Top 32 Quotes About Going After Your Ex

#1. I'm going after your ex-husband," I heard him say softly. "And when I finish, there won't be enough left of him to fill a fucking matchbox.

Lisa Kleypas

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #380328
#2. The legends on the tombstones are eventually worn away as the stone is eroded by rain and wind and centuries. Better to slip away quietly after having lived as fully as one can, doing the very best one can with the gifts one has been given.

Barbara Quick

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #1190
#3. Many Enron employees lost 70 percent to 90 percent of their retirement assets after the company indicated that it would re-state profit reports,

Elaine Chao

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #924
#4. After one look at this planet any visitor from outer space would say 'I want to see the manager.

William S. Burroughs

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #928
#5. Missus said I was the worst waiting maid in Charleston. She said, "You are abysmal, Hetty, abysmal." I asked Miss Sarah what abysmal means and she said, "Not quite up to standard." Uh huh. I could tell from missus' face, there's bad, there's worse, and after that comes abysmal.

Sue Monk Kidd

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #975
#6. If you are eagerly looking for salvation, and if you believe in God, you may ... become acquainted with the Christ of God, and, after being initiated [a reference to baptism], live a happy life.

Justin Martyr

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #982
#7. After all, the reasoning goes, at the big bang everything emerged from one place since, we believe, all places we now think of as different were the same place way back in the beginning.

Brian Greene

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #1000
#8. A poet might die at twenty-one, a revolutionary or a rock star at twenty four. But after that you assume everything's going to be all right. you've made it past Dead Man's Curve and you're out of the tunnel, cruising straight for your destination down a six lane highway whether you want it or not.

Haruki Murakami

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #1004
#9. After a while, the anger I felt just sort of became part of me, like it was the only way I knew how to handle the grief. I didn't like who I'd become, but I was stuck in this horrible cycle of questions and blame.

Nicholas Sparks

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #1105
#10. But even though she was wise beyond her years, she was still young, and so was I, and all of our words were drowned out by the noise of our beating hearts, screaming at us that we were, after all, creatures of flesh and blood.

Dexter Palmer

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #914
#11. Don't be silly. People never stop looking for love.
Yeah, some of them don't even stop AFTER they've found it.

Teresa Medeiros

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #1267
#12. The tribal community lived in the totality of circular time; the farmers of God's universe understood before and after; workers of the clockwork universe lived by the tick; and we creatures of the digital era must relate to the pulse.

Douglas Rushkoff

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #1362
#13. The coolly logical part of her brain noted almost sardonically that Edilio had a superpower after all: being Edilio.

Micheal Grant

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #1717
#14. I do play all the characters, when I write them, one after another. If they actually had to film me, the only one I could play would be Samwell Tarly or Hot Pie.

George R R Martin

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #1719
#15. After ministering each day to the hundreds of young men who had endured ghastly wounds, submitted to amputations without anesthesia, and often died without the comfort of family or friends, Whitman wrote, nothing of ordinary misfortune seems as it used to.

Doris Kearns Goodwin

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #1918
#16. After the Beatles and Dylan, there's this assumption that you are a singer-songwriter, or that if someone else is writing your rhymes, you're a fake rapper.

Alan Light

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #2184
#17. When the Internet really first started to hit, people felt this would be the death blow: after suburbs and long commutes and television and the death of the family dinner, this would be the last straw that would totally break society.

Alex Steffen

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #1879559
#18. Somebody came up to me after a talk I had given, and say, "You make mathematics seem like fun." I was inspired to reply, "If it isn't fun, why do it?"

Ralph P. Boas Jr.

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #908
#19. Time is chasing after all of us.

Eileen Essell

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #847
#20. It was mild monsters like these that made Jack the Ripper go after young women, she decided: who could tolerate yielding the world to someone who behaved as if she had given birth to the very world herself?

Gregory Maguire

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #813
#21. One plays at being immortal and after a few weeks one doesn't even know whether or not one can hang on till the next day.

Albert Camus

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #655
#22. Life, friends, is boring. We must not say so.
After all, the sky flashes, the great sea yearns,
we ourselves flash and yearn

John Berryman

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #608
#23. That's something that drives me crazy. When people say something twice that way, after you admit it the first time.

J.D. Salinger

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #591
#24. Polly had always marveled ... that her country would name such a processed and unnatural product [American cheese] after itself, yet hungry Rose ... gleefully ate every individually wrapped, plastic little one of them.

Sheri Holman

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #560
#25. Canadian weather resembles a slightly spoiled beautiful girl with a good heart, but a bad disposition. After being horrid for much too long a time, she suddenly turns right about and makes up for everything with so much charm that you vow again you always loved her!

Wilder Penfield

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #537
#26. When one has seen something of the world and human nature, one must conclude, after all, that between people in like stations of life there is very little difference the world over.

James Weldon Johnson

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #388
#27. Once you start altering your body's blueprint, things start falling apart. Some players take steroids, and two years later, after they've broken records, suddenly they have back problems, shoulder problems, arm problems. They're out of the game for good.

Charlie Sheen

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #362
#28. Trust. Affection. Respect." I shoved her tainted after-school snack across the table. "It must be hard to think of qualities you don't possess.

Dia Reeves

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #357
#29. Why is it that whenever anyone says something offensive, they always add 'no offense' after it?

Michelle Hodkin

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #249
#30. Before he can become a wolf, the lycanthrope strips naked. If you spy a naked man among the pines, you must run as if the Devil were after you.

Angela Carter

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #162
#31. You know, you kind of lose some self-confidence after having kids because you'll never be the way you were. But I feel good.

Debi Mazar

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #107
#32. No matter how reclusive we tend to be, we picture the after-life as a community of souls. It is one thing to seek privacy in this life; it is another to face eternity alone.

Robert Breault

Quotes About Going After Your Ex #40

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