Top 78 Quotes About One Man Army
#1. Bounty hunters these days - because everything is so sophisticated with computers and surveillance, it doesn't have to be a one-man-army-type guy who goes in and kicks a door down.
Mickey Rourke
#2. I was a kind of a one-man army. I could solder circuits together, I could turn out things on the lathe, I could work with rockets and balloons. I'm a kind of a hybrid between an engineer and a physicist and astronomer.
James Van Allen
#3. Every man who expresses an honest thought is a soldier in the army of intellectual liberty.
Robert Green Ingersoll
#4. The average bright young man who is drafted hates the whole business because an army always tries to eliminate the individual differences in men.
Andy Rooney
#5. Knowledge is lost without putting it into practice; a man is lost due to ignorance; an army is lost without a commander; and a woman is lost without a husband.
#6. After all, he'd been in the United States Army Special Forces, fuck you very much. You might take the man out of the SF, you couldn't take the SF out of the man. He'd been up against some of the world's meanest and toughest. So, goddamn straight he could work his way around one young woman.
Laura Kaye
#7. ...Chief without soldiers is just a very lonely man in a big bloody field
Joe Abercrombie
#8. I had a mixture, my father was a career army man and my mother was a writer.
Bill Griffith
#9. My friendship you shall have, leanred Man," piped Reepicheep. "And any Dwarf
or Giant
in the army who does not give you good language shall have my sword to reckon with.
C.S. Lewis
#10. General Patton, upon seeing the Roman ruins at Agrigento, remarked to a local expert, "Seventh Army didn't cause that destruction, did it, sir?" The man replied, "No sir, that happened in the last war." "What war was that?" "The Second Punic War."5
Robert M. Edsel
#11. I was not one man only but the steady advance hour after hour of an army in close formation, in which there appeared, according to the moment, impassioned men, indifferent men, jealous men.
Marcel Proust
#12. I became a Communist because I fell in love with a man who was a Red and entered the Army to take care of the Fascists, and I knew it would please him if I became one.
Karen Morley
#13. The American Army has supplied, assigned a very capable man to me, to help me, bring me to military justice. I don't think I need no civilians. All I want to do is clear myself with the American Army.
Robert Jenkins
#14. Gay people can't be proud of the country and want to defend it too. What's the army afraid is going to happen if gay people are in it. Private, shoot that man! I can't, he's adorable.
Jon Stewart
#15. The Three Armies can be deprived of their commanding officer, but even a common man cannot be deprived of his purpose.
#16. Apparently, when the arrogant King of Persia beheld the vastness of his troops spread out across boundless plains, he shed copious tears when he realized that not one man amongst his prodigious army would be alive in a hundred years' time.
#17. Hey!" Caleb snapped as he realized Nick was about to lock him on the outside with their attackers. He pushed the door open and glared at him. "No man left behind."
Nick scoffed. "This aint' the army, boy. It's every man for himself. Fall behind. Get eaten
Sherrilyn Kenyon
#18. O man, whoever you are and wherever you come from, for I know you will come, I am Cyrus who won the Persians their empire. Do not therefore begrudge me this bit of earth that covers my bones.
Cyrus The Great
#19. King Richard, who was a strong, restless, burly man, with one idea always in his head, and that the very troublesome idea of breaking the heads of other men, was mightily impatient to go on a Crusade to the Holy Land, with a great army.
Charles Dickens
#20. This army stays here until the last wounded man is removed. Before I leave them to the enemy, I will lose many more men.
Stonewall Jackson
#21. Jesus Christ was innocent too,' said Svejk, 'and all the same they crucified him. No one anywhere has ever worried about a man being innocent. Maul halten und weiter dienen ['Grin and bear it and get on with the job'] - as they used to tell us in the army. That's the best and finest thing of all.
Jaroslav Hasek
#22. I did not come into this Army to serve one man, to serve a friend.
Jeff Shaara
#23. They were out of the Army and out of the experimental program that had failed. They were no longer soldiers. No longer whole. They were the walking wounded, each and every man. Mad Dog was the tip of spear. Time could not heal all wounds.
Cindy Skaggs
#24. One man armed with the right word may do what an army of swordsmen cannot.
Robin Hobb
#25. If those who are sent to draw water begin by drinking themselves, the army is suffering from thirst. [One may know the condition of a whole army from the behavior of a single man.]
Sun Tzu
#26. - I can make Skell laugh if I really have to, but I have to take off one of his boots first.
- That went by just a little fast, Torl.
- It's terribly hard to tickle the bottom of a man's foot when he's wearing boots, commander.
David Eddings
#27. Once outside, the man stopped, lifted his head, took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, as if the air smelled wonderful to him. Then he turned to Jimmy, his expression hard and serious. "We will need an army."
"Uh, I don't exactly have one of those handy.
Linda Howard
#28. Bestow rewards without respect to customary practice; publish orders without respect to precedent. Thus you may employ the entire army as you would one man.
Sun Tzu
#29. An army, great in space, may offer opposition in a brief span of time. One man, brief in space, must spread his opposition across a period of many years if he is to have a chance of succeeding.
Roger Zelazny
#30. As is well know, I, ah..regard myself as a religious man, yet I belong to no church. I'm an able soldier yet I abhor armies. I can even add that I've been introduced to hundreds of women but never married. In other words no one's ever talked me into anything.
Charlton Heston
#31. Flying is one of the safest jobs in the Army as long as you don't drop out. If you do drop out, you are a dead man, and dropping out means, usually, that you have made a mistake or let go of your grip.
Eddie Rickenbacker
#32. Bestow rewards without regard to rule, issue orders without regard to previous arrangements; and you will be able to handle a whole army as though you had to do with but a single man.
Sun Tzu
#34. An Army is a collection of armed men obliged to obey one man. Every change in the rules which impairs the principle weakens the army.
William Tecumseh Sherman
#35. Good manners are the techniques of expressing consideration for the feelings of others.
Alice Duer Miller
#36. Research has shown the challenge caused by Climate change is mainly man-made due to abdication of leadership and personal responsibility in taking care of the environment. Will you be part of the army replenishing the earth and promoting proper stewardship of its resources?
Archibald Marwizi
#37. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electrical stimulation of the brain.
Jose Manuel Rodriguez Delgado
#38. Are there anything more dishonourable and more coward than not marching in front of the army after taking the decision of war as a politician? Sending others for dying but keeping himself in safety is the affair of the low man only!
Mehmet Murat Ildan
#39. William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, said, The greatness of a man's power is in the measure of his surrender.
Rick Warren
#40. It is still the arena of those who dream of the City of Man and those who envision a City of Things. The battle appears to be forever joined. The armies, ignorant and enlightened, clash by day as well as night. Chicago is America's dream, writ large. And flamboyantly.
Studs Terkel
#41. I would like to thank the people who encouraged me to draw army cartoons at a time when the gag man's conception of the army was one of mean ole sergeants and jeeps which jump over mountains.
Bill Mauldin
#42. General Longstreet,when once in a fight, was a most brilliant soldier; but he was the hardest man to move I had in my army.
Robert E.Lee
#43. All the qualities of a man acquire dignity when he knows that the service of the collectivity that owns him needs them. If proud of the collectivity, his own pride rises in proportion. No collectivity is like an army for nourishing such pride ...
William James
#44. If a man says he is not afraid of dying, he is either lying or is a Gurkha.
Sam Manekshaw
#45. Any man who has ever led an army, an expedition, or a group of Boy Scouts has sadism in his bones.
Tahir Shah
#46. A decent moustache can intimidate a man, while a great moustache can frighten an army.
Anya Wylde
#47. The death of one man is tragic, but the death of thousands is statistic
Joseph Stalin
#48. The heavy round face was looking at him, the hard look of a man who had also understood, who had seen all the stupidity, who knew, after all, that the gold stars were often mindless decoration, that the army was led not by symbols, but by the fallible egos and blind fantasies of men.
Jeff Shaara
#49. An army, I learned in time, needs a head. It needs one man to lead it, but give an army two leaders and you halve its strength.
Bernard Cornwell
#50. Are you okay, man?"
"Yeah, I'm good."
It's a lie. I wonder if I will ever be good again.
David Bellavia
#51. Any religion with a sword is not a religion; it is merely an army of assassins! A real man of God carries only flowers in his hands!
Mehmet Murat Ildan
#52. When armies are mobilized and issues joined, the man who is sorry over the fact will always win.
#53. If Lord Duryodhana was an evil man, why did great men like Bhishma, Drona, Kripa, Karna, entire army of Krishna fight war on his side??
Anand Neelakantan
#54. Doctors in 1945 would report that one of Berlin's children's favorite games was 'rape.' When they saw a man in uniform
even a Salvation Army uniform
they would start screaming hysterically.
Andrei Cherny
#55. The left-wing thinkers and intellectuals have been more misogynist with me than the army. They can't accept that a young woman is able to think, and they underestimate the intellectual work and study I might have done. They ask who is the man behind me.
Maria De Medeiros
#56. To make an Army work you have to have every man in it fitted into a fear ladder ... The Army functions best when you're frightened of the man above you, and contemptuous of your subordinates.
Norman Mailer
#57. Thus the skilful general conducts his army just as though he were leading a single man, willy-nilly, by the hand.
Sun Tzu
#58. A whole army, though they can neither write nor read, are not afraid of a platform, which they know is but earth or stone; nor of a cannon, which, without a hand to give fire to it, is but cold iron; therefore a whole army is afraid of one man.
James Harrington
#60. It is now conceded that all idea of British intervention is at an end ... I want to hug the army of the Potomac. I want to get the whole army of Vicksburg drunk at my own expense. I want to fight some small man and lick him.
Henry Adams
#61. There is a time for faith, Bishop, and a time for action. It would be a foolish man who stood on a battlefield and faced an army with a Bible in his hands. We are here to do the bidding of our Lord Almighty, but it is through deeds, as well as piety, that we serve Him.
Robyn Young
#62. Napoleon, the man of genius, did this! But to say that he destroyed his army because he wished to, or because he was very stupid, would be as unjust as to say that he had brought his troops to Moscow because he wished to and because he was very clever and a genius
Leo Tolstoy
#63. Surrender is forbidden. Sixth Army will hold their positions to the last man and the last round and by their heroic endurance will make an unforgettable contribution toward the establishment of a defensive front and the salvation of the Western world.
Friedrich Paulus
#64. The servants of God who had been a besieged garrison became a marching army; the ways of the world were filled as with thunder with the trampling of their feet and far ahead of that ever swelling host went a man singing; as simply he had sung that morning in the winter woods, where he walked alone.
G.K. Chesterton
#65. Soetsu Yanagi, in the "Unknown Craftsman", writes, "Man is most free when his tools are proportionate to his needs." For example, for optimal productivity, a carpenter needs woodworking tools and an environment conducive to his work, not a steam shovel or army tank.
Jeff Davidson
#66. What a battle a man must fight everywhere to maintain his standing army of thoughts, and march with them in orderly array throughthe always hostile country! How many enemies there are to sane thinking! Every soldier has succumbed to them before he enlists for those other battles.
Henry David Thoreau
#67. In times of war or peace the US will gladly pay a man to fail should his heart be in it, a small shimmering proof of the American dream.
Jonathan Culver
#68. The pitifulest thing out is a mob; that's what an army is
a mob; they don't fight with courage that's born in them, but with courage that's borrowed from their mass, and from their officers. But a mob without any MAN at the head of it is BENEATH pitifulness.
Mark Twain
#69. It is hard for one man to beat an army," Danil said.
"But not impossible," Baradar answered.
Jameson Currier
#70. He holds her with the strength of a million-man army, but with all the tenderness of her heart lying naked in the palms of his hands.
Laura Kreitzer
#71. All of the real heroes are not storybook combat fighters either. Every single man in this Army plays a vital role. Don t ever let up. Don t ever think that your job is unimportant. Every man has a job to do and he must do it. Every man is a vital link in the great chain.
George S. Patton Jr.
#72. The leader of armies is the arbiter of the people's fate, the man on whom it depends whether the nation shall be in peace or in peril.
Sun Tzu
#73. A leader is the man who has the ability to get other people to do what they don't want to do, and like it.
Harry S. Truman
#75. War is the sure result of the existence of armed men. That country which maintains a large standing army will sooner or later have a war. The man who prides himself on fisticuffs is going, some day, to meet a man who considers himself the better man, and they will test the issue.
Elbert Hubbard
#76. The death of a man is like the fall of a mighty nation That had valiant armies, captains, and prophets, And wealthy ports and ships all over the seas.
Czeslaw Milosz
#77. My grandfather had come over as a member of the czarist army, to make an arms deal with the British government. Being a blinkered military man, he was unaware that the Russian Revolution was about to take place.
Helen Mirren
#78. A part of being in the army is you never really leave a man behind.
Geoff Stults