Top 42 Quotes About Repulsion

#1. All of my work is meant to evoke a whole bunch of different layers of discord between the attraction and repulsion that we feel toward our consumer habits and our consumer lives.

Chris Jordan

Quotes About Repulsion #1415637
#2. After telling the hard facts to anyone from lover to friend, I have changed in their eyes. Often it is awe or admiration, sometimes it is repulsion, once or twice it has been fury hurled directly at me for reasons I remain unsure of.

Alice Sebold

Quotes About Repulsion #1075875
#3. IN the year 1888 Herr von Pasenow was seventy, and there were people who felt an extraordinary and inexplicable repulsion when they saw him coming towards them in the streets of Berlin, indeed, who in their dislike of him actually maintained that he must be an evil old man. Small, but well

Hermann Broch

Quotes About Repulsion #1082349
#4. An emotion is a thought, yes, an idea, but it is also a sensation, an ache in your body. Desire, love, hate, fear, repulsion - you feel these things in your muscle and bones, not just in your mind.

William Landay

Quotes About Repulsion #1101300
#5. Family likeness has often a deep sadness in it. Nature, that great tragic dramatist, knits us together by bone and muscle, and divides us by the subtler web of our brains; blends yearning and repulsion; and ties us by our heart-strings to the beings that jar us at every movement.

George Eliot

Quotes About Repulsion #1106879
#6. Truth? How can you get truth out of fiction?"
Kieler from Zotikas: Attraction and Repulsion
Episode 3

Tom Bruno

Quotes About Repulsion #1292264
#7. Contact with men who wield power and authority still leaves an intangible sense of repulsion. It's very like being in close proximity to fecal matter, the fecal embodiment of something unmentionable, and you wonder what it is made of and when it acquired its historically sacred character.

Jean Baudrillard

Quotes About Repulsion #1293651
#8. In marriage they legitimized despair; every kiss is the conquest of a repulsion.

Lawrence Durrell

Quotes About Repulsion #1302187
#9. Even though flowers fall, don't regret it. Even though weeds grow, don't hate them. Don't arouse the passions of attraction and repulsion, hating and loving. If only we don't arouse the passions, the falling of flowers and the growing of weeds as they are is manifest absolute reality.

Hakuun Yasutani

Quotes About Repulsion #1305231
#10. I've always had a repulsion going in a place where animals are in captivity.

Marion Cotillard

Quotes About Repulsion #1382975
#11. Without contraries is no progression. Attraction and repulsion, reason and energy, love and hate, are necessary to human existence.

William Blake

Quotes About Repulsion #1402740
#12. To attain to perfect purity one has to become absolutely passion-free in thought, speech and action; to rise above the opposing currents of love and hatred, attachment and repulsion.

Mahatma Gandhi

Quotes About Repulsion #996774
#13. But the self-controlled man, moving among objects, with his senses under restraint, and free from both attraction and repulsion, attains peace.

Chinmayananda Saraswati

Quotes About Repulsion #1496741
#14. My first emotions had been those of pure melancholy and sincerest pity; but just in proportion as the forlornness of Bartleby grew and grew to my imagination, did that same melancholy merge into fear, that pity into repulsion.

Herman Melville

Quotes About Repulsion #1529719
#15. Anthropology has always struggled with an intense, fascinated repulsion towards its subject ... [The anthropologist] submits himself to the exotic to confirm his own inner alienation as an urban intellectual.

Susan Sontag

Quotes About Repulsion #1543470
#16. Your mind is turbulent because you're filled with desires, frustrations. You want too many things. You are afraid of too many things. It is necessary to overcome both attraction and repulsion to still the mind.

Frederick Lenz

Quotes About Repulsion #1569409
#17. When she removed my hand from her chest for the one hundred thousandth time. Attack and defense, invasion and repulsion ... it was as if breasts were little pieces of property that had been unlawfully annexed by the opposite sex - they were rightfully ours and we wanted them back.

Nick Hornby

Quotes About Repulsion #1590909
#18. As electricity is made up of positive and negative current - so is human life a system of attraction and repulsion. - Turn off the current if you want quiet. - Yes, but where is the switch?

Nanamoli Thera

Quotes About Repulsion #1779431
#19. Was attraction and repulsion all a matter of appearances? Or preconceptions?

L.E. Modesitt Jr.

Quotes About Repulsion #1784022
#20. Make it your goal never to fail in your desires or experience things you would rather avoid; try never to err in impulse and repulsion; aim to be perfect also in the practice of attention and withholding judgment.


Quotes About Repulsion #1792367
#21. On the other side of attraction, is repulsion.

A.S. Byatt

Quotes About Repulsion #1818273
#22. I'm hooked on Polanski's films, his psychological thrillers. I love 'Rosemary's Baby,' I love 'Repulsion.'

Vera Farmiga

Quotes About Repulsion #320107
#23. Like a great bog humanity swamped her, and she sank in, weak at the knees, filled with repulsion and fear of every person she met.

D.H. Lawrence

Quotes About Repulsion #67917
#24. One of the realities we're all called to go through is to move from repulsion to compassion and from compassion to wonderment.

Mother Teresa

Quotes About Repulsion #75574
#25. Repulsion masks attraction

Joe Hill

Quotes About Repulsion #87537
#26. It seems safe to look forward to the time when the conception of attractive and repulsive forces, having served its purpose as a useful piece of scientific scaffolding, will be replaced by the deduction of the phenomena known as attraction and repulsion, from the general laws of motion.

Thomas Huxley

Quotes About Repulsion #109164
#27. Boredom is the root of all evil. It is very curious that boredom, which itself has such a calm and sedate nature, can have such a capacity to initiate motion. The effect that boredom brings about is absolutely magical, but this effect is one not of attraction but of repulsion.

Soren Kierkegaard

Quotes About Repulsion #128590
#28. They fascinated him, the unsubtle cowering of the almost rich in the presence of the rich, and the rich in the presence of the very rich; to have money, it seemed, was to be consumed by money. Obinze felt repulsion and longing; he pitied them, but he also imagined being like them.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Quotes About Repulsion #144167
#29. I do not know what put the idea of China into his head, but at first he must have thrust it aside with violent repulsion; and perhaps the very violence of his repulsion impressed the idea on him, for he found it haunting him.

W. Somerset Maugham

Quotes About Repulsion #206366
#30. Progress in science is governed by the laws of repulsion, every step forward is made by refutation of prevalent errors and false theories. Forward steps in art are governed by the law of attraction, are the result of imitation of and admiration for beloved predecessors.

Boris Pasternak

Quotes About Repulsion #232738
#31. The satirist is prevented by repulsion from gaining a better knowledge of the world he is attracted to, yet he is forced by attraction to concern himself with the world that repels him.

Italo Calvino

Quotes About Repulsion #282973
#32. There is a thin line between attraction and repulsion

Candace Bushnell

Quotes About Repulsion #311963
#33. In Italy, on the breaking up of the Roman Empire, society might be said to be resolved into its original elements, - into hostile atoms, whose only movement was that of mutual repulsion.

Edward Everett

Quotes About Repulsion #32018
#34. But the path of self-purification is hard and steep. To attain to perfect purity one has to become absolutely passion-free in thought, speech and action; to rise above the opposing currents of love and hatred, attachment and repulsion. I

Mahatma Gandhi

Quotes About Repulsion #331116
#35. The feeling of intense repulsion, which had begun to oppress and torture his heart while he was on his way to the old woman, had by now reached such a pitch and had taken such a definite form that he did not know what to do with himself to escape from his wretchedness

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Quotes About Repulsion #376076
#36. This instinctive repulsion which tradespeople inspire in men of sensitive feeling is one of the very rare consolations for being so impoverished which are given to those of us who don't sell anything to anybody.

Louis-Ferdinand Celine

Quotes About Repulsion #403561
#37. A grocer is attracted to his business by a magnetic force as great as the repulsion which renders it odious to artists.

Honore De Balzac

Quotes About Repulsion #429239
#38. Bluh-huh-huh Minho groaned, a shudder of repulsion, like he'd just stepped in a pile of klunk.

James Dashner

Quotes About Repulsion #594749
#39. Repulsion is the sentry that guards the gate to all that we most desire.

Salvador Dali

Quotes About Repulsion #869787
#40. I don't actually know what 'transgenic' means. I just know that I have to express doubt or repulsion whenever I say it. It impresses people.

Ignacio De Loyola Brandao

Quotes About Repulsion #873268
#41. The more one studies the harmony of music, and then studies human nature, how people agree and how they disagree, how there is attraction and repulsion, the more one will see that it is all music.

Hazrat Inayat Khan

Quotes About Repulsion #912785
#42. When anger is repressed by reason of inability to do immediate harm, it retires into the heart in the form of malice and breeds these vices - envy, triumph over the enemy's ill, repulsion of friendly approaches, contempt, slander, derision, personal violence, and injustice. MURDER

John Wortabet

Quotes About Repulsion #937559

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