Top 30 Quotes About Nature V Nurture

#1. In the real world there is no nature vs. nurture argument, only an infinitely complex and moment-by-moment interaction between genetic and environmental effects

Gabor Mate

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #441075
#2. The contrast between genetic and environmental, between nature and nurture, is not a contrast between fixed and changeable. It is a fallacy of biological determinism to say that if differences are in the genes, no change can occur.

Richard C. Lewontin

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #687339
#3. Well, it arose out of two long-term concerns - the first being the possibility of genetic manipulation, nature versus nurture, what constitutes how people get to be how they are.

Katherine Dunn

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #677527
#4. Nature is a definite thing. But nurture is just as powerful. It can really mess with you.

Henry Cavill

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #666144
#5. Modern parents want to nurture so skillfully that Mother Nature will gasp in admiration at the marvels their parenting produces from the soft clay of children.

George Will

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #621163
#6. Needs are imposed by nature. Wants are sold by society.

Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #609983
#7. Shouldn't an important part of discovering yourself be discovering what you family was like? Whichever side you favor in the nature versus nurture argument, who your parents are certainly helped shape who you are.

Quinn Cummings

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #599602
#8. We are product of neither nature nor nurture; we are a product of choice, because there is always a space between stimulus and response. As we wisely exercise our power to choose based on principles, the space will become larger.

Stephen Covey

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #596864
#9. Nature is the length of the rectangle, nurture the width. There can be no rectangle without both.

Matt Ridley

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #577433
#10. You inherit your environment just as much as your genes.

Johnny Rich

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #556331
#11. No body wishes more than I do to see such proofs as you exhibit, that nature has given to our black brethren, talents equal to those of the other colors of men, and that the appearance of a want of them is owing merely to the degraded condition of their existence, both in Africa & America.

Thomas Jefferson

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #550289
#12. Day after day, more and more medications are prescribed for depression and addiction, assuming that these things run in our blood, when really they run in our patterns of awareness.

Vironika Tugaleva

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #543440
#13. Stories nurture our connection to place and to each other. They show us where we have been and where we can go. They remind us of how to be human, how to live alongside the other lives that animate this planet ... When we lose stories, our understanding of the world is less rich, less true.

Susan J. Tweit

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #526118
#14. You're not a product of your nature. That is your genetic makeup or your nurture, the things that have happened to you. Of course those things affect you powerfully, but they do not determine you.

Stephen Covey

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #494436
#15. You call our upbringing normal?"
"Mostly, yes! Don't get all revisionist. I was queer and lonely. You were weird and hungry. It wasn't nature or nurture. We're the ones who cultivated our abnormalities.

Rodney Ross

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #477013
#16. Instead of pitting nature against nurture, we must understand that both work in harmony. We can influence our nature through nurture.

Gudjon Bergmann

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #59100
#17. We all have nature and nurture to shape us. She can watch other people's opinions when she has opinions of her own, and no sooner. We're not digital creatures. We're flesh and blood. Better she learns that before the world finds her.

Pierce Brown

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #439212
#18. It is almost impossible to shake of one's earliest training. Duke, can you get it through your skull that had you been brought up by Martians, you would have the same attitude toward eating and being eaten as Mike has.

Robert A. Heinlein

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #434884
#19. The dynamic inter-linkage of art forms in orature is thus seen as reflecting a Weltanschauung that assumes the normality of the connection between nature, nurture, supernatural, and supernurtural. I

Ngugi Wa Thiong'o

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #432053
#20. When the hoary old question of nature versus nurture comes around, sides form quickly.

Simon Blackburn

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #327078
#21. Fundamentally, we are a product of choice, not nature (genes) or nurture (upbringing, environment).

Stephen Covey

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #293610
#22. Machinations are divined. Response is by nature, nurture, experience and if sought peer pressure. You are the owner of free will. Choose.

Truth Devour

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #280819
#23. My child was one of Nature's Tories pitted against a mother who was one of nurture's Lefties: it was no contest.

Allison Pearson

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #212157
#24. I don't have any regrets about not having kids. I've just never had those maternal feelings. I am a nurturer by nature, but I nurture adults: my friends, the people I work with. I don't want to nurture children.

Barbara Windsor

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #150149
#25. But as history clearly shows, most people, whether because of nature or nurture, generally put their own interests ahead of others'. This doesn't make them bad people; it just makes them human.

Steven D. Levitt

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #120173
#26. Call it nature or nurture, there are differences in how men and women approach professional conduct, and facing these issues head-on will make us all more equipped to succeed.

Kathryn Minshew

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #104396
#27. It was in her nature to love and to nurture; she would not leave those feelings within herself to fester and sour, but instead she chose someone who would receive her gifts gladly. She did not hold herself to be so special that only one special person could she find satisfactory.

Sena Jeter Naslund

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #97385
#28. Our first impressions are generated by our experiences and our environment, which means that we can change our first impressions ... by changing the experiences that comprise those impressions.

Malcolm Gladwell

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #90005
#29. At the end of the day, Mother Nature has only one question for us: 'What life did you nurture today?

Robert Breault

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #80557
#30. Coloron often pondered how a race, in which the stupid seemed more inclined to breed, had managed to come this far, and why human intelligence persisted - a discussion point in the nature vs nurture debate which had not died in half a millennium.

Neal Asher

Quotes About Nature V Nurture #60086

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