Top 37 Quotes About Julian Blackthorn
#1. I love you, Julian Blackthorn. I love you more than starlight.
Cassandra Clare
#2. Always Emma, the better, brighter half of him, who tempered his ruthlessness, who forced him to acknowledge the light when he saw only darkness. - Julian Blackthorn
Cassandra Clare
#3. Why all these paintings of you? Because I'm an artist, Emma. These pictures are my heart. And if my heart was a canvas, every square Inch of it would be painted over with you." - Julian Blackthorn
Cassandra Clare
#4. Tell me you love me Emma. Even if you don't mean it.
-Julian Blackthorn
Cassandra Clare
#5. We fear things because we value them. We fear losing people because we love them. We fear dying because we value being alive. Don't wish you didn't fear anything. All that would mean is that you didn't feel anything. - Julian Blackthorn
Cassandra Clare
#6. Julian spoke through his teeth. "Malcolm, this is not a love story."
"Every story is a love story.
Cassandra Clare
#7. We are bound together, Emma, bound together - I breathe when you breathe, I bleed when you bleed, I'm yours and you're mine, you've always been mine, and I have always, always belonged to you!
Cassandra Clare
#8. He gripped her so tightly she could barely breathe. Then he let go. He did it as if he was forcing himself, as if he were starving and he was putting aside the last piece of food he had. But he did it.
Cassandra Clare
#9. This cat is looking at me with judgment.""He's not," said Jules. "That's just his face.""You look at me the same way," Mark said, glancing at Julian. "Judgy face.
Cassandra Clare
#10. Julian: "Wikipedia knows about everything. It might be run by warlocks."
Emma: "You think that's what they do all day in the Spiral Labyrinth? Run Wikipedia?"
Julian: "I admit it seems like a letdown.
Cassandra Clare
#11. How long have you been drawing me?"
He sighted. A moment later his hand came to rest in her hair. His fingers twined in the strands. "My whole life.
Cassandra Clare
#12. He will choose us," Julian said. "We are his family."
Kieran's eye shone. "I wouldn'tbe so sure, young Shadowhunter. Those of the Hunt are loyal to the Hunt."
"He isn't of the Hunt," Emma said. "He is a Blackthorn.
Cassandra Clare
#13. He hadn't wanted to leave Emma, but at the same time he'd thought it would help. Like an addict getting away from the source of his addiction.
Cassandra Clare
#15. Sometimes she thought the only things she had faith in were revenge and Julian.
Cassandra Clare
#16. You'll fix me, because we're parabatai. We're forever.
Cassandra Clare
#17. She could understand suddenly why people talked about passion as fire: She felt as if they had caught aflame and were burning like the dry Malibu hills, about to become ashes that would mix together forever.
Cassandra Clare
#18. What'd he said in the car
he'd meant it. His gaze had been level and direct as he'd spoken. It had been *Julian* talking, her Jules, the one who lived in her bones and her brain and at the base of her spine, the one who was threaded all through her like veins or nerves.
Cassandra Clare
#19. She soared above the ground, and he kept her tethered to the earth. Without him she would be lost among the clouds.
Cassandra Clare
#20. Ty, no one could have expected that,' Emma said. 'I mean, Julian said some words, and boom, Hell's tractor beam.
Cassandra Clare
#21. Sometimes the most ruthless heart speaks the most truth
Cassandra Clare
#22. He remembered running through the streets of Alicante with Tavvy in his arms, stumbling on the cracked paving. trying to keep his little brother's face mashed against his shoulder so that he wouldn't see the blood and death all around him.
Cassandra Clare
#23. He bumped into a pay phone and said, 'Excuse me, miss,' on our way in," said Julian.
"It's polite to apologize," said Mark with the same small voice.
"Not to inanimate objects.
Cassandra Clare
#24. These pictures are my heart. And if my heart was a canvas, every square inch of it would be painted over with you.
Cassandra Clare
#25. Who'd break up with him?"
"I might, if he was insufficiently attentive to my needs.
Cassandra Clare
#26. I know you have nothing to worry about. I wasn't in love with Mark. I'll never be in love with anyone again who isn't you.
Cassandra Clare
#27. If she kissed him, would he taste like blood or cloves or a mixture of the two?
Cassandra Clare
#28. But what do you have to be stressed about, little brother?" Mark said. "You weren't carried away by the faeries. You've spent your life here. Not that the life of a Shadowhunter isn't stressful, but why are you the one with the bloody hands?
Cassandra Clare
#29. You think angels are gentle," said Julian, "they are anything but. They bring justice in blood and heavenly fire. They take vengeance with fists and iron. Their glory is such it would burn out your eyes if you looked at them. It is a cold and brutal glory.
Cassandra Clare
#30. You don't have to do this."
"I think I do," Julian said. "I remember making a vow to that affect."
"Whither thou goest, i will go, whatever stupid thing you do, i shall do also'." Emma said. "Was that the vow?
Cassandra Clare
#31. I am so ready to hunt down those tiny adorable creatures and give them what for," said Emma. "SO READY."
"Emma . . ."
"I may even tie bows on their heads."
"We have to interrogate them."
"Can I get a selfie with one of them first?"
"Eat your toast, Emma.
Cassandra Clare
#32. We both see the same world, but in a different way. Ty feels the same joy I do, the joy of creation. We feel all the same things, only the shapes of our feelings are different.
Cassandra Clare
#33. Julian wanted to laugh too. He wished he could. He wished he could forget the darkness that flickered at the edge of his vision. He wished he could close his eyes and fall, forgetting for one moment that there was no net stretched out below to catch him.
Cassandra Clare
#34. You see things nobody else sees. You can't talk about it because no one will understand, You have to keep secrets, and secrets - they break you apart. Cut you open. Make you vulnerable.
Cassandra Clare
#35. In the dark and the shadows where secrets lived, that was where Julian survived. It was how he had managed for years.
Cassandra Clare
#36. Their closeness wouldn't break, but it would bend and stretch into a new shape.
Cassandra Clare
#37. Threatening the High Warlock. Better and better. Maybe we should head down to vampire clan headquarters and punch Anselm Nightshade in the face.
Cassandra Clare
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