Top 99 Quotes About Laboring

#1. In his voice resonated the timbre of a man who thinks he has convinced himself of an idea, but masks his own doubt by laboring to persuade others.

Katherine Howe

Quotes About Laboring #1251978
#2. That sport best pleases that doth least know how, where zeal strives to content, and the contents dies in the zeal of that which it presents. Their form confounded makes most form in mirth when great things laboring perish in their birth.

William Shakespeare

Quotes About Laboring #1359150
#3. Hundreds of poor laboring men and women are being thrown into jails and police stations because of their political beliefs. In fact, an attempt is being made to deport an entire political party.

Jane Addams

Quotes About Laboring #1357231
#4. I hold the value of life is to improve one's condition. Whatever is calculated to advance the condition of the honest, struggling laboring man, so far as my judgment will enable me to judge of a correct thing, I am for that thing.

Abraham Lincoln

Quotes About Laboring #1353502
#5. Quorum and group leaders should provide the leading voice and laboring oar in every ward and branch council regarding retention of converts.

D. Todd Christofferson

Quotes About Laboring #1344274
#6. When the stories come easily and the writing process doesn't feel laboring, that's usually a good sign for me.

David E. Kelley

Quotes About Laboring #1330345
#7. God loves an idle rainbow, no less than laboring seas.

Ralph Hodgson

Quotes About Laboring #1323149
#8. The notion of nothingness is not characteristic of laboring humanity: those who toil have neither time nor inclination to weigh their dust; they resign themselves to the difficulties or the doltishness of fate; they hope: hope is a slave's virtue.

Emil Cioran

Quotes About Laboring #1322369
#9. I talked to her just like I talk to a laboring woman. Mothers need to hear them soothing words. They just as important as the medicines, sometimes even more.

Hillary Jordan

Quotes About Laboring #1301781
#10. The laboring man has not leisure for a true integrity day by day; he cannot afford to sustain the manliest relations to men; his labor would be depreciated in the market. He has no time to be anything but a machine.

Henry David Thoreau

Quotes About Laboring #1279310
#11. We earn the respect of our peers by laboring to quell our critics' justified disapproval. We earn self-respectability by schooling the wisdom to ignore unfair condemnation. We learn goodness by witnessing other person's lives and by performing unsolicited acts of kindnesses.

Kilroy J. Oldster

Quotes About Laboring #1275804
#12. The way a source strains toward the light, toward the air. Its laboring work, its effort, its black passageways like despair. That's the way a poet looks for words. With muscles, gestures.

Anna Kamienska

Quotes About Laboring #1261710
#13. Are we truly obeying the command to love our neighbor as ourselves if we're storing up money for potential future needs when our neighbor is laboring today under actual present needs?

Randy Alcorn

Quotes About Laboring #1258818
#14. Goals are good. Laboring with a distant aim sets the mind in a higher key and puts us at our best.

Spencer W. Kimball

Quotes About Laboring #1396673
#15. The mass of our citizens may be divided into two classes
the laboring and the learned. The laboring will need the first grade of education to qualify them for their pursuits and duties; the learned will need it as a foundation for further acquirements.

Thomas Jefferson

Quotes About Laboring #1242671
#16. The employer class is less indispensable in the modern organization of industries because the laboring men themselves possess sufficient intelligence to organize into co-operative relation and enjoy the entire benefits of their own labor.

Leland Stanford

Quotes About Laboring #1175195
#17. Sacrifice self to bless one another, even as God has blessed you. Forget self in laboring for mankind ...

Mary Baker Eddy

Quotes About Laboring #1106628
#18. Adams's proclivity for truculence and curtness probably emerged early. Uncertain of his abilities and laboring under an exaggerated sense of inadequacy, he probably fashioned such an aggressive manner as a defense mechanism.

John Ferling

Quotes About Laboring #1105884
#19. Murakami is not here anyway, I thought. He is most likely somewhere else, sealed in a space capsule in the center of a field of lavender, laboring over words.

Patti Smith

Quotes About Laboring #1099998
#20. Bureaucrats live on the fat of the land, while the rest of us stay skinny laboring to pay their salaries.

Charles E. McKenzie

Quotes About Laboring #1092985
#21. I am not an enemy of the Negro. We want him here among us; he is the only laboring class we have.

Nathan Bedford Forrest

Quotes About Laboring #1078056
#22. The golf links lie so near the mill, That almost every day, The laboring children can look out, And watch the men at play

Sarah Norcliffe Cleghorn

Quotes About Laboring #1014567
#23. For years they have pursued me. Their persistence has kept me underground ... forced me to live in purgatory ... laboring beneath the earth like a chthonic monster.

Dan Brown

Quotes About Laboring #1002521
#24. Franklin asserted his conservatism more forcefully. Most notable was an anonymous piece entitled "On the Laboring Poor," which he signed "Medius,

Walter Isaacson

Quotes About Laboring #986406
#25. Of all the contrivances for cheating the laboring classes of mankind, none has been more effective than that which deludes them with paper money.

Daniel Webster

Quotes About Laboring #968887
#26. To this must be added that the hiring of labor and the conduct of trade are concentrated in the hands of comparatively few; so that a small number of very rich men have been able to lay upon the teeming masses of the laboring poor a yoke little better than that of slavery itself.

Pope Leo XIII

Quotes About Laboring #1623952
#27. A laboring woman, though, while she endured her labor, lay at the center of something truly radiant in four dimensions; every birth everywhere, all the vectors of human evolution and migration originating and terminating at the parting of her legs.

Michael Chabon

Quotes About Laboring #1867145
#28. For years I have endeavored to calm an impetuous tide
laboring to make my feelings take an orderly course
it was striving against the stream.

Mary Wollstonecraft

Quotes About Laboring #1846535
#29. Laboring men can perform for themselves the office of becoming their own employers.

Leland Stanford

Quotes About Laboring #1826358
#30. For about a year, I just didn't know what to do. I did laboring jobs, working in the docks, construction sites.

Daniel Day-Lewis

Quotes About Laboring #1821180
#31. When I was in high school, we were all laboring under the illusion, or maybe it was a reality, that everyone in our school was a virgin.

James Woods

Quotes About Laboring #1807451
#32. An honest, sensible, humane man, ... laboring to do good rather than be rich, to be useful rather than make a show, living in modest simplicity ... is really the most respectable man in society, [and] makes himself and all about him most happy.

John Adams

Quotes About Laboring #1798156
#33. Only rarely do doctors in training have the opportunity to sit continuously with laboring women for hours. Most are taught to intervene in the normal process so often and so early that they have never witnessed a normal labor and birth.

Ina May Gaskin

Quotes About Laboring #1744353
#34. Yonder cloud That rises upward always higher, And onward drags a laboring breast, And topples round the dreary west, A looming bastion fringed with fire.

Alfred Lord Tennyson

Quotes About Laboring #1733802
#35. It's certain there is no fine thing Since Adam's fall but needs much laboring.

William Butler Yeats

Quotes About Laboring #1695281
#36. Our work, abiding, shall bring to us the endless glory with which God at last overpays the toils, even as now He overanswers the poor prayers of His laboring servants.

Alexander MacLaren

Quotes About Laboring #1638118
#37. I famously stole tons of VHS tapes from a video store I worked in. It was detailed in my special, Laboring Under Delusions. I worked at Tower Video and stole a bunch of videotapes from them, and then got caught and had to return the videotapes. It was a mortifying experience.

Paul F. Tompkins

Quotes About Laboring #1627176
#38. It is notorious that, whenever the demand for labor is much greater than the supply, or the wages of labor are much higher than the expenses of living, very many, even on the ordinary laboring class, are remarkable for indolence, and work no more than compelled by necessity.

Edmund Ruffin

Quotes About Laboring #25121
#39. I c-c-can't use the vidphone," Isidore protested, his heart laboring. "Because I'm hairy, ugly, dirty, stooped, snaggle-toothed, and gray. And also I feel sick from the radiation; I think I'm going to die.


Quotes About Laboring #1617781
#40. You never find people laboring to convince you that you may live very happily upon a plentiful income.

Samuel Johnson

Quotes About Laboring #1608021
#41. Freedom was a community laboring for something lovely and rare.

Colson Whitehead

Quotes About Laboring #1597890
#42. Plundering and stealing, cheating and lying, laboring, fighting and loving; taking all we could and returning little, we went our careless and irresponsible ways, with laughter in our hearts and sneers on our lips - as anti-social as hyenas who howled at the changes in the weather.

Jim Tully

Quotes About Laboring #1593167
#43. The doctor will persist in laboring under the delusion that patients want common sense instead of magic.

Rae Foley

Quotes About Laboring #1519600
#44. Caligula wished that the Roman people had but one neck that he might cut it off, and as I read this letter I am afraid that for a moment I was capable of wishing the same thing concerning the laboring class of America.

Edward Bellamy

Quotes About Laboring #1518397
#45. And as he, who with laboring breath has escaped from the deep to the shore, turns to the perilous waters and gazes.

Dante Alighieri

Quotes About Laboring #1497760
#46. Cops can deprive people of their freedom. They are sworn to serve and protect. They work for us and they belong to, basically, a service industry, laboring in conditions that are sometimes threatening, often dangerous yet interesting.

Mike Barnicle

Quotes About Laboring #1491645
#47. He mocks the people who proposes that the government shall protect the rich and that they in turn will care for the laboring poor.

Grover Cleveland

Quotes About Laboring #1448265
#48. In laboring to be concise, I become obscure.
[Lat., Brevis esse laboro, obscurus fio.]


Quotes About Laboring #1448043
#49. When you are laboring for others let it be with the same zeal as if it were for yourself.


Quotes About Laboring #1424363
#50. The vice and drunkenness among the lowering laboring classes is growing to frightful excess, and the multitudes of low Irish Catholics ... restricted by poverty in their own country run riot in this ... as long as we are overwhelmed with Irish immigrants, so long will the evil abound.

John Pintard

Quotes About Laboring #300665
#51. Science results from a profoundly social process. The common portrayal - that science emerges from a solitary isolated genius, always laboring alone, not owing anything to anyone - is simply wrong.

Michael S. Gazzaniga

Quotes About Laboring #518018
#52. America, like a few other nations, has become characteristic for the depth of the abyss that divide a handful of brutal millionaires who are stagnating in a mire of luxury, and millions of laboring starving men and women who are always staring want in the face.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Quotes About Laboring #505720
#53. Organize, and stand together. Claim something together, and at once; let the nation hear a united demand from the laboring voice, and then, when you have got that, go on after another; but get something.

Wendell Phillips

Quotes About Laboring #489584
#54. True wisdom, laboring to expound, heareth others readily;
False wisdom, sturdy to deny, closeth up her mind to argument.

Martin Farquhar Tupper

Quotes About Laboring #454358
#55. Death has no terrors for a sincere servant of Christ who is laboring to bring souls to a knowledge of the truth.

Ramon Llull

Quotes About Laboring #451295
#56. Whatever thing a man sets his heart on ... is his god; and if his god doesn't also happen to be the true and living God of Israel that man is laboring in idolatry.

Spencer W. Kimball

Quotes About Laboring #447434
#57. Labor will hurt. Probably a lot. But whether this is negative is another matter ... A laboring woman can be in a great deal of pain, yet feel loved and supported and exhilarated by the creative forces flowing through her body and her ability to meet labor's challenges.

Henci Goer

Quotes About Laboring #370360
#58. Laboring types surrounded me with bad teeth, parrot voices, and unfounded optimism.

David Mitchell

Quotes About Laboring #350931
#59. Yet, so far from laboring to know the forbidden tree of worldly pleasures and its various fruits, man gives himself up to a careless and thoughtless state of life, and yields to the lust of the flesh, not considering that this lust is really the forbidden tree.

Johann Arndt

Quotes About Laboring #329374
#60. But until then, you might find yourself laboring much longer than you should, still trying to get someone to change, thinking that one more coaching session will do the trick - or one more bit of encouragement, or one more session of feedback or confrontation. Or worse, one more concession.

Henry Cloud

Quotes About Laboring #321731
#61. Let us hope ... that a kind Providence will put a speedy end to the acts of God under which we have been laboring.

Peter De Vries

Quotes About Laboring #315655
#62. The value of a thing is the amount of laboring or work that its possession will save the possessor.

Henry George

Quotes About Laboring #306687
#63. If a man has the assurance within his own heart that he is worthy, and that he is laboring to the best of his ability to do good, he can stand up under the condemnation, the criticism and the censure of those by whom he is surrounded.

Heber J. Grant

Quotes About Laboring #961741
#64. Laboring through a world every day more stultified, which expected salvation in codes and governments, ever more willing to settle for suburban narratives and diminished payoffs
what were the chances of finding anyone else seeking to transcend that, and not even particularly aware of it?

Thomas Pynchon

Quotes About Laboring #252054
#65. All observers not laboring under hallucinations of the senses are agreed, or can be made to agree, about facts of sensible experience, through evidence toward which the intellect is merely passive, and over which the individual will and character have no control.

Chauncey Wright

Quotes About Laboring #247824
#66. Slavery became the social condition of the laboring classes because it was felt that it was the natural condition of life itself. Omnis vita servitium est.

Hannah Arendt

Quotes About Laboring #203928
#67. The laboring-class boys of grey flannel are instinctive in their behavior because they are, in fact, in possession of nothing at all other than instinct; science and diplomacy are tools unused.


Quotes About Laboring #203797
#68. Fall has arrived and has already begun to put everything into a deep sleep; flies and other insects have suffered their first setback, and up in the trees and down on the ground you can hear the sounds of struggling life, puttering , ceaselessly rustling, laboring not to perish.

Knut Hamsun

Quotes About Laboring #105948
#69. Composer, sculptor, painter, poet, prophet, sage, these are the makers of the after-world, the architects of
heaven. The world is beautiful because they have lived; without them, laboring humanity would perish.

James Allen

Quotes About Laboring #104221
#70. I am deeply interested in this work. I am anxious to encourage the people to press on in securing their genealogies and after doing so in laboring in our temples.

Heber J. Grant

Quotes About Laboring #90969
#71. Great allowances ought to be made for the petulance of persons laboring under ill-health.

Samuel Richardson

Quotes About Laboring #76677
#72. I find it strange that practicing law in a comfortable well-heated office is considered too demanding an occupation for women, yet laboring from dawn's first light in crowded, drafty, ill-lit sweatshops is not.

Shirley Tallman

Quotes About Laboring #70746
#73. The laboring man and the artificer knows what every hour of his time is worth, and parts not with it but for the full value.

Edward Hyde, 1st Earl Of Clarendon

Quotes About Laboring #56157
#74. I cannot blame them, in truth, for desiring ... But they were like children, who have only just begun to grasp the idea of a thing. And like children, they had no notion of laboring to create, but only of having ... and no thought given to the cost, to others, of taking it.

Jacqueline Carey

Quotes About Laboring #16993
#75. I am a poor man and of little worth, who is laboring in that art that God has given me in order to extend my life as long as possible.


Quotes About Laboring #530054
#76. Simplicity is always a virtue. One kid on a riverbank working out a Stephen Foster tune on his new harmonica heard from the correct esthetic distance projects more magic and power than the entire Vienna Philharmonic and Chorus laboring (once again) through the Mozart Requiem or Bach's B Minor Mass.

Edward Abbey

Quotes About Laboring #967748
#77. He raked his fingers through his hair. "She doesn't need me."
Ralston smirked. "You are laboring under that mistaken impression that it is their job to need us. In my experience it is almost always the other way around.

Sarah MacLean

Quotes About Laboring #957265
#78. Motherhood is a hallowed place because children aren't commonplace. Co-laboring over the sculpting of souls is a sacred vocation, a humbling privilege. Never forget.

Ann Voskamp

Quotes About Laboring #944736
#79. The sleep of a laboring man is sweet.


Quotes About Laboring #928697
#80. Be careful not to spend your life laboring in secondary causes.

Robert J. Matthews

Quotes About Laboring #866809
#81. Labor leaders don't do much laboring after they are able to lead.

Will Rogers

Quotes About Laboring #850095
#82. Once people grew used to free money, to laboring only when the mood struck them, they began to think there was something low about work. They became desperate to excuse their own laziness.

Philipp Meyer

Quotes About Laboring #812747
#83. That would be a slow and cruel death," said Gebe Meskal quietly. "He may survive a week on such a regime, but so little of a skin is not sufficient water for a man laboring in the desert."

Telemakos said through his teeth, "It is for a child.

Elizabeth Wein

Quotes About Laboring #770265
#84. The laboring man and the trade-unionist, if I understand him, asks only equality before the law. Class legislation and unequal privilege, though expressly in his favor, will in the end work no benefit to him or to society.

William Howard Taft

Quotes About Laboring #747343
#85. In a very alert and bright state of society people learn co-operation by themselves, but in older and quieter conditions of laboring enterprise, such a bill as I propose will point out the way to mutual exertion.

Leland Stanford

Quotes About Laboring #736352
#86. I am weary seeing our laboring classes so wretchedly housed, fed, and clothed, while thousands of dollars are wasted every year over unsightly statues. If these great man must have outdoor memorials, let them be in the form of handsome blocks of buildings for the poor

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Quotes About Laboring #707340
#87. In her Georgia misery she had pictured freedom, and it had not looked like this. Freedom was a community laboring for something lovely and rare. Mingo

Colson Whitehead

Quotes About Laboring #677926
#88. If there must always be a laboring population distinct from proprietors and employers, we regard the slave system as decidedly preferable to the system at wages.

Orestes Brownson

Quotes About Laboring #673039
#89. And he wore high-heeled boots and spurs to prove he was not a laboring man.

John Steinbeck

Quotes About Laboring #669098
#90. There is no better life than a life spent laboring at love - exerting effort not because we have to, but because we believe that what we are bringing into being is valuable and we want it to exist. Yet because our culture tends to misunderstand the nature of labor and of love, we undervalue both.

Moira Weigel

Quotes About Laboring #625882
#91. Ultimately, if the Lord doesn't build the house (or the Sunday school class, or the church, or the family, or the business, or the relationship, or ), we are laboring in vain anyway (Psalm 127:1). We release the burden of stress when we release the responsibilities for the outcome to the Lord.

Paul Chappell

Quotes About Laboring #595677
#92. Extremely foolish advice is likely to be uttered by those who are looking at the laboring vessel from the land.

Arthur Helps

Quotes About Laboring #587492
#93. If you're laboring up a steep hill, imagine that a towrope is attached to the center of your chest, pulling you steadily toward the top.

Jeff Galloway

Quotes About Laboring #581491
#94. We could spend weeks, months, even years laboring with the personality ethic trying to change our attitudes and behaviors and not even begin to approach the phenomenon of change that occurs spontaneously when we see things differently

Stephen R. Covey

Quotes About Laboring #573756
#95. Are you laboring under the impression that I read these memoranda of yours? I can't even lift them.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Quotes About Laboring #554416
#96. I know of nothing that brings greater joy to the human heart than laboring at home or abroad for the salvation of the souls of men. I know of nothing which gives us a greater love of all that is good, than teaching this Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Heber J. Grant

Quotes About Laboring #552805
#97. For the past few weeks I have been laboring under the assumption that if people thought I was dead, they would stop annoying me and leave me alone.
I didn't respond right away. I examined his statement from every angle, and while I admired the logic, the cockeyed optimism left me cold.

Gary Reilly

Quotes About Laboring #530676
#98. Most people aren't anywhere near to realizing their creative potential, in part because they're laboring in environments that impede intrinsic motivation.

Teresa Amabile

Quotes About Laboring #528995
#99. The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Quotes About Laboring #922567

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