Top 56 Quotes About Discipline And Order

#1. Each day, and the living of it, has to be a conscious creation in which discipline and order are relieved with some play and pure foolishness.

May Sarton

Quotes About Discipline And Order #602387
#2. No production of high ideological and artistic value can evolve out of a creative group whose members are not united ideologically and in which discipline and order have not been established.

Kim Jong Il

Quotes About Discipline And Order #648431
#3. Just like it is in the life of an individual or an organization, one of the catalysts of progress is discipline and order.

Sunday Adelaja

Quotes About Discipline And Order #697538
#4. In this way, the Hearsts became the symbol of the overly lenient parents of the era and a counterpoint to the Republican administration's voice of discipline and order.

Jeffrey Toobin

Quotes About Discipline And Order #976245
#5. To create a work of art, great or small, is work, hard work, and work requires discipline and order.

Madeleine L'Engle

Quotes About Discipline And Order #1181667
#6. Show me a filthy public restroom and I'll show you a society where discipline and order have broken down.

Lourd Ernest H. De Veyra

Quotes About Discipline And Order #1199379
#7. If somebody'd of come in and took a look, men watching a blank TV, a fifty-year old woman hollering and squealing at the back of their heads about discipline and order and recriminations, they'd of thought the whole bunch was crazy as loons.

Ken Kesey

Quotes About Discipline And Order #1746638
#8. The Bengali tends to run to brains rather than brawn and does not take kindly to the discipline and order of a hard life; at the same time, he lacks neither courage nor ability, and shines in the higher ranks."

Sir Charles Tegart

Manoshi Bhattacharya

Quotes About Discipline And Order #1794823
#9. And her [Eleanor Roosevelt] Grandmother Hall provided her really with a quite wonderful education, and a freedom that, within the framework of Tivoli (which is a framework of discipline and order) is also a very encouraging and loving one.

Blanche Wiesen Cook

Quotes About Discipline And Order #478567
#10. And success in any endeavor where self-discipline is involved boils down to this question: can you make yourself do something you don't particularly want to do in order to get a result you would like to have?

Andy Andrews

Quotes About Discipline And Order #1410319
#11. For order and a society to exist - and a basketball team is a society within itself - it needs discipline.

Joe B. Hall

Quotes About Discipline And Order #1001009
#12. Education must lead us from the irresponsible opinion to true responsible judgment. It must lead us from chance and arbitrariness to rational clarity and intellectual order. Therefore, let us guide our students over the road of discipline from materials, through function, to creative work.

Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe

Quotes About Discipline And Order #1408506
#13. Dharma is precisely this 'discipline of ordered existence', a 'belief system that restrains and gives coherence to desires.

Gurcharan Das

Quotes About Discipline And Order #1401014
#14. Because I grew up with a drill sergeant in my life, I respect order and it really gave me the discipline to be a leader and not a follower. It also helped me stay out of trouble.

Shaquille O'Neal

Quotes About Discipline And Order #1368014
#15. Business is correct to defend its right to act in order to produce a vigorous and engaging prosperity. But it is wrong if it forgets that this freedom can only be experienced within the discipline of social responsibility.

Paul Hawken

Quotes About Discipline And Order #1277501
#16. There is no course of life so weak and sottish as that which is managed by order, method, and discipline.

Michel De Montaigne

Quotes About Discipline And Order #1260773
#17. Unfortunately, too many public school officials believe that cameras are needed to enforce order and discipline.

Paul Weyrich

Quotes About Discipline And Order #1252460
#18. If we can, when we have established individual discipline, arrange the children, sending each one to his own place, in order, trying to make them understand the idea that thus placed they look well, and that it is a good thing to be placed in order ...

Maria Montessori

Quotes About Discipline And Order #1121920
#19. In order to give meaning to the world, one has to feel oneself involved in what he frames. This attitude requires concentration, a discipline of mind, sensitivity, and a sense of geometry.

Henri Cartier-Bresson

Quotes About Discipline And Order #1040072
#20. The entire day receives order and discipline when it acquires unity. This unity must be sought and found in morning prayer. The morning prayer determines the day.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Quotes About Discipline And Order #1039094
#21. Oddly, with discipline, structure, and order, you will find freedom, anything is possible. Without it, locating your saddle may take all morning.

Ethan Hawke

Quotes About Discipline And Order #1867963
#22. The vocabulary and manner of classical ballet express a high order of discipline and restraint, a sense of harmony with forces larger and more lasting than the individual.

Marcia Siegel

Quotes About Discipline And Order #1472691
#23. I tell you, sir, the only safeguard of order and discipline in the modern world is a standardized worker with interchangeable parts. That would solve the entire problem of management.

Jean Giraudoux

Quotes About Discipline And Order #1538850
#24. Many generals believe that they have done everything as soon as they have issued orders, and they order a great deal because they find many abuses. This is a false principle; proceeding in this fashion, they will never reestablish discipline

Maurice De Saxe

Quotes About Discipline And Order #1545935
#25. We need the discipline of magic, of consciousness-change, in order to hear and understand what the earth is saying to us. And listening to the earth, doing the rituals the land asks us for, giving back what we are asked for, will also bring us healing, expanded awareness and intensified life.


Quotes About Discipline And Order #1548906
#26. An army formed of good officers moves like clockwork; but there is no situation upon earth less enviable, nor more distressing, than that person's who is at the head of troops which are regardless of order and discipline.

George Washington

Quotes About Discipline And Order #1557781
#27. Before puberty the child's personality has not yet formed and it is easier to guide its life and make it acquire specific habits of order, discipline, and work ...

Antonio Gramsci

Quotes About Discipline And Order #1595078
#28. Writing is sweat and drudgery most of the time. And you have to love it in order to endure the solitude and the discipline.

Peter Benchley

Quotes About Discipline And Order #1714819
#29. There's no life-work balance. I think you have to have the discipline to have the life you want to have. And if you are stealing from one part of your life in order to make the other part work, you are going to pay for it.

Seth Godin

Quotes About Discipline And Order #1750073
#30. We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.

Jesse Owens

Quotes About Discipline And Order #1772563
#31. There is no intrinsic virtue to law and order unless "law" is equated with justice and "order" with the discipline of a people satisfied that justice has been done.

Aung San Suu Kyi

Quotes About Discipline And Order #1806000
#32. We must teach our children that the preservation of liberty, and of an order of society conducive to human dignity, requires that a free people retain the moral and material means to discipline its own government, should the temptation to tyranny take root.

Alan Keyes

Quotes About Discipline And Order #1835616
#33. We are not saved by sound church order and discipline but we are served by it.

Michael Horton

Quotes About Discipline And Order #333936
#34. Discipline is "the systematic management of your life to prepare and position you for your divine design." Discipline and stewardship are one and the same. Discipline brings order to life and is absolutely required if we're going to be good stewards of the call to leadership.

Kent Ingle

Quotes About Discipline And Order #20946
#35. The exemplary vanguard role of the Communists is of vital importance. Communists in the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies should set an example in fighting bravely, carrying out orders, observing discipline, doing political work and fostering internal unity and solidarity.

Mao Zedong

Quotes About Discipline And Order #30691
#36. Discipline is training that corrects and perfects our mental faculties or molds our moral character. Discipline is control gained by enforced obedience. It is the deliberate cultivation of inner order.

Charles R. Swindoll

Quotes About Discipline And Order #47934
#37. You don't know what order with freedom means! You only know what revolt against oppression is! You don't know that the rod, discipline, violence, the state and government can only be sustained because of you and because of your lack of socially creative powers that develop order within liberty!

Gustav Landauer

Quotes About Discipline And Order #119253
#38. Many dogs grow up without rules or boundaries. They need exercise, discipline and affection in that order.

Cesar Millan

Quotes About Discipline And Order #144065
#39. We need a repeated discipline, a genuine training, in order to let go of our old habits of mind and to find and sustain a new way of seeing.

Jack Kornfield

Quotes About Discipline And Order #201005
#40. Even the greatest players accept coaching and value the need for discipline and the order that it brings to the team

Jack Ramsay

Quotes About Discipline And Order #270522
#41. In order to win, we pay with energy and effort and discipline. If we lose, we pay in disappointment, discontent, and lack of fulfillment.

Maya Angelou

Quotes About Discipline And Order #305850
#42. It was not by gentle sweetness and self-abnegation that order was brought out of chaos; it was by strict method, by stern discipline, by rigid attention to detail, by ceaseless labor, by the fixed determination of an indomitable will.

Lytton Strachey

Quotes About Discipline And Order #309478
#43. With the full realization that, in order to earn for ourselves any place in the sun, we must with perseverance and self-discipline work collectively for the full first-class citizenship participation of Minorities everywhere, including ourselves.

Harry Hay

Quotes About Discipline And Order #310315
#44. Music is a discipline, and a mistress of order and good manners, she makes the people milder and gentler, more moral and more reasonable.

Martin Luther

Quotes About Discipline And Order #331666
#45. People are tired of liberty. They have had a surfeit of it. Liberty is no longer a chaste and austere virgin ... Today's youth are moved by other slogans ... Order, Hierarchy, Discipline.

Benito Mussolini

Quotes About Discipline And Order #998966
#46. In the words of Jewish liturgical scholar Lawrence Hoffman, 'Jews do offer freely composed prayers ... But overall, it is the fixed order and content of Jewish prayer that gives it its distinctiveness and that demands the personal commitment to prayer as a discipline.

Lauren F. Winner

Quotes About Discipline And Order #387783
#47. Good order and discipline in any army are to be depended upon more than courage alone.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Quotes About Discipline And Order #503740
#48. His father, that austere, unfeeling and untutored man, had insisted his sons polish their boots every evening. Flett has learned to be grateful for this early discipline. It kept him breathing as a boy, provided a pulse, gave order to vast incomprehension. Later he found other ways.

Carol Shields

Quotes About Discipline And Order #582395
#49. To know how to put what knowledge in which place is wisdom (hikmah). Otherwise, knowledge without order and seeking it without discipline does lead to confusion and hence to injustice to one's self.

Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas

Quotes About Discipline And Order #644044
#50. In order to be a good writer, you've got to be a bad boss. Self-discipline and stamina are the two major arms in a writer's arsenal.

Leon Uris

Quotes About Discipline And Order #749909
#51. Environmentalism isn't a discipline or specialty. It's a way of seeing our place in the world. And we need everybody to see the world that way. Don't think 'In order to make a difference I have to become an environmentalist.'

David Suzuki

Quotes About Discipline And Order #797629
#52. Icy people often freeze themselves in order to hold in check a volcanic stew of disturbing and conflictual feelings. Emotional hibernation, if you will. Crack the ice and the stuff inside comes pouring out with all the discipline of molten lava.

Jonathan Kellerman

Quotes About Discipline And Order #805941
#53. The act of writing if one is conscious of legibility is a wonderful discipline. Our minds, which roil like captured oceans, are forced to order themselves and to send coherent messages through our fingers...writing is like yoga or Thai Chi; it forces our bodies to obey our minds.

Edward St Paige

Quotes About Discipline And Order #866452
#54. Sailors, with their built in sense of order, service and discipline, should really be running the world.

Nicholas Monsarrat

Quotes About Discipline And Order #881220
#55. Family councils, led by righteous, loving parents who are striving to teach their children to love and respect each other, can make a difference in creating a sense of discipline, order and loving cooperation in the home.

M. Russell Ballard

Quotes About Discipline And Order #928423
#56. In order for us to truly create and contribute to the world, we have to be able to connect countless dots, to cross-pollinate ideas from a wealth of disciplines, to combine and recombine these pieces and build new castles.

Maria Popova

Quotes About Discipline And Order #967974

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