Top 100 Quotes About Life With God
#1. Grace saves us from life without God-even more it empowers us for life with God.
Richard J. Foster
#2. Life with God is an individual matter, and general formulas do not easily apply.
Philip Yancey
#3. Every time you make a decision to be less than what God wants for you, you're denying yourself some of God's blessings. It's up to you. You can live a life with God's blessings, or just exist with all the consequences of choosing wrong.
Terri Blackstock
#4. Pastoring effects conversion of heart and mind and soul. A pastor is given by Christ to call people to conversion, to change, for the sake of life with God here and in eternity.
Francis George
#5. The Bible is the loving heart of God made visible and plain. And receiving this message of exquisite love is the great privilege of all who long for life with God.
Richard J. Foster
#6. They [Old Testament] taught me about Life with God: not how it is supposed to work, but how it actually does work.
Philip Yancey
#7. Someday this life will end, but for the Christian death also marks a beginning - the beginning of a new life with God that will last forever.
Billy Graham
#8. A Tough life with God is better than a good life without Him
David Asscherick
#9. Life with God is not immunity from difficulties, but peace in difficulties.
C.S. Lewis
#10. To choose life with God is to choose a blessed life.
Brian Houston
#11. The true act of heroism in Jesus on the cross and the emptying of the tomb is so that his people can return to the grace of doing life with God in a place, with love for our neighbors, and the freedom to enjoy God in the work, play, rest, and love that he gives us there.
Zack Eswine
#12. all of us lost souls allow ourselves to live in worry and anger and self-importance and pettiness when life with God is all around us:
John Ortberg
#13. Life with God at its core is about giving your life up to something bigger and more powerful. It's about saying at every turn that God knows better than we know, and that his Spirit will lead us in ways that we couldn't have predicted. I have known that, but I haven't really lived that.
Shauna Niequist
#14. The best place to start doing life with God is in small moments.
John Ortberg
#15. consequences. It brings death instead of life and perfection. It is sin, the breaking of the law that prevents men and women from becoming
what they were meant to be. It is sin that removes them from a life with God.
'This fact is obvious in every aspect of our lives
Dennis Prince
#16. Life with God is wilder than the wildest roller coaster ride, and safer than your childhood bedroom. It's more thrilling than the greatest adventure, and more delicious than an Italian cappuccino--if you can even believe it.
Stephanie May Wilson
#17. Prayer is such an ordinary, everyday, mundane thing. Certainly, people who pray are no more saints than the rest of us. Rather, they are people who want to share a life with God, to love and be loved, to speak and to listen, to work and to be at rest in the presence of God.
Roberta Bondi
#18. He said, The main thing that you bring the church is the person that you become, and that's what everybody will see; that's what will get reproduced; that's what people will believe. Arrange your life so that you are experiencing deep contentment, joy and confidence in your everyday life with God.
Dallas Willard
#19. My main job is to live with deep contentment, joy, and confidence in my everyday experience of life with God. Everything else is job number two.
John Ortberg
#20. God does not demand that we give up our personal dignity, that we throw in our lot with random people, that we lose ourselves and turn from all that is not him. God needs nothing, asks nothing, and demands nothing, like the stars. It is a life with God which demands these things.
Annie Dillard
#21. The normal Christian Life is not supposed to be an exhausting wrestling match with a dead man, but is an abundant, joy-filled life with God, salted with an occasional season of strong resistance from our archenemy.
Kris Vallotton
#22. Death is not an means to an end but the beginning of life with God
Jennifer Hoover
#24. We have to remember all the time how wonderful life with God is so as not to lose out on our relationship with Him
Sunday Adelaja
#25. Our devotional life with God is more like the planting of a garden. When we arise from sowing into the secret place, we will not usually be able to point to immediate results or benefits. What we sow today will require an entire season of growth before the results are manifest.
Bob Sorge
#26. It's as if the universe has a sense of humor, since at a deep level it's impossible not to lead a spiritual life ...
the universe is living through you at this moment. with or without belief in god, the chain of events leading from silent awareness to physical reality remains intact.
Deepak Chopra
#27. If you are eagerly looking for salvation, and if you believe in God, you may ... become acquainted with the Christ of God, and, after being initiated [a reference to baptism], live a happy life.
Justin Martyr
#28. Life is so precious. Please, please, let's love one another, live each day, reach out to each other, be kind to each other. Peace be with you. God is great.
Julia Roberts
#29. If there is so much blessing and joy even in a single encounter of brother with brother, how inexhaustible are the riches that open up for those who by God's will are privileged to live in the daily fellowship of life with other Christians!
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
#30. We cannot keep to ourselves the words of eternal life given to us in our encounter with Jesus Christ: they are meant for everyone, for every man and woman ... It is our responsibility to pass on what, by God's grace, we ourselves have received.
Pope Benedict XVI
#31. For the life of the believer, one thing is beautifully and abundantly true: God's chief concern in your suffering is to be with you and be Himself for you. And in the end, what we discover is that this really is enough.
Tullian Tchividjian
#32. The birds of the air die to sustain thee; the beasts of the field die to nourish thee; the fishes of the sea die to feed thee. Our stomachs are their common sepulchre. Good God! with how many deaths are our poor lives patched up! how full of death is the life of momentary man!
Francis Quarles
#33. You need to treat your finances as a resource God has provided to fulfill your vision, not a tool to fill your life with luxuries
Myles Munroe
#34. She loved him in a deep and singular way, almost as though God had crafted one heart in heaven, then split it between Holden's body and hers, fating her to a never-ending longing to be with him, or a fractional life without him. She
Katy Regnery
#35. Because in that moment, watching and listening, he was profoundly moved that God had seen fit to gift him, an ordinary man, an Indiana boy through and through, with these people in his life.
Kristen Ashley
#36. People are drawn to preaching that is passionate and offered with conviction. Passion comes when the preacher has spent significant time with the text, and when God has spoken through the text in a way that addresses the preacher's life first.
Adam Hamilton
#37. Intercessory prayer for one who is sinning prevails. God says so! The will of the man prayed for does not come into question at all, he is connected with God by prayer, and prayer on the basis of the Redemption sets the connection working and God gives life.
Oswald Chambers
#38. I always wanted to be a hero
to sacrifice my life in a big way one time
and yet, God has required my sacrifice to be thousands of days, over many years, with one more kiss, one more story, one more meal.
Sally Clarkson
#39. All you need to find and accomplish God's purpose in your life is God's permission and approval
not anyone else's. When you get in step with Him, there will be a glow on your face that will make people wonder what you're up to.
Zig Ziglar
#40. Prayer is such a basic foundation of a Christian's relationship with God. It's how we communicate and fellowship with Him. But a surprising number of people, young and old, new and even long-time Christians, say they're not satisfied with their prayer life.
Joyce Meyer
#41. What brings you closer to God is being in service to others. I think any religion or spiritual way of life will indicate that service to others will lead to a connection with a higher power.
#42. All my devotion is an insult to God unless every bit of my practical life squares with Jesus Christ's demands.
Eric Ludy
#43. In my opinion, the ability to love another person is one of God's greatest gifts, and I thank God every day for enabling me to give and share love with the people in my life.
Anderson Cooper
#44. We are never alone God will always be with us.
Edwin Medina
#46. In my long life I have found peace, joy, and happiness beyond my fondest hopes and dreams. One of the supreme benedictions of my life has been my marriage to an elect daughter of God. I love her with all my heart and soul.
James E. Faust
#47. Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be, the last of life, for which the first was made. Our times are in his hand who saith, 'A whole I planned, youth shows but half; Trust God: See all, nor be afraid!
Robert Browning
#48. All of us have areas of weakness. God wants these character flaws to show us how totally dependent we are upon Him. When we handle them properly, they drive us into a deeper, more intimate relationship with the Lord. But uncontrolled weakness wreaks havoc in a person's life.
Charles Stanley
#49. You can't change the past. But with God's help you can change the future. No matter what your life has been like so far, God wants to put your feet on a new path ... a better path ... His path.
Billy Graham
#50. A Galileo could no more be elected president of the United States than he could be elected Pope of Rome. Both high posts are reserved for men favored by God with an extraordinary genius for swathing the bitter facts of life in bandages of self-illusion.
H.L. Mencken
#51. How do you find the divine power in yourself? The word enthusiasm means 'filled with a god,' so what makes you enthusiastic? Follow it. So I have a little word: follow your bliss. The bliss is the message of God to yourself. That's where your life is.
Joseph Campbell
#52. The union with Christ which produces no effect on heart and life is a mere formal union, which is worthless before God. The faith which has not a sanctifying influence on the character is no better than the faith of devils.
J.C. Ryle
#53. I am the God of your father Abraham' (Genesis 26:24a). God is not just identifying himself: he is also reaffirming his commitment. As the Lord was with Abraham, so he will be with Isaac. As his power was seen in the life of Abraham, so it will also be seen in the life of Isaac.
Samuel Ngewa
#54. Men of success meet with tragedy. It was the will of God that I won the Olympics, and it was the will of God that I met with my accident. I accepted those victories as I accept this tragedy. I have to accept both circumstances as facts of life and live happily.
Abebe Bikila
#55. Some roads we travel in life can feel like the ones that might break us, but that's why God surrounds us with people who will cheer us on and wipe our tears and listen as we pour out our hearts. Because often, it's not what you say but what you do that really matters.
Melanie Shankle
#56. God takes that which is nothing and makes something out of it. When you become a Christian, you cannot patch your Christianity onto your old life. You are to start over. Accept God's call as a promotion. Burn the old bridges and fix it so you cannot go back ; then serve God with all your heart.
Aiden Wilson Tozer
#57. The most holy and necessary practice in our spiritual life is the presence of God. That means finding constant pleasure in His divine company, speaking humbly and lovingly with him in all seasons, at every moment, without limiting the conversation in any way.
Brother Lawrence
#58. Rejection Is God's Protection
When someone rejects or breaks up with you, it may be a blessing in disguise. The person was not right for you. Or maybe you would have eventually been miserable with them. Now the door is open for someone else much better to come into your life.
Pamela Cummins
#59. As Christians, God doesn't promise us an easy life, but he does promise to be with us in whatever we go through. He will never leave us or forsake us.
Jefferson Bethke
#60. Survival in Egypt begins with a yes to God's call on your life.
Max Lucado
#61. People will doubt you, but do you doubt your own self? People will insult your integrity, but do you trust yourself? If you are at peace with yourself and with God, you can be at peace with the world.
Nana Awere Damoah
#62. The question is, do you have deliberate plans for your life? Do you have intentions with you time? God planned that there should be a time for everything and for every season, meaning you can plan for everything and every season in your life! You may ask, 'Is that possible?" I say, "It's up to you!
Archibald Marwizi
#63. This life we have is a process of becoming holy. Though Christ is the redeemer, it's up to us to have a relationship with God. Without a relationship, we'll always be lacking and trying to find fulfillment in this world, and we know what the world offers can never satisfy our need.
T.K. Chapin
#64. The goal of living a life of faith is never to go against God, but to go with Him. It isn't just about getting what you want, it's about seeking God's best, then trusting Him with His answer." - Linda Evans Shepherd
Cherie Hill
#65. God expects you to have the mentality of a conqueror. See yourself as a victor in Christ Jesus, and go about life with a holy swagger!
Pedro Okoro
#66. I am a gate for God to accomplish great things. Through me and with me, new Life enters the world.
Julia Cameron
#67. I (God) will leave man to make the fateful guess, Will leave him torn between the no and yes, Leave him unresting till he rests in me, Drawn upward by the choice that makes him free, Leave him in tragic loneliness to choose, With all in life to win or all to lose.
Edwin Markham
#68. God is the Master Author of your life. He has written every page of your life story in His eternal book. It's up to you to turn up the pages and move on with the next chapter or just get yourself stuck in the same content over and over again.- Elizabeth's Quotes
Elizabeth E. Castillo
#69. feel that God was so very close, so very concerned with my particular life, so very ready to protect and to love. Always nearby. Always listening. Always leading. But
Lisa Wingate
#71. I just feel that God gave me a certain gift, and that was to go out, do storytelling and be an actor. And my responsibility with that gift is to do the best job possible and to re-create real life.
Eric Close
#72. I talk to God every single day. And I say, 'God, my life is in your hands, and I trust you with me.'
Tammy Faye Bakker
#73. I like Dancing of Indian girls more than my parents' prayers . Because they dance with love and passion . But my parents just say their prayers because they got used to it .
Ali Shariati
#74. Count your blessings. Once you realize how valuable you are and how much you have going for you, the smiles will return, the sun will break out, the music will play, and you will finally be able to move forward the life that God intended for you with grace, strength, courage, and confidence.
Og Mandino
#75. When you take time with God and listen to His voice, He renews your strength and enables you to handle life.
Joyce Meyer
#76. Only in a state of solitude, when you willingly stay face to face with God, can He help you to open yourself, and show the impurities preventing you from moving forward and help you to identify your unique gift, life mission and destination
Sunday Adelaja
#77. Be contented with the things of the world. Develop greed for God.
Radhe Maa
#78. I am very close to HIM, sometimes I think I am HIM, with my mood is the weather,bright and sunny forever.
Santosh Kalwar
#79. For me philosophy begins with these experiences of disappointment: a disappointment at the level of what I would think of as "meaning," namely that, given that there is no God, what is the meaning of life? And, given that we live in an unjust world, how are we to bring about justice?
Simon Critchley
#80. I'm alive with love in my heart.. I'm grateful for each moment.. With a little patience and god's grace I know everything in my life will work out on its own time!
Nehali Lalwani
#81. Oh kid, it's all about confidence. That's the whole shebang right there. Whatever you do, do it with your nuts. That's how Ruth swung a bat-with his nuts. Court a girl, rob a bank, brush your teeth, do it with and from your God-given nuts or don't do it at all.
J.R. Moehringer
#82. Ninety-nine percent of everything you do in life is attitude. If you have a relationship with God ... you're going to learn to ask the one question in life that covers everything: How can I help you?
Walter Levine
#83. I do believe that God blessed me in life with a wonderful family, a successful career, and a loving marriage, and remain thankful for that blessing.
Bonnie Tyler
#84. We spring from one great tree of life; when the root of the tree is watered with love, we all thrive.
Janet Autherine
#85. God, I hate interviews with actors pouncing on. Who wants to know about their lives? I don't want to know about Al Pacino's life.
Jason Isaacs
#86. It is only when the whole heart is gripped with the passion of prayer that the life-giving fire descends, for none but the earnest man gets access to the ear of God.
Edward McKendree Bounds
#87. God refuses only the person who does not admit his own weakness; He sends away only the unhappy proud person. You must "hold him" well and strongly, with a poor spirit, with a poor heart, with a life entirely poor ...
Raphael Kalinowski
#88. When life tries to define you with its hardship, you gotta push back, look it straight in the eye and say, 'No matter what life throws at me, I'm going to keep telling myself that I will overcome.' And every time you own that truth, you write your own life script.
Nikki Rosen
#89. Life with out friend, is like life with out God! But your love for them is different from God, because I always place God first in my life and that's why I am able to love you!
Zybejta "Beta" Metani' Marashi
#90. You didn't choose God. He chose you. When you stop feeling hurt by everyone and plotting your comeback, he has some very important things he wants you to accomplish with your life.
Shannon L. Alder
#91. There are no circumstances in your life where God will not stand will not stand with you and help you, no matter what the trouble may be.
Norman Vincent Peale
#92. We want to avoid suffering, death, sin, ashes. But we live in a world crushed and broken and torn, a world God Himself visited to redeem. We receive his poured-out life, and being allowed the high privilege of suffering with Him, may then pour ourselves out for others.
Elisabeth Elliot
#93. Fill yourself with love. Then you will learn everything you ever need to know about God and life.
Harold Klemp
#94. When I put my faith in Jesus Christ as my savior, and I asked him to forgive and to come into my life, and He does - from that moment forward I have established a personal relationship with God that I have to develop, you know, through Bible reading and prayer, and living my life for him.
Anne Graham Lotz
#95. With all the decision making in my life, I often have to pause, look up and remember God is the One working behind the scenes. I say to myself, He is able to work all things out for good. I just need to submit to Him and His ways. I can rest.
K.P. Yohannan
#96. Each of us has been given the ability to reach God with our prayers ... Whatever form it takes, each prayer is an invitation for God to bring his power into another life. God wants to help us, but he waits for us to seek his help.
Betty Eadie
#97. I reckon I'll be at the beck and call of folks with money all my life, but thank God I won't ever again have to be at the beck and call of every son of a bitch who's got two cents to buy a stamp.
William Faulkner
#98. Let us therefore give ourselves to God with a great desire to begin to live thus, and beg Him to destroy in us the life of the world of sin, and to establish His life within us.
John Eudes
#99. In all that ever mattered, you are unchanged. Old? Yes, we must all grow old. Age is nothing but the sum of life. And you are alive, and back with me here. By the great God of heaven, I have you back with me. What should I fear now?
Mary Stewart
#100. The holy, all-loving, all-powerful, all-mighty, perfectly peaceful and joyful Life of God is waiting to be ours. It is a priceless gift that comes with only one condition: His Life can only be had in exchange for our own.
Eric Ludy