Top 100 Quotes About Mysteries

#1. What do we mean by "knowledge" or "understanding"? And how do billions of neurons achieve them? These are complete mysteries. Admittedly, cognitive neuroscientists are still very vague about the exact meaning of words like "understand," "think," and indeed the word "meaning" itself.

V.S. Ramachandran

Quotes About Mysteries #1327431
#2. I accept relationship as my primary teacher about myself, other people, and the mysteries of the universe.

Gay Hendricks

Quotes About Mysteries #1195690
#3. No culture is without access to divine mysteries.

Andrea Cremer

Quotes About Mysteries #1200888
#4. To conceive the horror of my sensations is, I presume, utterly impossible; yet a curiosity to penetrate the mysteries of these awful regions predominates even over my despair, and will reconcile me to the most hideous aspect of death.

Edgar Allan Poe

Quotes About Mysteries #1208050
#5. Negative Capacity, that is when a man is capable of being in uncertainties, Mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact & reason.

Hyder Edward Rollins

Quotes About Mysteries #1216950
#6. The true Wonderland was not like that, he knew. It was as much shadow as sunlight, and its mysteries could only be unveiled when your wits were about used up and your mind close to cracking.

Clive Barker

Quotes About Mysteries #1217619
#7. The mysteries of life and death have a profound impact on the life of a person and it is ridiculous that people believe that birth of a child is the beginning of life and death of a person is the end of life.

Maitreya Rudrabhayananda

Quotes About Mysteries #1221075
#8. Man never knows what he wants; he aspires to penetrate mysteries and as soon as he has, wants to re-establish them. Ignorance irritates him and knowledge cloys.

Henri Frederic Amiel

Quotes About Mysteries #1221548
#9. Listen, darling, tomorrow I'll buy you a whole lot of detective stories, but don't worry your pretty little head over mysteries tonight.

Dashiell Hammett

Quotes About Mysteries #1223332
#10. I wish to confound all these people, to create a work of art of a supernatural realism and of a spiritualist naturalism. I wish to prove ... that nothing is explained in the mysteries which surround us.

Joris-Karl Huysmans

Quotes About Mysteries #1225005
#11. Well, to find, not the meaning of life because I believe in mysteries, I believe that there is a mystery that goes far beyond our understanding.

Paulo Coelho

Quotes About Mysteries #1225549
#12. Those eyes. So dark, a brown that held mysteries and promises I knew better than to think were for me. Yet when they were trained on me like they were now, my insides melted like gooey Nutella.

Jenny B. Jones

Quotes About Mysteries #1228123
#13. Lots of things are mysteries. But that doesn't mean there isn't an answer to them. It's just that scientists haven't found the answer yet.

Mark Haddon

Quotes About Mysteries #1228353
#14. After I had written seventeen full-length mysteries, two volumes of mini-mysteries, a travel guide and some quiz books, not to mention a spin-off Roman Mystery Scrolls series, I thought it was time I moved to new historical pastures.

Caroline Lawrence

Quotes About Mysteries #1229125
#15. So much has been done, exclaimed the soul of Frankenstein
more, far more, will I achieve; treading in the steps already marked, I will pioneer a new way, explore unknown powers, and unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of creation.

Mary Shelley

Quotes About Mysteries #1229408
#16. Mysteries make one dream of unendurable bewitchments, they have the fragrance of something quite, quite unspeakably beautiful.

Robert Walser

Quotes About Mysteries #1233277
#17. Here then is the pattern in my carpet, the sense of the eternal mysteries, the eternal beauty hidden beneath the crust of common and commonplace things; hidden and yet burning and glowing continually if you care to look with purged eyes.

Arthur Machen

Quotes About Mysteries #1235899
#18. Superstition originates among ordinary people in the early and all too zealous instruction they receive in religion: they hear of mysteries, miracles, deeds of the Devil, and consider it very probable that things of this sort could occur in everything anywhere.

Georg C. Lichtenberg

Quotes About Mysteries #1237078
#19. In our eagerness to solve life we start out to trace its mysteries and trample God's truths as we search. As we return we discover the shattered treasures, and gladly stoop to gather up the fragments, and with them translate the revelations of the soul.

Margaret Bird Steinmetz

Quotes About Mysteries #1239065
#20. We never know through what Divine mysteries of compensation the great Father of the universe may be carrying out His sublime plan; but those three words, "God is love " ought to contain, to every doubting soul, the solution of all things.

Dinah Maria Murlock Craik

Quotes About Mysteries #1240997
#21. When you get older, you know that life's mysteries are revealed in the fullness of time. All you have to do is wait, watch, and be amazed.

Linda Gray

Quotes About Mysteries #1242115
#22. Point the way,' he was talking in metaphorical terms. This pointing-hand gesture - with its index finger and thumb extended upward - is a well-known symbol of the Ancient Mysteries, and it appears

Dan Brown

Quotes About Mysteries #1242482
#23. There is little to be gained by seeking after the mysteries, for there is hardly time in a lifetime to master the plain and precious things.

Boyd K. Packer

Quotes About Mysteries #1243941
#24. Every reader, I suspect, has a book like this somewhere in his or her past, a book that seemed to hold within it, at that moment, all the mysteries of the universe.

Anna Quindlen

Quotes About Mysteries #1254860
#25. Thank God I have four sons. The mother/daughter relationship is one of mankind's great mysteries, and for womankind, it can be hellaciously complicated. My mother and I are quintessential examples of the rewards and frustrations, and the joys and infuriations it can yield.

Melissa Gilbert

Quotes About Mysteries #1255209
#26. The Rosary offers an easy way to present the chief mysteries of the Christian religion and to impress then upon the mind.

Pope Leo XIII

Quotes About Mysteries #1258579
#27. Secrets of Closing the Sale, is essential reading. Ziglar tells us that selling and closing are not mysteries to be solved; instead they are as tangible as when his wife up-sold him on a new house.

Zig Ziglar

Quotes About Mysteries #1261507
#28. The science of numbers ought to be preferred as an acquisition before all others, because of its necessity and because of the great secrets and other mysteries which there are in the properties of numbers. All sciences partake of it, and it has need of none.


Quotes About Mysteries #1265435
#29. We live among mysteries. Love is one, there are others. We must not imagine we understand all there is to know about the world.

Guy Gavriel Kay

Quotes About Mysteries #1266187
#30. When the wind carries a cry which is meaningful to human ears, it is simpler to believe the wind shares with us some part of the emotion of Being than that the mysteries of a hurricane's rising murmur reduce to no more than the random collision of insensate molecules.

Norman Mailer

Quotes About Mysteries #1266289
#31. The sea is as desolate and barren as it is fertile and life-giving. It is cold and dismal, yet bold and spirited. Sometimes imperious and conquering, other times gentle and meek. But it is always mysterious. Those mysteries hold many secrets. One has but to listen and watch to discover them

Jocelyn Murray

Quotes About Mysteries #1267228
#32. Twitter's popularity and usefulness are mysteries to me.

David Harsanyi

Quotes About Mysteries #1272184
#33. I have long been convinced that the Christian Eucharist is but a continuation of the Eleusinian mysteries. St Paul, in using the word teleiois, almost confirms this.

James Anthony Froude

Quotes About Mysteries #1283564
#34. The ultimate design of the Mysteries ... was to lead us back to the principles from which we descended, ... a perfect enjoyment of intellectual [spiritual] good.


Quotes About Mysteries #1285292
#35. I hate academic mysteries. As soon as I come across the word 'don' and it's not someone's first name, I close the book.

Fran Lebowitz

Quotes About Mysteries #1285584
#36. The works of God are great mysteries and may truly always be hidden from us, however it is not wrong to lead your own personal enquiry through your prayers to the Lord.

Lady Jane Grey

Quotes About Mysteries #1286508
#37. I have always loved reading books for children and young adults, particularly when those books are mysteries.

Eleanor Catton

Quotes About Mysteries #1291419
#38. Late summer is perfect for classic mysteries - think of Raymond Chandler's hot Santa Anas and Agatha Christie's Mediterranean resorts - while big ambitious works of nonfiction are best approached in September and early October, when we still feel energetic and the grass no longer needs to be cut.

Michael Dirda

Quotes About Mysteries #1293058
#39. I like a good fun chick-lit book as much as I like historical fiction, mysteries, or biographies, I like to be well-rounded!

Erin Duffy

Quotes About Mysteries #1293281
#40. Conspiracies fascinate me. When I visited the Rozabal shrine in Srinagar before writing my first book, I remember thinking that the person enshrined there was no ordinary mortal. History is rife with mysteries, and that visit ignited a fire to unveil some of them.

Ashwin Sanghi

Quotes About Mysteries #1294148
#41. I like murder mysteries, the Agatha Christie kinds of things where you know that it's all going to be neatly wound up at the end.

Stephen Sondheim

Quotes About Mysteries #1296855
#42. The Lord commands us to learn and discover all we can in this life. There's nothing wrong with wanting to know the mysteries of outer space or the latent powers of the mind. The problem comes when we desire to use that knowledge for our own gratification, rather than to build the kingdom of God.

Chris Heimerdinger

Quotes About Mysteries #1299038
#43. And though you study medicine for a score of lifetimes, there will come to you people whose illnesses are mysteries, for the anguish of which you speak is part and parcel of the profession of healing and must be lived with.

Noah Gordon

Quotes About Mysteries #1300786
#44. Symbolism is the language of the Mysteries. By symbols men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which transcend the limitations of language.

Manly Hall

Quotes About Mysteries #1302165
#45. To forget is the great secret of strong creative natures; to forget is the way nature herself who knows no past and who at every hour begins the mysteries of her untiring labors afresh.

Honore De Balzac

Quotes About Mysteries #1305941
#46. The best part of such noble liquor, No less than gold and jewelry, By preference dwells in night and gloom. The wise man searches tirelessly; 5200 To see by daylight, that's child's play, But where it's dark, there mysteries have their home.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Quotes About Mysteries #1306528
#47. To those who ask what the infinitely small quantity in mathematics is, we answer that it is actually zero. Hence there are not so many mysteries hidden in this concept as they are usually believed to be.

Leonhard Euler

Quotes About Mysteries #1307771
#48. Let me get lost in the mysteries of your heart.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Mysteries #1309457
#49. In 1930s mysteries, all sorts of motives were credible which aren't credible today, especially motives of preventing guilty sexual secrets from coming out. Nowadays, people sell their guilty sexual secrets.

P.D. James

Quotes About Mysteries #1311632
#50. I was on the verge of something numinous and profound and in one more second the universe was going to crack open and arcana would rain down on my head like grace and all the cosmic mysteries were going to be revealed.

Kate Atkinson

Quotes About Mysteries #1313207
#51. A true scientist is bored by knowledge; it is the assault on ignorance that motivates him - the mysteries that previous discoveries have revealed.

Matt Ridley

Quotes About Mysteries #1313314
#52. I think books with spiritual themes simply point to the deeper mysteries of life - to what lies beyond us, to what's hidden inside of us, or perhaps to an understanding of what truly matters.

Sue Monk Kidd

Quotes About Mysteries #1313383
#53. Nature does not reveal her mysteries once and for all.


Quotes About Mysteries #1314637
#54. It is true that novelists are shameless and obey no decent law, and they are not to be trusted on any account, but some Mysteries even they must honor.

Catherynne M Valente

Quotes About Mysteries #1317948
#55. I used to watch the line where earth and sky met, and longed to go and seek there the key of all mysteries, thinking that I might find there a new life, perhaps some great city where life should be grander and richer - and then it struck me that life may be grand enough even in a prison.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Quotes About Mysteries #1319506
#56. In a moment of grace, we can grasp eternity in the palm of our hand. This is the gift given to creative individuals who can identify with the mysteries of life through art.

Marcel Marceau

Quotes About Mysteries #1323067
#57. Far 'neath the earth crust, in the Halls of Amenti, mysteries I saw that are hidden from men.

Maurice Doreal

Quotes About Mysteries #1325211
#58. We're so complex; we're mysteries to ourselves; we're difficult to each other. And then storytelling reminds us we're all the same.

Brad Pitt

Quotes About Mysteries #1376965
#59. The priest, realistically considered, is the most immoral of men, for he is always willing to sacrifice every other sort of good to the one good of his arcanum - the vague body of mysteries that he calls the truth.

H.L. Mencken

Quotes About Mysteries #1431122
#60. The real truth about a lot of life's mysteries can be explained by science but people don't want to get in bed with science because it's cold. They prefer religion, myth, drama.

David Duchovny

Quotes About Mysteries #1426219
#61. There's a market for mysteries for adults. That feeling of opening a book and delving inside and not coming out until you've closed the book.

Kate Morton

Quotes About Mysteries #1423622
#62. Darwin's Theory of Evolution is the worst way to explain the mysteries of life, except for Creationism.

Roberto Quaglia

Quotes About Mysteries #1422480
#63. A God whom we could understand exhaustively, and whose revelation of Himself confronted us with no mysteries whatsoever, would be a God in man's image, and therefore an imaginary God, not the God of the Bible at all.

J.I. Packer

Quotes About Mysteries #1422165
#64. I see mysteries and complications wherever I look, and I have never met a steadily logical person.

Martha Gellhorn

Quotes About Mysteries #1419179
#65. What's the use of making mysteries? It only makes people want to nose 'em out.

Edith Wharton

Quotes About Mysteries #1415537
#66. A lot of locked-room mysteries take time for you to pay attention and see the setup. They aren't thrillers, and they don't move along. The modern mystery story is really faster-paced, and I think modern readers tend to prefer seeing something happening on every other page.

Otto Penzler

Quotes About Mysteries #1414928
#67. There will come a time when everybody will know why, for what purpose, there is all this suffering, and there will be no more mysteries. But now we must live ... we must work, just work!

Anton Chekhov

Quotes About Mysteries #1414615
#68. In motion alone is the answer to all of the mysteries of matter.

Walter Russell

Quotes About Mysteries #1413615
#69. Egypt is full of dreams, mysteries, memories.

Janet Erskine Stuart

Quotes About Mysteries #1411988
#70. Mysteries are due to secrecy.

Francis Bacon

Quotes About Mysteries #1411189
#71. Harvey , Galileo , Copernicus do not seem occult to us, but they did so to their contemporaries, hierophants of the mysteries of Natural Law, revealers of the secrets of a New Order of the Ages. After all, the movement eventually came to be called the Age of Enlightenment.

Kenneth Rexroth

Quotes About Mysteries #1406809
#72. The thousand mysteries around us would not trouble but interest us, if only we had cheerful, healthy hearts.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Quotes About Mysteries #1406202
#73. Africa has her mysteries, and even a wise man cannot understand them. But a wise man respects them

Miriam Makeba

Quotes About Mysteries #1405518
#74. We laughed again. We couldn't stop. I wondered what it was we were laughing about. Was it just our names? Were we laughing because we were relieved? Were we happy? Laughter was another one of life's mysteries

Benjamin Alire Saenz

Quotes About Mysteries #1404122
#75. This is in a real sense the capstone of the initial missions to explore the planets. Pluto, its moons and this part of the solar system are such mysteries that New Horizons will rewrite all of the textbooks.

Alan Stern

Quotes About Mysteries #1400941
#76. What a book the Bible is, what a miracle, what strength is given with it to man. It s like a mould cast of the world and man and human nature, everything is there, and a law for everything for all the ages. And what mysteries are solved and revealed

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Quotes About Mysteries #1400658
#77. Ned said "Nancy Drew is the best girl detective in the whole world!"
"Don't you believe him," Nancy said quickly. "I have solved some mysteries, I'll admit, and I enjoy it, but I'm sure there are many other girls who could do the same.

Carolyn Keene

Quotes About Mysteries #1399729
#78. Amid ancient lore the Word of God stands unique and pre-eminent. Wonderful in its construction, admirable in its adaptation, it contains truths that a child may comprehend, and mysteries into which angels desire to look.

Frances Harper

Quotes About Mysteries #1398815
#79. In monasteries, seminaries, retreats and synagogues, they fear hell and seek paradise. Those who know the mysteries of God never let that seed be planted in their souls.

Omar Khayyam

Quotes About Mysteries #1398336
#80. And to think, there are still places in the world where man has not been, where he has left no footprints, where the mysteries stand secure, untouched by human eyes. I want to go to these places, the quiet, timeless, ageless places, and sit, letting silence and solitude be my teachers.

Evan Tanner

Quotes About Mysteries #1397751
#81. The mysteries of universe are revealed to those who seek to know the truth of their own existence first.

Anjali Chugh

Quotes About Mysteries #1392235
#82. How would you even begin to make a hush puppy, what in the world was in one? Nothing to do with a puppy, surely. Garnett had long known, though he didn't much like to admit it, that God's world and the better part of daily life were full of mysteries known only to women.

Barbara Kingsolver

Quotes About Mysteries #1388671
#83. I'm not a fan of mysteries, so to prepare for this experience of writing a mystery I started reading the most successful ones in the market in 2012 ... And I realized I cannot write that kind of book. It's too gruesome, too violent, too dark; there's no redemption there.

Isabel Allende

Quotes About Mysteries #1387926
#84. Books, as Dryden has aptly termed them, are spectacles to read nature. Aeschylus and Aristotle, Shakespeare and Bacon, are priests who preach and expound the mysteries of man and the universe. They teach us to understand and feel what we see, to decipher and syllable the hieroglyphics of the senses.

Augustus William Hare

Quotes About Mysteries #1380976
#85. Dogs again had it right. They didn't trouble themselves with mysteries that could never be solved anyway.

Jonathan Franzen

Quotes About Mysteries #1380839
#86. I'm a man of many mysteries, Mrs Kyle.

S.C. Stephens

Quotes About Mysteries #1377142
#87. And, indeed, this is one of the greatest mysteries in the world; namely, that a righteousness that resides in heaven should justify me, a sinner on earth!

John Bunyan

Quotes About Mysteries #1340107
#88. We live in a world where no one believes. Enlightenment and knowledge are laughed at. Those who seek and teach the mysteries are scorned and often persecuted. Welcome to the planet earth: environment hostile.

Frederick Lenz

Quotes About Mysteries #1350407
#89. A redoubtable alchemy was at work behind impenetrable veils as the forest prepared it's nocturnal mysteries.

Julien Gracq

Quotes About Mysteries #1349968
#90. We injure mysteries, which are matters of faith, by any attempt at explanation in order to make them matters of reason. Could they be explained, they would cease to be mysteries; and it has been well said that a thing is not necessarily against reason because it happens to be above it.

Charles Caleb Colton

Quotes About Mysteries #1348725
#91. In the spectrum of God's mysteries, preaching is a sacrament: Because of its sacramental reality some people have never again been the same.

John E. Hines

Quotes About Mysteries #1344734
#92. You may dress an ironman in silks and velvets, teach him to read and write and give him books, instruct him in chivalry and courtesy and the mysteries of the Faith," writes Archmaester Haereg, "but when you look into his eyes, the sea will still be there, cold and grey and cruel.

George R R Martin

Quotes About Mysteries #1343460
#93. The bus scares me. Way too many gross people on the bus. Sixty-five people on the bus and I was the last one on. I felt like calling Unsolved Mysteries. 'Yeah, I found everybody.

Kathleen Madigan

Quotes About Mysteries #1343312
#94. Science doesn't reduce things, or explain mysteries away; it just discovers stranger and stranger things.

Rebecca Stott

Quotes About Mysteries #1335563
#95. If the ancient churches, in debating and deciding the greatest mysteries of religion, knew nothing of these two texts, I understand not why we should be so fond of them now the debate is over.

Isaac Newton

Quotes About Mysteries #1328648
#96. However, Westcliff had learned that the mysteries of attraction could not always be explained by logic. Sometimes the fractures in two separate souls became the hinges that held them together.

Lisa Kleypas

Quotes About Mysteries #1331359
#97. Bereavement is the deepest initiation into the mysteries of human life, an initiation more searching and profound than even happy love.

Dean Inge

Quotes About Mysteries #1335163
#98. I don't believe in destroying GOOD mysteries or adding to BAD reputations.

John Balance

Quotes About Mysteries #1352404
#99. How men fear the chaos of the world, I thought, and the yawning eternity hereafter. So we build patterns to explain its terrible mysteries and reassure ourselves we are safe in this world and beyond.

C.J. Sansom

Quotes About Mysteries #1335748
#100. Awful Night! Ancestral mystery of mysteries.

George Eliot

Quotes About Mysteries #1338297

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