Top 26 Quotes About Red Sox Fans

#1. After all, a district judge who gives harsh sentences to Yankees fans and lenient sentences to Red Sox fans would not be acting reasonably even if her procedural rulings were impeccable.

John Paul Stevens

Quotes About Red Sox Fans #539222
#2. I think Red Sox fans have always been good to me; they've treated me well.

Bill Buckner

Quotes About Red Sox Fans #874401
#3. Red Sox fans have been pushed to the brink over the years, but that's how faith grows stronger.

Julianna Baggott

Quotes About Red Sox Fans #1369304
#4. All literary men are Red Sox fans - to be a Yankee fan in a literate society is to endanger your life

John Cheever

Quotes About Red Sox Fans #311069
#5. But now undesirable is whoever Ed says.

Margaret Atwood

Quotes About Red Sox Fans #1837654
#6. It wasn't like it is now. But for the types of teams we had, the fans were very good here. On some Thursday afternoon games, we'd get 25,000 fans. That was remarkable. This has always been a great Red Sox city.

Curt Gowdy

Quotes About Red Sox Fans #1808596
#7. While you are not responsible for the actions of another, you are able to consciously respond to everything in your reality. Your power to respond is your power to create.


Quotes About Red Sox Fans #1771211
#8. New York is great, but the New England fans are probably the most knowledgeable and ardent fans, and not just in baseball, but all sports. But Red Sox Nation is Red Sox Nation.

Dick Williams

Quotes About Red Sox Fans #1587274
#9. The most introspective of hearts tends to be the most sentimental. We cling to the smallest moments from our past because we fear that emotion will never come our way again.

Shannon L. Alder

Quotes About Red Sox Fans #1574394
#10. We said good-bye, and Dill went inside the house. He evidently remembered he was engaged to me, for he ran back out and kissed me swiftly in front of Jem. "Yawl write, hear?" he bawled after us.

Harper Lee

Quotes About Red Sox Fans #1562708
#11. The truth is that for those 86 long years when the Red Sox went without a World Series win, fans were not only in a recession, but trapped in a longstanding, deeply entrenched sports depression.

Julianna Baggott

Quotes About Red Sox Fans #1544278
#12. I have a tendency to be awfully big-hearted and it's very hard for me to say no, even when I need to.

Dolly Parton

Quotes About Red Sox Fans #1523837
#13. No one is really working for peace unless he is working primarily for the restoration of wisdom.

E.F. Schumacher

Quotes About Red Sox Fans #1476491
#14. The hell I care with your flavor of the month?' Sabi ko. Yeah, yun yung girlfiend niya which I consider his flavor of the month. Or should I say, flavor of the week? Ang bilis niya kasing magpalit ng babae, well I'm the only exception! Hahaha!" - Arkisha

Ruth Mendoza

Quotes About Red Sox Fans #1335066
#15. If it was in my control, Id still be wearing a Red Sox uniform, because its the place I know, I love. All of those fans, Ill always remember. But Im also going to another great place. Im going to a phenomenal city with great tradition as well, phenomenal fans, great organization.

Nomar Garciaparra

Quotes About Red Sox Fans #1313773
#16. Women? I love women. Life would have been virtually zero without them. Journalism? I really feel like I am a journalist ... And courage? I had a boat named Courageous.

Ted Turner

Quotes About Red Sox Fans #1190899
#17. The last thing a young woman needs is another picture of a sexy pop star writhing in sand, covered in grease, touching herself.

Lady Gaga

Quotes About Red Sox Fans #1182365
#18. They are the gateway for our modern esthetic development, the prophets of the new time. They are most of all, the primitives of the way they have begun; they have voiced most of all the imperative need of essential personalism, of direct expression of direct experience.

Marsden Hartley

Quotes About Red Sox Fans #1167060
#19. My favorite event each year is the Yankees-Red Sox series. Love seeing passions run hot among the fans, especially when both teams are in the running for the playoffs.

Elizabeth Banks

Quotes About Red Sox Fans #1152740
#20. I don't have a life-style, I have a life.

Nikki Giovanni

Quotes About Red Sox Fans #1130710
#21. The generosity and compassion of Red Sox Nation, our players and the Red Sox Wives never cease to amaze, We were touched and inspired by the eagerness our fans showed to assist the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

Larry Lucchino

Quotes About Red Sox Fans #860712
#22. The purpose of the Kingdom is the essence of life

Sunday Adelaja

Quotes About Red Sox Fans #836493
#23. People may have found it difficult to approach me, and I realised it and have worked on it. I used to be socially shy. Now I have become a social animal. I go out, meet and interact with people.

Shahid Kapoor

Quotes About Red Sox Fans #726355
#24. Fight Like a Girl is a mind-set, a sense of
empowerment that can be applied daily to
everyday decisions. It is to protect yourself,
defend your identity, and secure your selfworth

Kym Rock

Quotes About Red Sox Fans #426287
#25. the Yankees were playing my hometown Red Sox on TV and I lost my cool at a guy who was loudly dissing them. I yelled, "Derek Jeter is baseball's Hitler!" This was in New York City. In a room full of Jewish sports fans. I don't even really like baseball that much! I have problems.

Mindy Kaling

Quotes About Red Sox Fans #254680
#26. ...books were portals into worlds she yearned to know, whether they be ponderous volumes crammed with accumulated knowledge or whimsical fantasies featuring magical creatures.

Kerry Alan Denney

Quotes About Red Sox Fans #179299

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