Top 47 Quotes About Laboriously

#1. Desiring truth, awaiting it, laboriously distilling a few words, forever desiring

Virginia Woolf

Quotes About Laboriously #1358520
#2. I worked more intensively hour after hour when I was starting out [writing]. More laboriously. I'd say quantity is important as well as quality, and if you're not producing enough, make a schedule and stick to it.

Lydia Davis

Quotes About Laboriously #1047029
#3. What a lumbering poor vehicle prose is for the conveying of a great thought! ... Prose wanders around with a lantern & laboriously schedules & verifies the details & particulars of a valley & its frame of crags & peaks, then Poetry comes, & lays bare the whole landscape with a single splendid flash.

Mark Twain

Quotes About Laboriously #1058537
#4. There was no such thing as pure happiness. How many years it took to learn that! Always some dark fretted thing which unbalanced the ease one had laboriously found.

Anya Seton

Quotes About Laboriously #1059434
#5. She stepped aside to let him pass. She followed him to the car and watched him get laboriously into the front seat. As she welcomed him silently to the human race, the stab of discovery made her tremble a little. Somebody walked over my grave, she thought, probably Jem on some idiotic errand.

Harper Lee

Quotes About Laboriously #1064005
#6. There's a purpose to knowledge ... salvation. What good are my visions or your visions, beautifully and laboriously worked out in art, if the purpose of it is not to save something in our souls and make it all beautiful.

Jack Kerouac

Quotes About Laboriously #1119518
#7. Since I have been singing for so many years, I don't always need to approach a song quite so laboriously and meticulously.

Kate Smith

Quotes About Laboriously #1125650
#8. Production does not consist in things laboriously made, but in things serviceably consumable; and the question for the nation is not how much labour it employs, but how much life it produces.

John Ruskin

Quotes About Laboriously #1213118
#9. What man is there that does not laboriously, though all unconsciously, himself fashion the sorrow that is to be the pivot of his life.

Maurice Maeterlinck

Quotes About Laboriously #1242061
#10. Hold your horses. I'm coming." ...
"From where I'm standing you're just breathing laboriously."
The snow swam out of focus. "Breathing hard. Are you coming or just breathing hard. You've got to get your one-liners straight.

Ilona Andrews

Quotes About Laboriously #1270301
#11. The Common Law of England has been laboriously built about a mythical figure-the figure of 'The Reasonable Man'.

A.P. Herbert

Quotes About Laboriously #1290408
#12. It seems to me that life is always undoing for us something that we have just laboriously done.

Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward

Quotes About Laboriously #1322905
#13. We do not disappear without a trace. We leave a wake that never quite disappears, a gash in time that we so laboriously leave behind us.

Lars Saabye Christensen

Quotes About Laboriously #1028489
#14. Few in these hot, dim, strenuous times are quite sane or free; choked with care like clocks full of dust, laboriously doing so much good and making so much money - or so little, they are no longer good for themselves.

John Muir

Quotes About Laboriously #1389170
#15. The heroic books, even if printed in the character of our mother tongue, will always be in a language dead to degenerate times; and we must laboriously seek the meaning of each word and line, conjecturing a larger sense than common use permits out of what wisdom and valor and generosity we have.

Henry David Thoreau

Quotes About Laboriously #1447365
#16. Unconscious insights or answers to problems that come in reverie do not come hit or miss ... they pertain to those areas in which the person consciously has worked laboriously and with dedication.

Rollo May

Quotes About Laboriously #1468769
#17. Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones; and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake.

Victor Hugo

Quotes About Laboriously #1517451
#18. we read, if we have the true reader's zest and plate, not to grow more knowing, but to be less pent up and bound within a little circle, - as those who take their pleasure, and not as those who laboriously seek instruction, - as a means of seeing and enjoying the world of men and affairs.

Woodrow Wilson

Quotes About Laboriously #1532671
#19. Imagine what you are writing about. See it and live it. Do not think it up laboriously, as if you were working out mental arithmetic. Just look at it, touch it, smell it, listen to it, turn yourself into it. When you do this, the words look after themselves, like magic.

Ted Hughes

Quotes About Laboriously #1533049
#20. The last thing I had expected to use that cleaning spell for when I had laboriously been forced to learn it was a tide of poisonous scorpion monsters, but any port in a storm.

Jim Butcher

Quotes About Laboriously #1544259
#21. The crime which is done now is that war has made a tool and slave of science, and man's knowledge, painfully and laboriously compiled, is made the instrument of man's destruction.

Leonard Wibberley

Quotes About Laboriously #1589628
#22. We live in an age of progress," announced Professor Wogglebug, pompously. "It is easier to swallow knowledge than to acquire it laboriously from books. Is it not so, my friends?" "Some

L. Frank Baum

Quotes About Laboriously #1623424
#23. Rather I'd choose laboriously to bear A weight of woes, and breathe the vital air, A slave to some poor hind that toils for bread, Than reign the sceptred monarch of the dead.


Quotes About Laboriously #1717356
#24. The ideas which are here expressed so laboriously are extremely simple and should be obvious. The difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones, which ramify, for those brought up as most of us have been, into every corner of our minds.

John Maynard Keynes

Quotes About Laboriously #1789154
#25. God gave unto the Animals A wisdom past our power to see: Each knows innately how to live, Which we must learn laboriously.

Margaret Atwood

Quotes About Laboriously #481144
#26. I have spent my life laboriously doing nothing.

Hugo Grotius

Quotes About Laboriously #107878
#27. Take your brush here and there like a bee in an alpine meadow. In other words, don't laboriously work on or try to finish off one particular part. Paint promiscuously.

Robert Genn

Quotes About Laboriously #114562
#28. Some aim to be deft, others to be laboriously careful. Neither dexterity nor conscientiousness is enough.

Chai Lu

Quotes About Laboriously #118411
#29. I'd rather fiddle with my phone for precious seconds than neglect an apostrophe; I'd rather insert a word laboriously keyed out than resort to predictive texting for a - acceptable to some - synonym.

Will Self

Quotes About Laboriously #130889
#30. At last the spring thaw came, and graves were laboriously prepared for the nine silent harvests of the grim reaper which waited in the tomb.

H.P. Lovecraft

Quotes About Laboriously #168918
#31. Toward dawn we shared with you
your hour of desolation,
the huge lingering passion
of your unearthly out cry,
as you swung your blind head
towards us and laboriously opened
a bloodshot, glistening eye,
in which we swam with terror and recognition.

Stanley Kunitz

Quotes About Laboriously #182333
#32. Innovation is a twofold threat to academic mediocrities: it endangers their oracular authority, and it evokes the deeper fear that their whole, laboriously constructed intellectual edifice might collapse.

Arthur Koestler

Quotes About Laboriously #183175
#33. If you work at comedy too laboriously, you can kill what's funny in the joke.

Richard Russo

Quotes About Laboriously #233822
#34. He sounded like a man with a mouthful of marbles, articulating his goatbone underjaw laboriously, the original one having been shot away.

Cormac McCarthy

Quotes About Laboriously #300124
#35. A person moving in zero gravity feels a pitiful helplessness. One wrong move and you find yourself spinning wildly. Everyone becomes a baby again in outer space, laboriously learning how to walk.

Ulrich Walter

Quotes About Laboriously #341208
#36. Lillian's recurrent dream of a ship that could not reach the water, that sailed laboriously, pushed by her with great effort, through city streets, had determined her course toward the sea, as if she would give this ship, once and for all, its proper sea bed.

Anais Nin

Quotes About Laboriously #467657
#37. Medical judgment can be taught - laboriously, in long periods of training - but it cannot be neatly handed over as the occasion demands it. It is the irreplaceable and untransferable contribution that the healer makes to the suffering individual who would be healed.

Sherwin B. Nuland

Quotes About Laboriously #52887
#38. I was a very nerdy child. I never fit in, so I became laboriously studious.


Quotes About Laboriously #569863
#39. Yet it was . . . Asahel who knew those books secretly by heart, and read, as laboriously as he did everything else, any scrap of paper with printing on it, poring hungrily over the magic of words.

Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings

Quotes About Laboriously #573345
#40. the written word is a recent invention that has left no trace in our genome and must be laboriously acquired throughout childhood and beyond. Speech

Steven Pinker

Quotes About Laboriously #645798
#41. Warren Cox, God knew, was no prize; a commercial person, a sales person, the kind of man who said things like "x numbers of dollars". At lunch today, laboriously trying to explain some business procedure, he had said "x number of dollars" three times.

Richard Yates

Quotes About Laboriously #687135
#42. It is quite possible, and not uncommon, to read most laboriously, even so as to get by heart the words of a book, without really studying it at all,
that is, without employing the thoughts on the subject.

Richard Whately

Quotes About Laboriously #786307
#43. It is life that does the thinking all around us, forming with playful ease the connections our reason can only laboriously patch together piecemeal, and never to such kaleidoscopic effect.

Robert Musil

Quotes About Laboriously #821655
#44. What reason, like the careful ant, draws laboriously together, the wind of accident sometimes collects in a moment.

Friedrich Schiller

Quotes About Laboriously #894065
#45. In his imagination he performed the 'composition of place' reconstructing the scene from what he could remember of the classics, so laboriously and unprofitably rammed into his head at Harrow.

Dion Fortune

Quotes About Laboriously #971648
#46. Literature is like a subtle concoction of laboriously collected peripherals called words, intellect,thoughts,imagination,creativity and aestheticism brewed together to form a resplendent work of art.

Shilpa Sandesh

Quotes About Laboriously #988446
#47. Beneath her self-control, though he did not guess it, was the impatience of the keen brain watching a slower brain laboriously cover the ground it had already traversed in a flash.

Agatha Christie

Quotes About Laboriously #1020310

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