Top 36 Quotes About Radiate Love
#1. Everything you do right now ripples outward and affects everyone. Your posture can shine your heart or transmit anxiety. Your breath can radiate love or muddy the room in depression. Your glance can awaken joy. Your words can inspire freedom. Your every act can open hearts and minds.
David Deida
#2. Let your light shine. Be a source of strength and courage. Share your wisdom. Radiate love.
Wilferd Peterson
#3. Our country, if that is what we want, can now permanently radiate love, understanding, the power of the spirit and of ideas. It is precisely this glow that we can offer as our specific contribution to international politics.
Vaclav Havel
#4. Peace before everything, God before anything,
Love before anything, real before everything,
Home before any place, shoot before anything,
Style and state radiate, Love Power slay the hate.
Mos Def
#5. If we fear nothing and radiate love, we can expect good things to come.
Peace Pilgrim
#7. Practise love. Sitting alone in your room, be loving. Radiate love. Fill the whole room with your love energy.
#8. Under the blanket the outline of her body was slender and displayed a certain innocence, a precious quality far more significant than the elegance of her form. She seemed to radiate kindness and essential goodness, and Darby, trying to measure the value of her, told himself it was immeasurable.
David Goodis
#9. If you really want to create peace on the earth, create peace in your heart, in your being. That is the right place to begin with ... and then spread and radiate peace and love.
#10. Life is an Echo. What you send out- comes back. What you sow- you reap. What you give - you get. What you see in others - exists in you. Do not judge - so you will NOT be judged Radiate and give love - and love comes back to you.
#11. Arrange photographs of nature scenes, animals and expressions of joy and love in your environment and let their energy radiate into your heart and provide you with their higher frequency.
Wayne Dyer
#12. Give up being right. Instead radiate peace, harmony, love, and laughter from your heart.
Deepak Chopra
#13. Forgiveness means that you fill yourself with love and you radiate that love outward and refuse to hang onto the venom or hatred that was engendered by the behaviors that caused the wounds.
Wayne Dyer
#14. I cannot love anyone if I hate myself. That is the reason why we feel so extremely uncomfortable in the presence of people who are noted for their special virtuousness, for they radiate an atmosphere of the torture they inflict on themselves. That is not a virtue but a vice.
Carl Jung
#15. Radiate boundless love towards the entire world - above, below, and across - unhindered, without ill will, without enmity.
Gautama Buddha
#16. I learned that opening myself to my own love and to life's tough loveliness not only was the most delicious, amazing thing on earth but also was quantum. It would radiate out to a cold, hungry world. Beautiful moments heal, as do real cocoa, Pete Seeger, a walk on old fire roads.
Anne Lamott
#17. The ultimate expression of meditation comes when we can feel all the pains of the world, experience them with mindfulness and equanimity so they dissolve into energy, and then recolor that energy and radiate it out as unconditional love, moment by moment, through every pore of our being.
Shinzen Young
#18. Grant that I may radiate Thy Light, Thy Love,
Thy Healing, Thy Joy, and Thy Peace
to all those around me
and all those in my thoughts
this day and ever more.
Jonathan Lockwood Huie
#19. Some people radiate happiness and make every one happy around them.
Debasish Mridha
#20. Grateful and appreciating hearts radiate happiness. Gratitude and thankfulness fill life with joyfulness.
Debasish Mridha
#21. It is very important that we have the capacity to love many different things or people at the same time. Our love should radiate like the sun, warming everything it touches.
Peggy Toney Horton
#22. Self love is number one. As you radiate it out to others; it will radiate back to you.
Renae A. Sauter
#23. We're born to shimmer, we're born to shine
We're born to radiate
We're born to live, we're born to love
We're born to never hate.
Shawn Mullins
#24. Always radiate positive currents of ... Light, Goodness, Love, Kindness, Hope and Determination.
Robert Muller
#25. When you love yourself and are confident in your life walk, that love will radiate and reflect to the masses.
Alexandra Elle
#26. When we radiate the warmth of our love-energy, our compassion-energy on the planet, we shine the qualities of our Source!
Michael Beckwith
#27. Radiate your lights of love to enlighten the whole world, like the sun.
Debasish Mridha
#28. Your life experience is unfolding in the precise response to the vibrations that radiate as a result of your thoughts, whether you know it is or not.
Esther Hicks
#29. Always remember
You are loved
You carry the love
You spread the love
You radiate the love
And the love is returned to you
Karen Hackel
#30. To be beautiful lips - say kind words. To my eyes were beautiful - radiate good. A woman's beauty is not in the clothes, not in its shape or hairstyle. Beauty woman in her eyes, because the eyes - is the gateway to the heart, where love lives.
Audrey Hepburn
#31. Only someone authentic, with a deep love of art, will radiate the enthusiasm needed to keep them engaged
Lisa Desrochers
#32. If we all aim to love ourselves, every bit, we will become love and radiate beauty to all those around us.
Shantel VanSanten
#33. Leaning against him, feeling the warmth radiate off him, listening to his breath go in and out, she knew she was exactly where she belonged.
Cindi Madsen
#34. Each time people come into contact with us, they must become different and better people because of having met us. We must radiate God's love.
Mother Teresa
#35. Service to humanity is service to God. Let the love and light of the Kingdom radiate through you until all who look upon you shall be illumined by its reflection. Be as stars, brilliant and sparkling in the loftiness of their heavenly station.
Abdu'l- Baha
#36. We are alike in many ways, you and I. There is darkness in us. Darkness, pain, death. They radiate from us. If ever you love a woman, Rand, leave her and let her find another. It will be the best gift you can give her.
Robert Jordan
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