Top 100 Quotes About Love Sweet

#1. Ah! dearest love, sweet home of all my fears,
and hopes, and joys, and panting miseries,
Tonight if I may guess, thy beauty wears a smile of such delight,
As brilliant and as bright
As when with ravished, aching, nassal eyes,
Lost in a soft amaze
I gaze, I gaze

John Keats

Quotes About Love Sweet #127040
#2. I would need ... daisy love, you know, pretty love, sweet love that nonetheless was ubiquitous in roadside ditches in the summertime, and instead I would get orchid love. Love that needed misting and replanting and pruning and fertilizing and died anyway.

Mary Ann Rivers

Quotes About Love Sweet #140351
#3. There's love, sweet love, for one and all
For love is best for great and small.

Maud Lindsay

Quotes About Love Sweet #295995
#4. Sweet love, sweet thorn, when lightly to my heart. I took your thrust, whereby I since am slain, And I lie disheveled in the grass apart, A sodden thing bedrenched by tears and rain.

Edna St. Vincent Millay

Quotes About Love Sweet #472714
#5. Happy is the man whom the Muses love: sweet speech flows from his mouth.


Quotes About Love Sweet #759724
#6. Come back, true love! Sweet youth, return!
But time goes on, and will, unheeding,
Though hands will reach, and eyes will yearn,
And the wild days set true hearts bleeding.

Conrad Aiken

Quotes About Love Sweet #810710
#7. Sweet love! Sweet lines! Sweet life! Here is her hand, the agent of her heart; Here is her oath for love, her honour's pawn

William Shakespeare

Quotes About Love Sweet #846490
#8. If ever there was a boy in love, sweet pea, it's Joe Fontaine.

Jandy Nelson

Quotes About Love Sweet #941869
#9. What the world needs now is love, sweet love.

Jackie DeShannon

Quotes About Love Sweet #1111105
#10. I try to eat on the healthier side, but baked goods are hard to resist. I just love sweet things.

Lindsey Vonn

Quotes About Love Sweet #1409810
#11. Love, Love. Sweet and glorious love.

T. Scott McLeod

Quotes About Love Sweet #1674471
#12. Children of the future age
Reading this indignant page
Know that in a former time
Love, sweet love, was thought a crime

William Blake

Quotes About Love Sweet #1837087
#13. I'm in love, sweet love. Feel me calling out your name, I feel no shame.

Anita Baker

Quotes About Love Sweet #1864298
#14. Julian gave his brother a slow, sweet smile. In that smile was all the love and wonder of the little boy who'd lost his brother and against all odds, gotten him back.

Cassandra Clare

Quotes About Love Sweet #235
#15. I love watching her, watching her uncertainty and her hesitation. And her attempts at denying what we both know she's feeling. Teasing her is going to be so much fun. Hot, sweet, sexy, delicious fun.

M. Leighton

Quotes About Love Sweet #7101
#16. How did I get so lucky to meet you?

Kenya Wright

Quotes About Love Sweet #7857
#17. The sun weeps because it can no longer caress your skin or warm your lips." He sifted his fingers through my hair. "I do not envy the sun, Eva. But I truly hate the moon, because its light touches you in all the ways I cannot.

Michele Bardsley

Quotes About Love Sweet #18014
#18. It is a sweet thing to have someone love you, but it is a far sweeter thing when his actions convince your heart, and his words persuade your soul.

Richelle E. Goodrich

Quotes About Love Sweet #21787
#19. The moon makes love
to the ocean
in this holy conception it gives birth
to a little tide.

A.P. Sweet

Quotes About Love Sweet #27273
#20. Sweet Bird of Youth": "The big difference between people is not between the rich and the poor, the good and the evil. The biggest of all differences between people is between those who have had pleasure in love and those who haven't.

Paul Newman

Quotes About Love Sweet #29305
#21. I want to present a very strong and bold image, but with femininity. I love being sweet and salty all together.

Keke Palmer

Quotes About Love Sweet #29554
#22. The sweet reverence that emanated from his beautiful irises warmed the chilled chambers of my heart. Looking into Hunter's eyes felt like seeing into my own soul.

Adriane Leigh

Quotes About Love Sweet #29638
#23. She smelled like sweet tea and old books, like she had always been here.

Kami Garcia

Quotes About Love Sweet #30105
#24. You ... you got rid of that dress fast," I pointed out between heavy breaths. "I thought you liked it."
"I do like it," he said. His breathing was as heavy as mine. "I love it."
And then he took me to the bed.

Richelle Mead

Quotes About Love Sweet #31431
#25. Rachel would be beautiful in the middle of mud slides and hailstorms. On a sweet, sunny day, she made my heart ache.

Katherine Applegate

Quotes About Love Sweet #31862
#26. Sometimes it is the sharp contrasts in life, the bitter and the sweet; things not working out as planned, relationships falling apart, losing your loved ones - these are the things that shake you and make you appreciate life, see the good in it and love anew the people around you.

Amy Passantino

Quotes About Love Sweet #34739
#27. I know it is something of a cliche to say that love makes all things possible, but I believe it does. It is not a magic wand that can be waved over life to make it all sweet and lovely and trouble free, but it can give the energy to fight the odds and win.

Mary Balogh

Quotes About Love Sweet #35163
#28. Is it possible to fall in love at thirteen, because I think I just looked into the eyes of the girl I want to look at forever.

Danielle Rocco

Quotes About Love Sweet #39526
#29. To love her was to taste sweet surrender. For had she not entered his life, he would have sought the wonders of both Heaven and Earth. But she surpassed them all and, by her pleasing nature, stayed him.

Richelle E. Goodrich

Quotes About Love Sweet #50665
#30. Love, like life, is so insecure. It moves in our lives and occupies its sweet space in our hearts so easily. But it never guarantees that it will stay there forever. Probably that's why it is so precious.

Ravinder Singh

Quotes About Love Sweet #51184
#31. Okay, time to play doctor."
Her entire body quivered, sending "yes please" vibes to her brain. Luckily her mouth intercepted them. "Sure, if I can be the doctor."
His mouth curved. "I'm willing to take turns, but me first.

Jill Shalvis

Quotes About Love Sweet #51538
#32. Finally, sweet finally, he was inside her to the hilt.
"I need a second," he ground out, his body pulsing.
"You're really freaking big, Quinn," she panted. "Move. Please, for the love of the goddess, move."
He grinned before kissing her. "You say such sweet things.

Carrie Ann Ryan

Quotes About Love Sweet #55650
#33. She was the most precious thing in the world to him. So beautiful, so sweet, so giving and too damn good for him, but he was a selfish bastard and wouldn't let her go.

R.L. Mathewson

Quotes About Love Sweet #55750
#34. I'll see if I can't make the bitter waters sweet by the intensity of love I bear you

Oscar Wilde

Quotes About Love Sweet #59845
#35. They've loved you your whole life and you've been gone for days. I've just loved you for the better part of a week and losing you just 'bout drove me crazy.

Amanda Lance

Quotes About Love Sweet #61167
#36. You don't understand; this girl's different. She's beautiful, kind, giving, sweet, strong, stubborn, and quite a smart ass."

Connor Black's thoughts on Ellery Lane

Sandi Lynn

Quotes About Love Sweet #68276
#37. Life of Ages, richly poured,
Love of God unspent and free,
Flowing in the Prophet's word
And the People's liberty!
Never was to chosen race
That unstinted tide confined;
Thine is every time and place,
Fountain sweet of heart and mind!

Samuel Johnson

Quotes About Love Sweet #69403
#38. Every time you strip my sword, I owe you a kiss. How's that sound?" I bit my lip to keep from giggling.
"That sounds really dirty."
Patch waggled his brows. "Look whose mind just rolled into the gutter.

Becca Fitzpatrick

Quotes About Love Sweet #70213
#39. But nothing else escapes all-ruinous time.
Earth's might decays, the might of men decays,
Honor grows cold, dishonor flourishes,
There is no constancy 'twixt friend and friend,
Or city and city; be it soon or late,
Sweet turns to bitter, hate once more to love.


Quotes About Love Sweet #73331
#40. Nice costume," he said.
"Ditto. I can tell you put a lot of thought into yours."
Amusement curled his mouth. "If you don't like it, I can take it off.

Becca Fitzpatrick

Quotes About Love Sweet #74019
#41. What all of us long for in our hearts, at Christmastime and always, is to feel bound together in love with the sweet assurance that it can last forever.

Henry B. Eyring

Quotes About Love Sweet #74104
#42. I want to towel off, leave my heart on this beach and
walk the sand into a lake
of stars, while never looking back.

A.P. Sweet

Quotes About Love Sweet #74281
#43. One day, my sweet girl, some lucky man will come and help you understand the very meaning of love. He will sweep you off your feet and show you what it is to place your heart in someone else's care to willingly offer them the gift of your soul.

Tillie Cole

Quotes About Love Sweet #75441
#44. I am a good boy. Sweet. I love to chill. I have a select set of friends, am big on house music, love Goa. I don't read much. Though that is one habit I am trying to inculcate.

Shahid Kapoor

Quotes About Love Sweet #76367
#45. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Lillian, my sweet love ... you're safe now. I'll never let anything happen to you again. I swear it on my life. You're safe.

Lisa Kleypas

Quotes About Love Sweet #78991
#46. There's nothing in this world so sweet as love. And next to love the sweetest thing is hate.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Quotes About Love Sweet #81933
#47. Talk of poems and prayers and promises, and things that we believe in. How sweet it is to love someone, how right it is to care, how long it's been since yesterday.

John Denver

Quotes About Love Sweet #83090
#48. I loved him desperately, completely, and he wasn't threatening to consume me anymore. He already had. Everything that was me was him. My heart, mind and soul all were as much a part of him as they were me.

Cassandra Giovanni

Quotes About Love Sweet #83315
#49. Wow! This woman is doing a lot of strange things to me and I want more. Much more.

A.R. Von

Quotes About Love Sweet #85971
#50. So sweet was ne'er so fatal. I must weep. But they are creul tears. This sorrow's heavenly; it strikes where it doth love.

William Shakespeare

Quotes About Love Sweet #86169
#51. Good will starts out fat and sweet
as tub butter and turns slowly rancid.
It must be made again daily
if we want it fresh.

Marge Piercy

Quotes About Love Sweet #86830
#52. Night. Heavenly delicious sweet night of the desert that calls all of us to love her. The night is our comfort with her coolness and darkness. On wings, on feet, on our bellies, out we all come to glory in the night.

Leslie Marmon Silko

Quotes About Love Sweet #89614
#53. I freeze and burn, love is bitter and sweet, my sighs are tempests and my tears are floods, I am in ecstasy and agony, I am possessed by memories of her and I am in exile from myself.

Francesco Petrarca

Quotes About Love Sweet #91304
#54. Dad was a very gentle, sweet man. Mum was the matriarch and the patriarch of the family. She ran the roost with a steel fist, but at the same time there was respect and love for her.

Tony Scott

Quotes About Love Sweet #95896
#55. Elise?" He looked at her with a pleading, puppy-dog expression in his eyes.
"I love you.

Nicky Charles

Quotes About Love Sweet #96628
#56. I love what I know about passion, I love what I know about mercy, I love what I know about patience, I love what I know about soul, and I know you.

Jason Molina

Quotes About Love Sweet #97162
#57. Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true, here is the place where I love you.

Suzanne Collins

Quotes About Love Sweet #97310
#58. If you were mine, I'd never leave you, Prudence. I couldn't.

Anne Gracie

Quotes About Love Sweet #98582
#59. You be you and I'll be me, today and today and today, and let's trust the future to tomorrow. Let the stars keep track of us. let us ride our own orbits and trust that they will meet. May our reunion be not a finding but a sweet collision of destinies! Love and Love and Love Again, Stargirl.

Jerry Spinelli

Quotes About Love Sweet #104680
#60. Please don't miss me too much. Please don't be too sad. Find someone else to love, because you have much love to give and it's a gift that shouldn't be wasted. You , Jesse, were the rose that made my life sweet.I will wait for you in heaven.

Lurlene McDaniel

Quotes About Love Sweet #105454
#61. He had the "Love-sonnets from the Portuguese" in mind as he wrote, and he wrote under the best conditions for great work, at a climacteric of living, in the throes of his own sweet love-madness. The

Jack London

Quotes About Love Sweet #105874
#62. Love, my lads! And above all, love pretty, charming girls; they are the remedy for evil, they give a sweet smell to rottenness, they exchange life for death ... Love, my lads!

Machado De Assis

Quotes About Love Sweet #106672
#63. Nim handed me a mug of tea. I took a sip and it was just how I like it, strong and sweet. If you added psychotic and emotionally unavailable to that, it would also cover my taste in women.

Alexis Hall

Quotes About Love Sweet #107801
#64. Not sure how I felt about Antonio and Echo, I linked my fingers with hers. Antonio cocked a surprised eyebrow. Damn straight, bro. I just marked my territory.

Katie McGarry

Quotes About Love Sweet #109192
#65. Sweet. You did it, Pat. I thank you. My libido thanks you and my manly bits that the ladies love, thank you as well." Shawn grinned.

Ginny Atkinson

Quotes About Love Sweet #110427
#66. His hand lay across my stomach as he slept soundly. I entwined my fingers with his and breathed through the warmth that seeped through my chest. Such a simple, sweet thing to do, yet holding hands in bed was incredibly intimate.

N.R. Walker

Quotes About Love Sweet #112616
#67. O thrush, your song is passing sweet, But never a song that you have sung Is half so sweet as thrushes sang When my dear love and I were young.

William Morris

Quotes About Love Sweet #117236
#68. How sweet it is to learn the Savior's love when nobody else loves us! When friends flee, what a blessed thing it is to see that the Savior does not forsake us but still keeps us and holds us fast and clings to us and will not let us go!

Charles Spurgeon

Quotes About Love Sweet #118245
#69. I love 'Forrest Gump;' I like sweet, cheery, happy movies. But it has some dark moments too.

Andie MacDowell

Quotes About Love Sweet #119993
#70. Well, most of us think the "Merchant of Venice" is a porno script. On a more personal note, I've decided on pizza for dinner.

Jaye Frances

Quotes About Love Sweet #121108
#71. It was too sweet a moment to ruin by speaking mere words. Happiness was the bright blue moon, beaming amidst the bright stars of smiles that enveloped their countenances.

Sonali Dabade

Quotes About Love Sweet #121300
#72. When love is sweet, the sweetness means its light
And light may keep the truth, when love is pure.
But love is bitter, when it turns to fight.
Lovers in a fight are quite immature.'
From the poem 'A Note on Existentialist Love

Marieta Maglas

Quotes About Love Sweet #123075
#73. I'll never forget the way he tastes. It's not anything I can describe, a little sweet and a whole lot of spice, and it feels, in that moment, absolutely right.

Cynthia Hand

Quotes About Love Sweet #127762
#74. She is the glorious reincarnation of every woman ever loved.

Leslye Walton

Quotes About Love Sweet #128713
#75. You don't need to live in a mansion to be happy. All you need is to create the right space, something that says this is who you are, and you can always change who you are, just as you change your environment.

Anthea Syrokou

Quotes About Love Sweet #130067
#76. That's our plan because I swear to you, my beautiful, sweet love, everyone deserves a love story that doesn't hurt.

Mia Sheridan

Quotes About Love Sweet #130492
#77. Loving for the second time isn't sweet; it's bitter, and hurt more than the first.

Jessica E. Larsen

Quotes About Love Sweet #131397
#78. He regretted nothing. Not the way she'd felt in his arms and not the way he'd felt in hers.

Jill Shalvis

Quotes About Love Sweet #137550
#79. You're the brightest thing in the room," he said. He lifted his hand from my waist, and slowly, carefully brushed a stray lock of hair from my cheek. "You shine.

Morgan Matson

Quotes About Love Sweet #139656
#80. No!
I don't love you!
I just like you, a little.

Your lips are sweet,
and your eyes are precious to me.

I don't love you!
I just like you, a little.

Zorica Savron

Quotes About Love Sweet #139666
#81. Love! the surviving gift of Heaven, The choicest sweet of Paradise, In life's else bitter cup distilled.

Thomas Campbell

Quotes About Love Sweet #145906
#82. Call me tacky, but I love the union of sweet and sour, even in some now-unloved Oriental dishes incorporating pineapple and ketchup.

Yotam Ottolenghi

Quotes About Love Sweet #148907
#83. The familiar (if loud) churn of the engine made it hard to talk, especially with the windows open (the air-conditioning didn't work), but the day was warm and they blasted the music and sang along. Nessa loved singing at full volume. She couldn't carry a tune, but with Bree it didn't matter.

C.D. Bell

Quotes About Love Sweet #149833
#84. A kiss is a flower of love, a sweet song of two hearts, and a memory of eternal desires.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Love Sweet #153172
#85. Some people think that it's okay to be downright nasty to people they love. It is not okay. Nasty is never called for, and it's certainly not sweet, useful, nor positive.

Cathy Burnham Martin

Quotes About Love Sweet #153924
#86. I have a sweet tooth. I love dessert, and if somebody makes me one, I'm going to have it.

Sarah Rafferty

Quotes About Love Sweet #156100
#87. You must never leave me Sweetness. I will never leave you.

Jen Wylie

Quotes About Love Sweet #161310
#88. I have liked many but loved very few. Yet no-one has been as sweet as you. I'd stand and wait in the world's longest queue. Just for the pleasure of a moment with you.

Abhijeet Bhattacharya

Quotes About Love Sweet #163810
#89. I'm scared I'll never feel this again with anyone else," I whisper.
He squeezes my hands. "I'm scared you will.

Colleen Hoover

Quotes About Love Sweet #167519
#90. Thank you ... for gracing my life with your lovely presence, for adding the sweet measure of your soul to my existence.

Richard Matheson

Quotes About Love Sweet #168389
#91. She pulled a chair to the tiny table "I'm starving."
"So am I," he answered, but when she glanced up he was looking at her and not the food.

Jodi Thomas

Quotes About Love Sweet #168683
#92. Don't steal sweet rolls.

Leo Tolstoy

Quotes About Love Sweet #169567
#93. Be my sonata, my cantata, my love
sing me something sweet
but not too sweet
(or i may grow deaf to our harmony
as we decrescendo into silence)

Nenia Campbell

Quotes About Love Sweet #171342
#94. Miranda, how in God's name did you end up here?"
"Well," Miranda said. "It's a sweet tale, about kittens and puppies and rainbows and love.

Courtney Milan

Quotes About Love Sweet #172757
#95. I that have love and no more
Give you but love of you, sweet;
He that hath more, let him give;
He that hath wings, let him soar;
Mine is the heart at your feet
Here, that must love you to live.

Algernon Charles Swinburne

Quotes About Love Sweet #175511
#96. My secret indulgent food is dessert. I have an incredible sweet tooth - chocolate pudding with vanilla ice-cream or trifle and pavlova. I do love dessert.

Deborra-Lee Furness

Quotes About Love Sweet #180024
#97. This isn't the girl I fell in love with. My sweet, giving, patient, loving, caring, fun-loving Skye disappeared when you were kidnapped. I'm so scared I'll never get her back.

J.L. McCoy

Quotes About Love Sweet #180685
#98. Possibly, a crush is merely the attraction a person has for another person. Most relationships start with some sort of attraction. You see someone you like or you see things about a person you like and feel attracted to them. Many mistake this for love, but attraction is a powerful force.

George P. Baker

Quotes About Love Sweet #186364
#99. Then a hundred sad voices lifted a wail,
And a hundred glad voices piped on the gale:
'Time is short, life is short,' they took up the tale:
'Life is sweet, love is sweet, use to-day while you may;
Love is sweet, and to-morrow may fail;
Love is sweet, use to-day.

Christina Rossetti

Quotes About Love Sweet #186441
#100. True love is something, so very true and very rare to find. So, if you ever find such a thing. Treat it as if it were some treasure. Because, once you find such a thing and set free; it will not ever return. So, treat it as if its your most precious gift ...

Jynnette L. Miller

Quotes About Love Sweet #187414

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