana said "I can't walk down the streets of our life with you."
"I know." They turned back to the reflections in the mirror.

Paullina Simons

Quotes About Streets Life #1188355
#85. My acting career began on the streets of New York. When I was a cop, I played many impressive roles, from derelict to a doctor, and my life often depended on my performance.

Frank Serpico

Quotes About Streets Life #1211228
#86. A few streets away a grave-looking Saddam warns: Don't double-park, you could cause chaos! ... I'm concerned for your life.

Osama Bin Laden

Quotes About Streets Life #1222507
#87. I walked the streets of New York; I would feel the presence of Daredevil. I would see him up on the rooftop. What you are doing in your life, you start to see in your book. It all starts to merge together.

Ann Nocenti

Quotes About Streets Life #1238910
#88. Life begins to happen.
My hoppped up husband drops his home disputes,
and hits the streets to cruise for prostitutes

Robert Lowell

Quotes About Streets Life #1319889
#89. They (his Street scene paintings and drawings) originated in the years 1911-14, in one of the loneliest times of my life, during which an agonizing restlessness drove me out onto the streets day and night, which were filled with people and cars.

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

Quotes About Streets Life #1338994
#90. Before going back to college, i knew i didn't want to be an intellectual, spending my life in books and libraries without knowing what the hell is going on in the streets. Theory without practice is just as incomplete as practice without theory. The two have to go together.

Assata Shakur

Quotes About Streets Life #1341479
#91. I took a trip in 2004, a year after the war started in Iraq. I played music on the streets of Baghdad for Iraqi civilians. I'd also play for U.S. soldiers at night when they were off duty in the bars. Then I would talk to people, and I would film them and ask them about their life and the conflict.

Michael Franti

Quotes About Streets Life #1353204
#92. Life is life. Some of the wisest people you meet are sweeping our streets.

Jeremy Corbyn

Quotes About Streets Life #1362356
#93. Nostalgia! I feel it even for someone who meant nothing to me, out of anxiety for the flight of time and a sickness bred of the mystery of life. If one of the faces I pass daily on the streets disappears, I feel sad; yet they meant nothing to me, other than being a symbol of all life.

Fernando Pessoa

Quotes About Streets Life #1374742
#94. I don't think about returning to the streets, 'cause I don't have any plans to return to the streets. I'm at another level in my life. Returning to the street - I still be in my streets when I get time to, when it's necessary.

Meek Mill

Quotes About Streets Life #1391590
#95. For the first time in his life he began to experience a kind of true pride. He felt himself, so to speak, taking up space when he walked in the streets; and he wondered whether this was how other people felt all the time, without effort, all the secure people he met in London and Africa.

V.S. Naipaul

Quotes About Streets Life #1400147
#96. I see kids and young adults walking the streets of L.A. with this enormous sense of entitlement, who seem to think that if they are basically good people and pay their bills, then the world will be good back to them. And I think life isn't always like that.

Evangeline Lilly

Quotes About Streets Life #1408476
#97. Of course. I am well aware that the streets of New York are not safe, but then there is no longer any place in the world which is safe. One cannot live in perpetual fear, one has to be as prudent as possible, and get on with life. - A Severed Wasp

Madeleine L'Engle

Quotes About Streets Life #1409805
#98. I see ghosts like you see a normal person. Looking regular, tangible as ever and even more alive than most of the people you'll see walking around the streets.

Tia Artemis

Quotes About Streets Life #1409831
#99. I love the academy in terms of the life of the mind and the world of ideas. I also love the streets. I love the churches and mosques and synagogues. I love the trade union centers. I love the community centers. I speak regularly at prisons and so forth.

Cornel West

Quotes About Streets Life #1420537
#100. I want there to be a life for the street element. Instead of we always getting shut out. Instead of defenseless, having power.

Tupac Shakur

Quotes About Streets Life #1421686

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