Top 32 Quotes About George B. Mcclellan

#1. The clear suggestion is that there ought not to be civilian control of the military. What have callow noncombatants giving brisk orders to grizzled soldiers? How could Lincoln have fired the slavery-loving Gen. George B. McClellan, or Truman dismissed the glorious Douglas MacArthur?

Christopher Hitchens

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #999760
#2. By some strange operation of magic I seem to have become the power of the land.

George B. McClellan

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #1178391
#3. Our food is among the most intimate connections we make with the earth.

Gene Baur

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #880371
#4. The President is no more than a well-meaning baboon. I went to the White House directly after tea, where I found "The Original Gorilla", about as intelligent as ever. What a specimen to be at the head of our affairs now.

George B. McClellan

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #938338
#5. Nature hardly seems capable of giving us any but quite short illnesses. But medicine has annexed to itself the art of prolonging them.

Marcel Proust

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #949541
#6. My parents didn't treat me as if there was anything in the world I couldn't do, except be unkind.

Kristin Hersh

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #973176
#7. To God be humble, to thy friend be kind, and with thy neighbors gladly lend and borrow; His chance tonight, it maybe thine tomorrow.

William Dunbar

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #978215
#8. Tell him I didn't want to leave him

Veronica Roth

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #1152261
#9. Stand by General Burnside as you have stood by me and all will be well.

George B. McClellan

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #1177248
#10. The moment for action has arrived, and I know that I can trust in you to save our country.

George B. McClellan

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #831782
#11. Thanksgiving and worry can't occupy the same space. Thanksgiving is worry's kryptonite. You can't worry if you're giving thanks.

Matt Chandler

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #1188243
#12. I still like and admire George W. Bush. I consider him a fundamentally decent person, and I do not believe he or his White House deliberately or consciously sought to deceive the American people.

Scott McClellan

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #1293191
#13. The Union, which can alone insure internal peace, and external security to each State, Must and Shall be Preserved, cost what it may in time, treasure, and blood.

George B. McClellan

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #1391894
#14. I'm 26 years old, and I've spent my whole life waiting for something else to start. Now I realize that this is all there is, and I'm going to try to live my life like that.

Zach Braff

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #1517164
#15. All quiet along the Potomac.

George B. McClellan

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #1566713
#16. In prayer, more is accomplished by listening than by talking.

Jane Frances De Chantal

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #1826760
#17. It always seemed somehow less real here ... a really detailed dream, but sort of washed out, like a thin watercolor. Softer, somehow, even with their electric light and engines and everything. I guess it was because there was hardly any magic.

Garth Nix

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #1853867
#18. He (recently-appointed and new-to-command Robert E Lee) will be timid in the irresolute in action.

George B. McClellan

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #826099
#19. It is not given to our weak intellects to understand the steps of Providence as they occur: we comprehend them only as we look back upon them in the far-distant past.

George B. McClellan

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #773133
#20. To really touch something, she is learning - the bark of a sycamore tree in the gardens; a pinned stag beetle in the Department of Etymology; the exquisitely polished interior of a scallop shell in Dr. Geffard's workshop - is to love it.

Anthony Doerr

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #666082
#21. I will not move my army until I am absolutely ready.

George B. McClellan

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #607118
#22. I don't care what kind it is, just get me a beer!

Prince Philip

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #561036
#23. I think if you'd had television cameras at Gettysburg, this would be two nations today. People would not have put up with that carnage if they saw it up close. We'd have elected McClellan in 1864.

George Will

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #540620
#24. As far as military necessity will permit, religiously respect the constitutional rights of all.

George B. McClellan

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #447642
#25. If you think God looks only one way or sounds only one way or is only one way, you're going to look right past Me night and day. You'll spend your whole life looking for God and not finding Her. Because you're looking for a Him.

Neale Donald Walsch

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #390977
#26. When this sad war is over we will all return to our homes, and feel that we can ask no higher honor than the proud consciousness that we belonged to the Army of the Potomac.

George B. McClellan

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #316295
#27. Good content should be at the heart of your strategy, but it is equally important to keep the display context of that content in mind as well.

Tim Frick

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #285338
#28. Tell me I have to be somewhere, and I'll be there 20 minutes early and stay there longer than anybody else. You hold up a lot of people if you're not on time.

Dolly Parton

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #256413
#29. Anybody will do for you, but not for me. I must have somebody.

Abraham Lincoln

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #167485
#30. Conscious of my own weakness, I can only seek fervently the guidance of the Ruler of the Universe, and, relying on His all-powerful aid, do my best to restore Union and peace to a suffering people, and to establish and guard their liberties and rights.

George B. McClellan

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #107449
#31. We cannot tell what the weather will be tomorrow (or the next hour) because we do not know accurately enough what the weather is right now.

Tzvi Gal-Chen

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #76850
#32. Here is a paper with which, if I cannot whip Bobbie Lee, I will be willing to go home!

George B. McClellan

Quotes About George B. Mcclellan #25492

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