Top 41 Quotes About Simple Minded

#1. Like simple minded goldfish, we often believe the boundaries of our bowl to be the entire ocean.

Laren Grey Umphlett

Quotes About Simple Minded #1514082
#2. It takes these very simple-minded instructions - 'Go fetch a number, add it to this number, put the result there, perceive if it's greater than this other number' - but executes them at a rate of, let's say, 1,000,000 per second. At 1,000,000 per second, the results appear to be magic.

Steve Jobs

Quotes About Simple Minded #967200
#3. When I wrote I took on the role of the despondent and difficult to understand person. Whereas in life, I was easy to understand, to the point of being simple-minded maybe.

Billy Collins

Quotes About Simple Minded #1000115
#4. Divinity for the sake of the simple-minded is beautiful. Those theological assertions you write, say, or live by that you later feel foolish about, it means God still lives in you enough to tell you that they were indeed foolish. By mistakes you know you are alive.

Criss Jami

Quotes About Simple Minded #1013152
#5. A congeries of motives prevents us from blowing up our spinning mills and reviving the distaff. Gandhi had a try at this sort of revolution: he was as simple-minded as a child trying to empty the sea on to the sand with the aid of a tea-cup.

Antoine De Saint-Exupery

Quotes About Simple Minded #1044582
#6. It's stupid to have a simple-minded view.

Jeremy Paxton

Quotes About Simple Minded #1236996
#7. Radical politics tend to be simple minded.

Israel Horovitz

Quotes About Simple Minded #1267865
#8. I like to take advantage of the simple-minded because I can.

Jim Cornette

Quotes About Simple Minded #1369576
#9. If history teaches us anything, it teaches that simple-minded appeasement or wishful thinking about our adversaries is folly.

Ronald Reagan

Quotes About Simple Minded #1423230
#10. For when one considers the universe, can anyone be so simple-minded as not to believe that the Divine is present in everything, pervading, embracing and penetrating it?

Gregory Of Nyssa

Quotes About Simple Minded #1452498
#11. It was rather too late in the day to set about being simple-minded and ignorant.

Jane Austen

Quotes About Simple Minded #30972
#12. We're simple-minded, the team at Hulu, which is, we think if we can obsess over quality and build a better mousetrap, that good things will happen. Users will adopt the service, advertisers will see great value in it, and that's what we're seeing.

Jason Kilar

Quotes About Simple Minded #1555933
#13. You have to use your judgment. In cases like that, we say, 'let's be simple minded. We know this is a feature that's good for customers. Let's do it.

Jeff Bezos

Quotes About Simple Minded #1560924
#14. Ridcully was simple-minded. This doesn't mean stupid. It just meant that he could only think properly about things if he cut away all the complicated bits around the edges.

Terry Pratchett

Quotes About Simple Minded #1704055
#15. Kindness to me is only powerful if it has the cruel streak behind it. If someone is kind all the time under all circumstances, they're just simple-minded. Kindness is only worth something if you have the cruel streak to back it up.

Suzanne Vega

Quotes About Simple Minded #1723888
#16. If I grew up in the simple-minded belief that women were as strong and intelligent as men, it was because I came from a society that had once believed it.

Shirley Abbott

Quotes About Simple Minded #1751419
#17. I can't write. I can handle bits of simple-minded advert copy or a poster slogan, so answering questions is about all I'm good for.

Charles Saatchi

Quotes About Simple Minded #1784169
#18. The simple minded know many things that the wise ignore

Vincent Van Gogh

Quotes About Simple Minded #1787809
#19. As any old Taoist walking out of the woods can tell you, simple-minded does not necessarily mean stupid.

Benjamin Hoff

Quotes About Simple Minded #1795975
#20. Libertarianism. A simple-minded right-wing ideology ideally suited to those unable or unwilling to see past their own sociopathic self-regard.

Iain Banks

Quotes About Simple Minded #946422
#21. We are simple-minded enough to think that if we were saying something we would use words. We are rather doing something. The meaning of what we do is determined by each one who sees and hears it.

John Cage

Quotes About Simple Minded #54
#22. I see no greatness in my self ... I'm a simple-minded, child-like, insipid sort of moronic and kind of akward feeling adolescent.

Neal Cassady

Quotes About Simple Minded #112247
#23. In terms of the actual curriculum for management education, my own view is very simple-minded: The world is incredibly complex, it changes all the time, and we should not even hope that we could create a general model that accurately describes the world in all its possible states.

Dan Ariely

Quotes About Simple Minded #147880
#24. An 'usband should be plain enough to sit at his settle, and simple-minded enough to accept the stew on his plate, rather than looking round ev'ry corner for a more succulent chop,' declares Elsie.

Emmanuelle De Maupassant

Quotes About Simple Minded #225680
#25. You could seem so weak, so simple-minded in the eyes of man to contain the enormous dream/vision God has given you because no one knows the measure of your capacity.

Euginia Herlihy

Quotes About Simple Minded #324305
#26. I think you must remember that a writer is a simple-minded person to begin with and go on that basis. He's not a great mind, he's not a great thinker, he's not a great philosopher, he's a story-teller.

Erskine Caldwell

Quotes About Simple Minded #365056
#27. Simple minded people find simple solutions to their problems

Bangambiki Habyarimana

Quotes About Simple Minded #369526
#28. She didn't mean to be sexy that moment, but even a winter nightgown couldn't hide that lovely outline. When will I outgrow my simple-minded fascination with the form she had happened to choose for her body? Never, I thought

Richard Bach

Quotes About Simple Minded #379242
#29. Oblonsy was fond of a pleasant joke, and sometimes liked to perplex a simple-minded man by observing that if you're going to be proud of your ancestry, why stop short at Prince Rurik and repudiate your oldest ancestor - the ape?

Leo Tolstoy

Quotes About Simple Minded #472633
#30. The simple-minded always look for something - if it's not pornography, it's DVDs or the Internet or video games - but I don't think there's anything inherently evil about Facebook.

David Fincher

Quotes About Simple Minded #529092
#31. Must I shoot a simple-minded soldier boy who deserts, while I must not touch a hair of the wily agitator who induces him to desert? I think that in such a cse to silence the agitator and save the boy is not only constitutional but withal a great mercy.

Abraham Lincoln

Quotes About Simple Minded #544583
#32. People on the whole are very simple-minded, in whatever country one finds them. They are so simple as to take literally, more often than no, the things their leaders tell them.

Pearl S. Buck

Quotes About Simple Minded #645801
#33. The man grinned back at me with that perfect sincerity we fear and call simple-minded.

Gregory David Roberts

Quotes About Simple Minded #724757
#34. How simple-minded of the Germans to imagine that we British could be cowed by the destruction of our ancient monuments! As though any havoc of the German bombs could possibly equal the things we have done ourselves!

Osbert Sitwell

Quotes About Simple Minded #773968
#35. Then anyone who leaves behind him a written manual, and likewise anyone who receives it, in the belief that such writing will be clear and certain, must be exceedingly simple-minded ...


Quotes About Simple Minded #864471
#36. The trick, though, is to not lose compassion, to not allow the sense of absurdity to outweigh the awareness of real beings, with real feelings. Mean-spirited humor turns the world into cardboard, the way Midas's simple-minded greed turned food into inedible and useless stuff.

Jane Hirshfield

Quotes About Simple Minded #873897
#37. All the elderly ladies whom Archer knew regarded any woman who loved imprudently as necessarily unscrupulous and designing, and mere simple-minded man as powerless in her clutches. The

Edith Wharton

Quotes About Simple Minded #881938
#38. Such were the shepherds of Judea! In appearance, rough and savage as the gaunt dogs with them around the blaze; in fact, simple-minded, tender-hearted; effects in due, in part, to the primitive life they led, but chiefly to their constant care of things lovable and helpless.

Lew Wallace

Quotes About Simple Minded #955963
#39. To read a poem with no thought in mind but to paraphrase it into a single, simple and usually high-minded prose statement is the destruction of poetry.

John Ciardi

Quotes About Simple Minded #56966
#40. Folks, the message of Christ is simple. It's not heady, or high-minded, or supremely intellectual at all. It is simple on purpose. It is simple enough to be understood by every person.

Curtis A. Chamberlain

Quotes About Simple Minded #193020
#41. The surest way of achieving your goal is through the single-minded pursuit of simple actions.

Helmuth Von Moltke The Elder

Quotes About Simple Minded #712002

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