Top 38 Quotes About Lou Brock

#1. Lou Brock was a great base stealer but today I am the greatest.

Rickey Henderson

Quotes About Lou Brock #230998
#2. In the good old days when I was a senator, I was my own man.

Joe Biden

Quotes About Lou Brock #1309981
#3. Show me a guy who's afraid to look bad, and I'll show you a guy you can beat every time.

Lou Brock

Quotes About Lou Brock #1105247
#4. I've never called President Obama a racist. I love President Obama. I pray for him all the time. God loves President Obama. God loves you. And God loves me.

Alveda King

Quotes About Lou Brock #1112860
#5. Competition is what keeps me playing the psychological warfare of matching skill against skill and wit against wit.

Lou Brock

Quotes About Lou Brock #1122582
#6. There is a definite loneliness in the game. Most people stay away from you since they think they're intruding upon your time. And after the ball game, when it's 11 o'clock and you want to eat dinner some place, the restaurants are closed.

Lou Brock

Quotes About Lou Brock #1132675
#7. I love performing so much! The joy is to have the opportunity to be able to perform all around the world.


Quotes About Lou Brock #1160980
#8. Art for me is the science of freedom.

Joseph Beuys

Quotes About Lou Brock #1255129
#9. One of the trademarks of a champion is that he can outlast you.

Lou Brock

Quotes About Lou Brock #1283531
#10. I had a job on college campus. I lost that job, but on my way home I heard an inner voice that said go out for the baseball team. I was a walk-on, and I was actually petrified as a walk-on because you're not an athlete.

Lou Brock

Quotes About Lou Brock #1292689
#11. No one wants to hear about the labor pains, they just want to see the baby.

Lou Brock

Quotes About Lou Brock #971276
#12. In Boston they ask, how much does he know? In New York, how much is he worth? In Philadelphia, who were his parents?

Mark Twain

Quotes About Lou Brock #1312463
#13. You have the power to feel good - or not - just by being conscious of what you choose to think. Choose to focus on hope and healing.

Susan Barbara Apollon

Quotes About Lou Brock #1325613
#14. I don't think about goals and records. Competition is what keeps me playing.

Lou Brock

Quotes About Lou Brock #1386385
#15. It's a tough thing having to step aside for a friend, when your heart's breaking and your nether parts are still tangled up in their base desires.

Bill Willingham

Quotes About Lou Brock #1433133
#16. The stiffer the penalty, the greater the message is sent.

Lou Brock

Quotes About Lou Brock #1659789
#17. You sold out! We elected you, and you sold out! The next time we have an election, I think everyone should vote for himself. Or we might just as well vote for Charlie Brown! Yes, next year we may even say, 'You're elected, Charlie Brown!

Charles M. Schulz

Quotes About Lou Brock #1680837
#18. If you're successful in what you do over a period of time, you'll start approaching records, but that's not what you're playing for. You're playing to challenge and be challenged.

Lou Brock

Quotes About Lou Brock #1723228
#19. When I was a kid, I used to imagine animals running under my bed. I told my dad, and he solved the problem quickly. He cut the legs off the bed.

Lou Brock

Quotes About Lou Brock #1764585
#20. We have to make some radical move to get the attention of everyone. Cheaters can't win and steroids has put us in the position that it's OK to cheat.

Lou Brock

Quotes About Lou Brock #1871051
#21. Sit me down, tie
my hands and
allow me to show
you all the
different ways I
can touch you
without laying a
finger on your

Andre D. Woods

Quotes About Lou Brock #499119
#22. That's what my Dad always told me, on the ballot, they should always have a third choice, like none of the above, then if enough people picked that, they'd have to get new candidates.

Meg White

Quotes About Lou Brock #95802
#23. You can't be afraid to make errors! You can't be afraid to be naked before the crowd, because no one can ever master the game of baseball, or conquer it. You can only challenge it.

Lou Brock

Quotes About Lou Brock #111138
#24. If I had any interest in coming back to baseball, it would be as a general manager and not as a manager.

Lou Brock

Quotes About Lou Brock #152063
#25. Your bat is your life. It's your weapon. You don't want to go into battle with anything that feels less than perfect.

Lou Brock

Quotes About Lou Brock #272744
#26. I don't have to steal bases. I steal bases because I want to.

Lou Brock

Quotes About Lou Brock #374245
#27. Colonization took place in America and Australia, the two continents that, without a culture and a history of their own, had fallen into the hands of Europeans.

Hannah Arendt

Quotes About Lou Brock #449314
#28. They will look at my career as the guy who gave it all but at the same time did it with integrity. That's what we all aim for - the respect of the game as well as the honesty that's played a part of that game.

Lou Brock

Quotes About Lou Brock #457934
#29. Stealing bases was put to me almost as a prerequisite for staying in the game. They didn't give me a handbook on how to do it; they said do it. Under those conditions you go out and develop your own handbook.

Lou Brock

Quotes About Lou Brock #478069
#30. I was not in the church, but we claim, like so many people, 'Yeah, I grew up in the church.' Well yeah, I grew up in the church and went to church, but I knew nothing about the Lord. I had no idea what it meant about walking in faith.

Lou Brock

Quotes About Lou Brock #951926
#31. You can't hide God in you. God was not meant to become part of you, and you hide out in the closet. I don't think He wanted that. I think He wanted people to see the Christ in you that reflects Him.

Lou Brock

Quotes About Lou Brock #555624
#32. Jim Crow was king ... and I heard a game in which Jackie Robinson was playing, and I felt pride in being alive.

Lou Brock

Quotes About Lou Brock #614364
#33. perspective often sheds new light on complex problems, providing unexpected solutions.

Starla Huchton

Quotes About Lou Brock #647823
#34. I'm a New Yorker; I've paid my dues.

Zoe Kravitz

Quotes About Lou Brock #713472
#35. In darkness and in hedges
I sang my sour tone
and all my love was howling
conspicuously alone.

W. D. Snodgrass

Quotes About Lou Brock #713540
#36. People's minds are changed through observation and not through argument.

Will Rogers

Quotes About Lou Brock #722620
#37. Some players tell me that since retiring they've had the urge to go somewhere every three days. To satisfy that urge, they may even jump in the car and drive around the block.

Lou Brock

Quotes About Lou Brock #900480
#38. The baseball held was my fantasy of what life offered.

Lou Brock

Quotes About Lou Brock #927189

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