Top 98 Quotes About Income Taxes
#1. I think if I were a superhero saving the world, I'd expect at least not to have to pay income taxes. I mean there should be something in it for a hero who risks his life to save mankind every day.
Stan Lee
#2. The truth is, our corporate income taxes are some of the highest in the world, and frankly, in my judgment it's unpatriotic if you're not for reducing the corporate income tax. We want to make it so American companies are on a more level playing field competing with companies around the world.
Jim Jordan
#3. If your Income Taxes go to help out the less fortunate, there could be no legitimate kick against it in the world. This is becoming the richest, and the poorest Country in the world. Why? Why, on account of an unequal distribution of the money.
Will Rogers
#4. Puerto Rico loses out on billions of dollars annually because it is treated unequally under a range of federal programs, including tax credits available to millions of households in the States that do not pay federal income taxes.
Pedro Pierluisi
#5. We need to remember that we can't compete endlessly with other nations that set their income taxes substantially lower than ours. They will attract jobs, and investment. They may generate more tax - and they may even persuade their tennis champs to run that extra half yard
Boris Johnson
#6. When Obama boasts that it will be a huge boon to the economy to give amnesty to millions of low-wage workers, who won't pay income taxes but will need a lot of government services, remember: Obamacare was supposed to save money, too.
Ann Coulter
#7. Nothing is more calculated to make a demagogue popular than a constantly reiterated demand for heavy taxes on the rich. Capital levies and high income taxes on the larger incomes are extraordinarily popular with the masses, who do not have to pay them.
Ludwig Von Mises
#8. The growth stock theory of investing requires patience, but is less stressful than trading, generally has less risk, and reduces brokerage commissions and income taxes.
Thomas Rowe Price Jr.
#9. The top 10 percent of incomes pay 70 percent of the income taxes and cast about 25 percent of the vote.
Dick Morris
#10. An across-the-board, top-to-bottom cut in personal and corporate income taxes ... to expand the incentives and opportunities of private expenditures.
John F. Kennedy
#11. Most of us have not heard about Master Limited Partnerships. These special financing arrangements allow oil and gas investors to avoid paying certain corporate income taxes, but are not available to clean energy businesses.
Bernie Sanders
#12. And to you taxpayers out there, let me say this: Make sure you file your tax return on time! And remember that, even though income taxes can be a 'pain in the neck,' the folks at the IRS are regular people just like you, except that they can destroy your life
Dave Barry
#13. We're going to look awfully stupid if we give income tax relief to people who do not pay income taxes.
Joe Scarborough
#14. Eastern Washington families and businesses should be able to deduct every penny of state and local sales tax they pay throughout the year from their federal tax bill, especially when people in most states are deducting their state income taxes.
Cathy McMorris Rodgers
#15. Do away with the corporate loopholes that allow major profitable corporations to stash their money in the Cayman Islands and not pay a nickel in some cases in federal income taxes.
Lawrence O'Donnell
#16. In August 2008, the General Accountability Office issued a report. According to this report, two out of every three corporations in the United States paid no Federal income taxes between 1998 and 2005.
Bernie Sanders
#17. Unlike every other retirement vehicle, such as IRAs and 401(k)s, you receive a tax deduction for making contributions to your HSA but don't have to pay income taxes on withdrawals.
Paul Zane Pilzer
#18. If the Lord had meant us to pay income taxes, he'd have made us smart enough to prepare the return.
Kirk Kirkpatrick
#19. I've been paying a lot of money in state income taxes, and I've been happy to do it, but when this last thing happened, this 50 percent increase in the tax rate, it was just too much.
Tom Golisano
#20. Look, we play the Star Spangled Banner before every game. You want us to pay income taxes, too?
Bill Veeck
#21. Income taxes are responsible for the transformation of the Federal government from one of limited powers into a vast leviathan whose tentacles reach into almost every aspect of American life.
Ron Paul
#23. Let me respond with a few points, the first being that all immigrants pay taxes, income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, gasoline taxes, cigarette taxes, every tax when they make a purchase.
Luis Gutierrez
#24. Elections should be held on April 16th- the day after we pay our income taxes. That is one of the few things that might discourage politicians from being big spenders.
Thomas Sowell
#25. No liquid investment alternatives with stable guaranteed principal values exist that can provide real returns by consistently beating the combined impact of inflation and income taxes.
Roger C. Gibson
#26. The middle class of America must pay some federal income taxes or this will no longer be America.
Frank Coyle
#27. Hillary Clinton, told a reporter that she and Bill aren't truly well-off, even though they're incredibly rich because they pay income taxes like everybody else. In fact, she says, they were so poor when they left the White House, they could hardly afford Bill's website memberships.
Peter Sagal
#28. Instead of talking about cuts in Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, we must end the absurdity of corporations not paying a nickel in federal income taxes.
Bernie Sanders
#29. I favor the abolition of all Social Security, Medicare and estate taxes. In their place, we should create a simple income tax system that has no deductions or credits at all.
Ari Fleischer
#30. Taxes on consumption, like those on capital or income, to be just, must be uniform.
Benjamin Franklin
#31. As far as income tax payments go, sources vary in their accounts, but a range of studies find that immigrants pay between $90 billion and $140 billion in Federal, State, and local taxes.
Luis Gutierrez
#32. Obama made his no-new-taxes pledge over and over again four years ago as he campaigned. Not only has he repeatedly and blatantly violated it, but his policies have relentlessly assaulted poor and middle-income family budgets.
Bob Beauprez
#33. The requisitions of the income tax have added greatly to the attractions of mercenary crime.
Rex Stout
#34. I think, in effect, in most of the European countries, the total marginal tax rate is over 50 percent; that's to say, add on other taxes like VAT to the income tax.
James Mirrlees
#35. By the way, when I say cut taxes, I don't mean fiddle with the code. I mean abolish the income tax and the IRS, and replace them with nothing.
Ron Paul
#36. When President Obama speaks about raising taxes on the rich, he speaks about high-income employees and small business owners, not entrepreneurs who build big businesses.
Robert Kiyosaki
#37. The Clinton tax increase - which was an increase in taxes primarily on upper-income people - not only made the tax code more nearly progressive, it preceded one of the most productive economic periods in American life.
Barney Frank
#38. During my 30 years on Wall Street, taxes on 'unearned income' have bounced up and down with regularity, and I've never detected any change in the appetite for hard work and accumulating wealth on the part of myself or any of my fellow capitalists.
Steven Rattner
#39. History shows that when the taxes of a nation approach about 20 percent of the people's income, there begins to be a lack of respect for government ... When it reaches 25 percent, there comes an increase in lawlessness.
Ronald Reagan
#40. Higher income people don't have to pay taxes if they don't want to.
Rick Santorum
#41. The larger the percentage of the national income taken by taxes the greater the deterrent to private production and employment. When the total tax burden grows beyond a bearable size, the problem of devising taxes that will not discourage and disrupt production becomes insoluble.
Henry Hazlitt
#42. We vetoed five income tax increases during my time as governor. We cut business taxes $2.3 billion, and we cut regulation by one-third of what my predecessor put in place.
Chris Christie
#43. Fairness dictates that the highest income people should pay the greatest share of taxes, and they do.
Mitt Romney
#44. The biggest roadblock to middle-class economic advancement is that governments confiscate more than a third of all family income. Each year the average American taxpayer works 127 days - from January 1 until May 7 - just to pay taxes.
Thomas DiLorenzo
#45. Contrary to the myth that Mr. Bush cut taxes only for the wealthy, the 2001 tax cut reduced taxes for every income-tax payer in the country.
Ari Fleischer
#46. I know that I pay 48 percent of my income to taxes. You know, I wouldn't mind so much if it wasn't going just to export war. If it was actually going to help the people of the United States, I would gladly pay more.
Roseanne Barr
#48. There is a tremendous movement on to get lower taxes on earned incomes. Then will come the real problem, 'Who among us on salary are earning our income?'
Will Rogers
#49. According to the federal government's own figures, the top 1 percent of U.S. wage earners were responsible for 68 percent of all federal tax receipts in 2011. Not just federal income tax, mind you, all federal taxes.
Mary Katharine Ham
#50. Well, higher-income people don't have to pay taxes if they don't want to because they can move their money somewhere else, they can move their investments. They can stop investing. They can stop working. They don't need to work. They're higher-income people.
Rick Santorum
#51. Hiking taxes on the so-called wealthy would help send us into a recession because so many small businesses report their income on individual tax returns. If taxes are raised, they will be less likely to be able to hire new workers and make new capital investments.
Ronald Kessler
#52. When I became governor, spending actually increased 28 percent my first term. Revenue increased 42 percent my first term without raising anybody's taxes. We did it because we had more taxpayers with more taxable income. That's how you get the revenue up. We did that without raising anybody's taxes.
Haley Barbour
#53. For the protection of state and welfare of the people, a ruler shold collect all types of wealth. By suing devices of sama, dama , danda, bheda , he shold increase income of the state, strong administration helps in collecting different type of taxes fro exchequer.
#54. It is an inconvenience, being located in a city where taxes are ludicrously high, where you pay twice your annual income to rent an apartment that could easily be carried on a commercial airline flight.
Dave Barry
#55. Our Income Tax System is a disgrace to the human race.
Jimmy Carter
#56. One thing is clear: The Founding Fathers never intended a nation where citizens would pay nearly half of everything they earn to the government.
Ron Paul
#57. If Warren Buffett made his money from ordinary income rather than capital gains, his tax rate would be a lot higher than his secretary's. In fact a very small percentage of people in this country pay a big chunk of the taxes.
Michael Bloomberg
#58. We've created rules and taxes on top of every aspiration of people, and the net result is we're not growing fast, income is not growing.
Jeb Bush
#59. Cutting taxes for very high income people an average of more than $100,000 a year for people that make more than a million dollars a year is not an effective way to get the economy going.
Austan Goolsbee
#60. Higher projected corporate and personal income tax receipts and lower public debt charges.
Ralph Goodale
#61. Every good citizen should be willing to devote a brief time during some one day in the year, when necessary, to the making up of a listing of his income for taxes to contribute to his Government, not the scriptural tithe, but a small percentage of his net profits.
Cordell Hull
#62. I think that we've had an economy that's been out of balance for too long. So the general principle of raising taxes on higher income Americans, like myself, and providing relief to those who haven't benefited as much from this new global economy, I think is a sound one.
Barack Obama
#63. Income tax returns are the most imaginative fiction being written today.
Herman Wouk
#64. While the wealthiest families completely benefit from the tax cuts targeted towards the upper brackets, middle-income families were hit with the unwelcome surprise of higher taxes on tax day.
Tim Bishop
#65. People like me, whose income largely comes from dividends, should pay more taxes.
Mian Muhammad Mansha
#66. In real estate, many investors love triple net leases. With NNN's investors receive income without the expenses of taxes, repairs and insurance. The tenant covers these costs.
Robert Kiyosaki
#67. Working income is taxed at a higher rate than the non-working income
Munir Moon
#68. Warren Buffett pays taxes on a smaller percentage of his billions in income than his cleaning lady.
Eric Alterman
#69. People try to live within their income so they can afford to pay taxes to a government that can't live within its income.
Robert Half
#70. Gold belongs only in the portfolios of fearmongers and speculators. If you own gold in your portfolio, expect to not get paid an income, pay higher taxes on your returns, take a more volatile ride than the stock market, and get a long-term return lower than bonds.
Peter Mallouk
#71. It's income tax time again, Americans: time to gather up those receipts, get out those tax forms, sharpen up that pencil, and stab yourself in the aorta
Dave Barry
#72. Once you realize that trickle-down economics does not work, you will see the excessive tax cuts for the rich as what they are
a simple upward redistribution of income, rather than a way to make all of us richer, as we were told.
Ha-Joon Chang
#73. We've already donated to Haiti. It's called the U.S. income tax.
Rush Limbaugh
#74. Let me tell you, the heart of my tax proposal: I will not raise taxes on the American people. I will not raise taxes on middle-income Americans.
Mitt Romney
#75. No nation in history has ever survived a tax burden that reached a third of its national income.
Ronald Reagan
#76. Stop policing the world and we can get rid of income tax.
Ron Paul
#77. The [Donald] Trump plan would increase the national debt a little over a $1 trillion a year, the Trump plan would reduce taxes at all income levels with, of course, the biggest tax cuts going to the richest taxpayers as they always do.
Lawrence O'Donnell
#78. In time of this grave national danger, when all excess income should go to win the war, no American citizen ought to have a net income, after he has paid his taxes, of more than $25,000 a year.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
#79. The only question where there is disagreement is should the highest income rates above a quarter million dollars a year go back to where they were under Bill Clinton. That is the dispute about the taxes.
Austan Goolsbee
#80. Taxes are necessary. But the system of discriminatory taxation universally accepted under the misleading name of progressive taxation of income and inheritance is not a mode of taxation. It is rather a mode of disguised expropriation of the successful capitalists and entrepreneurs.
Ludwig Von Mises
#81. There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him.
Robert A. Heinlein
#82. taxes consumed less than 10 percent of national income in all four countries during the nineteenth century and up to World War I. This reflects the fact that the state at that time had very little involvement in economic and social life.
Thomas Piketty
#83. [High income tax rates] not only check consumption but discourage investment and encourage ... the avoidance of taxes [rather] than the production of goods.[ ... ]Our present tax system ... reduces the financial incentives for personal effort, investment, and risk-taking.
John F. Kennedy
#84. I can make a firm pledge, under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.
Barack Obama
#85. All told, over the period 1932-1980, nearly half a century, the top federal income tax rate in the United States averaged 81 percent.
Thomas Piketty
#86. We ought to thank President Bush. He made it a lot easier for people to do taxes this year. No job, no income tax this year.
Jay Leno
#87. A huge segment of the country has always felt overtaxed. In 1938, when taxes were roughly 17% of income, a 'Fortune' survey found that nearly half of all Americans thought they paid too much relative to what they got in return.
Nina Easton
#88. In a system where the cost of care is hidden by taxes levied on your income, property, and business activities, it is no wonder why so many Americans rely on Medicaid to pay their long term care.
Michael Burgess
#89. In 2008, Goldman Sachs only paid 1.1 percent of its income in taxes even though it earned a profit of $2.3 billion and received an almost $800 billion from the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury Department.
Bernie Sanders
#90. It is business that generates the jobs, income and taxes that keep a country going.
Mark Skousen
#91. My personal taxes are 53% of my taxable income. That's 36% on the federal level and 17% for state and local.
Stephen A. Schwarzman
#92. Once upon a time, government budgets were balanced, our money was sound, the streets were safe, and taxes imposed by all levels of government took less than 10% of our income.
Harry Browne
#93. We will have bigger bureaucracies, bigger labor unions, and bigger state-run corporations. It will be harder to be an entrepreneur because of punitive taxes and regulations. The rewards of success will be expropriated for the sake of attaining greater income equality.
Arthur C. Brooks
#94. We are not subjects of an autocratic King, but are citizens of the country contributing to the advancement of our people who pay taxes out of their hard earned income.
Nilantha Ilangamuwa
#95. I can assure you that my wife and I - every penny of income we've ever had, our taxes were paid in West Virginia.
Joe Manchin
#96. Don't tax my income, tax my consumption.
Bill Gates
#97. The income tax is a twentieth-century socialist experiment that has failed. Before the income tax was imposed on us just 80 years ago, government had no claim to our income. Only sales, excise, and tariff taxes were allowed.
Alan Keyes
#98. The share of income that small business people are paying in taxes is the lowest it has been in 65 years - since Obama has cut taxes 18 or 22 times for small business.
Austan Goolsbee
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