Top 37 Quotes About Distance Means Nothing
#1. I couldn't will my beloved Berlin streets across the world or make the people I loved appear when I needed them, but by summoning the flavors of Berlin and the foods of my loved ones, my kitchen became my sanctuary, the stove my anchor.
Distance means nothing when your kitchen smells like home.
Luisa Weiss
#2. The Infinite has to be a relative concept. Go any distance: an infinite space means that there is more to be explored.
Joseph Silk
#3. Everybody in life is struggling for power, and some people use morality and righteousness as a weapon, while others use different means, even passive aggression. From a distance, we are all fighting, and I am looking at this from a distance.
Robert Greene
#4. An Oscar means a lot of things because it's like the ultimate award for a filmmaker so it feels great. But I think you have to consider awards with some distance and not get obsessed with it. When you're creating you shouldn't think about it.
Alejandro Amenabar
#5. To die to our neighbors means to stop judging them, to stop evaluating them, and thus to become free to be compassionate. Compassion can never coexist with judgment because judgment creates the distance, the distinction, which prevents us from really being with the other.
Henri J.M. Nouwen
#6. I decided this early on at Justice: if the traditional way was the most effective way of doing something, then we'd maintain it. But if it was not functioning at optimum levels, we would be doing the country a disservice by continuing to do things "like we've always done them."
John Ashcroft
#7. To do what we love we miss the ones we love. Long distance letters and phone calls and anything to make the distance disappear! That's what this means to me.
Hayley Williams
#8. You make a movie, and if there's a red light flashing in the distance, everyone thinks that the director had a whole lot of money and a great idea that the red light means something. Then you say, 'Yeah, we couldn't afford to shut the red light off that was broken two blocks away.'
Dito Montiel
#9. But I'm liking staying here if it means I get to check out two hot chicks every morning." Crisis winked at me, but when he looked at Logan, he was backtracking. "From a distance. Like a mile. Maybe ten miles. Fuck, sorry sweet stuff, but not going to admire you at all. I'll just admire Kat.
Nashoda Rose
#10. Today the universal common good poses problems of world-wide dimensions, which cannot be adequately tackled or solved except by the efforts of public authorities endowed with a wideness of powers, structure and means of the same proportions; that is ... on a world-wide basis.
Pope John XXIII
#11. Introvert integrity means going the distance for what we love: moving from apology to acceptance, from acceptance to acknowledgement, and from acknowledgment to activism.
Laurie A. Helgoe
#12. For a group of people who claimed to be concerned for her safety, they did seem to have developed rather a habit of encouraging uprisings against monarchs.
Kristin Cashore
#14. That was what collaboration meant for Steve Woz: the ability to share a donut and a brainwave with his laid-back, nonjudgmental, poorly dressed colleagues - who minded not a whit when he disappeared into his cubicle to get the real work done.
Susan Cain
#15. As a means to an end, modelling was good, but I had to distance myself from it when I started working as an actress, because even though I wasn't high-profile, I found in my first write-ups that I'd be referred to as 'model Gemma Chan.'
Gemma Chan
#16. People tend to stick to their own size group because it's easier on the neck. Unless they are romantically involved, in which case the size difference is sexy. It means: I am willing to go the distance for you.
Miranda July
#17. Sometimes, our greatest obstacles are breathtakingly
beautiful challenges. Rise to the challenge!
Russell Anthony Gibbs
#18. I was very careful never to take an interesting job. If you have an interesting job, you get interested in it.
Mary Oliver
#19. Nanosecond precision matters for worldwide communications systems. It matters for navigation by Global Positioning System satellite signals: an error of a billionth of a second means an error of just about a foot, the distance light travels in that time.
James Gleick
#20. It's a grace feather. See how its colors shift from green to blue, like the sea? It means remembrance. It shows that no distance, no amount of water between two people, will make them forget. Someone gave it to say that they remembered you.
Kirsty Logan
#21. Romance takes place in the middle distance. Romance is looking in at yourself through a window clouded with dew. Romance means leaving things out: where life grunts and shuffles, romance only sighs.
Margaret Atwood
#22. Journalism, like history, has no therapeutic value; it is better able to diagnose than to cure, and it provides society with a primitive means of psychoanalysis that allows the patient to judge the distance between fantasy and reality.
Bill Vaughan
#23. Now I am writing this diary in English, which for me is not the language of intimacy or love, but an attempt at distance and sanity, a means of recalling normality.
Jasmina Tesanovic
#24. The Geometer has the special privilege to carry out, by abstraction, all constructions by means of the intellect. Who, then, would wish to prevent me from freely considering figures hanging on a balance imagined to be at an infinite distance beyond the confines of the world?
Evangelista Torricelli
#26. HE had fled from her in an attempt to wipe out her memory, not only through distance but by means of a muddled fury that his companions a arms took to be boldness, but the more her image wallowed in the dung hill of war, the more the was resembled Amarant.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#27. Hurrah!" cried one voice (need it be said it was that of J. T. Maston). "Distance does not exist!" And overcome by the energy of his movements, he nearly fell from the platform to the ground. He just escaped a severe fall, which would have proved to him that distance was by no means an empty name.
Jules Verne
#28. To converse at the distance of the Indes by means of sympathetic contrivances may be as natural to future times as to us is a literary correspondence.
Joseph Glanvill
#29. Enchantment is the means through which we may gain access to sacredness. Entertainment is the means through which we distance ourselves from it.
Neil Postman
#30. This evolution towards a real responsibility for others is sometimes blocked by fear. It is easier to stay on the level of a pleasant way of life in which we keep our freedom and our distance. But that means that we stop growing and shut ourselves up in our own small concerns and pleasures.
Jean Vanier
#31. Value gives the artist the means of showing subtle changes in a form's surface-state, and it helps clarify the relative distance between forms.
Nathan Goldstein
#32. Distance means so little, when someone means so much.
Tom McNeal
#33. Anamorphic is very difficult because the distance from the lens to the person to focus is very long so you need a lot of distance from the camera to the person so that means that you need a lot of space.
Jaume Collet-Serra
#34. This means intentionally adding distance that creates an edgy instability or uncertainty, a slight and enjoyable dissatisfaction.
Emily Nagoski
#35. To worship means to feel distance. But God is not distant.
John Speed
#36. The aikido term ma ai, which means "space harmony" ("ai" is Chinese for "love," and it translates into Japanese as harmonious connection) refers to the optimal distance point, where you're close enough to connect well and far enough to enjoy your own space.
Stephen Gilligan
#37. Maybe she'd been screaming for a long time.
Maybe the sound was imprisoned inside this cocoon, trapped like she was. Maybe no one would ever hear her. Maybe she would scream until her throat bled and no one would ever know.
Marissa Meyer
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