Top 31 Quotes About Nantucket

#1. People think I live here on Nantucket and just gaze at the ocean, getting my inspiration. Not so. I work in my basement and gaze out onto a single window that shows me a cement wall. This is a profession, and it's important to have professionalism about the writing.

Nathaniel Philbrick

Quotes About Nantucket #179798
#2. Islands, being harder to get to, naturally separated some of the wheat from the chaff, which was the entire philosophy behind places like Nantucket, where children grew up feeling entitled to private beaches and loud pants.

Emma Straub

Quotes About Nantucket #1788998
#3. The body of water between Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket is the Muskeget Channel. "I

Elin Hilderbrand

Quotes About Nantucket #1487974
#4. Queegqueg no care what god made him shark ... wedder Fejee god or Nantucket god; but de god what made him shark must be one dam Ingin.

Herman Melville

Quotes About Nantucket #1426058
#5. 5TH NANTUCKET SAILOR What's that I saw - lightning? Yes. SPANISH SAILOR No; Daggoo showing his teeth.

Herman Melville

Quotes About Nantucket #1355712
#6. In fact take my body who will, take it I say, it is not me. And therefore three cheers for Nantucket; and come a stove boat and stove body when they will, for stave my soul, Jove himself cannot.

Melville Herman

Quotes About Nantucket #1006567
#7. For me when I was growing up, some of the happiest times were when we went to a small island called Nantucket off Massachusetts.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Quotes About Nantucket #941707
#8. I grew up outside of Boston in a town called Manchester by the Sea, and we spent our summers in Nantucket.

Nat Faxon

Quotes About Nantucket #925006
#9. If you're going to have an asthma attack in the surf, I strongly recommend you do so in Nantucket.

Jennifer Crusie

Quotes About Nantucket #692306
#10. She would have to leave the country, or at least Nantucket, because there was no way she could live down the fact that she had tried to strangle the hottest boy on the island.

Josephine Angelini

Quotes About Nantucket #569057
#11. You see the pictures in the paper today of John Kerry windsurfing? He's at his home in Nantucket this week, doing his favorite thing, windsurfing. Even his hobby depends on which way the wind blows.

Jay Leno

Quotes About Nantucket #536035
#12. My highest aspiration in life is to serve as the Limerick Laureate of Nantucket.

Alan C. Baird

Quotes About Nantucket #494477
#13. The problem is that one cannot easily build Charleston anymore, because it is against the law. Similarly, Boston's Beacon Hill, Nantucket, Santa Fe, Carmel - all of these well-known places, many of which have become tourist destinations, exist in direct violation of current zoning ordinances.

Andres Duany

Quotes About Nantucket #371703
#14. If you live on Nantucket, you can't avoid its history, and 'Moby Dick' is the way most of us get into Nantucket's history.

Nathaniel Philbrick

Quotes About Nantucket #367269
#15. About their wedding on a beach of Nantucket, after nearly 50 years together as a couple: "After years of being who we truly were only in the privacy of our homes or with a few friends, we were out in the world, under the sky, no longer pretending." - Norman Sunshine, co-author, Double Life

Norman Sunshine

Quotes About Nantucket #87907
#16. I'm from a little island off of Massachusetts, Nantucket. It's hard getting into the music business from there, but my parents took me to songwriting festivals because I would write and produce my own music.

Meghan Trainor

Quotes About Nantucket #905471
#17. And what if that news anchor is creepy? He's too smooth, and he has that hairpiece.

Leila Howland

Quotes About Nantucket #1856258
#18. You think looting is bad in Egypt, look at Peru, India, China. I've been told in China there are over a quarter-million archaeological sites, and most have been looted. This is a global problem of massive proportions, and we don't know the scale.

Sarah Parcak

Quotes About Nantucket #1838464
#19. When you're seventy-five, you are still going to be you.

Linda Gray

Quotes About Nantucket #1824966
#20. We are not always shaped by our parents, Cas. We're shaped by our choices.

Sarah Dalton

Quotes About Nantucket #1797209
#21. When you recognize the festive and the still moments as moments of prayer, then you gradually realize that to pray is to live.

Henri Nouwen

Quotes About Nantucket #1446801
#22. It is not an easy thing," she said, "to love more than one is loved.

Joan Wolf

Quotes About Nantucket #1414088
#23. I'm trying to protect you. From myself. I don't do ... " he swung a finger back and forth between us" ... this.

Tammara Webber

Quotes About Nantucket #1287293
#24. There are countless things in this vast universe that humankind does not know.

Jeff VanderMeer

Quotes About Nantucket #1069169
#25. Religion and spirituality can easily be intertwined; however, there is a very distinct separation between the two.

Ricky Maye

Quotes About Nantucket #1048967
#26. Like environmentalists, politicians generally privilege flora and fauna over folks.

Ilana Mercer

Quotes About Nantucket #1038440
#27. We do not know what things look like. We know what things are like. It must be a very limiting thing,this seeing. -Aunt Beast

Madeleine L'Engle

Quotes About Nantucket #979149
#28. There is one irrefutable law of the universe: We are each responsible for our own life. If you're holding anyone else accountable for your happiness, you're wasting your time. You must be fearless enough to give yourself the love you didn't receive.

Oprah Winfrey

Quotes About Nantucket #926457
#29. I want the single player experience.

Wayne Brady

Quotes About Nantucket #519369
#30. A woman had joined the two men sitting at table three. She was a blonde, one of those fatal blondes, six foot tall or near enough, with hair the color of clover honey.

Martha Reed

Quotes About Nantucket #294634
#31. You were a cop?" Sarah remarked, surprised. She couldn't imagine this elegant woman posted on duty anywhere. Well, Lord and Taylor, maybe.

Martha Reed

Quotes About Nantucket #99796

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