Top 80 Quotes About Not Being Shy

#1. I am essentially very shy. Which, I guess, is why I'm very good at not being shy.

Rhys Ifans

Quotes About Not Being Shy #1511322
#2. I was a very shy child. I remember being in a kindergarten open house with my mother and children saying 'Hi' to me, and I still remember feeling this way - but I don't know why - but I wouldn't even say 'Hi' back. I was that shy.

Jim Parsons

Quotes About Not Being Shy #935430
#3. I hate being shy. I hate it.

Kristan Higgins

Quotes About Not Being Shy #964791
#4. People have a hard time believing that, but not having a father around, being shy, I just never participated in sports much.

Chuck Norris

Quotes About Not Being Shy #922591
#5. I'm a shy human being.

Ang Lee

Quotes About Not Being Shy #859598
#6. It's true, I used to be so shy. I used to never talk, just sit back and do my thing. I was never bullied, though, and it was never like it was something that needed to be 'fixed', like being shy is a bad thing.

Kendall Jenner

Quotes About Not Being Shy #848194
#7. It was like that for the first six months after 'E.T.' was in cinemas. I'd go out and get mobbed. I was a shy kid, and being approached by adults all the time just freaked me out.

Henry Thomas

Quotes About Not Being Shy #846660
#8. The one good thing about being kind of shy is that nobody bugs you when you want to be left alone.

Laurie Halse Anderson

Quotes About Not Being Shy #829233
#9. Being an actress, I find myself people-watching and I can be quite shy.

Emma Watson

Quotes About Not Being Shy #828148
#10. I just feel my sexuality is private. I'm very shy about being sexy. That part of me has been so closed to the public eye. I've sold millions of records with my clothes on.

Brandy Norwood

Quotes About Not Being Shy #828024
#11. I have social anxiety. It's easier up on stage because there's security in being there. When I'm off stage I'm trying not to be a manic freak. I'm quite shy.

Sia Furler

Quotes About Not Being Shy #815498
#12. I like to dance and sing when there's no one around, but, if I'm out, I'm really shy about it. So it takes a lot to get me going, but I enjoy being around music.

Derek Jeter

Quotes About Not Being Shy #769165
#13. Her pain was my reward. The fact she got me hard by being shy but so bloody tempting was completely unpermitted.

Pepper Winters

Quotes About Not Being Shy #757041
#14. I can hardly remember her being shy anymore. Well, her version of shy. Even though she's always been a very eager semi-submissive and semi-Domme.

Ella Dominguez

Quotes About Not Being Shy #738780
#15. You know, I am kind of a bi-polarish schitzerphrenic. I run the gamut of being incredibly shy and withdrawn to being a crazy-eccentric exhibitionist. And I have always been like that.

John Leguizamo

Quotes About Not Being Shy #729780
#16. I'm camera shy. I don't necessarily like being front and center. I'd rather not have my face all up in everything. I'm not trying to be some mysterious producer or anything like that.

Galcher Lustwerk

Quotes About Not Being Shy #709673
#17. Basically, I'm a shy human being. Very introverted.

George Hamilton

Quotes About Not Being Shy #689622
#18. And I was very shy as a kid; if you sang me 'Happy Birthday,' I would cry. Quite shy. So the idea of being an actor, much less a model, was just out of this world.

Cody Horn

Quotes About Not Being Shy #661644
#19. As an adolescent, I was painfully shy, withdrawn. I didn't really have the nerve to sing my songs on stage, and nobody else was doing them. I decided to do them in disguise so that I didn't have to actually go through the humiliation of going on stage and being myself.

David Bowie

Quotes About Not Being Shy #649082
#20. I was terribly shy when I was growing up, I really wasn't confident with other people and I think I was always afraid of up or not being this very cool, amazing person that I wanted to be.

Emily Mortimer

Quotes About Not Being Shy #645930
#21. To give them credit, they tried. But how could they know? I wasn't shy. I was heartbroken. I'm still heartbroken. It's a permanent state of being.

Paige Toon

Quotes About Not Being Shy #631854
#22. It's bloody annoying being shy. I'll spend a whole evening at a party asking everyone else about themselves. I'm not being self-deprecating; it's because I'm too shy to talk about myself. So people come away from the evening actually having learnt nothing about me.

Richard C. Armitage

Quotes About Not Being Shy #1107107
#23. I was very, very nervous about the naked scenes. I'm very shy and reserved. But it was Bertolucci and I have seen Last Tango. It's not pornographic. He's a master of eroticism. I stopped being self-conscious. You have to forget everything.

Eva Green

Quotes About Not Being Shy #1601823
#24. I think I'm a shy, self-conscious person who thinks he's being looked at and tries to look okay. Not in a hottie, narcissistic way necessarily.

Mark Leyner

Quotes About Not Being Shy #1586069
#25. From the core, I'm a shy person, but when I'm on stage, I know how to put it aside. Of course, I'm not perfect, but I've definitely grown as far as being comfortable on stage.

Leon Bridges

Quotes About Not Being Shy #1569617
#26. To be political means to speak out, to risk being called 'catty', or worse. I don't hear men worrying about whether they may be right or not. They enjoy the fight, whether it is with words or fists. Women still tend to shy away from controversy, to be uncomfortable with competition.

Madeleine M. Kunin

Quotes About Not Being Shy #1388752
#27. I am not really ever accused of being shy or meek.

Marisol Nichols

Quotes About Not Being Shy #1232251
#28. I really hate being recognised. I'm quite a shy person, and I'm not very good at talking to strangers. So when people come up to me in the street, I just find it quite awkward. I don't really know what to say to them.

Hannah Murray

Quotes About Not Being Shy #1224590
#29. I'm not extremely outgoing, but I'm average, I think. When people meet me they'll say, 'Oh you're not that shy ... ' I never said I was! I see where they're coming from because my biggest single was about being shy at a party - I get it. But it's not 100% accurate.

Alessia Cara

Quotes About Not Being Shy #1189327
#30. Stage-persona notwithstanding, I'm extremely shy and quiet. Almost painfully shy. People misinterpret that as being above it all or not interested.

J. Michael Straczynski

Quotes About Not Being Shy #1171576
#31. I was always shy and had a huge fear of being onstage.

Colbie Caillat

Quotes About Not Being Shy #1112686
#32. Shyness is a luxury reserved for those who are above the poverty line. To a beggar, being shy is deadly.

Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Quotes About Not Being Shy #627745
#33. I suppose expectations are strange and I shy away from them. And the whole point of being an actor is to connect.

Nicole Kidman

Quotes About Not Being Shy #1106847
#34. It was true. I wasn't good with liking someone. my instinct was total self-preservation: show no sign of weakness. This was my pathetic way of being shy.

Jennifer Castle

Quotes About Not Being Shy #1096682
#35. I always felt there was something wrong with me, even when I was a child, a discomfort with my own being. I had an urge to be mean to people. I was too shy to do it properly but now I know the reasons for the faults in my character. I'm the devil.

Rhys Hughes

Quotes About Not Being Shy #1036907
#36. In real life I'm very low-key. A wallflower. One of the reasons I went into comedy and acting was that I was sick of being shy.

Jemaine Clement

Quotes About Not Being Shy #1014814
#37. I'd been educated stupidly, I knew nothing about nothing, that's part of being shy.

Agnes Varda

Quotes About Not Being Shy #1011609
#38. The burden of being intelligent and shy and young is that you will always know, cannot not know; have grown up in a fiction of perpetual responsibility, believing that whatever cracks in life you find must be your cracks, that anything at all can be your fault.

John Burnham Schwartz

Quotes About Not Being Shy #1007721
#39. Growing up, I was a very shy kid but I felt that being on stage or playing another character would somehow open me up. And I think it did.

Jesse Tyler Ferguson

Quotes About Not Being Shy #980994
#40. But a very large piece of my carefulness had always been listening to the subtle whisperings of the Dark Passenger, and it was still being strangely shy about sharing its thoughts.

Jeff Lindsay

Quotes About Not Being Shy #966364
#41. Without a bellyful of liquor, all I am is a woman who cracks stupid jokes to make up for being shy.

Katie Crouch

Quotes About Not Being Shy #964999
#42. Don't shy away from producing your own film and being in charge of its business end as well.

Afia Nathaniel

Quotes About Not Being Shy #145399
#43. You each have the same energy and it sings within you. You need not be shy of it, it is your own. You need not look to gurus, or Gods, or Seths. It dwells within your own being.

Jane Roberts

Quotes About Not Being Shy #244130
#44. She did not look anything like a horned horse, as unicorns are often pictured, being smaller and cloven-hoofed, and possessing that oldest, wildest grace that horses have never had, that deer have only in a shy, thin imitation and goats in dancing mockery.

Peter S. Beagle

Quotes About Not Being Shy #243904
#45. I think if I were a college professor, no one would say I was uncomfortable about being shy because that might be expected. But I think because of people's stereotypes, they think of a football player as someone who is very outgoing and I'm not.

Ricky Williams

Quotes About Not Being Shy #225280
#46. I was always very shy but as I get older I think, What am I being shy for? You just grow weary of your own hang-ups.

Steve Martin

Quotes About Not Being Shy #216038
#47. I think for a group that has a reputation for being shy and elusive, we're actually outspoken.

Stevie Jackson

Quotes About Not Being Shy #183389
#48. What's nice for me, having identified myself for years as being rather shy, is now, wherever I am, in public, there tends to be a friendly face who's pleased to see me, and I like that.

Ian McKellen

Quotes About Not Being Shy #177502
#49. I'm outgoing when I have to be, but usually, I'm kinda shy. I always think people don't want to talk to me. Some people might take that as being stuck-up, but I'm just shy.

Hilary Duff

Quotes About Not Being Shy #163388
#50. It is awkward to listen to oneself being praised, and I was always a shy man.

H. Rider Haggard

Quotes About Not Being Shy #153438
#51. I'm a relatively shy person, but I love being challenged and putting myself in positions that are scary.

Kim Gordon

Quotes About Not Being Shy #152612
#52. The good thing about being shy though as a child is that you become very observant because you're not really actively participating. You're sitting back watching everyone. I think that's really helped me as an actress because I'm good at observing people and then copying them for comic effect.

Rebel Wilson

Quotes About Not Being Shy #246073
#53. I loved to make people laugh in high school, and then I found I loved being on stage in front of people. I'm sure that's some kind of ego trip or a way to overcome shyness. I was very kind of shy and reserved, so there's a way to be on stage and be performing and balance your life out.

Steve Martin

Quotes About Not Being Shy #128858
#54. You have to get over being shy, and just be comfortable with yourself, and I think that for me, if I'd stayed in a small town, I'd be a different person.

Marisa Miller

Quotes About Not Being Shy #111973
#55. My best business decision is always to have been unembarrassed about negotiating a decent deal. Not being coy or shy about money is second nature to me.

Anne Robinson

Quotes About Not Being Shy #99797
#56. I'm actually a very shy person, which is why I always chose to be in the kitchen. You can make people happy and entertain them, without really being there. You can make a very short appearance and then say, 'I've got something on the stove, gotta go!'

Giada De Laurentiis

Quotes About Not Being Shy #97322
#57. I'm quite shy. Television presents an amplified version of yourself. When I'm on camera I'm pumping more adrenaline, I'm being a bit more engaging than I am in everyday conversation, but that's normal, isn't it? Otherwise nobody would want to watch.

Kevin McCloud

Quotes About Not Being Shy #70140
#58. There isn't a performer on earth that isn't an exhibitionist. There isn't any point in being in this business if you're not an exhibitionist. And, by the way, you can be an exhibitionist and be very shy as well.

Madonna Ciccone

Quotes About Not Being Shy #51530
#59. Because there are hundreds of different ways to say one thing, I, being a writer, songwriter, and poet, speak childishly and incoherently. In speech there is so much to decide in so little time.

Criss Jami

Quotes About Not Being Shy #50331
#60. I grew up being very shy, very much a bookworm, and I remember desperately wondering how to be accepted by the popular kids.

Lisa Kleypas

Quotes About Not Being Shy #46289
#61. I grew up a really shy kid, but I always surrounded myself with a lot funny people. It depends on the day - if I feel like being quiet, I will be. I'm not a complete goofball, though.

Manny Montana

Quotes About Not Being Shy #2057
#62. Even when I became the typical shy adolescent, I never minded performing. I felt there was a kind of safety, a protection about being on stage, about losing myself in another character.

Hayley Mills

Quotes About Not Being Shy #370549
#63. I'm somewhat shy about the brutal facts of being a carnivore. I don't like meat to look like animals. I prefer it in the form of sausages, hamburger and meat loaf, far removed from the living thing.

John Updike

Quotes About Not Being Shy #562367
#64. I become irritated when I am being written off as aloof or stand-offish when I'm shy and don't know what to say.

Trent Reznor

Quotes About Not Being Shy #525400
#65. Cowards can't be faulted for being shy. They can't be held responsible for anything.

Koushun Takami

Quotes About Not Being Shy #524083
#66. I always had difficulty as a model just being myself. I can be very shy, and I used to have a lot of anxiety about working on set.

Stephanie Seymour

Quotes About Not Being Shy #522555
#67. Being chronically shy I needed to create a persona for myself and be involved with a band where I could be ruler of my own kingdom. Then Pulp became hugely popular and I lost control of it, which is when it all went wrong.

Jarvis Cocker

Quotes About Not Being Shy #514428
#68. I was really shy when I was a child, very self-conscious about taking up space or being an attention seeker. I was the kind of kid who was really good at homework.

Mickey Sumner

Quotes About Not Being Shy #508807
#69. Portia remembered her interview in the small office upstairs ... in which she had been so shy, so terrified about not being good enough, not getting this thing, this chance, which she had only just discovered she wanted very badly.

Jean Hanff Korelitz

Quotes About Not Being Shy #493211
#70. I found myself getting more publicly shy when the gala events and big crowds started. Some people embrace it. To me, it's not worth enough to risk my private life being public.

Matt Damon

Quotes About Not Being Shy #442552
#71. The music is key. It has the power to transport you. I go from being a slightly insecure, shy kind of a person offstage, to this super-confident, motivated, entity onstage.

Neil Diamond

Quotes About Not Being Shy #414703
#72. I always just forced myself to do crazy things in public. In college I would push an overhead projector across campus with my pants just low enough to show my butt. Then my friend would incite the crowd to be like, 'Look at that idiot!' That's how I got over being shy.

Will Ferrell

Quotes About Not Being Shy #588221
#73. My problem with being an actor was that I was far too shy to actually do it.

Bruce Robinson

Quotes About Not Being Shy #365092
#74. Even now I can't stand being recognized in the street. I just hate it when strangers come up and try to talk to me. I'm pathologically shy.

Jimmy Nail

Quotes About Not Being Shy #353831
#75. I don't think it's necessary to shout if you have a good story. But I also don't think you should shy away from being bold in the statement that you're making.

Nancy Gibbs

Quotes About Not Being Shy #311611
#76. I sense from people that they get frustrated with me for not being out and about. But I guess I'm a shy boy.

Christopher Lloyd

Quotes About Not Being Shy #301088
#77. Being a Boy Scout saved my life. I was a bookish, introverted kid, shy and withdrawn, unhappy and easily bullied. I was also gay, although I didn't know it yet. I should've been miserable. But being a scout got me out of myself and into the world.

Christopher Bram

Quotes About Not Being Shy #296284
#78. When I was younger, I used to be super, super shy. I still find myself being scared of things.

Vanessa Hudgens

Quotes About Not Being Shy #256691
#79. I hang here like Hallaj, feeling those lips
on me, the honor of being lifted up
on a crucifixion apple tree.

Now the kissing is over.
Fold your love in.
Hide it like pastry filling.

Whisper within with
a shy girl's tenderness

Jalaluddin Rumi

Quotes About Not Being Shy #256084
#80. I'm actually a really shy person. I just really enjoy being in studio; I don't go out much.

Lykke Li

Quotes About Not Being Shy #247045

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