Top 22 Quotes About Humours

#1. Abstain from beans. There be sundry interpretations of this symbol. But Plutarch and Cicero think beans to be forbidden of Pythagoras, because they be windy and do engender impure humours and for that cause provoke bodily lust.

Richard Taverner

Quotes About Humours #315618
#2. So in all humours sportively I range; My muse is rightly of the English strain, That cannot long one fashion entertain.

Michael Drayton

Quotes About Humours #1842382
#3. The surgeons like to bleed a man, to let ill humours out, so that he may face the world anew. Perhaps they should just hand him a quill and let the poisons spill from him whilst he keeps his blood for its intended purpose.

Mark Lawrence

Quotes About Humours #1835064
#4. I smiled, knowing that Elizabeth, even in the worst of her humours, was far better suited to my own disposition. She would scold me, quarrel with me, torment me, tease me and laugh at me as often as may be.
I was the happiest man in the world.

Mary Street

Quotes About Humours #1673143
#5. I think the sun where he were born drew all such humours from him. - 3.4.26

William Shakespeare

Quotes About Humours #1337760
#6. I have tried to improve telescopes and practiced continually to see with them. These instruments have play'd me so many tricks that I have at last found them out in many of their humours.

William Herschel

Quotes About Humours #1171600
#7. Whatever these futilities of mine may be, I have no intention of hiding them any more than I would a bald and grizzled portrait of myself. These are my humours, my opinions, things which I believe, not to be believed. My aim is reveal myself which may well be different tomorrow.

Michel De Montaigne

Quotes About Humours #1078955
#8. Temporary madness may be necessary in some cases, to cleanse and renovate the mind; just as a fit of illness is to carry off the humours of the body.

Augustus William Hare

Quotes About Humours #1028214
#9. What such people miscall their religion, is a vent for their bad humours and arrogance.

Charles Dickens

Quotes About Humours #957433
#10. This man, lady, hath robb'd many beasts of their particular additions: he is as valiant as a lion, churlish as the bear, slow as the elephant-a man into whom nature hath so crowded humours that his valour is crush'd into folly, his folly sauced with discretion.

William Shakespeare

Quotes About Humours #600827
#11. When the humours were handed out, Ankh-Morpork got the one for joking and Quirm had to do make do with their expertise in fine dining and love-making.

Terry Pratchett

Quotes About Humours #494946
#12. Dark and sour humours, especially those which have a spice of malevolence in them, are vastly disagreeable. Such men have no music in their souls.

Abigail Adams

Quotes About Humours #460257
#13. Human society is the embodiment of changeless laws which the whimsicalities and circumstances of men and women involve and overwrap. The realm of literature is the realm of these accidental manners and humours
a spacious realm; and the true literary artist concerns himself mainly with them.

James Joyce

Quotes About Humours #384850
#14. But my way of writing is rather to think aloud, and follow my own humours, than much to consider who is listening to me; and, if I stop to consider what is proper to be said to this or that person, I shall soon come to doubt whether any part at all is proper.

Thomas De Quincey

Quotes About Humours #283241
#15. Falderson," he said quietly to Bahzell in passable Navahkan, "is as stupid as the day is long." He craned his neck to gaze up at the hradani and shook his head. "In fact, he's even stupider than I thought. You, sir, are the biggest damned hradani-no offense-I think I've ever seen.

David Weber

Quotes About Humours #175984
#16. A pig in a blanket is a hot dog wrapped in a dough and baked.

N.D. Wilson

Quotes About Humours #265542
#17. My house is small, but you are learned men And by your arguments can make a place Twenty foot broad as infinite as space.

Geoffrey Chaucer

Quotes About Humours #450440
#18. If you think it's bad now, my friend, wait till we reach a town!' He shook his head and brushed at his tattered, dirty shirtsleeve. 'Do try to remember we're visitors-and not welcome ones-if you should feel moved to reason with anyone.

David Weber

Quotes About Humours #494964
#19. Opening your chakras and allowing cosmic energies to flow through your body will ultimately refresh your spirit and empower your life.

Barbara Marciniak

Quotes About Humours #595951
#20. If you're building a social product, you're still living in the last century if your product doesn't work on Facebook.

Max Levchin

Quotes About Humours #1198634
#21. Religion is like going out to dinner with friends. Everyone may order something different, but everyone can still sit at the same table.

Dalai Lama

Quotes About Humours #1421366
#22. I like plans and organization and not boys who promise to attend the University of Florida with me and then screw it all up by not graduating from high school.

Katie McGarry

Quotes About Humours #1739410

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