Top 100 Quotes About Entrusted
#1. What motivated me to dedicate myself to public service for nearly two-thirds of my life was the chance to produce results for those people who entrusted me to be their voice and their champion.
Olympia Snowe
#2. View your body as something God has entrusted into your care.
Jim George
#3. Therefore he who would administer the kingdom, honouring it as he honours his own person, may be employed to govern it, and he who would administer it with the love which he bears to his own person may be entrusted with it.
#4. Once we have entrusted our hope about something to God, we no longer quarrel with our neighbor over it. (St. Kosmas Aitolos)
Annalisa Boyd
#5. When you are entrusted with a secret, you become irrevocably accountable for what you do or don't do after your mind is colored by the knowledge of it.
Joyce Rachelle
#6. Dick Clark is an American icon. I am honored that he has entrusted me with such a role in this national tradition.
Ryan Seacrest
#7. Nothing was given to me, nothing was entrusted to me, nothing was assigned to me. Everything I have, I took by right.
Francois Hollande
#8. Those who seem to despise half of America will never be trusted to govern any of it. Those who cherish only the country's past will not be entrusted with its future.
David Frum
#10. For Christians, doing something about climate change is about living out our faith - caring for those who need help, our neighbors here at home or on the other side of the world, and taking responsibility for this planet that God created and entrusted to us.
Katharine Hayhoe
#11. and is developed by exercise. Active use of the power entrusted to us is one of the chief means which God employs for producing the Christian graces.
Henry Drummond
#12. Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms, those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny; and it is believed that the most effectual means of preventing this would be, to illuminate, as far as practicable, the minds of the people at large ...
Thomas Jefferson
#13. We photographers are nothing but a pack of crooks, thieves and voyeurs. We are to be found everywhere we are not wanted; we betray secrets that were never entrusted to us; we spy shamelessly on things that are not our business; And end up the hoarders of a vast quantity of stolen goods.
#14. We speak for those who cannot speak. We have a duty to tell the stories for those who do not have the advantages that we have to tell stories. We must not speak falsely. The stories that we are entrusted to tell are stories of our tribes, or the tribes into which we have been initiated.
Billy Marshall Stoneking
#15. [N]one of us drinks the chalice of our existence to the last drop. None of us is fully obedient. Each of us falls short of the human nature entrusted to us.
Johann Baptist Metz
#16. Prison continues, on those who are entrusted to it, a work begun elsewhere, which the whole of society pursues on each individual through innumerable mechanisms of discipline.
Michel Foucault
#17. I think a novelist must be more tender with living or 'real' people. The moral imperative of having been entrusted with their story looms before you every day, in every sentence.
Rick Bass
#18. Avoid inquisitive persons, for they are sure to be gossips, their ears are open to hear, but they will not keep what is entrusted to them.
#19. I do not see how a people that can find in its conscience any excuse whatever for slowly burning to death a human being, or for tolerating such an act, can be entrusted with the salvation of a race.
James Weldon Johnson
#20. I have missed more than nine thousand shots in my career. I have lost almost three hundred games. On twenty-six occasions, I have been entrusted to take the game-winning shot ... and missed. And I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. - MICHAEL JORDAN
Frank Luntz
#21. The apologist is most entrusted with apologetics when capable of arguing his opponent's position better than his opponent.
Criss Jami
#22. Those who are born in a gilt cradle and have never wanted for anything, do not know what happiness life contains, just as they do not appreciate to the full a clear sky who have never entrusted their lives to the mercy of four planks on a raging sea.
Alexandre Dumas
#23. Nothing is worse, or more of a breach of the social contract between citizen and state, than for government officials, bureaucrats and agencies to waste the money entrusted to them by the people they serve.
Bob Riley
#24. Advertising ministers to the spiritual side of trade. It is great power that has been entrusted to your keeping which charges you with the high responsibility of inspiring and ennobling the commercial world. It is all part of the greater work of the regeneration and redemption of mankind.
Calvin Coolidge
#25. Who has the right to decide that the supreme value is a world without insects even though it would be a sterile world ungraced by the curving wing of a bird in flight. The decision is that of the authoritarian temporarily entrusted with power.
Rachel Carson
#26. For it must be recognized that before anyone else it was God himself, the Eternal Father, who entrusted himself to the Virgin of Nazareth, giving her his own Son in the mystery of the Incarnation."87
Michael Gaitley
#27. It is important, likewise, that the habits of thinking in a free Country should inspire caution in those entrusted with its administration, to confine themselves within their respective Constitutional spheres; avoiding in the exercise of the Powers of one department to encroach upon another.
George Washington
#28. You must know what God is expecting from you in the ministry that He has entrusted to you
Sunday Adelaja
#29. You must try to understand, my dearest one. It was not treason, was but a dream bred before its time, that the King should not be accountable only to God. No mortal man ought to be entrusted with power such as that, for any king's son may be born a fool.
Sharon Kay Penman
#30. Silence was a thing entrusted to the animals, the girl thought. Many things that human words have harmed are restored again by the silence of animals
Joy Williams
#31. Just as great and princely wealth is scattered in a moment when it comes into the hands of a bad owner, while wealth however limited, if it is entrusted to a good guardian, increases by use, so our life is amply long for him who orders it properly.
#32. If you are a parent, the horoscope will aid you to detect the evil latent in your child and teach you how to apply the ounce of prevention. It will show you the good points also, that you may make a better man or woman of the soul entrusted to your care.
Max Heindel
#33. It is the duty of those who are entrusted with the Gospel to endeavor to make it known among all nations.
William Carey
#34. Treaties of peace, made after war, are entrusted to individuals to negotiate and carry out.
Richard Cobden
#35. You have a unique message to deliver, a unique song to sing, a unique act of love to bestow. This message, this song, and this act of love have been entrusted exclusively to the one and only you.
John Powell
#36. It is one thing to remember, another to know. To remember is to safeguard something entrusted to the memory. But to know is to make each thing one's own, not depend on the text and always to look back to the teacher. "Zeno said this, Cleanthes said this." Let there be space between you and the book.
Seneca The Younger
#37. I'm not good at keeping secrets. If I'm entrusted with a secret from a friend, I can do that because I'm a good friend, but I don't like having secrets, it makes me nervous.
Julia Stiles
#38. Puppies are a reflection of unconditional love, entrusted to us like precious seeds. We water them with praise, patience, and love, and watch them grow into full bloom.
Leila Grandemange
#39. The priesthood of God has become the eminent power for good in the world. We are no longer a handful of people on the fringes of society. This great power for good has been entrusted to us, and we must not weaken it by failing in our responsibilities.
James E. Faust
#40. You need to be focused on what the Lord has entrusted in you
Sunday Adelaja
#41. Confidante: One entrusted by A with the secrets of B confided to herself by C.
Ambrose Bierce
#42. And it is these heavily armed and poorly paid men who are entrusted with the work of protecting the citizenry.
Teju Cole
#43. He who doesn't know how to be a servant should never be allowed to be a master; the interests of public life are alien to anyone who is unable to enjoy others' successes, and such a person should never be entrusted with public affairs.
Anton Chekhov
#44. He who regards the world as he does the fortune of his own body can govern the world. He who loves the world as he does his own body can be entrusted with the world.
#45. If I am spared," he always said to Constance, "I will write the book myself. If not, see that my notes are entrusted to some worthy cynic who will not be too concerned with the truth.
Shirley Jackson
#46. Oh, wondrous power! how little understood, Entrusted to the mother's mind alone, To fashion genius, form the soul for good, Inspire a West, or train a Washington.
Sarah Josepha Hale
#47. That the entire People of God, to whom Christ entrusted the mandate to go and preach the Gospel to every creature, may eagerly assume their own missionary responsibility and consider it the highest service they can offer humanity.
Pope Benedict XVI
#48. There cannot be a surer rule, nor a stronger exhortation to the observance of it, than when we are taught that all the endowments which we possess are divine deposits entrusted to us for the very purpose of being distributed for the good of our neighbor.
John Calvin
#49. If we sleep more than is needful for the refreshment of the body, it is wasting the time with which the Lord has entrusted us as a talent, to be used for his glory, for our own benefit, and the benefit of the saints and the unbelievers around us.
George Muller
#50. As a child, when I lost things such as my precious pocketknife, I learned that if I prayed hard enough, I could usually find it. I was always able to find the lost cows I was entrusted with. Sometimes I had to pray more than once, but my prayers always seemed to be answered.
James E. Faust
#51. Only he who has no use for the empire is fit to be entrusted with it.
#52. A pastor should never complain about his congregation, certainly never to other people, but also not to God. A congregation has not been entrusted to him in order that he should become its accuser before God and men.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
#53. Security matters should not be entrusted to people who make decisions without weighing things up.
Thomas De Maiziere
#54. There is no indispensable man. The government will not collapse and go to pieces if any one of the gentlemen who are seeking to be entrusted with its guidance should be left at home.
Woodrow Wilson
#55. You are God's agents in the care of children He has entrusted to you. Let His divine influence remain in your hears as you teach and persuade.
Russell M. Nelson
#56. The power of collecting and disbursing money at pleasure is the most dangerous power that can be entrusted to man
David Crockett
#57. On the top of the batting list we have pinned our hopes on the Dilshan-Thirima nne combination as they have been putting the runs on the board whenever they have been entrusted with the opening slot.
Sanath Jayasuriya
#58. If we have understanding, we can oversee the resources God entrusted to our care. And the wiser we are, the more effective we will be as stewards.
James Robison
#59. In how many ways have we been unfaithful to Christ, and to the light and privileges which God has entrusted to us! How refreshing, then, how unspeakably blessed, to lift our eyes above this scene of ruin, and behold One who is faithful - faithful in all things, faithful at all times.
Arthur W. Pink
#60. Your team has entrusted a portion of their life to you, and it's your job to help them grow, personally and professionally.
David Cottrell
#61. A councilor ought not to sleep the whole night through, a man to whom the populace is entrusted, and who has many responsibilities.
#62. I was fascinated by the [operation] of a U-boat ... where every single man was an indispensable part of the whole. Every submariner, I am sure, has experienced in his heart [the joy of] the task entrusted to him [and] felt as rich as a king.
Karl Donitz
#64. They do not discover anything new after that, they only learn how to understand better and better the secret entrusted to them at the outset; their creative effort goes into an unending exegesis, a commentary on that one couplet of poetry assigned to them.
Bruno Schulz
#65. Love the art, poor as it may be, that you have learned, and be content with it; and pass through the rest of life like one who has entrusted to the gods with his whole soul all that he has, making yourself neither the tyrant nor the slave of any man.
Marcus Aurelius
#66. Both strength of mind and body are necessary, strengths which in the last few months have deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to recognize my incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to me,
Pope Benedict XVI
#67. You are full of cruelty and mockery," Kami said. "My heart breaks to think of the day I entrusted you with the fragile flower of my girlish friendship.
Sarah Rees Brennan
#68. I am the wealthiest man, not just in Europe, but in the whole world. I collect emotions. I am wealthy in that the people of Russia have twice entrusted me with the leadership of a great nation such as Russia - I believe that is my greatest wealth.
Vladimir Putin
#69. Nothing harms or destroys us but the wrong use of that liberty of choice which God has entrusted to us.
William Law
#70. We only gain merit and psychological development by accepting ourselves as we are and by being serious enough to live the lives we are entrusted with. Our sins and errors and mistakes are necessary to us, otherwise we are deprived of the most precious incentives to development.
C. G. Jung
#71. To the family is entrusted the task of striving, first and foremost, to unleash the forces of good ...
Pope John Paul II
#72. I stared. "But you're saying--"
"Yes, Clay" - her mouth smoothed into a chilly smile - "Image of El, breath of God. In such an unworthy vessel. Something far more precious than diamonds, denied even to us but entrusted to a container of mud.
Tosca Lee
#73. The final end of abortion in America will come when every human being begins to appreciate his own life as a gift from God and the lives of those entrusted to his care as the true blessings they are. A culture that affirms life will not practice contraception nor will it murder its progeny.
Judie Brown
#74. If salt ocean is the Great Mother from whom all life has sprung, fresh water is the Nurse entrusted to nourish life within her wanderings and around her wave-lapped margins.
Henry Williamson
#75. I'm very familiar with the importance of dairy farming in Wisconsin. I've spent the night on a dairy farm here in Wisconsin. If I'm entrusted with the presidency, you'll have someone who is very familiar with what the Wisconsin dairy industry is all about.
Al Gore
#76. Work while you have the light. You are responsible for the talent that has been entrusted to you.
Henri Frederic Amiel
#77. To each of us is entrusted the heavy responsibility of guiding the affairs of a democratic nation founded on Christian ideals.
John F. Kennedy
#78. Reengineering cannot be entrusted to the semi-competent, the hangers-on with nothing better to do.
Michael Martin Hammer
#79. The great danger of humane punishment is that people will come to accept state murder as something sanitary. I don't think bureaucracy should ever be entrusted with that kind of power.
Jerry Brown
#80. Luke 12:48 says, "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." And I have been given so much.
Katie J. Davis
#81. The future is too interesting and dangerous to be entrusted to any predictable, reliable agency. We need all the fallibility we can get. Most of all, we need to preserve the absolute unpredictability and total improbability of our connected minds.
Lewis Thomas
#82. If God has entrusted us with suffering, let us set our hearts and minds to work together with Him to enable Him to bring out of our trials all the glory He longs us to know.
Margaret Clarkson
#83. O witches, O misery, O hate, to you has my treasure been entrusted! I contrived to purge my mind of all human hope. On all joy, to strangle it, I pounced with the strength of a wild beast. I called to the plagues to smother me in blood, in sand, misfortune was my God.
Arthur Rimbaud
#84. In community, we discover who we really are and how much transformation we still require. This is why I am irrevocably committed to small groups. Through them, we can accomplish our God-entrusted work to transform human beings.
John Ortberg
#85. You are Americans. You love this country. Together we are entrusted with the principles that represent mankind's greatest political and social achievement.
Paul Tsongas
#86. I devoted myself simply to being a solitary person entrusted with a specific task.
Jacobo Timerman
#87. A great challenge: stop ruining the garden which God has entrusted to us so that all may enjoy it.
Pope Francis
#88. If you think a caregiver has an active substance abuse problem, that person should never be entrusted with your child.
Emily Yoffe
#89. You're a strange kind of boy," said Achilles. "I was not tested for normality before I was entrusted with this mission," said Suriyawong. "But I have no doubt that I would fail such a test.
Orson Scott Card
#90. Love God so much that, when you are entrusted with much, nothing else will be able to control your heart
Sunday Adelaja
#91. The power of procreation is spiritually significant. Misuse of this power subverts the purposes of the Father's plan and of our mortal existence. Our Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son are creators and have entrusted each of us with a portion of Their creative power.
David A. Bednar
#92. The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty, and the destiny of the Republican model of Government, are justly considered as deeply, perhaps as finally staked, on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people.
George Washington
#93. Not all are called to be artists in the specific sense of the term. Yet, as Genesis has it, all men and women are entrusted with the task of crafting their own life: in a certain sense, they are to make of it a work of art, a masterpiece.
Pope John Paul II
#94. Not only is [a mother] entrusted with the guardianship of the intellect and character of the world's statesmen and philosophers, but her gentle presence, as she bends over the cradle, and the silent influence of her daily life are shaping the entire moral character of the coming generation.
C.E. Sargent
#96. Good apprentices know that they are in the process of becoming masters and that as responsible artisans they must seek to improve upon the knowledge entrusted to them and go further.
William Coperthwaite
#97. Then he smiled, like a cat who had just been entrusted with the keys to a home for wayward but plump canaries.
Neil Gaiman
#98. Every day without exception - is a gift from God, entrusted to us to use for His glory.
Billy Graham
#99. All people who worship Allah, not each other, are equal before Him. We are entrusted to spread this message and to extend that call to all the people.
Osama Bin Laden
#100. We are only stewards of the world's resources. They are not ours; they are God's. When we find our security in Him, we can then give generously from what He has entrusted to us. This is our Christian duty.
Billy Graham
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