Top 31 Quotes About Medical Education

#1. The dilemma of modern medicine, and the underlying central flaw in medical education and, most of all, in the training of interns, is the irresistible drive to do something, anything. It is expected by patients and too often agreed to by their doctors, in the face of ignorance.

Lewis Thomas

Quotes About Medical Education #583406
#2. Medical education is not just a program for building knowledge and skills in its recipients ... it is also an experience which creates attitudes and expectations.

Abraham Flexner

Quotes About Medical Education #599042
#3. During my medical education at the University of Basle I found vivisection horrible, barbarous and above all unnecessary

Carl Jung

Quotes About Medical Education #715530
#4. Any person, institution or organization that conveys bodies or parts of bodies into or out of the state for medical education or research purposes shall notify the Anatomical Board of such intent and receive approval from the board.

Charlie Crist

Quotes About Medical Education #802351
#5. A respect for authority is the basis for most medical education. Students may become so used to memorising that they become prey to the illusion that the reason for learning to parrot lectures and textbooks is that they are the 'truth'.

Petr Skrabanek

Quotes About Medical Education #1031317
#6. Medical education does not exist to provide students with a way of making a living, but to ensure the health of the community.

Rudolf Virchow

Quotes About Medical Education #553301
#7. Medical school education and post graduate education emphasize thoroughness.

Ezekiel Emanuel

Quotes About Medical Education #1089855
#8. It's very difficult when you have $1.50 per day to spend on food and drink, but for people who live this reality, that money also has to cover medical expenses and education, fuel and shelter - sometimes for an entire family.

Rachel Brosnahan

Quotes About Medical Education #1811315
#9. Learning is a journal not a destination

Ian Bullock

Quotes About Medical Education #1226447
#10. Now of the difficulties bound up with the public in which we doctors work, I hesitate to speak in a mixed audience. Common sense in matters medical is rare, and is usually in inverse ratio to the degree of education.

William Osler

Quotes About Medical Education #1263270
#11. We can't get to the $4 trillion in savings that we need by just cutting the 12 percent of the budget that pays for things like medical research and education funding and food inspectors and the weather service. And we can't just do it by making seniors pay more for Medicare.

Barack Obama

Quotes About Medical Education #1266852
#12. Many years ago, I started a foundation [Wayuu Taya Foundation] to help improve the life of Latin American indigenous people, providing them with food, medical attention, education, and also focusing on sustainability.

Patricia Velasquez

Quotes About Medical Education #1283520
#13. For every dollar we have given to athletics, we have given about 27 to higher education or medical research.

Joe Jamail

Quotes About Medical Education #1306704
#14. I desire no other epitaph - no hurry about it, I may say - than the statement that I taught medical students in the wards, as I regard this as by far the most useful and important work I have been called upon to do.

William Osler

Quotes About Medical Education #1478061
#15. It's so gratifying to see people face to face who get to meet the people who are giving them a fair price for their work. They can now provide medical support for their kids, give them better education and in general have a better standard of living. God knows they deserve it.

Nell Newman

Quotes About Medical Education #1604922
#16. Those days are long gone. But our corporations haven't caught up with it. Our law firms, our higher education system, and our medical institutions haven't figured out how this family policy is going to work. Men are tired of the 80- to 100-hour work week as well.

Vicki Donlan

Quotes About Medical Education #1637937
#17. Drug abuse and addiction are very real problems, the remedy for which is education and medical treatment, not incarceration. In fact, the most abused drugs in the United States now appear to be oxycodone and other prescription painkillers. Should

Sam Harris

Quotes About Medical Education #1644903
#18. Canadians have been very generous toward Haiti after the earthquake and, thanks to you, our most vulnerable people have received food, drinkable water, shelter, medical care and education. For that, we are extremely grateful.

Laurent Lamothe

Quotes About Medical Education #1726926
#19. Analyzing everyday situations using a systematic approach similar to that utilized by physicians when investigating a medical mysteries can result in better choices.

Dr. Russ Hill

Quotes About Medical Education #1078881
#20. The term 'Xiaokang' is used today to refer to a society where people can receive education, get paid through work, have access to medical services and old-age support, have a shelter and more than enough food and clothing, and lead a well-off life.

Li Keqiang

Quotes About Medical Education #1007056
#21. The hardest conviction to get into the mind of a beginner is that the education upon which he is engaged is not a college course, not a medical course, but a life course, for which the work of a few years under teachers is but a preparation.

William Osler

Quotes About Medical Education #1003908
#22. Some printed pages are medical plasters to extract pain, others are tourists' tickets out of boredom or loneliness to exhilarating adventures, still others are diplomas for promotion and drilling ideas into a quick-step.

Molly Guptill Manning

Quotes About Medical Education #952561
#23. The more divided a society becomes in terms of wealth, the more reluctant the wealthy are to spend money on common needs. The rich don't need to rely on government for parks or education or medical care or personal security.

Joseph E. Stiglitz

Quotes About Medical Education #723579
#24. The relatively new field of "adolescent medicine" focuses not only on the traditional medical model of diagnosis and treatment, but, perhaps more than any other subspecialty of medicine, on education and prevention.

Madeline Levine

Quotes About Medical Education #688511
#25. Eleanor had defended over the years, that the money spent on arms would be much better spent on education and medical care.

Doris Kearns Goodwin

Quotes About Medical Education #634100
#26. Having a system for thinking deeper can provide greater insight into solving everyday problem. Such a system is shared in my book, Medical Investigation 101.

Dr. Russ Hill

Quotes About Medical Education #449405
#27. Imagine a world of nine billion people with clean water, nutritious food, affordable housing, personalized education, top-tier medical care, and nonpolluting, ubiquitous energy. Building this better world is humanity's grandest challenge,

Peter Diamandis

Quotes About Medical Education #446056
#28. I believe technology will continue to become more affordable and more people will have the chance to use it. This will help more people get medical care and a good education.

Bill Gates

Quotes About Medical Education #374570
#29. For the mass prevention of disease, mass education is a key weapon.

T.R. Reid

Quotes About Medical Education #326657
#30. The Public provides freedom ... Individualism begins after the roads are built, after individualists have had an education, after medical research has cured their diseases ...

George Lakoff

Quotes About Medical Education #317016
#31. Education and Training For Life

David Dweck

Quotes About Medical Education #223619

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