Top 70 Quotes About Other People's Actions
#1. Even when I knew people were cheating me, what was important was how I behaved, because I have to answer to God. I can't be responsible for other people's actions: They will have to answer to God themselves
Muhammad Ali
#2. You are only responsible for your actions, and your response to other people's actions.
#3. That you don't know for sure it is a mistake. A lot of things are means to some other end. You have to know an awful lot before you can judge other people's actions with real understanding.
Marcus Aurelius
#4. I truly don't judge other people's actions. But I think that factory farming is an abomination.
#5. You can't control other people's actions, but you can control who "thinks" they have control over you.
Shannon L. Alder
#6. Other people's actions are the result of their own pain and not the result of any intention to hurt you.
Thich Nhat Hanh
#7. Never read too much into other people's actions - most of the time it's got nothing to do with you anyway.
Stephanie Taylor
#8. People do misinterpret events, especially the meaning of other people's actions and the motives that lead people to act one way or another.
Paul Ekman
#9. find forgiveness for other people's actions as much as our own.
Brenda Rothert
#10. Keep in mind that other people's actions can never 'make' you feel any certain way. Feelings are your warning indicators.
Marshall B. Rosenberg
#11. Word like that, others' opinions of you, shouldn't have that kind of power, Saint. But they did and therein lay the problem. I was always guilty of letting other people's words and actions hurt me and dictate how I felt about myself, and it was costing me more than I ever thought.
Jay Crownover
#12. Your brand resides in your dominant talent. Other talents and gifts are only there to connect you to the right people for the right choice and the right places for the right actions.
Israelmore Ayivor
#13. Of all actions of a man's life, his marriage does least concern other people, yet of all actions of our life tis most meddled with by other people.
John Selden
#14. When you judge other people without wanting to know the true story behind their actions, is usually when there is something inside of you that is so broken that if you found out what you believed about them was a lie, you wouldn't want to accept it or make amends.
Shannon L. Alder
#15. Although on a conscious level a man lives for himself, he is actually being used for the attainment of humanity's historical aims. A deed once done becomes irrevocable, and any action comes together over time with millions of actions performed by other people to create historical significance.
Leo Tolstoy
#16. I think it's very important that you make your own decision about what you are. Therefore you're responsible for your actions, so you don't blame other people.
Prince William
#17. Hopefully, when your actions and deeds - and therefore other people - boast for you, you're made tired of hearing it, too, from your own mouth because if not, all could lose sight of those actions and deeds behind the gong of your boasting.
Criss Jami
#18. Happiness comes from within. It is not dependent on external things or on other people. You become vulnerable and can be easily hurt when your feelings of security and happiness depend on the behavior and actions of other people. Never give your power to anyone else.
Brian L. Weiss
#19. Our focus must be on what we need to change about ourselves-our attitudes, our words, our actions-even if our circumstances and the other people in our lives remain the same.
Robin Lee Hatcher
#20. In order not to be misunderstood, I want it perfectly clear that I believe it is incumbent on us to conduct our lives in a way that takes into account all the consequences of our actions, including the consequences to other people, and the consequences to the environment.
Michael Crichton
#21. A leader is someone whose actions have the most profound consequences on other people's lives, for better or worse, sometime forever and ever.
Warren G. Bennis
#22. A leader is criticised for whatever he does as all his actions benefit some and adversely affect others. When other people commit the same mistake, they can be forgiven or ignored, but never a leader, for his actions affect a large number of people.
Awdhesh Singh
#23. What if there is no such thing as other people's wrongness ... ?
Jay Woodman
#24. She expected from other people the same opinions and feeling as her own, and she judged their motives by the immediate effect of their actions on herself.
Jane Austen
#25. Shame is much more likely to be the cause of destructive behavior than the cure. Guilt and empathy are the emotions that lead us to question how our actions affect other people, and both of these are severely diminished by the presence of shame.
Brene Brown
#26. Ambition means tying your well-being to what other people say or do. Self-indulgence means tying it to the things that happen to you. Sanity means tying it to your own actions.
Marcus Aurelius
#27. There's no question about freedom of speech when everyone thinks exactly the same and no one says anything out of the accepted norms. In this kind of climate, even the mildest questions sound like heresy, and the outcome is intolerance of other people's beliefs, ideas, actions and freedoms.
Keith Harmon
#28. We cannot control other people and their actions but we can control how we act and react to them.
Elizabeth George
#29. Our souls may lose their peace and even disturb other people's, if we are always criticizing trivial actions - which often are not real defects at all, but we construe them wrongly through our ignorance of their motives.
Saint Teresa Of Avila
#30. Country music was a part of my life. Now it isn't. We had a good relationship, really, but we wanted each other at arm's length. The people in Nashville didn't want to be responsible for my looks or my actions. But they sure did like the listeners I brought.
K.d. Lang
#31. But you are involved in the world, and your actions have consequences for other people, and if you don't recognize that, then that's the supreme kind of cruelty. Everyone shares someone else's fate to some extent.
Malcolm Bradbury
#32. Strange that one man's actions could touch so many other people, like a single, thoughtless breath of wind coming in an open window and blowing the playing cards every which way.
Karleen Koen
#33. If you socialize people to care about each other and care about relationships, they tend to be much less violent and tend to think about the consequences of their actions more.
Meda Chesney-Lind
#34. Two different kinds of Japanese psychotherapies, one based on getting people to stop using feelings as an excuse for their actions and the other based on getting people to practice gratitude.
Will Schwalbe
#35. So other people hurt me? That's their problem. Their character and actions are not mine. What is done to me is ordained by nature, what I do by my own.
Marcus Aurelius
#36. The reason diets and other how-to's don't work for most people is the same reason most how-to books and courses don't work for most people. It isn't that the actions are wrong. It's that people don't keep doing them.
Jeff Olson
#37. Leadership requires using power to influence the thoughts and actions of other people.
Abraham Zaleznik
#38. Testifying has helped me understand that one individual's behavior and actions make a difference. That my actions are important to people other than myself.
Anita Hill
#39. But so long as power remains by itself on one side, and enlightenment and wisdom isolated on the other, wise men will rarely think of great things, princes will more rarely carry out fine actions, and the people will continue to be vile, corrupt, and unhappy.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
#40. All that makes existence valuable to any one depends on the enforcement of restraints upon the actions of other people.
John Stuart Mill
#41. The great gift of American democracy is freedom to think, act, and carry out our lives in a manner that imbues meaning not only to our own life but enhances other people's lives through our everyday actions.
Kilroy J. Oldster
#42. Self-aware, knowledgeable, proactive individual, unrestricted by the attitudes, behaviors, and actions of others or by many of the circumstances and environmental influences that limit other people.
Stephen R. Covey
#43. I would like to assure you that there is no organization or any sort of repression against people who don't agree with our actions, for example in Ukraine, Crimea, or any other external issue, no one from official government organs do this.
Vladimir Putin
#44. We don't set out to save the world; we set out to wonder how other people are doing and to reflect on how our actions affect other people's hearts.
Pema Chodron
#45. The very essence of politeness is to take care that by our words and actions we make other people pleased with us as well as with themselves.
Jean De La Bruyere
#46. You can only control your own actions. Not other people's reactions.
Emily Giffin
#47. When we speak of power, we mean man's control over the minds and actions of other men. By political power we refer to the mutual relations of control among the holders of public authority and between the latter and the people at large.
Hans J. Morgenthau
#48. The wise do not buy into other people's perceptions of who they are and what they are capable of. Instead, they bypass a person's public persona and see who they are in their highest expression. When you see actions taken with integrity, instead of words only, you will then know a soul's worth.
Shannon L. Alder
#49. Your job is to try to determine what the people in your life are trying to teach you. You'll find that if you do this, you'll be far less annoyed, bothered, and frustrated by the actions and imperfections of other people.
Richard Carlson
#50. Grass is greener at other people's feet because they watered it. You need not to let your environment control you; you have what it takes to make it look beautiful!
Israelmore Ayivor
#51. We are not given any promises that, because of our noble intentions, everything will be okay. We learn that what truly heals is gratitude and tenderness. We [need] to transform our minds and actions for the sake of other people and for the future of the world.
Pema Chodron
#52. Thou are my only reality
all other people are but shadows to me: all events and actions, in which thou dost not mingle, are but dreams.
Nathaniel Hawthorne
#53. Personal dignity begins by accepting responsibility for our actions, acting humbly, and extending compassion to other people. Personal humility requires choosing living with quietness of the heart over living in the depths of animosity, despair, and discord.
Kilroy J. Oldster
#54. In other films and TV shows, we might say, "Well, they're just evil." In our show [Daredeval], we're trying to say, "There's bad actions, but not necessarily bad people."
Charlie Cox
#55. Listen, I am someone who had chosen to earn their daily bread killing other people. I'm inclined to give people a bit of leeway when it comes to their actions and decisions.
Jo Nesbo
#56. OkCupid has users from 18 to 80 on the site. And we get to observe all of their actions. We get to watch how they use the site, how they interact with other people.
Sam Yagan
#57. ...if you don't script your own way once and for all, your story will be written by someone else, and your actions will be guided by other people's dreams of who you should be rather than by the bright jagged thing you really are.
Carolina De Robertis
#58. But there is not much time to regret other people, their actions or inactions. Isn't drowning itself enough for one day? Here
Joanna Walsh
#59. Many of us are perpetual reactors. We let other people determine our actions and attitudes. We let other people determine whether we will be rude or gracious, depressed or elated, critical or loyal, passive or dedicated.
Marvin J. Ashton
#60. The only way we succeed as a group is not simply following directions, but in keeping each other accountable for our actions.
A.J. Darkholme
#61. The only real basis other people have for judging your abilities is your actions. And your actions are controlled by your thoughts.
David J. Schwartz
#62. So you think you should just be able to kill yourself and no one should care? ... You don't think that your actions are gonna affect other people - the people who love you?
Nic Sheff
#63. Of all the actions of a man's life, his marriage does least concern other people, yet of all the actions of our lives, 'tis the most meddled with by other people.
John Selden
#64. It's really important for children to have good morals and good manners, and that they're thoughtful of other people and that they learn the consequences of their actions.
Jerry Hall
#65. The stellar universe is not so difficult of comprehension as the real actions of other people.
Marcel Proust
#66. If American misjudgments and actions that evolved into human tragedies - i.e., racism, sexism, and other bigotries - are guiding lights, the Chinese leadership must ultimately yield its power to the sovereignty of its people.
Patrick Mendis
#67. Our intentions tend to be much more real to us than our actions, and this can lead to a great deal of misunderstanding with other people, to whom our actions tend to be much more real than our intentions.
E.F. Schumacher
#68. It's not leadership by position that allows people to succeed; it's the capacity to influence the thoughts, the feelings, the emotions, and the actions of other human beings.
Tony Robbins
#69. The real American ideal of cool which is building businesses, protecting freedom at home and abroad, taking responsibility for your actions, and leaving other people alone to live as they damn well please.
Greg Gutfeld
#70. In that other life, I am the center of my world. Of course, I love and care about other people - many other people. But at the end of the day, my thoughts and actions are mainly about managing my own life and my own emotions. Here,
Cynthia Swanson
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